2023-09-20 PPS School Board Facilities and Operations Committee Meeting
District | Portland Public Schools |
Date | 2023-09-20 |
Time | 16:30:00 |
Venue | PESC Wy'East Room |
Meeting Type | committee |
Directors Present | missing |
Documents / Media
Albina Sports Program Resolution Draft (f2c329d4c6123b35).pdf Albina Sports Program Resolution Draft
Albina Sports Complex Presentation NN (ed786842c09b4253).pdf Albina Sports Complex Presentation NN
Coach Phil Waldon (Who-Why) (3a84380b1c723061).pdf Coach Phil Waldon (Who/Why)
Albina Sports Complex and Learning Center Discussion (b3349daabe3b18ff).pdf Albina Sports Complex and Learning Center Discussion
Jefferson Swing Site Update Memo - September 2023 (30ddf7afd9d07158).pdf Jefferson Swing Site Update Memo - September 2023
Documents Linked in Memo- combined with coversheet (d06678447eff9c3a).pdf Documents Linked in Memo- combined with coversheet
BAC REPORT 9-20-2023 (58f5281cffd1f48e).pdf BAC REPORT 9-20-2023
OSM Quarterly Report FAO June 2023 (68e81556ac0ee3ea).pdf OSM Quarterly Report_FAO June 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Bond Program Administration Report 05 31 2023 (7446fb185509e353).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Bond Program Administration Report_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Presentation Rev Final 05 31 2023 (accdb8375308fb31).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Presentation_Rev Final_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Report 2017 HEALTH SAFETY FUNDING ALLOCATION 05 31 2023 (605475fae4bb1f4f).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Report_2017 HEALTH SAFETY FUNDING ALLOCATION_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Report 2020 Infrastructure Funding Allocation 05 31 2023 (1b1cfdc0a9df9901).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Report_2020 Infrastructure Funding Allocation_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Report Performance Audit tracker 05 31 2023 (932eda41f72e6996).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Report_Performance Audit tracker_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2017 Asbestos 05 31 2023 (c4670848e02dad9a).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2017 Asbestos_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2017 Paint 05 31 2023 (49737e2bef29e581).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2017 Paint_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2017 Roof 05 31 2023 (2e2a488be4d546d5).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2017 Roof_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2017 Security 05 31 2023 (e29603af6448e1cc).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2017 Security_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2017 Water 05 31 2023 (0039af9fed7dda79).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2017 Water_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2020 ADA 05 31 2023 (898f244f35308122).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2020 ADA_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2020 Capacity 05 31 2023 (8477bd08a86ead2c).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2020 Capacity_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2020 Mechanical 05 31 2023 (32da7925e99c2f46).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2020 Mechanical_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2020 Roof 05 31 2023 (6c84bc12cee40fe5).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2020 Roof_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2020 Security 05 31 2023 (d01104436b6ea8df).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2020 Security_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2020 Seismic 05 31 2023 (80b9fbe5225d2ffd).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2020 Seismic_05 31 2023
OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report 2020 SPED 05 31 2023 (56fd991421bf7829).pdf OSM June 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_2020 SPED_05 31 2023
OSM Quarterly Report FAO September 2023 (9e9f15238c1349d6).pdf OSM Quarterly Report_FAO September 2023
OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Bond Program Administration Report 08 28 2023 (f7f682ea3b2381ea).pdf OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Bond Program Administration Report_08 28 2023
OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Report 2017 HEALTH SAFETY FUNDING ALLOCATION 08 23 2023 (d96a6f70fec77610).pdf OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Report_2017 HEALTH SAFETY FUNDING ALLOCATION_08 23 2023
OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Report 2020 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING ALLOCATION 08 23 2023 (b284524ce8433c95).pdf OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Report_2020 INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING ALLOCATION_08 23 2023
OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Report Performance Audit tracker 08 28 2023 (1b839502e559bc8e).pdf OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Report_Performance Audit tracker_08 28 2023
OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report Benson 08 28 2023 (eb84d81e8a0257b6).pdf OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_Benson_08 28 2023
OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report Jefferson 08 28 2023 (7e346c9ff621dee6).pdf OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_Jefferson_08 28 2023
OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Status Report Lincoln 08 23 2023 (f9aa96ef9122b047).pdf OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Status Report_Lincoln_08 23 2023
OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials- BAC Presentation 08 28 2023 reduced (3407df1739ef5583).pdf OSM Sept 2023 Quarterly Report Materials: BAC Presentation_08 28 2023 reduced
Event 1: 2023-09-20 Board of Education's Facilities and Operations Committee
00h 00m 00s
book called to order the facility of
operation committee meeting
20th 2023
we have
we have briefing on the agenda
um one is already been doing so I'm
gonna take off the cost planning game
and so today we'll be talking about the
animals property and I'm actually being
taken a vote on that today to send to
the full board
what are you talking about the Jefferson
High School modernization
um as well
that's it so with those that tried about
here by six o'clock
um we will have some public comments I
don't know how many we have
three slots uh two minutes each we might
depend on the timings we have an
additional time we need to potentially
give a couple more people some time to
get into go down one minute
that's not how we'll do that today
all right cheers
okay so I'll start out today
um so this is a topic that has came up
um a while back
um in 2019 I brought it over to the
school district and building
um sports complex and learning facility
for our kids
three different iterations and they'll
hit the Beats coming up we'll be gonna
Tubman we kind of paused on it
um because we wanted to make sure that
he has taste for our toughman kids if
need be if they were going to be on that
space then we're going to use that space
for for time
um since we have found you know a space
for coming to bring it back up
so I want to start with
so I want to just kind of share just a
and a lot of people have already seen
this already but representation
all right you know I just usually say
five slides I mean five slides so what I
did is I broke it up into two
um I will try this to use five slides
um for these uh as well and then after
um my goal is to ask the committee to
for the resolution that we have up to
the full board and I'm just kind of
giving a little sense of
what the resolution is without going
through all all of them I thought I'd go
up a little bit harder with exciting
so in the late 60s uh Portland Public
Schools in his Inlet domain
um to displacement individuals and
businesses in order to build out of high
school so it was just like albino
neighborhood this will happen another
day with us as well
you know there were 26 homes that got
um duplexes businesses the nurseries
um and the village and the community did
not want this to happen
um there was a lot of of course you know
resistance to this happening but within
the domain they have to do anything
and so in 1969 Adams High School opened
um they brought in around 50 percent of
students from Jeff uh from Grant from
Madison and
um for this new high school so it was
around 50 percent how did America got
the time
due to the kind of enrollment and you
know other District things out of high
schools closed
um and then Whitaker Middle School came
about in 1983.
um at that time Whitaker had around 77
kids repellent at that time
um due to a lot of the between 1990 and
00h 05m 00s
2000 through a lot of environmental
issues that happened but there was it
was mold radon and it got to a point
where the design of this building was
um allow for remediation of the issue
without it being a really expensive
um and so they close the school down
um and then they demolished the building
um and I think it's 2011.
so since then this has been an empty lot
up to that point so that's where
um kind of where we started at
um a little bit about
thanks man Frank so let me explain two
things to one that I am off to the Ed of
albino sports program it's an
of the program volunteer
um and so I want to get that out there
because I know people are talking about
confident interests and it's been very
Advanced it's not
because I don't get paid here or I don't
get paid there again so I do a lot of
volunteer work
um but a lot of them around our kids
um so I'm going to just kind of just go
into a little bit of
what the sports complex is and then the
next slide I'm going to go into
live The Who and why
um you can just get on it
yeah so right now this is the location
that is on the left this area
empty this empty lock that's been there
for over 20 years now
um to the north of that is the
track and field which is followed by
Portland parks and recs and into the
west of that with the baseball diamond
is is also owned by important parts and
recs and then the part on the south and
on by PPN on the right is what we're
proposing oh you can go to the next
so uh
okay so a little bit proposing This
indoor outdoor sports complex
and learning center I'm just going to
have you know potentially 12 basketball
courts they're going to get into a track
volleyball courts
uh outdoor stadium Florida football
team baseball fields and softball fields
soccer field
um to the west of baseball diamonds
so when we when we first presented this
to the district at the time and this is
South Dakota you know estimated to be
around 175 to 200 million so I'm
stealing the cost of escalated since
then so we I'll have to look at what
that new
cost will be give me interview
yeah and this is just some Architects
and drawings that we had of what it
would look like inside
um it would be like I said state of
Denmark we're using Timber trying to
connect with the outdoors so if you look
you know you can't sit from here if you
look on the right side it is a
basketball course that is divided by
trees that actually goes into the roof
and other side there's another South
basketball court
good luck
the next one
yes okay so the next slide we're going
to see so I'm trying to keep track of
how many sides I've tried I've looked at
first plane
um it's already 10. no I said that I
so in 1965
um the educator was actually working at
um by the name of Phil Walton started
our finance department
it's a non-profit organization that was
created to steer black and brown kids
into organized Sports uh where
um they was given them equal action s
00h 10m 00s
so coach field
which people this awesome guy he did
this stuff we did Miss Lee he didn't ask
for money or dollars to do this stuff
you know he he grew up here he went to
Lincoln on High School uh in the
Department of State uh he served our
country um in 1946.
um and then after the service he came
back to Portland and he taught that at
different schools some of these schools
I don't even know the the names still
the same but some of the schools like
James John Woodlawn Sunnyside
um he so he was after the perfect
within EPS on the UPS Factory
um he also became a superintendent of
Oregon state prison system in Salem
um and I think one of the things that he
always talked about this and catching
kids before they get there
um and I think that was one of the
motivations of him starting against
but of course he got a lot of awards and
the previous I mean the some of the
mayors that was in here and gave him you
know Phil Walton's
so he was known for doing a lot for our
and his Mantra was that
once I find a kid always I'll buy a kid
and it's amazing and and that really
stood true because this is a more of a
generational organization
um these are some of the kids that have
been a part of so legitimate on the
right who's pointing he was actually one
of the first of all the kids when he was
young and this is how the generational
year through the track coach and
business for 27 years
um and a lot of these kids here are
great great
grandkids of people Phil Walton the
coach when he was alive
and I did want to do some little
Throwbacks because this was another
coach uh on the right hand you know the
Vincent shirt on he was actually a coach
he's the head coach of Benson High
School he was one of the first ones that
put a long Coachman he was young
um and having a little context so then I
know when my generation came we ran for
Miss McKenzie my kids ran for Albina and
there's a lot of grandkids running for
albino at this point so this is a very
generational organization
let's get to next
so I don't know if you can see leaders
of Throwbacks
says some old pictures in the 60s and
70s and 80s
and so that when I say it's generational
it's generational one of his slogans but
if you don't die we just multiply
um and then there's a lot of different
stories about the sacrifices
um Mr Walton Dunn all the stuff that
he's done with all these groups of teams
he did out of his own pocket
um he used to go pick up kids pay for
interest fees pay for travel he did all
that out of his own pocket
um majority of the time
a little bit about modern sports program
today so today we serve around 85
percent kids of color
you need to be a serve thousands of
thousands of PPS Kids that's of course
where he started from uh pre-covet
um 75 of our kids was really reduced
lunch uh it was around 56 44 percent
females the males that participate in
the organization
um I minus curves over around 1600 kids
a year and a lot of that comes from our
registered kids and the all-commer needs
to be put on every year and we put on
about six to eight of them every year
one of the big things that we pride
ourselves that we've never turned the
kid away because of the financial
because of that financial situation
their parent Financial Security
the kid comes and wants to join we
forgot a way to take care of them that
means what it is probably to meet flying
to Meats moving aboard we take care of
that but that one's a kid and do it for
their family or something
so as an example if we look at
ideas depending on the last page that's
yield for that from 22 kids to Nationals
and within North Carolina we paid out of
our pocket probably about a third of
that for kids and their families adults
because we don't exist you know that
money be a financial issue a barrier why
they can't participate
00h 15m 00s
so you know when we talk about you know
what we're doing now you know we we view
ourselves as an official partner PPS
already a lot of our kids participate
those terms both of these schools
um majority of them go to the pts
you know then we have some folks there
have been real players whether in sports
with JJ Burnham been an NFL players
you know Makai Williams this woman just
came out this makes the Olympics one of
the youngest kids
um out of the Olympic Games
and a PPS kid and he went on to Benson
High School
that's it
all right
so the the purpose of all this to show
and to see that you know I want to
support plants at Learning Center can
actually be a real benefit for our PPS
um there is a lot of advantages
um which is competition could could
um and we just told us to hope that we
um pass his resolution so we can move
forward in that hopefully unify
um movement forward
so that's it for my presentation any
about materials and
the resolution refers to the complex so
that in the diagrams it looks like
awesome please
PNR yes
and I think uh it should be noted their
own resolution or
and materials if there's any imageries
this is correct so you're right and so
the outdoor space with that was South
north of the main space is owned by from
the parks and recs and so it will be
another partnership with them as well to
have I could have conversations with
them not doing the setting Stone
um but you can have a conversation with
them as well for them to invent uh to
allow us to do this as well which will
actually give based on our long-term
facility and you know with the witnesses
stands at 10.4 and we're able to do this
with parts you know we almost have about
20 some Acres of field space that we can
actually use
but it's not included in
I think we should know that in the
resolution because and also if the
slides are used again but that should be
noted because it's just not hard
PPS commodity to
um that we can
um everything is that I would offer a
friendly Amendment
so well that's one thing and I guess
something's been drafted
to note the things about the PPR the
um the friendlies I would offer is
there'll be a number six on
the the negotiating use will be
presented with worth of consideration
Amendment yeah I can send it to you
into something okay
um so that'd be another thing
I also want to just state for your
record and I think it's important
reasons that I do this because I just
looked at this
I just look at the size now
um but on Slide
this is how you've got a round one in
five positions
there's a total count though
uh this is the slide that has the
working team this is my name as a
supporter and I want to just make sure
that from a their perception
um a conflict of interest is that I
wasn't involved I got the presentation
00h 20m 00s
building this team I support more
athletic facilities it's been we've done
that for 20 years in PBS so it's what I
want just to be Twitter and pay service
thank you
yeah I'm from
I'm pretty happy with what I've heard
that was really important for me as well
um I guess this would be the answer
the committee maker makes a
recommendation for the following
that one thing
um lunch
that I would expect at least been asked
staff was an ass to represent anything
or prepare anything I would ask it out
we need is important to be aware of in
terms of immediate their
Provisions more
ongoing discussions about anything that
I would want to make sure that
just having discussion
exactly is considered as part of
your mobile discussion
the other questions comments thoughts
all right so I will continue to live
to move the resolution with the added
amendments I want to be
full board
all right all in favor
yes yes
all those
thank you guys
all right so the next
uh and then the item is
a different High School modernization
I would just ask that whenever we change
just for the rest of the word to the
rest of the board members
um so even though we're not on the team
thank you
all right there's a high school
yes thank you so uh we provided an
update uh a brief updated the last place
not the solution operations committee
00h 25m 00s
meeting and we noted that we had a
couple meetings that were coming up
after that we wanted to find another
round date here tonight
um we have two of our project team
members here today project manager
Keisha Locklear and Steve afros uh we
have some little bits going around so
we're not a full compliment tonight so I
think we're gonna do is there is a memo
in the materials hope we haven't had an
opportunity to review there's also lots
and lots of attachments from the time
you know through all of those
um but we're going to provide a quick
update and then we'll answer more
instrument screen okay
yeah again Steve afro senior project
in the authorization
so um as you've probably seen in the
memo that was provided to you we began
with a bit of a background on where we
so as you probably are aware our initial
pricing on the Jefferson project several
months ago came in significantly over
budget of what the more
so at that point we've commenced a
pretty exhausted a week-long volume
engineering Workshop bringing in
community Representatives
um and that that exercise brought us
270 million dollars over budget to
within about five to ten million dollars
over budget
so we're continuing to work on our path
towards budget but I just wanted to kind
of give you that initial background
so one of the most significant outcomes
from that exercise was the clear need to
move staff and students off of the site
during construction which will begin
um so we proceeded with looking at
relocation options and those included
PCC Cascade and Marshall
so as we evaluated each of them it
became clear that Marshall was the best
choice overall and really drilling into
that a little bit a swing site has
specific requirements in terms of
academic athletic
theater assembly administrative and
Parker spaces among many other
so starting with Kenton
as you are aware it's an elementary
formally Elementary School is
significantly too small and there was
really no way that it would make that
PCC also doesn't work for similar
reasons with limited number and types of
available program space and I'll talk
about that in a little more detail in a
but we began by communicating with the
Jefferson staff and the community about
this decision and presented this
information to the steering committee
the design Advisory Group and the bond
accountability committee
at the same time we've also begun to
meet the important Community Partners
like SDI to socialize and really have
as much get as much input as early as
possible on this process
it will have additional engagement with
other communities support groups like
Latino Network and
um in additionally we also plan to bring
the Jefferson journalism class
into this process to increase student
Awareness on this issue
but as you saw in the memo we wanted to
really clarify an important issue and
that has to do with xiaomi and the fact
that zoning was not the only reason that
the PCC Cascades option wouldn't work
so just just to be really open about
this PCC has been extremely Hands-On and
involved with PPS in these conversations
in this process helping us to analyze
our needs
with their spaces available
and they also agreed that they just
don't have the capacity to make a full
swing at PCC Cascades a possibility
additionally as we've had internal
conversations with internal stakeholders
there are numerous challenges to PPS to
to just address basic operational needs
of the full full swing onto the PCC site
and those include school lunches Safety
and Security technology and other issues
for high school students being full-time
at a PCC campus
so while the PCC option is not possible
staff is working together with PCC to
consider expanding the middle college
program and partnership and class
offerings that really could create a
scenario where both Juniors and seniors
could have less travel time between
00h 30m 00s
Jefferson at the Marshall campus and the
PCC campuses
so that idea is is currently in process
it will be keeping the community engaged
and updated on those developments
I want to hand it over to Keisha that
kind of expanded
okay our project manager with osm
um so to six point
um our team has
um been developing FAQ so that we can
gather all of this information and
communicate it to the to the Jefferson
Community that was originally posted on
a Jefferson website you just received
translations for that FAQ so now we'll
be emailing that out to the to the
community at large
um very soon
um so one particular issue that we know
is a major concern understandably is
as with all other modernizations we will
provide multiple Transportation options
um that work is also in progress and we
plan to provide more specific
information by the 8th grade information
night at the latest which I don't know
also our team is currently develop in
ways in which we can introduce the
Marshall campus to the judge Community
um some current ideas are to create like
a 3D video walkthrough
um I'll provide tours to you know for
families to familiarize themselves at
the Metro Campus we also plan to work
with our partner on boards like SEI and
lexino network
you know Indian education all our
apartment groups
um so that we can ensure that we meet
their needs while they're they're asleep
on that application
um so and as with all previous
modernizations our OSF staff is working
closely with other modernization teams
like defense and team who is apparently
swung at Marshall
um to learn from
um you know lessons learned about that
and uh also so that the Jefferson High
School admin and staff can help us
ensure a smooth possible transmission to
the Marshall campus and uh to return
back to the new modern ize Jeff
so while all that work is in progress by
staff uh to prep for moving to Marshall
the Jefferson minorization design team
has been working intensely on the
revised design strategy
um there is somewhat risk at this point
in the project with the budget but we
are staying focused and working with our
internal and external Partners to ensure
that we maintain the budget
um the city of Portland Bureau
development services has been extremely
helpful towards making this project a
success we have bi-weekly meetings with
them to discuss various project design
um so that we don't run into issues
later once we submit for permit
um we have just completed schematic
design as of Friday
um I'm deep into reviewing those
documents and we're moving right into
design development
so our contractor or design team have
actually been working very closely
together our contractor team has people
on site at our architect office many
um and that is also to ensure that the
design stays tracked stays within the
um we have also begun the RFP process
for our mechanical planning and
electrical candidates and our first
selections and those trades will happen
literally any day now
um we expect our next updated round of
pricing uh by the end of October from
our contractor and our independent
um but those new trade partners are
bringing on board will kind of help dial
in those numbers help to contract their
team to dial in those those estimated
numbers as well and also help the design
team develop you know better
cost-effective design strategies
our project team is very excited about
how the design is developing and how
we've been able to bring it back to
budget and keep this project alive and
we really look forward to presenting you
to the community
um the updated project scheme and our
next bag meeting I think it's currently
scheduled for October 19th but we will
be sending out on the next cases
very beautiful
00h 35m 00s
meaning of course I know there was some
check so I mean
I have some questions and and helpful
Mary know the answer to it but I think
it's good to kind of put it in context
which is why I'm asking you
um one of one of the things I guess my
question is that
uh the move to Marshall campus if I
remember the last time we cut a year off
of the X
the expected of construction right right
one of the things I want to also clarify
is like you know I have taught in a
the other question I have is that
um you know unlike Lincoln which they
kind of built a new building right next
to it and I'm and I'll switch
uh the reason we don't do that Jefferson
is the historical
face right yeah the landmarks commission
will deny any proposition that tears
domination okay so that was my question
is like how did you come from that
historical landmark and that basically
I mean that's a process beyond that that
denial but that will just drag the front
project s yeah it's an obstacle
it's been too sorry
uh there was before the comprehensive
you know considerable Outreach
habitually Community about what what
were some high values and one of the
highest volumes that came out
that was what was the original purpose
it's not just the landmarks it's also
the community has experienced a lot of
Erasure in in that area and the 1909
building really represents it's a strong
symbol for the community and
um the overwhelming majority of the
community that we've spoke with in our
comprehensive planning I wanted to keep
that's why I was curious about was
whether you know how much of this part
of this community and
let's go
with the
possibility of students
transferring to other schools if they're
intentional to a winner they will not
accept for
yeah that's my question I think our
project team can feel it's like an
so we're having this conversation
and everybody knows about any questions
yeah sorry you guys and to the big
questions yeah and to the main questions
that might come up with the big thing
that they've been talking about
to believe in
I find it very frustrating that you ask
questions there do you need that should
have been coming and you don't have the
people here to answer them
I have to do this you ask questions
what's the point of this if you don't
have the people here to answer questions
yeah I mean sometimes I don't think
you're gonna have every single be able
to answer every single question I have
the data to answer every single question
I'll say from my experience in this
project and from what I've learned from
those stakeholders that I've been in
meetings with that enrollment will be
affected uh I can't say that anyone has
established any
thresholds today I know they're
spiritual for high schools
so once again this is why I make sure we
have the right people here to answer
these questions is important
because I don't like asking questions
don't get past especially when I put out
there you know and you guys if you
punches the answer he acts one of the
big ones is enrollment so I would it
just made sense to have the people here
to answer
this was like uh one of the things that
is linked in the memos is an SAQ and it
has it answers some of those enrollment
questions it doesn't answer that
specific one and I thought this then
there was a specific if there was a
question I may have missed it as well
about enrollment
00h 40m 00s
good evening or good afternoon uh
directors and chair Hollands I just I am
getting the gist of the question and I
want to just uh number one acknowledge
the the point that you're making chair
Hollins about
um about
into integration of the questions that
that pertain to this whole topic
um for my part I didn't see this
question coming I apologize for that uh
definitely will take down
the the questions that are coming up
this question and any other questions
that come up in the course of this
discussion and we'll work with the team
including the enrollment transfer
department and will prepare a staff
report I know that's not ideal that's
not exactly what you were looking for
for this conversation in this moment but
we'll follow up to the best of our
ability as quickly as we can
so with the new now I can't remember
what part I was looking at here under
the BAC report
it looked like they're gonna be with the
new design of compression
of the site is that are we going to be
from what was told to us at these
meetings and at the board meeting
is going to be compression because we're
trying to stay under budget
no uh we just
well I mean it was we're looking for
ways in the evaluation Workshop week how
you could reduce the budget yes and so
one one of the ways and it wasn't just
the money it was also because we needed
more space for loading and for the
fields and exiting there were
Transformers there were multiple reasons
why the building got compressed a bit
how much was that compression it was
like 10 or 15 feet
so on the original thing it was like 300
and I don't say 80 some thousand square
feet and now we're basically right in
line with the square footage that was
approved at the board meeting about 335.
and I think to add to that
the the advantage of not having students
on site and not swinging on site is
initially there was a phased approach
where we had to build essentially a
comprehensive phase one building that
could accommodate the 600 or so students
and all of their programmatic needs so
that created the inefficiencies within
that building and within the original
so as soon as students are off-site we
can be much more efficient in how we lay
the building out we actually went from
three stories now inclusion race on the
addition so that it's just a more
efficient building easy to kind of move
through and then the 1909 building uh
became instead of walking along the main
hallway and only having classrooms on
one side and become a double load of
just a conventional classroom building
so overall it has both budgetary but
also practical
efficiencies which obviously have budget
impacts but it also makes it easier for
students to kind of move through the
building on a daily basis so if this
bronchos benefits with all of the
original programs still intact in terms
of the overall
size foot spaces
I was going to respond to the threshold
my question is actually more for the
board members so I was thinking this may
be a good question to punto the suit of
one of the reasons is because I am very
concerned with the enrollment
at Jefferson because when you have low
enrollment that affects programming and
robust and stuff and we're not doing
anyone to service
good good enrolled and a good robust
programming which is something better
actually my questions are gonna
um go into your question because ask
some questions about enrollment as well
and about also the educational
programming which
um I recognize the
project management the facilities what
can I be able to do
answer and what I would what I would
suggest is instead of having a separate
Community discussion has just have
combined committees which may be close
to the full board
together versus having two separate
discussions because I think they're very
integrated that would be my suggestion
um and then but maybe the thing to
to do because
what it looks like I think we have
everybody in the room that we need to
have in terms of like how do we build
the thing right
um but there's a lot of other especially
the recommendation to go to
Marshall I think
00h 45m 00s
it's a whole other set of questions that
we need to answer is
so my enrollment questions and I'll just
get them out so that they have them out
to add on to
yours Dr Hollins is
um I would want to look at what the
attrition was
the grants
not so much Franklin because frankly
Marshall is
consolidation of Franklin and Marshall
so it's a lot of games that that was
their neighborhood high school anyway so
it's a little bit different than true
but what was the nutrition rate we had
at Grant
one Grant went there and then what was
the attrition rate
for Benson recognizing that we also made
a really big investment out there in
some CTE space
for the Benson
and recognize that I mean that's
probably the closest comparison is
um but it's not even the same because
one of the things that's
unique about Jefferson is it's
a high school in which every student's
offered two different places to go and
Jefferson is just one so they have an
automatic default versus Grant it's not
like if Grant students didn't want to go
to Marshall they could just pick another
school every student at Jefferson has
that choice
and I I do think that will make things
different so I'd like to see what the
nutrition was already for these other
schools knowing that for Benson which
again that doesn't have an enrollment
neighborhood enrollment but we did do
some things like this is specific to
your program that we're putting at the
Marshall site
it wasn't not an insignificant
investment that attracted people there
so I'm pretty concerned where people
like hey I can just go to McDaniels
um McDaniel
Grant or Roosevelt because I already
have that option and I'll just sit there
and then I'll wait for the new school to
be built and then I'll go back to it
so that's a numeral with concern and I'd
just like to see some more of the data
and potential projections of what we
think might happen
I have questions about PCC so I had a
conversation with commissioner Rubio not
for that purpose but just as it came up
in conversation
um who's the commissioner in charge that
would have deal with his own name design
and everything else and there hadn't
been a request
so I think we just I think we just
should make sure that we're clear that
um we haven't asked for that and if that
becomes like a primary driver that
either zoning or whatever why we can't
do it something with a city
we should ask the city if
and have them tell us no without saying
they told us no without us asking
so that that would be I think one thing
I want to on the table and then
what should the educational questions I
have and I'm not really asking these
questions because I know they're not in
your space the educational question I
would have is I'm curious about
the middle college program
so I'm not I'm not suggesting this but
I'm just wondering so students wouldn't
be going back to PCC for PCC classes
why wouldn't there be something where
they had dual credit classes like they
have a lot of other high high schools
where you're actually getting
community college credit
absolutely like while they're not at PCC
the water in their classroom right so
for example at Franklin you can take
dual credit and get
like the PCC credit but you're
you're at a
um so that would be a question to have
because I don't understand why students
were going back to Tennessee
and then the other thing is I would just
want to see
drops in every
and some decisions were some trade-offs
were made that I think we need to make
more transparent about why things
weren't chosen like
um for example
the science labs I don't know enough
about science and what's required Eddie
who probably knows this is a um High
School teacher but I don't know what
like this highest Labs that PCC has why
they're not appropriate for high school
and so I think like
answering some of those questions like
if you haven't Jefferson's an open
00h 50m 00s
campus we what's different about the
Safety and Security for students
say if they're at PCC then Jefferson
when at lunchtime they can just log out
of the building and be walk over the
so those are the types of things that I
I need to understand to understand why
not PCC
valid option
these were full swing
at PCC well they just don't have the
space they don't have the space to swing
the the current involvement
that's just it wasn't the Zone like
it was it was an error in communication
strategy to lead with the zoning as the
reason why you know just one of the
reasons why it didn't work the main
reason why PCC doesn't work is because
they don't have the capacity it's a
whole so to hold our current involvement
um not just from a classroom standpoint
but from all the support States the same
point like
um theater assembly dance studios
athletic fields
Etc they don't have the central spaces
and sizes of spaces that we would need
to support the full animals on Snapchat
um we like I had mentioned we are
um planning a staff meeting with many
different departments to try and work
um a situation where perhaps Juniors and
seniors would spend full days on ucc's
campus for maybe one or two years out of
the week and then they wouldn't have to
travel back and forth from PCC to
Marshall within the same days
so that that meeting is we're just
trying to coordinate everyone's
schedules a lot of people so it's going
to happen next week or so
so but yeah PCC just does not have the
space to
swing Jefferson in that scenario and I'm
saying this is a total cap but they're
more or less thinking that capacity wise
there's somewhere for me to 100
students yeah
that couldn't be a little higher than
that but it's really just for those
limited General Life classrooms
there's enough space for the General Ed
classes that's all you really understood
but we're looking to see if we can
accommodate as many as 80 to 100 kids at
the time
so because when I asked the question we
answered for a full swing is there a
partial swing option well that's what
we're trying to figure out this like
potential for one or two days
of the week to have about 80 to 100.
students there
you know what is the the maximum of that
PCC is it 80 to 100 or is it like well
it's an excellent thing at home this is
a this is a new idea that we're that
we're flushed a Margaret Calvert brought
to the table and she has spoken with
completely about the idea and so now
we're just trying to get everyone into
the table to figure out the actual needs
and Logistics of this idea I guess my
question was more just like because we
know that there's gonna there's probably
going to be attrition during
but like
if there's only
only 300 it's 534. that's verified
the intention is that there's already
students that take classes at PCC so is
there nothing to expand that or and even
consolidate so some students by seniors
for example maybe they spend all Monday
and Tuesday for example on that site but
they still need all the other spaces to
provide a comprehensive High School on
which PCC doesn't have so there isn't a
scenario where there'd be a student that
has their home base is at PCC and they
don't go to Marshall it's just if there
are students that are ticking up quite a
few classes at piece of C can there be
days where they are dedicated there also
looking at potential other other events
that can be held at the SEC they have
they have some athletic facilities
basketball games vulnerable games other
events IPC is amenable to that we don't
have a Reba in that but those are the
type of things I'm looking at to have
students and in the neighborhood
Mr chair
uh director yes Michelle directors
and I I mean a list of concerns mostly
about I mean globally
about this part of the community
and wanting the community like expecting
00h 55m 00s
the community to Bear the brunt of yet
another move especially after we just
laid out you know with the Albina this
plan we talked about the
eminent domain being used and people
being moved around
I I'm really concerned about that I
don't know that this I mean I can
withstand additional harm and if we're
going to grade ourselves on this specly
I mean we couldn't ask we would not use
that too
um it's not a winning strategy I think
to move the kids off
I also I thought that when we we went
through a cmgc procurement process that
I thought would result would avoid the
scenario that we're in that we would
have somebody from the contractor
available in these discussions to sort
of have their ears and eyes open to
potential of you know moving the kids
off or not
um so I I have a concern about like are
we doing things in the right order when
we have a cmgc and we have an
Architectural Group working through like
programming and schematic design we
should have had a contractor I think
I think we might have
the schedule on hiring and procuring the
contractor I felt I felt we should have
had a Contractor on site earlier
a cmgc is a construction management
General Contracting it's a it's a
different procurement that public
entities can use for a lot of different
reasons my understanding is that
um doing a cmgc process
prevents a public entity from building
an RFP and sending it out to bid and
then having to use the lowest bid
basically you know work with a
you work with a construction manager a
construction management general
contractor that can be brought onto the
process early enough to do this value
value engineering at the same time the
programming and schematics are happening
so that was just a comment I'm not I
don't have the specifics on that
I can speak to that a little bit though
what you're saying
um you know hindsight's always 20 20.
today's team might agree with you about
this the timing on bringing them through
the GC right
um our design team always knew there was
going to be some type of Premium
um and some type of cost to keeping the
students on site we knew that you know
um you know once things we came on board
and brought the reality of what it
actually did me because specifically the
Jefferson 1909 building
it's a four-story unreinforced masonry
the district hasn't has it's the largest
tallest unreinforced Nursery building of
the district owns district has never
tackled a project like this before so
none of our project teams has had this
type of experience before neither has
there's not many buildings in Portland
that are not renovated that are of this
scale right
situation that we were put in one school
contractor who came on board and saw
that we wanted to have students on site
within 15 feet of the existing 1909
building how they would have to
extremely tactically demolish and
renovate and structurally reinforce to
seismic standards the 1909 building how
long and like the Tactical process they
actually walked us through a totally
detailed diagram of how they would have
to break down and rebuild zones of that
building and uh that is really what
increased the cost
um just the the age of this building the
fact that it's unreinforced masonry the
amount of structural reinforcement and
work that's necessary to bring the bring
it up to a seismic standards it's just
not something that many project teams in
Portland period have experience doing
and so the contractor really brought a
lot of reality to the table once they
got pen to paper and tried to solve the
and is there no way to phase it such
that the seismic happens first and the
um you know to build the shell from the
outside in rather than
I'm just it's just a question doesn't
need to be answered I also concerned
about the historic landmarks
um and and their their conversations I
just looked up and to see who's on the
commission and we have
two community members Kimberly Moreland
is the vice chair and then Cleo Davis
who many of you know the on my division
that are on that historic landmarks
commission and it is a historic building
and we are doing a lot of work at the
city of Portland to recognize spaces
that were important to African-American
01h 00m 00s
history and Portland were kind of
inventorying buildings and this may be
one of them but the building was built
in 1909 and there really wasn't
um if it's a stark black high school now
but in 1909 it wasn't and so that
wouldn't necessarily be on our list of
inventory of spaces that were important
acceptance had this you know 20th
importance to us and so I'm wondering
um I would love to hear from the
Planning Commission I'm wondering if
there's if there is it just the facade
that needs to be saved is that is that
all people are tied to is it just the
facade which well it's always this or is
it in the facade the gel and the the
floor dates that's pretty much it
is there a way is there since we're
working with like creative people and
Architects is there a creative way to
you know keep the if people are really
tied to the Collins and the facade is
there a way to
work around that and create outdoor
space there or something I mean this is
I know this has already been designed
out but is there not a way around
this historic designation
I mean there is an appeal process by the
way yes I mean we've just gone through
this over a over a historic tree
actually on Mississippi so yeah once I
think there is an appealing process
there's a whole process beyond that
um and again just again it's I I would
hope that we would look at ways that do
not involve moving students because it's
you know it's Portland 11 miles is a
very very long ways for our families
and the students too that are um I mean
it kind of brings back you know during
my era the busing when you were must out
of your community about an hour earlier
than students in the neighborhood and an
hour of coming home an hour later and
that that loss of um
connectivity and knittedness in the
community is harmful foreign
of course no I mean these people's other
voice but there are a lot of voices that
are very strongly attached to that
building not everyone but we certainly
are a lot of ones does that work and two
because of its location buildings on
either side of the name but a new
structure has its own challenges as well
that it doesn't get all the details here
but don't listen to do something better
at getting this product then
because of just because of those
constraints it's a very odd it's a very
long it's odd shape site the 1980 is
right in the middle so try to put it on
the track and there isn't really been
the track and field in the South and
oversimplifying so now we're
compromising having a tracking field on
site and so there's some of these other
things complexity so I know we're having
a high level conversation but there's a
lot of complexity that goes into all of
the options that have been considered
just to rip off the track
one track variable uh our current track
is completely non-compliant so the
second that we move the track it has to
become compliant and that greatly
reduces the area in which we why he said
we really can't fit it anywhere else
on the site really uh where it is right
now is where it fits best
um and if we have if we did move it
um we have to I forget
whatever the setback is we won't be able
sort of have the same kind of track that
we have right right now
we're building on the track and put a
new track uh
through a degree
um I think the only thing one I
shouldn't say the only thing one of the
things I brought up
um in the past and I've asked for and I
really hope that we could at some point
get and I didn't ask you so you're not
not giving me anything I've asked for
but data
um I'd like to see the data that like
even Julia asked about around
um other schools that had moved and gone
and what was that loss but then I'd also
like to see the data around schools that
stayed and what was the impact there
um I'm super concerned about
um our value engineering and I know we
value engineer you know in theory about
value engineer all of our schools but
I'm gonna be as Frank as I can possibly
um without being too Frank I guess I
don't want us to Value engineer less
01h 05m 00s
than we did Lincoln so I what I'm not
okay with is
I understand the demographics and where
everything is at I you know other people
may not say it but I'll say it we're not
building yet for the for the black kids
because they just moved out to the
depression the idea is good but
realistically when it's done those
families have already moved however the
idea that you would build a school that
is supposed to represent some of the
blackest communities if you build it
less than you would some other school
I'm not okay with Roosevelt and Sham and
I don't want to see the next black
school that we have get the same sham
and this is I love you Dad you know I do
but I say this every time I don't want
to see the next black school that we
have within our district get the same
shaft that Roosevelt has to wear a year
after the the work was done or a year
and a half after work was done we're
still putting buckets out in the hallway
to catch rain because there was leaks in
the roof and the furnace is still not
working and parts of the building you
know still don't have ceilings or didn't
have ceilings because the construction
wasn't done properly because it was
shabby and I know nobody is going to
like me when I say this part and it had
everything to do with the fact that we
kept the students in the building
because when you have the students in
the building there's a very limited
amount of construction that can be done
because you can only work during certain
hours there's only certain equipment
that you can use during certain hours
and so we get this pissed poor job
because we're trying to make stuff work
keep stuff in and who gets harm who gets
the the brunt of it the black community
again so once again you're not giving us
the same stuff that you give a Lincoln I
love Lincoln and I don't think that it's
intentional but anything that is not
said and it's not like focus
intentionality is the key
if if I'm not telling you this is what I
want and you don't know that this is
what I want I want Jeff to be one of the
best schools within the district I don't
want it to be shortchanged I don't want
to have anything less when I look at it
I wanted to be like that is the school
that I want to send my black kids to and
if you're telling me that you're value
engineering I'm like why get me some
more money how much did how much is left
over from Lincoln or something give me
some money so that we can figure out
what we got to do to get Jeff the way
that it needs to be because I
what you know we're talking about the
community can't stand you know to be
moved and that's there's probably a lot
of Truth to that but the other things
the community is not going to be able to
live with is to get a school that
doesn't really represent the the who we
are right and so you give me a school
that's anything less than you know like
part then you telling me again how you
really feel about me and so you're gonna
say you just take this and you need it
be happy that I gave you something and
then let's move on to the next one and
then you go down the street and you
build another four or 500 million dollar
school and you say because the money was
there why is the money always there for
somebody else why is it not there for me
and so I I that's that's my issue that's
the that's my gripe and all of this and
so but as far as like the kids being in
the building I think we need to find the
data what does the data actually say
around there being a loss because the
concern is that we're going to if we
move the kids out then we're going to
lose students that would normally and
they may not come back those fan
families are going to be happy staying
where they're at why bring our families
all the way back and we've settled in
here I want to know if that's do we have
data that shows that that's actually
happened what was that you know because
maybe the community doesn't know that
people come back stronger or maybe
they're right and that we lose
everything what is the data and then the
last thing I'm gonna say is about the um
the PCC
um aspect of it
um I think we did ourselves at this
service when we said when we mentioned
that the reason whether it was a partial
truth or a you know whatever the case
might be get ourselves a disservice when
we mentioned that you know part of the
reason that we can't do it is because of
zoning because we hadn't done all the
homework and then when the community
does what we know the community is going
to do it's going to fact check you
they're going to find out okay are they
Liars or or what and so when they come
back and they say nobody said nothing to
me liar and so now everything that you
say after that regardless of how true it
is becomes irrelevant because it was
based on the first lie and so the only
way I can see us getting out of this
with the PCC scenario where there's any
level of trust from a Community member
thinking that you know it actually makes
sense and that you're still not trying
to cover up a lie is that we're going to
have to make the full ask on we need all
of us like what whatever our full ask is
we need all of our students to be able
to be there this is the gym space this
is all the space that we need and then
we need to make that information
immediately available as transparent as
possible just raise the skirt up so they
01h 10m 00s
get to see and be like this is
everything this I made this ask this is
what I asked for these are the questions
that I asked these are the days that I
ask and make the entire ask available
and then when the response come back
make the tired response available and
then the community be able to dissect
like okay this is what they this is what
they said now there's going to be a
person there that still could believe
that we lying but then there's going to
be another portion that'll be like at
least they tried and so I feel like
that's the only way we're going to come
out of that one I want the data on the
other one and I was gonna I want money
on the other one thank you about
enrollments our enrollment has
another project manager at Austin sent
us this information and it's in our
enrollment number PDF because the
website but uh Benson did experience a
dip in enrollment in 2021 2022
Franklin actually went up enrollment
during construction
went up in construction went up
enrollment during construction and as
did McDaniel because I think I think the
issue those are never the schools
I thought about the most recent
organizations in their environment that
that's how they worked
we don't have anything to compare apples
or apples
I have one work on it and that's just
about working in occupied spaces I've
had about three projects where the
spaces were occupied between eight and
five and so the construction had to
happen at five from five to uh whatever
that was in the morning
and so have we looked at
that does cost more but have we looked
at the Delta between what that might
even though it's three years of
construction and then we have a barrier
very very tight schedule from designers
for example
she facing construction keeping students
outside is really really hard for a lot
of reasons but safety reasons there's
noise reasons there's impact to students
and also when you when you have a face
project you're moving around
you're starting to use systems before
they're fully complete
so you have a symptom you have a
mechanical system that when you're done
and you know you cut the ribbon and
you've had some of it's been in years
over three years and so it's been used
that it's it's just there's a lot of
sometimes the quality comes with that
it's it's hard to duplicate when you can
you I guess my class and I issuing
I mean new all these things which are
being done these are going to be issues
him on site I guess I guess this is mine
it's hard for me to understand how we
knew going into this that so it's going
to be is happening issues
um how can we even anticipate
understand that the building piece I
guess about the question this is not the
of reinforced building in the whole
country and so Roosevelt why do we do
not I mean consult with other
construction firms or other entities
that have have the same Asian list
redoing these structured building uh
there's six five six that I lost in
Seattle Washington High School
so I guess my biggest knew this was
going to be an issue how come
we didn't anticipate our look at this
ahead of time with our design team and
then also it just it just I just
understand when I look at the
other modernizations and I looked at the
list that you guys have and went up to
like you know even with Lincoln and
Vincent at 700 or 800 some square foot
and this goes up to 13. how could we
miss that all how can we miss that big
like if we if we are
we've been doing this we don't talk
about our experts and we have this and
we have that and we're paying people to
do this when people do that how do we
jump how do we miss 800 some square feet
to 1300 square feet sure if all the 815
so on the things
yeah how do we how do we miss that with
all of our expertise so sure yeah and it
made a way to think about like process
wise is to think of like a traditional
design event build first and so you hire
a designer they they design your country
01h 15m 00s
has an architect and then if you get a
concept right you're a designer your
designing Community
that's what they do they have
professional systemators but that isn't
a guaranteed price that's something you
go to market and so when you go to bid
it's not uncommon we have smaller
projects both of them over wheat project
that's several minutes just for several
million dollars off bid until you join a
market because of the different
because you're not doing the same thing
every time so this is a very unique
situation and so the cmgc the benefit is
they do come in perfectly and they don't
give you a hit up front when you're in
the sign what they do is they start to
give you they're closer to the market
so the for this particular project we
have a design team we have a
professional process generator as part
of that team
other department or an international
construction company and they are aware
of well they they've costed everything
but this is a very unique product as
lots of projects are and every one of
the projects goes to valuable
engineering there's a different amount
of Engineering in reducing scope
cuttings but everyone goes through the
process so we have investment from a
professional process for 2019 and that
is what the budget was set on then when
we're writing start schematic design we
brought in the cmgc and they were able
to say let me give you better
information than you had and we've
waited later or had me traditional
traditional route
would have been another year out before
we knew we weren't even close on the
budget and the project would have
completely stopped so I know it doesn't
sound like this is a good thing but we
knew this information a lot earlier than
other projects or potentially could know
as the we're getting information early
if you get it later the larger
that are always having any scope of this
or no and and I wanted to actually
address that and also what what you
mentioned director green about your
concern about is this potentially kind
of reduced quality yes and in fact I
think we're finding it's the opposite in
that both what I described before in
terms of a building that's again when we
say efficiency that sounds kind of cold
and calculated but it's actually a
better building for students and staff
kind of operating because it's so much
easier to make a way around you don't
have to go down a much longer hallway to
get to that phase one building as
but additionally in terms of quality we
are bringing all of the lessons learned
from prior on projects in terms of our
standards how to maintain the quality
and how maintenance has learned from our
earlier modernizations what works what
doesn't work
and we have brand new policies and
standards in terms of our climate policy
so we're going to have a far more energy
efficient and frankly more comfortable
building at the end of the day and I
think also just from I think what Dan
was saying in terms of you know all of
our experience and all of these design
firms working on all these projects we
have have the Lincoln High School design
firm and the Benson project contractor
who are just constantly bringing
information if this works that doesn't
work here's how we can improve on what
we did at Lincoln at Madison so I think
our team is frankly as much as this is
this this is truly painful for us I mean
I can't stress that enough like this is
not this has never been a happy
experience for us we're you know we're
just working ourselves
to try to make this work as best we can
but we feel what we feel super excited
about is for the next hundred years this
building is going to be a model high
school and it's going to be both in
terms of its Community Focus in terms of
its connection with the environment
including all the opportunities it
offers in terms of frankly displaying
how you create a climate firmly building
and a Community Focus building so
um we're struggling we're really trying
to kind of connect the dots between
where we are now and where we know this
will be sure but it's
one of those Gibson's public comments
we have been described a value as an
engineer because what that meant that
Franklin was hey you're going to get
lesser quality materials on the outside
of your buildings than you or what those
things so I get that I want to make it
like just clear that that's exactly what
did not okay well but yeah when we talk
about biology engineer like I know from
the Franklin Community
I think it's the same or what it meant
um the Roosevelt community so that's one
thing so I think the focus on we're
going to deliver the building that we've
promised the community
being sticking with the ad specs also
01h 20m 00s
the things that make Jefferson special
the larger enhanced Performing Arts
Center and the
amazing place
a blue track hopefully will come to come
from the Dual phases
cheaper versus like we're preserving the
mission outside
that's I think a fundamental disconnect
as part of the conversation because when
it sounds like value an engineer it
sounds like we're doing something less
and while you get started I'm going to
call in so I can hear the public
comments I don't want to traveling and I
apologize that I'm not gonna be in the
let's call it three and then see what
we're at with time and I can meet like
one minute I wasn't gonna talk because I
just found out about last night I like
to prep myself but I do have some
information that you might want to hear
um esmerola Caldera
come up here
anybody to start first all right
hello PPS board my name is Esmeralda
Caldera I have a son Benicio Caldera
James who's a junior at Jefferson High
School I would like to express my
concern about the decisions to move
students across town during the
modernization of Jefferson Magnet High
School Jefferson High School
comprehensive plans started spring of
2022 and included extensive public
on December 13 2022 PPS unanimously
approved the plan the next phase was
design and permitting now September 2023
after multiple Community engagements and
millions of dollars being spent on
seismic designs the budget does not
allow for the remaining 534 students to
attend classes on site it was never
communicated to the parents that the
current students would be at a swing
that was one of the main reasons why
most community members chose the current
design from the various options
we have been told from the beginning it
would not feel so sneaky
I'm sure the community would have opted
for a new building very similar to the
construction pack of Lincoln or
these meetings are held with little
notice in the afternoon when most
parents are at work
the negative effects of these decisions
have immense consequences to the
students faculty and parents
Benicio is a student athlete this move
will have negative effects with
increased commute
challenges with Transportation cost and
time potentially affecting his
well-being and extracurricular
what is the plan for the college program
at Jefferson how will that program be
I'm proposing an alternative solution
change the current seismic design or
approve additional Monies to accommodate
the necessary changes
have the Juniors and seniors attend
classes at PCC freshmen and sophomores
attend a swing site like Kenton
the families were told that the students
could not attend PCC for high school
because of zoning restrictions
that it would take years to change but
when KGW reached out to the city of
Portland a spokesman for the zoning
department said quote unquote they could
likely make an exception they have not
done so because no one has asked them
quote unquote
I can only speak from personal
experience when my older boys were in
school our family was commuting to
Ainsworth West Sylvan and Lincoln when
we decided to have two more children I
wanted to make sure my younger children
attended their local school and it has
been life-changing I am respectfully
the reconsideration of the relocation
plan more Community input and oversight
on this project thank you thank you
thank you committee members for this
opportunity to speak to
my name is Monica Pitchford I am the
parent of a Jefferson student and a
concerned member of the community
I want you to put a pause on the process
to find a community informed solution
01h 25m 00s
an example would be to use a combination
of Kenton and PCC and Portables on the
Kenton campus which has room for that
the modernization committee has misled
us repeatedly and we don't trust them
they promise to keep our kids on or near
I don't want my child in an unreinforced
building but I want her close not 11 and
a half miles away
the modernization committee is
deliberately wasting time with
obfuscation to push Marshall onto a
community whose number one priority is
to keep our kids close
we understand that it's about the
numbers but you're not saving money by
moving Jeff kids to Marshall you're
transferring the financial burden to a
community that is under-resourced and
least able to shoulder it
transferring the financial and
logistical burden onto the Jefferson
Community contradicts the district's
racial Equity goals
PPS has a racial Equity policy goal of
providing Equitable access even when
that means differentiating resources to
accomplish the goal
the time to differentiate resources is
why is PPS
urgently focused on Equity when it's
about Grant athletes going seven miles
for sports but not for our kids who
would have to go over 11 miles every day
for three years
pause the process work with us to find a
solution that doesn't transfer the
burden onto US keep your promise keep
our kids close to home
thank you chair Hollens and committee my
name is Jennifer Hall and I am a Kenton
Oakley green and Jefferson alumni
here representing my eighth grader
Sequoia Hall
who attends Lockwood Green Middle School
and participates in several pil Sports
for the Jefferson teams as well as those
from Jefferson High School family who
are not able to be here today and speak
we feel blindsided by the decision to
relocate students to Marshall 13 miles
away from our house
after being told in meetings dating back
one year ago that we would be able to
stay on campus without any timely
communication or dialogue with the
affected parties
Athletics and dance are at the core of
Jefferson's identity
with more students opting to go to other
high schools which will cause
our enrollment at Jeff will plummet and
we'll obliterate our programs we have
tried so hard to uphold
when our enrollment decreases this will
allow you to decrease educator ftes and
would likely Cascade us into losing our
private teachers
this displacement will increase traffic
Stress and Anxiety for the entire
Jefferson Community while decreasing
study time quality sleep and overall
Mental Health
depending on school buses for
transportation has proven unreliable and
we are asking that you please consider
alternative locations with us that are
less invasive to our children's Futures
and do not uproot us further from North
and Northeast Portland
why can't we inquire more in depth about
Portables and hybrid options with Kenton
and PCC sites
can we utilize the gym fields and dance
studios sooner than 2027.
all of us want to see our children
succeed so please consider your own
families when you decide on ours thank
Andre Lawrence
uh do I start yep stay tonight all right
Andre Lawrence uh I'll run Youth Sports
for Jefferson High School and my big
concern right now is those youth uh
students how is Youth Sports going to
continue uh right now we uh we have
crowd country football uh volleyball
right now in the fall basketball and
wrestling in the winter and track and
field in the spring and our our Kia that
we get we get it from Tubman
ugly green uh fogging and Vernon how are
these kids going to get to Marshall to
be able to continue to play sports
um so that's the scare for me with me
running a youth sport are we thinking
about how are those kids going to be
able to continue this phase of playing
the sport
uh so that's a big problem for me of one
of them is continuing that the other
thing is that's scary is when we start
01h 30m 00s
talking about a three-year phase I coach
girls basketball in Jefferson High
School as well so if you're a freshman
um you won't never see the new Jefferson
so in reality when we start talking
re-going or if I moved to a different
school that's the school I'm going to
graduate from this this new school is
going to be for the kids that seventh
graders are in below so in reality once
I there's no hard problem for a parent I
would just go to Grant because that's
where I'm gonna graduate from I don't
have to make a decision to say am I
gonna go back to Jefferson because it's
a three-year deal right and so that's
the thing too so this move is affecting
our high school our current high school
kids and those are kids that's going to
affect when you start talking about it
we keep talking about the 1909 building
and the community and we keep saying
Community I was in those meetings but
um when we started on the community we
all said we wanted to keep that building
because they said we can keep the kids
on you guys change your mind so we
should be able to change ours yeah so we
so when we when you guys said okay well
we can't keep we can't keep the building
so you can't stay in there okay we
choose the most important thing to us
now is the kids to be on site so give us
a Lincoln right and it's funny how
nothing we can't do this we can't do
that but with Lincoln is we can make
everything happen
um but at the same time we you say I
feel I I know how you feel
um always use an example when somebody's
a kid get killed and somebody says I
know how you feel you don't know how
that person feels so in reality you guys
don't know how I feel I've been around
Jefferson since 1996. you guys don't
know how I feel right so I'm up here
fighting for the community to stay whole
right because what happens is once this
community breaks up we break up that's
why we said we got kids we were way out
regression we got people in Beaverton
Vancouver we lost our community already
my mom said this and I'm gonna go out on
this because it goes back what she said
earlier they're trying to do what they
did to us back in the day and bust you
guys out because they've been trying to
close us forever and that's the scary
part right and so just like I said when
perception is reality you guys may not
be trying to do that at all I'm not
saying you are but the perception of it
when we're not trying to and communicate
with because you guys did not do a good
job communicating earlier I heard that
oh we made a great thing to communicate
with the community okay with the
community when we found out they
couldn't stay no you didn't you guys
came to us when you guys had made a
decision about moving to Marshall it was
sneaky meetings and that's not fair to
us for you to come to the board and say
we know with the community no we didn't
you guys just told us what you guys what
decision you guys made so I'm gonna
leave it right there and all I want to
say is we got to make sure we think
about the babies when we start talking
about mood just moving uh kids from one
place all the way 12 miles away
button and I've tied Jefferson for 27
years and I I didn't I wasn't gonna say
anything because I didn't hear about
this until just like on an email today
and I like to prep so I've been here
since before reconstitution so those
that have been in the community know but
this is my old student
that was my old student right and so
well said so like I was kind of debating
like I don't like to speak unless but I
did have some data like I teach seniors
right now so like our middle college
program will die if this happens like
you can't compare us to other schools of
the attrition I really like my heart
like we didn't know like I got an email
that we're gonna go to Marshall so the
fact like for me they love to do this we
go off on summer break and then we find
out like I'm going to Marshall right
they've been doing this to Jefferson
Community forever this is like the final
displacement right our building
everything around I'm not telling
anything to anybody that you don't
already know
um but it needs to be said right all
around and I'm from North northeast
Portland right so it's all been
gentrified we're like the last holdout
yeah so then when we go you can't talk
numbers of like oh their numbers went up
Grant numbers one up Grant was like 2
000 when they moved okay we're at five
I'm like we will be done and then who
comes back in here everybody it won't be
this Jeff and it's not the building like
this is the building right I taught
Andre right I'm teaching his kids I've
got their kids right now so it can work
if you get creative people around the
table I don't like other people making
decisions as far as I loved your
questions I was like that's the first
time I'm like oh my gosh people that are
like us I'm like yes you're and I know
I'm so I was like Martin
um but Middle College can't work I teach
senior and career they're giving 15
college credits so my seniors so I was
like talking to people I I was I was off
in a work trip in San Diego for us right
I'm like why don't we just our kids my
seniors take 15 college credits they're
01h 35m 00s
taking calculus they're taking their
science classes for age for their
science or radio over at PCC and when I
go over there with them they're taking
PCC classes the juniors are taking a a
college class their English classes
College over their Joel credit so then
all of a sudden they start taking more
PCC class classes and we're getting so
we're not talking about putting our
whole population there let's get them
there with me there and their Math
teachers there and then all of a sudden
PCC in their future because I know they
made an offer
and and it was too I know there was an
offer made and somebody said no okay so
we need to go back to the table
and then maybe Kenton maybe our Junior
our freshman suffers our kitten or maybe
there's a few Portables now maybe we
can't afford a few Portables but we need
to rethink because I am a creative team
teacher I've been do I problem solve all
day long for what student need you need
something else you're my student I'm
gonna problem solve for you I do it all
day long I just want to be at the table
right I work with PCC because if we go
to Marshall you can say I'm gonna bust
them to it it doesn't work it's not
going to work our partnership will be
dead PCC will go under right we want
kids we have a 97 graduation rate
because we wrap our arms around our kids
we have kids getting I have a girl that
went to American University for three
years because she had 15 important state
credits and she had taken PCC classes we
have kids going to college we have kids
going to trades right that is what we
want and we have fostered this
relationship when they try to close our
doors the beginning all right they try
to close us down and Carol Smith said
we're going to leave you alone she was
the first person to say we're gonna
leave you alone do what you're going to
do and that's when our graduation rate
went up talk to Margaret Calvert
principal of the year that was a
community effort that was us saying
we're gonna do this right and you guys
so we'll spread our family like this is
what it is right Benicio Benny I'm good
right so I'm just saying like I'm so
glad like we have to pause this we can't
just talk statistics and numbers and we
do need to build the best school we were
the last ones chosen people say Well
they're finally redoing your school I'm
like yeah
there's a well we're not blessed but
we're almost right so it's like
us but you know what I mean like we were
the oldest building almost to Tumble
like we weren't they were probably
hoping we wouldn't anyway I'm sorry I
wasn't prepped but I just those numbers
like I wanted to be like like when Julie
started asking like we can do this we
can figure out a way but you got to get
the right people at the table to be
creative about it and it's not just
about the numbers like that so I have
three sheets of time and I just it's
less thank you according yeah
to get the community money for like
what's wrong for some more money like
find more money if it was anybody else
we would find more money
and the community
center like community members think like
here they go again is what I'm going to
say is like here's another here it goes
again when I'm talking to people like me
I appreciate your time thank you so much
do you have time for one more assistant
no it's fine we could do one more you
got you got two minutes I'm gonna cut
off at two minutes okay thank you
but don't start the clock
Georgie Abraham Honnold a long time
Jefferson volunteer and PTSA board
member I'm reaching out to him
say your name slowly Georgie
g-e-o-r-g-i-e Abraham
hyphen h-o-n-l
now okay
I'm reaching out to express my
frustration with the latest announcement
for the Jefferson modernization yet
again our community has been misled
about another step in the plan
the latest decision without real
informed discussion was said to have
been decided the plan to move our
students and staff to Marshall for the
modernization has been taken off the
table as an option and our community was
repeatedly told that the students would
not be moved now we're being told there
are no other options
this is not acceptable this community
does not need another challenge to have
to face in the wake of covid racial
Injustice Uprising and the constant
history of inequity Jefferson High
School has had to endure
we're a strong and unique community that
has amazing gifts Within These Walls our
community has been underserved
throughout the district for years and
despite that we have fought our demo
Pride again and again
to move our students and staff to
Marshall for the modernization will have
unacceptable impacts this will
negatively affect our attendance our
01h 40m 00s
enrollment our students abilities to
engage in sports and other school
activities our PCC program will be
negatively impacted as well
the program that program is a big draw
for our students and our families our
parents and caregivers will be impacted
financially there will be a huge huge
emotional impacts for both students and
the previous meeting which people got
notification with one day again a
pattern of behavior put out by the
district was met with opposition to the
idea of moving Jefferson High School
since then we have been hearing more
confusion and frustration from our
community about this decision and the
way this meeting was run and handled by
the panel
my mother was a graduate from JHS in
1962 my husband in 1988 born and raised
in North Portland my son graduated in
2018 my daughter in 2020. I have been a
dedicated volunteer with PBS in North
Portland for years I've been involved
and or on the JHS board PTSA board for
the past 10 years I have stayed on with
the PTSA even as my children have moved
on I have a son to go to JHS in two
years he has been a dedicated volunteer
at Jefferson as I have over these years
he will be crushed if he does not get to
attend JHS we will not be able to
commute out to Marshall he is an athlete
artist musician very smart and looking
forward to the PCC program both my other
older kids took full advantage of that
wonderful program we will not be able to
attend and participate if he is to go
out there it is just not financially
feasible for our family this that is the
conversation for many of our families
one that is not unknown just ignored
when people are not impacted making
decisions based on business instead of
considering all the factors involved
especially the human factor I along with
others are asking that the district put
this decision on pause to consider other
options and the Community Voices that
are in opposition of this negatively
impacting decision to move JHS to the
Marshall Marshall campus one more effect
of this pattern of behavior with the
district and the JHS Community is the
matter of trust it has been broken time
and time again
this is yet another example of how and
why people are unable to believe in what
is being said the impact of losing more
trust will be huge how you choose to
handle this modernization with JHS
Community is an absolute golden
opportunity to put into action the
commitments you made to our underserved
students and family especially those
students and families of color Jefferson
is the poorest skin thank you thank you
all right I'd like to have a couple just
a couple follow-up questions
the community right so it seems like
when you guys let me know it seems like
you know one of the reason why
this community agreed to be the maximum
line buildings until they thought that
kid was going to be able to stay
it's not accurate
I don't think that really close those as
equal in our options
um like it wasn't like if if we go with
this option your kids will describe no
that was never discussed in that manner
it was all options always had the kids
staying on campus it was always supposed
to be phased with students occupying
construction site every option so if
that's not necessarily
pause of the project I've heard that
come up I haven't heard that come up
during the
other Mania Jeff
what would that do
for the project and we pause the project
the community you know that you know we
talk about we hear from a long time to
come up with some solutions
the schedule is
busy it's very expensive so pretty
positive projects it went to the
language at least a year
which time that's the dollars
increase the cost as well
which did we then require additional
funds or reduction list
all right you know the only other
I guess my only thought would be if if a
conversation came back around to to
pause out and you know for whatever the
um if we're saying pause I I would want
to make sure
because it's going to cost money
um that that cause actually includes
like it's we're very intentional about
the level of dialogue that we want and
that we're not
um and I don't I think I just I like to
say stuff so that it could be said that
we're not having a pause so that we can
01h 45m 00s
just go through some steps so that we
can say I heard they spoke and then this
is what we're going to do but that we
may actually have to break the
Architects back out we may have to do
some redesigning we may have to give
some some replanting we may have to look
at some new level of zoning based on the
input that we're getting from different
ones and the building could actually
look completely different from what it
looks right now and all of that's going
to cost money
um all that's going to cost time but I
think the only way to effectively go
into a real pause is to go into it with
that that level of critical thinking
the entire plan that we have we could be
scrapping because we're we're trying to
do and that's just like I said I I'm
sure that that's something that doesn't
need to be said but you know I'm going
to have it
um of just saying stuff that reinforces
what we've already um and what we're
yeah I mean I I want to elevate the
voices of the teachers and coaches I
wonder they're the ones I know
I think if they raise these issues it's
a real issue
I just want to say like I mean I
personally would like to explore more
creative options
more options to find more money if you
need it so let's pose that question you
know judgment here
what would it take
to do what we said we was going to do
is that the additional 200 million
dollars that was
presented as far as an over the overage
we just went with the original plan
changed nothing then yes but I don't
think that's creative you know so I
we went back to the drawing board tried
to figure out other options then a pause
would be
necessary our project teams just to be
clear we're working Within
the the scoping copies
the the slope schedule and budget that
we were doing absolutely you know what I
mean and
that's what we are just trying to do to
do what we can within the the variables
we can control right work within we
don't have the ability to say pause give
us 100 million dollars we have you know
we can just ask for 320 tomorrow we'll
get it so we have to try and make our
school schedule and budget work
um fair enough so
can I hear you right no I hear you okay
yeah I mean I understand where you're at
but you know I guess it's for me is when
we tell the community stuff and we
and we kind of put our name on that
how do we
do the best that we can
to make sure that the promise that we
stays true
and I understand that you know the the
estimate that came back without a whole
nother issue but so how how can we if if
we can is is there any other ways to
keep the promise that he said
yeah I don't think there's a short
answer to that question and
it's all going to be trade-offs right if
we if there's a positive project that
delays the project that delays the
completion it also potentially puts the
entire project at risk uh if there's for
example if there is a desire okay let's
go ask traditional funds
additional funds needs to come from the
likely funding stores would be a general
obligation Bond question
but that potentially
wouldn't be authorized and therefore the
project was not entirely
so there's just there's a bunch of
different trade-offs and risks and I'll
just throw this at a little bit for
process wise but when we got the the
first cost estimate that we've asked in
the contractors we realized that
the largest High School
and maintain the scope and
and so that that week-long effort that
went through we actually in just like a
visual it's dozens and dozens of
designers around the table it is the
Architects as Engineers as civil
01h 50m 00s
engineers such as cost estimators and we
provide in community members who've been
part of the conference planning process
because that process starts with what
are the values of the project
and one and so when we have to make
decisions what is that how what values
do we prepared
and admittedly that's you know that's a
you know a week 12 project it's not and
it's all day and it's not every
that is the way to help look at
retaining the 1909 the existing plan
that we had in place how can we get
creative to do that
uh what are just other completely
different options such as building on
the track or building south side and
what are all of those different impacts
scope scheduled budget Community Values
and comparing all of those and through
that process
collectively this four dozen group of
people like this is the clearly most
viable option as far as the end up build
what is that hundred year product look
but that requires students to go offset
to make sure that we try to stay true to
our products and unfortunately
because of the scope and account and the
additional cost no matter if you don't
have this is the best option for Jeff
correct okay
now I know that's not I know that's not
great to hear
and you know I know you know for for our
community you know when we look at
how things have been done to us you know
not with us
um I and I can understand this because I
I think this process was a lot different
um than processes in the past uh when
there was no Community engagement there
was no meetings there was no
um you know inclusion of folks and the
thing whether you came to the meetings
or not
um I was there at some of them
um I think this this process was
different and I know it's unfortunate
that you know
one of the things that we promised we
ain't going to be able to keep
I do believe strong expensive behind our
um that
the outcome of what we ended up getting
will be worth it
um and I still think there still could
be some some talks and conversations
about if we can partial do this partial
move theme
um as well
but it just it's just you know it is
just one of those things that you know
as a district that we apologize right
this is something that we thought we was
going to be able to do as far as keeping
our kids on campus and it just doesn't
look like it's going to be feasible to
do that and so from from the bottom of
my heart in the end from our district
you know we apologize for that because
that was never the intention you know I
understand the outcome of this is a lot
it's how it feels and how it hurts you
know my family was one of those ones who
every time they talk about uh closing
Jeff we have meetings with the principal
on the field and all that stuff I
remember I remember my family going
through all that stuff so I understand I
heard I understand you know the
historical trust issues with PPS
um but I I do I will say that I think
this was done differently and I think
the intention was really to make sure
that we gave Jeff
I just have one more thing to say I
think with our student population it's
it's on a completely different scale
because we have so few students so
that's what you have to take into
consideration and the few students that
are left our family is leaving and all
the student athletes that come to my
house and eat lunch every single day
yeah they're leaving too yeah
I feed them kids every single day five
days a week I'm in their ear hustling
they have a great school Community if
what I'm saying is off-site does not
mean Marshall that's deep Southeast if
you're gonna take kids would you send
your kids to Deep South East no yes
I love family in our neighborhood it's
going to go deep south so I'm not
staying on site I'm saying be creative
we have I live in Kenton that building
is right there we have PCC I'm saying
half of our Juniors and seniors go there
already when you're talking 80
on my senior inquiry class I teach 52
kids in a class right now I team teach
in a space with somebody you know give
me a little classroom put 50 kids in
there I you can come visit me tomorrow
if you want don't say that because we do
01h 55m 00s
yeah come on up come visit me tomorrow
all I'm saying when we're saying off
site to not disrupt I get the budget and
you there's so many things not trying to
disrespect any of that or I don't want
it to stop because I get that I get bomb
money but when we're saying off-site
and you're displacing us to deep
Southeast that might not even be safe
for our students and like athlete all
this like something more creative
property can I have this yeah so if
there if if is there still options I
think that we still looking into to try
to keep them closer hand yes I found
this that person always with with PCC
with all of our different staff
um to try to think of ideas to make this
less burdensome for the community and if
in that process there's just some
miraculous idea like oh man if we could
do this I mean we can do this like oh
it's just I know that if we do any of
these other creative ideas it will
affect this level if we do anything
other than stay out of practice what we
have problems
99 sure we're going to start a year
later and it's going to delay you know
so I don't know that's beyond me and
that's okay I just don't understand the
full applications well the thing is this
what we're saying is even if we delay
our Middle College will die and our
literally our student population
like we could be at Marshall with 50
under 600 now barely 500 and over 100
those are graduating this year right so
that's 400 Stu that's less than four
that's 395 students and kids are
transferring out we have 150.
how many kids
- PPS Board of Education, BoardBook Public View, https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/915 (accessed: 2024-04-27T22:47:08.866461Z)
- PPS Board of Education, "PPS Board of Education - Committee Meetings" (YouTube playlist), https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk0IYRijyKDVmokTZiuGv_HR3Qv7kkmJU (accessed: 2023-10-14T00:59:52.903034Z)