2020-07-13 PPS School Board Policy Committee Meeting
District | Portland Public Schools |
Date | 2020-07-13 |
Time | 16:00:00 |
Venue | Virtual/Online |
Meeting Type | committee |
Directors Present | missing |
Documents / Media
2020 07 13 Policy Committee Agenda (19d669744596255f).pdf 2020_07_13_Policy Committee_Agenda
SearchSeizure UpdatedMemo 7 13 (ad7e3d57a9f83442).pdf SearchSeizure_UpdatedMemo_7_13
Search and Seizure Draft Policy (121ece411ad62dca).pdf Search and Seizure Draft Policy
Search and Seizure Redlined Policy just most recent changes (9e6bd4dfa99a8fba).pdf Search and Seizure Redlined Policy_just most recent changes
Search and Seizure Redlined Policy all changes (f6cd0c2243092ceb).pdf Search and Seizure Redlined Policy_all changes
Event 1: PPS Board of Education Policy Committee Meeting 7/13/2020
00h 00m 00s
and Julia will join us when she can so
first of all I want to apologize to
Jackson because I think I was supposed
to send you an email confirming this
time for the meeting and I I believe I
did not do that so my apologies but I'm
I'm glad you find your way here thank
um so the first item on the agenda is
that changes in title nine regulations
so I'm going to hand it off to marry me
and Mary are gonna help with that man is
here but she's unmute yes okay I'm
having in a very slow connection here so
I apologize there's a lot of feedback
I'm not sure if that's me or someone
else okay
Shirley Ann why don't you start and well
I guess I should introduce I don't know
if you have evolved met LeAnn LeAnn
O'Banion is a new title nine directors
she came in a year ago isn't it just a
year ago now and so and we're very
grateful to have her it was a long
search but but we're thrilled to have
LeAnn and she's going to explain some of
the there's been a lot of statutory
changes and and and she's gonna discuss
a little bit about that for you right
now okay thank you Mary for that are you
all hearing that feedback or is that
just me
you give up you ask me do hear it okay a
little bit Roseanne you're not muted
just to let you know and Mary is mute
okay that is much better thank you
whatever changed so thank you for having
me here my understanding is and that
you're interested in sort of a preview
of the various changes that title nine
various policies and that title nine
sort of touches which are there are a
lot of them I put together a document
have you all seen that or do I need to
share that again has up and shared with
everyone yes okay what is the most
helpful then should I it should we just
run through that document can it really
hop over to Quebec is it helpful to post
it so those who might be streaming in
can see it yeah I'd be happy to I don't
use WebEx very much so Mary maybe as I'm
talking could you do that oh yeah I love
that possibly do that let me see if I
can get it up for you okay I appreciate
that it's a little dog otherwise I can
present and do you mind if I just do a
quick run-through of what has happened
in LAN in terms of the statutory
framework if you like so the on the
federal level we have been waiting for
at least the last three years for
threatened regulations everybody knew
they were coming but nobody knew what
they were going to look like and when
some initial proposals came out there
was a lot of
back up about them which caused further
delay so we didn't receive the states
didn't receive the regulations until was
it the end of May animes that maybe
things so and so everyone would not just
PBS everyone has been scrambling both to
00h 05m 00s
read through to understand and then to
begin work on the implementation piece
and the implementation pieces is is made
more complicated because we also have
sometimes some state regulations and
some of which are in kind of tension
with the federal regs and so we have
been working to look at where there's
alignment and where there are
differences and then how to develop a
process that helps us align with both
would that be right Leanne would have i
synthesized a yes i'll take us back a
little further though to the number one
on this document which is to say that
there is right in 2017 when the
Department of Education pulled back the
existing guidance on title not I mean
ever since until May in February we were
sort of surprised
in fact Mary and I was sitting in a
title nine three-day compliance training
to get a notice from the US Department
of Education specifically essentially
giving warning to elementary and
secondary school systems that although
the focus in pain colleges and
universities for many years that now
they are putting their in to elementary
and secondary so I just put on the
or if you could scroll down a little bit
for me the four areas that they're kind
of focusing on and all of these are
relevant to the policy changes we're
going to be talking about I just sort of
wanted you to be aware that they're
gonna be looking at everything from
compliance reviews to public awareness
and support I would say also that's
education broadly of students staff
community they're gonna be doing data
quality reviews which is something
they've been doing in the university
venue for quite some time but have never
focused in k-12 and so a lot of the
focus here is on data collection
reporting and tracking so as as we move
through just sort of be aware and I've
also linked the do e letter here
and then if we could scroll down again
thank you with them so then comes May
six where the Department of Education
drops a 2004 three page new regulations
and I want to explain how this is
different from previous interpretations
of title nine so during the Obama
administration a lot of attention was
paid to sexual assault sexual harassment
as gender discrimination has sex
discrimination which is essentially
title nine as thirty seven words that
has been interpreted over time since
1972 to cover everything from
transgender rights and responsibilities
and schools to sexual and dating
violence stalking and other other things
so in the three years we've been waiting
for this NPRM to drop we sort of didn't
weren't really sure what was gonna
happen but we had some suspicions 2,000
pages are hard to sum up but I just put
some bullet points here for you in terms
of the the big changes
now these are the federal regulations
which often actually bump up against
what our state says that we need to do
so our challenge there's a diagram you
could scroll down is to essentially
align state and federal law with our
board policies some of this work was
began way before I got here through the
the Whitehurst report and other great
efforts and so our job now is to take
some of these new state laws
specifically Senate bill 155 and House
bill 307 7 and align it with the brand
new title 9 regulations which are
considered rule of law so one of the
differences between what the Trump
administration and the did and the Obama
administration did was Obama published
guidance which was not legally binding
00h 10m 00s
it was strongly encouraged in most
places adhere to what was in the
guidance the the new regulations are
just that they've gone through the
notice of proposed rulemaking and
therefore they are law they cannot be
changed without an act of Congress
essentially so the reason I included on
the federal side here title 9 which is
around sex discrimination and title 6
and 7 of the Civil Rights Act is because
these are all parts of sort of basic
civil rights title 6 and 7 have
employment aspect title 7 has the
employment piece of this and title 9
covers everything from student on
student situations all the way through
adult to student adult to adult sexual
harassment so it's very very vast I'm
gonna take a breath here and see if
anybody wants me to qualify anything
I've said so far
I have a question hopefully I have
several questions um so as I recall the
discussions around the changes at the
university level my sense was that kind
of the upshot of these new ranks was to
make it actually more difficult to
investigate and adjudicate sexual abuse
complaints that and that is what we're
lands going to get to that one of the
the key differences when I said there is
some tension between the state and the
federal the state has implemented its
kind of state version of title nine
that's the 3077 regs and if those regs
contain kind of a broader definition of
what sexual harassment is where and when
it occurs how and how the process should
be treated the new title nine regs are
very narrow both in definition of what
constitutes harassment and also in when
a school district even if it does occur
what when school districts would proceed
under title nine and I think the thing
that Anna and I have been talking about
and what we're working toward and I
think we have the process it's now we
just need to get the policies aligned
with it is to ensure that there's going
to be a an investigation none of which
is going to fall under this under the
state framework and then a smaller
section will be under the title nine
federal framework I mean that's what it
will look like okay so um so I like the
Venn diagrams and I don't know if the
Venn diagram is drawn to scale
so it is not what purport I mean I get
that there are two very different
approaches that are embedded in the
state side and the federal side so to
what degree are the state state statutes
and regulations which are relatively new
I mean it's some of them at least
to what degree the in alignment or out
of alignment with the new federal regs
mm-hmm so in the state of Oregon I mean
I'm just I'm so thankful to live in the
state of Oregon right now because in
this in this world of title 9 because I
think and I was not with the district
when the work was happening specifically
around 155 and 307 seven but my
understanding of the history from
talking to folks in the district who
were involved in that was that these
laws were because of the anticipated
outcome of what was gonna happen on the
federal side so the state of Oregon sort
of said yep feds they're gonna do what
they're gonna do but in our state we
want to make sure we have state law that
covers our ability to do the right thing
and continue to protect children with
what the feds regardless of what the
feds decide to do which which is
essentially they've narrowed the
definition at the federal level but our
00h 15m 00s
state has extended the definition so it
really comes down to what do we call it
right so if we know if there's an
allegation of some kind of sexual
misconduct that needs to be investigated
if it doesn't meet the narrow definition
that the feds have provided us then
likely it will meet the broader state
destinations yeah and so in House bill
307 seven specifically is codifying
title 9 law into state regulation so
they use title 9
terminology throughout that statute so
bottom line is what we can continue to
do what we know is it's consistent with
our organizational mission and values
and you know we we might have to call it
something different but I'm not
concerned that we won't be able to
continue to investigate everything know
the processes are different when it if
it bumps into a title night like if it
fits within that more narrow framework
then there are it was slightly different
but they're not I would say they're not
terribly different both under the state
and federal guidance investigations are
required notice is required to people
you know support services you know those
things they just look slightly different
particularly in the the hearing process
and on the on the federal level we are
we we are it's a it's optional we could
adopt the the kind of hearing that is
done at the college level we are not
going to it's it's very onerous it looks
it's more criminal requiring cross
examination student to sixth graders or
to eighth graders is just we found it
not it just it's not trauma-informed in
any learning form or function right so
there's a different process available
the challenge will be in this is
something we've started to talk about
will be on when employment when an
allegation is specifically between one
of our staff members and a child so if a
child alleges some kind of sexual abuse
or misconduct or their parent does the
person accused has some really specific
rights under the new title nine federal
statute and that includes the live
they're hearing as an option but not a
requirement and we need to figure out
how we're going to do that in practice
so kind of stay tuned but that's also
where Senate bill 155 sort of picks up -
is that specific adult to child
protection there are other questions I
think it might help if we scroll down
one and you see the policies that are
impacted there are a lot of them some of
these though I should say are not
because of the new title nine federal
published rules but there there are some
policies that I think could use some
updating just to be more aligned with
the kinds of language and terminology
that the district has been using for
some time so there these are arranged
and organized first by student and then
staff policies and then Mary and I sort
of rank ordered what we think is the
most important but needs to be addressed
first and so if you see that column that
says approximate timeline for committee
review we believe that the most critical
policy is the teen dating violence and
domestic violence policy revision and
then second to that I think is scroll
down but it's the Senate bill 155
revisions which is the adult to student
I believe yes staff to student so that's
kind of our second that we want to do
and we've already revised the sexual
harassment staff to student
administrative directive so it already
contains the language that was revised
by SB 155 so it's already in that's in
there as well as the the new proceedings
we just need the policy itself to
00h 20m 00s
reflect the the the changes made
by SP 155 and then the others were yeah
we we are open to hearing what others if
others would like us to move some of the
other policies forward sooner we were
open to that and we did recommend one
rescission and that's to five 10030 as
that that was the old grievance policy
for our old sexual harassment policy
which we've just changed to the
workplace harassment the administrative
directive to that workplace harassment
policy is being finalized now and
includes a a procedure and so this is
not necessary
does anybody else have a question
because I have a few so but I want to
give other people a chance no I just
have some fairly ranty statements well I
I'm thinking that we should reserve you
know at least five minutes at the end of
this section so that we can all indulge
in a good healthy rant or two so but
before then it did have a couple of
questions so the sexual harassment staff
to do policy yes why is that not covered
under the Professional Conduct
marry me want to answer that I have to
think about that first it's a that so
the professional conduct policy doesn't
specifically address the the definition
of sexual harassment as found in SB 155
that's that's the sex the sexual
harassment really is the kind of
outlining the statutory provisions for
sexual conduct
and I I think we need to change the name
of that it's a misnomer it's what it
really is is sexual abuse that's a
student it's not sexual harassment as
the statute is sexual conduct on that
right which has and so what this policy
is specifically talking about it is
sexual conduct as as I mean SB 155
there's a specific definition and
there's a you know and what happens when
substantiated findings are made we can
look at it in terms of the professional
conduct policy I think that's a because
I thought I mean correct me but wrong
but I thought after I mean after this a
while to do that professional conduct
policy and and I think it happened I
think we finalized that after SB 155 was
passed if you did after it was passed
before it was implemented correct so I
think we incorporated that language I
don't believe so but I think it deserves
another look the SB 155 focuses a lot on
what the rights of someone who has been
accused an adult in the building in
terms of their employment cross
reporting and investigations with other
entities I do not recall seeing that in
there but I can pull it up and make sure
I'm not missing something
well I think we can do for the next
meeting if you would like is do you put
the Q policy side by side and talk about
what we could speak more intelligently
about the differences and what seems to
be missing and whether incorporation is
possible well well I would like
desirable I mean I can imagine it might
be preferable from an administrative
point of view to have two separate
policies that talk about different
things but I'd yeah I'd like to find out
if I mean generally speaking I think
it's better to have one policy that's
kind of omnibus says it can be without
being totally diluted but it might make
sense to have a separate policy for
certain aspects you know there's
something for you if you okay yeah but
let's do that because there's um I
00h 25m 00s
believe and I've got the Professional
Conduct policy here but I believe that
there are gonna be a number of questions
like that as we sort of imagine opening
up all of these policies and comparing
them against the other ones that are on
the books and seeing you know maybe some
of these we can eliminate entirely and
integrate elsewhere
I largely depends on can we get the
specific definitions required but I'm
with you I think one policy that's
inclusive is but always better so I'm
gonna I'm gonna suggest that this is the
work of Leanne and Mary that they're
leading and that they bring those that
analysis forward as they bring the
policies forward in the priority that
they've outlined or as the board
committee would direct them differently
today so I think that analysis is part
of that work as they revised proposed
revisions to the policies that may be
required by these changes or that make
the policies more accessible
understandable to those who need to use
them so my question along those lines
then is the process of being that this
is my first time bringing you know
policies in front of you for a change
I would I would love some guidance about
stakeholder engagement so entirely we
have a process
that would be happy to work through that
with you on the front end we have
wonderful materials that are coming and
I've got yes so please work with Mary
and Shanice and Mary knows this well so
she will help guide you through that and
then we'll share the outcomes of that
with the committee one side engagement
so since it came up I'm just going to
give a little preview I think so our
next meeting is August 3rd and staff are
in the process of finalizing some some
thoughts around Community Engagement
protocols and in their hoping to have
them reading for the committee to
discuss at the next meeting on August
3rd yes I expect them to actually go out
well in advance at the meeting so you
have a chance to review them
it's a Rachel and Shanice and Danny in
particular although a lot of people have
worked on them have developed kind of a
user guide for proposing a change to a
policy or an ad or developing a new one
and then there's a particular component
for community engagement so we're trying
to every month to get a little more
consistent in a repeatable process that
helps when the policies arrive before
this committee so that the board members
have more work has happened on the front
end as opposed in the middle of the
committee process knowing that every
policy has its own journey and story but
yes those the effect I thought we would
maybe even have them to you all today
for next week's next month's meeting but
it didn't quite happen but they were
coming very very soon that sounds great
I think our biggest concern is just that
it's summer and with this being our sort
of top priority I have I have a small
group of students convened already but
that's where I'm looking forward to
working with Shanice and others to see
if we can't move it and get some
feedback before the the year starts back
up again and if it's not possible that's
okay too right a lot
it's important that student engagement
happen when students are present so we
have that with a lot of policies during
this step that sounds good
so Rita you had other questions I did
but I'm I'm taking up a lot of airtime
does anybody else have questions cuz I
get it I have a couple more but okay I'm
just gonna I'll jump in with one okay
just I'm looking at the grievance
procedure so just a question about the
process so well we look at that before
we agree on the rescission or do we know
that everything that we're getting rid
of in there is not is in some other
policy is there any anything that we
will be losing but as I mentioned I'm
I'm we are we are finishing up the
workplace harassment ad now that we have
the policy in place I've been working
with HR on that to make sure that we
00h 30m 00s
have that process in place for the
complaints and what I will do is
cross-reference it to this policy to
ensure that everything is in there and
and then we can we can go from there I
expect that we should have the workplace
for us when ad completed by next week
and it Marian Leanne of the subject
matter experts on this more than I
probably will ever be undoubtedly would
be I think it's a general policy Julia
to your question when you're being asked
when the board is being asked to rescind
a policy you should understand what's
gone and where it's been replaced in
other areas and we would make sure you
have that information okay great okay
my question is so these are relatively
new barrel rigs and older state statutes
but not terribly old are there deadlines
that need to be met on either the state
side or the federal site that we need to
keep in mind as we schedule these
different policies this thing has to be
ready with the title nine changes by
August 14 but that I think that the
entire the entire country is in a
scramble reality so I think also it's
important to know that at this point 18
States Attorney General have excuse me
have filed suit against the US
Department of Education specific to
these requirements that doesn't mean we
we don't move forward but it is
important to know that you know it may
not end up where we currently are and
you know Mary's right there there is a
scramble everywhere so I think it's more
important to get them right than to rush
to the August 14th deadline because in
practice the things that we're doing in
practice are not outside of what the
federal government would require us to
do so and we have also been implementing
the state changes and and in fact began
that before there was even finalization
right so I feel confident on our
practice in this district and as I
mentioned earlier I think we just need
to get our policies to align to what we
are doing and even just for a little
more contents context the council for
great city schools has signed on to one
of the pieces of litigation right
largely focused on the time for
implementation because of time as when
districts are really scrambling so it's
not just lip service to it but I do
think the fact that our practices are
largely in line and we've been doing at
the state level gives us a lot of cover
I mean I think well and work diligently
but I think I'm also comfortable with
the pace right which we're going and
organ is one of the states that are part
of that lawsuit
go ahead and right oh I was just going
to say that in the context of our last
meeting when when I was asked to reach
out to OTE about the other policy Emily
Nazareth we responded saying that she's
been hearing again in light of kovat a
lot of districts are coming forward
saying these are impossible asks at this
point so she she said that she was going
to have a discussion with Colt Gill to
see about either extending or waiving
the timelines that was for the ATS law
but I'm I'm imagining the same is true
for this I can loop back and find out
from her specifically if it's limited
but I just wanted you to know that
because that was I think I think they
are aware of how much is being asked of
districts at this point and as targets
it is for school districts colleges and
universities with these new regs have it
10 times more to change so that's our it
could it could always be worth so I can
I just we'd sort of talked about this at
the beginning but um I am still a little
because confused um so the state the
00h 35m 00s
state approach is much more expansive
correct and generally speaking under
federal Riggs there's usually some
wiggle room but but the wiggle room
tends to be well at least in this state
other states it's it's a relatively
narrowly defined something and the
states can broaden it wait but that's
because but the the purpose of these
federal regs is specifically to narrow
what I mean like it's not it's not by
accident but it's more narrow correct
the feds want to want to really press
mission it's okay well no I just like
how much wiggle room do we have we will
not there will be instances let's say a
case comes forward it may not fit the
narrow definition of a title 9 complaint
it will therefore not be treated as a
title 9 complaint it will however you
treated as a sexual harassment complaint
under state law so it's it's like it's
not that we're not going to move forward
on investigating and making sure that
that that we have the health and safety
of our students first and foremost it's
that you may process it in a along a
different path okay so we've got so we
get options like we're not we're we're
not gonna we're not gonna subscribe to
the feds narrowing the definition of
and making it more difficult but it
means that we're gonna be both we're
gonna adhere to Boeing we're gonna
adhere those and if there's a situation
that we want to pursue and control
regulations make it more difficult than
we have state statutes and regulations
that we can okay thank you you really
need a very simple example the new
pipeline federal regulations prohibit
schools from investigating things that
outside of buildings so it narrows what
we call the RAF
Nexxus - in buildings or during school
sponsored activities programs - are from
bus stops anything else under the
federal regulations can no longer be
investigated so online for example which
is the majority of my time is spent
investigating online harassment and and
discrimination so the title nine Fed
regulations say nope that's not part of
your job if it happened on the weekend
but we know that things that happen on
the weekend impact a person's ability to
feel safe right when they come back to
the school building
so under state under houseful 307 seven
our rationale Nexus is anything we just
determine it to be if it has an impact
on the person then we we can't and
should pursue that okay good thank you
that's that's reassuring thank you
any other discussion are are we okay
with the prioritization of these I quit
question I added the complaint what is
it called it's the uniform complaint
procedure in there and I had heard that
somebody was working on that are you
familiar is anyone familiar with that to
the formal public complaints hmm yep yes
that's the problem there's a that's a
division 22 mechanism and compliance and
been a very important tool beyond
compliance I mean elevating concerns
individualized and systemic and there is
a complaint procedure required under
title 9 and other laws and so there I
think it's a worthy inquiry for staff to
make and come with a recommendation
about whether there's any impact to that
particular complaint process or not we
we do have multiple complaint processes
that are mandated by various state and
federal regulation it may be that we
just need to change tweak some of the
language in the uniform that policy to
include a
reference to title night and some of
those other ones so if somebody's
already working on it it may my my fix
00h 40m 00s
may be really simple it will take that
off my Lea okay thanks
okay um anything else on this okay
um thank you this was this was very it's
a ton of work I really want to thank Lee
Ann and Mary for diving into mm and plus
pages of regs and a lot of me with
seminars and self-study and trying to
synthesize that with state law it is as
you can see a very complex and and very
important issue so I really I think them
both for their work on this Thank You
Liz appreciate it thank you all okay
thank you okay next up policy public
comment periods search and seizure
so as of 250 this afternoon which is my
last update on this we have not received
any additional public comment we did as
you were calling our June 22nd meeting
there was a request for incremental
reach out to some community
organizations to check in on the changes
that had been made to make sure that any
other can there are any other concerns
that those had been surfaced and then
Shanice was leading the charge on that
and then Shanice do want to give us a
brief update on the reach out and what
you heard yeah I can share briefly you
know as you know there's been several
touch points along the way with an
engaging stakeholders on this you can
search and seizure policy and at a June
meeting we have taken directive to just
inform folks of where we are and the
process as we began some engagement
in in September so I'm gonna do a brief
walkthrough so we we all can take the
journey together for a short moment so
upon the beginning of the school year
the Portland Committee on community
engaged policing community hailing
initiative and a number of other
organizations were consulted about
giving some feedback on the policy and
that initial feedback was very much in
line with what we heard from students
and that student engagement that took
place in the fall with our student
council and in a number of our classes
of high schools and inquiry classes they
we were able to really define core
themes and priorities and so those were
really centered around getting parent
consent in terms of scenarios where an
officer might identify a student as as
an interest to interview and also
reasonable suspicion kind of talking
about how that might show up in the
context of schools and reflecting on
their their identities and experiences
and in the culture at their building so
we heard those priorities in the fall
and Danny had the opportunity to work
with our student board director Maxine
on taking those priorities in
identifying some suggested language
changes so we took those language
changes back to students earlier before
our school closure in the spring and
we're able to be affirmed and in the
path that we were headed in so following
that engagement we you know connected
about just the full scope if you will of
student priorities and wanted to make
sure those partners that we reached in
the beginning of the process in addition
to others that had had built
relationships with us along the way can
weigh in and provide any feedback that
they might not have already so stand for
children word is bond
brown girl rise and some other folks who
they coordinated on on some calls in the
last couple of weeks we're able to talk
about this policy in its state that it's
00h 45m 00s
in now and kind of our firm once again
where students are at and say the one
thing I'd add is of course a deeper
discussion on the role of officers in
schools and how the the culture and
climate of schools generally show up in
the context of how someone might be
searched so that that was a conversation
and there I I think I think there is a
memo that might in a very brief way
share what I have just described to you
all so hopefully that gives you a sense
of the journey we've taken from
September to now and know we have some
students on the call as well who I know
were able to specifically Nathaniel
connect with Mary on some questions that
were left
especially after doing someone engaged
in it through through the year and
hopefully hopefully that helps and I
can't address any questions and or
clarify any touch points along the way
okay any questions so I'm just looking
at the memo shanise in those three sort
of things that the parents affirm are
things that had already and that path is
the game that we very to track it and so
that that's an ongoing conversation
about how we how we keep keep that and
how we keep track of who's being
searched and why and I know that that's
a place we've wrestled with as a policy
committee and I think we've talked about
that some of our staff are gonna create
the tracking tool correct Rita yes I
just wanted to interrupt you sorry
because you cut out at the beginning so
um we we heard you when you started
talking about the tracking system I was
the memo shinee's had mentioned in the
three areas that the parents and
Stanford children and other groups that
sort of reiterated that Shanice also
mentioned and that the tracking tool was
was one that was really important and
that it be disputed
but just a name that we know the flaw in
the tracker is that we're asking the
very people who might be looked at
strenuously to be the ones tracking and
so it's just you know I think we need to
continue as a board to think
thoughtfully about that tool in that
system so that it does what we're
articulating that I do which is to track
you know the equity of searches and how
the policy is actually being lived out
okay thanks
any other comments on the policy in
general yeah the title at the last
meeting I mentioned that the title was
like holistic formulation and I had
me I would pull it up but I know I think
we talked about retitling it searches of
students and their property rights
something I can pull up the exact one in
front of me - but but a more less
constitutional Fourth Amendment sounding
firm the police or district police
officer or district attorney might use
and something that tells what's going on
this is about searching students and
their property
I think we'd even moved it farther Liz
last I'm where Julie I said something
like student rights in search and
seizure source something like that that
it really did focus on the student I'm
sort of agency in this policy thank you
for remembering my brilliant fun at the
time okay I don't feel strongly it
should be doesn't somewhat it is so okay
so let me um Liz let me ask a question
if we change the title is that
considered considered a substantive
change requiring okay so we can make an
executive decision in this committee but
I think it has to be today
correct and I I think you would align
00h 50m 00s
today and then I think you would make a
recommendation to amend it at the board
meeting right okay but I I'm motion to
amend it what I'm what I'm saying is
it's on the agenda for tomorrow's board
meeting yeah be second read tomorrow
okay okay unexpected happens okay so
okay so we're going to we can no longer
punt on this story Americans so let me
ask Sinise we've heard two possibilities
sort of
gentle language given what you heard in
the community engagement processes do
you do you have any strong feelings when
way the other about the language either
one of those options my my gut reaction
is you know we have a lot of discussion
too about the administrative directive
maybe clarifying some of the overall
intent of what we're wanting to commit
to with these changes so I think I would
lean on on the proposed language that
might articularly on what we're talking
about the two priorities one being
talking about our commitment to racial
equity and that there will be a tracking
system that it will exist that an
accountability system will exist I'm not
sure how you might need to say that in a
policy but maybe hinting that that it is
a spirit of it it will be existing I
think we will suffice
okay so I think the current language
does that are you suggesting that it
doesn't the language of the policy but
not the title I think is what she's
right right okay so okay so so can
somebody repeat what the two options are
for title the one that I floated to
Julia over the weekend was searching
students hold it up here of students and
their property searches of students in
their property thank you Mary
and what we had discussed
Policy Committee with something like
rights of students during searches of
students and their properties property
but it's I don't know that the policy is
just the rights of students I mean I
think it has procedures and protocols
for lots of different constituent
parties so I don't know if that is the
most accurate but I think the sense of
we want to really mark that this policy
is for students to use also to sort of
ensure that they're being respected or
that they're able to sort of have agency
around their own rights I think I agree
with theirs Lowry now that I'm catching
up and I think also Nathaniel recently
met with with Mary and I and we're
discussing this notion of what is and
isn't property or rights of students
when it comes to technology or certain
kinds of properties so I think the plain
wing as plain as language is to describe
what the policy is doing in to your
point I think describing that the right
and experiences of students through
these changes and said I think are
ultimately the important part okay do
okay so the two the two titles on the
table are searches of students in their
property and the second is either
students rights or rights of students
during searches of person and property I
am mister with the language a little bit
I like the persons and property line
00h 55m 00s
that was good Rita and I I mean I want I
mean I want this to be about student
rights but I know that the policy goes
beyond that so I think that maybe Liz's
suggestion from over the weekend better
captures captures the fullness of the
property policy let me go but we might
want to have the title be aspirational
that's up to the committee so you think
the mention of the students rights would
be aspirational or not aspirational but
I think the policy covers more than just
student rights but that that could be an
in not aspirational but an indicator to
the community that that's part of our
focus and part of our priority even
though the policy entails more than
student rights but I don't know if that
then makes it confusing Liz I think we
can we can make it work right so I think
the only thing I would caution you
against is you want to make sure that
student students rights are in this
policy are about searches and their
property it's not a broader policy on
student rights all right so it needs to
be framed that way with that if that
language is tired I think that's fine
okay students rights regarding searches
of person and property I'm good with
I see Nathanael nodding does that mean
you're good all right are you good Liz I
onion I'm I'm fine with that okay I'm a
little uncomfortable I have to say
making a change in the title for a
policy that we've been we've been
excruciating ly detailed about four
months um I think we finally looked up
just at a little higher elevation I
think it was the right thing to point
out at the last meeting I think it it's
more and has the right focus and it has
better language but I don't think it
doesn't change the substance of what has
already been
first read I think it's more plain
English explanation okay so alright so
this is a little singable
easy but so so in the interest of making
it more excruciating do we want to say
students rights or rights of students
regarding of person and property
students rights students rights okay
going going gone I think okay can we
make that change
it's gone so we'll need tomorrow a
motion to amend the policy and I think
that's I can't imagine that there'll be
any dispute about that Jim in the
meeting okay cool okay so um so I think
we're we're ready to bring this to the
board for vote Mike it's gonna get an
adopted before school starts Rita I know
so thrilling here so so I want to I want
to thank Shanice and Danny and everybody
else who was involved in the community
engagement I think it really did help I
can get helped enormous Lee actually so
um it's it's a better policy now than it
was when we started so and it's I think
immensely better than what is currently
on the books so so I think this is going
to be a good thing for students so okay
thank you
alright so let's move on to in a much
more scintillating topic OSB a revisions
process so Rosanna can I impose on you
to put that short deck up overstatement
it's three simple slides just so people
can follow along visually this chart
just give me
second I get it sure I'll get the
preamble here we've been engaged in
quite some time on this engagement with
O SBA to assess our current policy
manual if you will with the model
policies that they have and that
involves us be a part of what we
contracted for is to line up each of our
policies to if it exists a corresponding
01h 00m 00s
OSP a model policy to see where the
differences are where there may be
opportunities for a different
perspective legal compliance certainly
when the legislature adopts changes and
OSP a captures those and flows them
through that model policy manual knowing
which of those policies ties to our
policy will help us do those legislative
updates much more expeditiously so I
think when we set out to do that do this
OSP a work that was certainly at the
forefront of our mind what we have found
is that it is a slow process and that's
not a criticism at all it's just the
nature of the beast and part of it's
because it's I mean it we waited for a
long time and our so SBA is still
working through all of the chapters
they've done some but they haven't
finished yet and when we take a policy
that's been reviewed by OSB a and we
have thanks for a say in we can go ahead
and go to the second slide or the third
slide sorry the second slide textual
cite thank you um when we when we go
through that what we find is that there
may be really meaningful changes to be
made they aren't necessarily urgent and
in order to engage the functional policy
owner the staff expert if you will in
that area or the person who has
responsibility it's not always the
highest priority on their plate
appropriately so I might add I think
that's proper prioritization not saying
that this should trump
I don't know things like oh good
response and budget and re-entry
planning and all of those things so one
of the reasons we wanted to just have a
brief conversation with this committee
is to talk about how the work is
progressing and to talk about how we
prioritize it and it is we certainly
take opportunities if we have an urgent
if the committee wants to consider
something consider all the policies
implicated by title 9 we're not going to
wait for that section of the OSB a
policy manual to emerge when that comes
through we will also pick out the OSB a
model policy and we will use that as a
source of comparison content correction
any of those things wouldn't when we it
certainly will take advantage of
leapfrogging anytime that that's helpful
to make the workflow but right now we're
just sort of walking through the process
absent those that that get taken out of
line we're just walking through chapter
8 and chapter sevens in the wings and it
occurred to us that we should check in
with committee to make sure that's how
you want that work to proceed Rosanna
could you go to the last slide this
gives you a sense of the chapter 8 isn't
present here but here are the other
subject matters in the remaining seven
chapters and we are happy to continue on
as we are doing we are happy to make
some different prioritizations we'd love
some feedback on the order of the
chapters at a minimum we can make those
decisions all day long but we work for
you you three so we want to make sure
we're working in the order and in the
manner you want us to I'm going to pause
it questions about the work itself or
any discussion on the prioritization
it is until you're right Liz sorry if I
miss that but this is the order in which
they are currently prioritized or this
is in no certain order its I just didn't
put the numbers that's just chapter 1
chapter chunk check oh okay yeah if you
don't make any choice your price our
students we should I think we should
prioritize students I agree with check
on Sam so I guess the question I would
have is is this like moving forward with
this the driver of the committee
meetings or will we still have mixed in
these other priority policies I do not
think this by virtue of a review process
should be the top priority unless it is
for some other reason I think when you
have changes like title 9 or any of the
01h 05m 00s
others that are in the queue I think
those should be the the most important
work should rise to the top so this is
just an justice question the most
important thing I think we were trying
to get out of out of this was the new
numbering system so when statutes
changed we have some of the auto auto
pickup is there a process by which you
could just like put everything through
it and then it comes out our policies
but their numbers on it each versus
looking at the each each of the policies
and like didn't keep ours
or do we keep theirs or is it just like
Cooney supercharged like hey you get 80%
of the new numbers on our old policy
needs and then we could work from there
but then we would have accomplished the
one of the primary objectives between
hitting connected since that the numbers
yeah so that will happen no matter what
right as soon as OS ba is done with
their their walk through that work has
done it so that will happen as a matter
of course and we will need it to happen
by the next legislative session because
this will not be through all these
policies by that we will that that will
inform even more work what it doesn't do
if you stop there is it doesn't get you
some of the you know outdated policies
or some of the compliance changes that
may be embedded in the oh s ba policies
that did not over the years get picked
up I mean we have policies going back as
you saw earlier today to 1976 and so
it'll get you partway there but you'll
still I still recommend going through
each and every policy at some point in
this in the PPS policy manual regardless
of OS ba because it needs more clean up
it's got too many outdated policies in
it it doesn't it's written with
inconsistent focus and tone in many
instances and sometimes they're just bad
policies honestly and they're just
misstated we've rescinded some of the
big ones but there's more work to do
with the goal of having a policy manual
that you can find the most important
answers that you need to find easily
right and that no Liz this is Amy
you know episodically we stumble upon a
policy and we say this doesn't serve us
well we need to fix this do you have a
running list in your estimation of those
that are most problematic we have a
running list of policies that we think
are coming to this committee and they
include policies this committee has said
we want to address they've included
they include policies that are affected
by legislative changes or that staff
have come forward and said this doesn't
work well we need to fix this or they
are new policies that we think need to
so their current list contains finishing
out the Code of Ethics right we think
those policies are missing here so they
come from a variety of sources and then
that some of them we stumble across to
some of them require go ahead but we
haven't fed those interests into this
OSB a process yet not yet I mean we're
having this conversation early we're
partway through chapter 8 it's the first
one it took us a long time to get here
we're kind of figuring out what the
rhythm is and what the pace is and it's
it's slow because it isn't prioritized
by urgency right it's slow because we
are we kind of worked through
numerically and so it's going to get
prioritized at multiple staff levels and
then in the committee level and I want
to be really clear I am NOT I'm not
trying to say in nice words I think
there's anything wrong with that I think
that's a perfectly reasonable approach
but as we kind of work through it at a
pretty slow pace that isn't prioritized
by any criteria other than perhaps
selecting the chapter I want to touch
base and make sure the committee is in
line with that I start I have two
the first is since I'm old enough to
remember 1976 I think I can say quite
definitively that not much has changed
01h 10m 00s
at all Jimmy I wasn't born in 1976 so
tons has changed because I arrived we
can talk about that offline and I think
police anyway okay moving on so I guess
the other thing is I think we're still
so you guys staff has done some work on
capital H
but the committee has not actually you
you've got a taste of it and Claire's
coming back I think the plan is on the
next agenda to bring back that budget
question about what what's the
governance at the board level around
reductions in blades remember that
conversation so that really I can do
some work but really wrestled with that
was um it's not like a system just out
of my range
okay in this last meeting limit what was
that Julia your mic is live okay there
we go okay yeah I'm just trying to say
the committee has not wrestled with the
process of working through a chapter so
so it's a little we're still it's going
to be a process of discovery for us
still even for different and for staff
to I mean I we are at the we are at the
very beginning and I also would urge us
over the life of this project which is
probably at least 18 months to stay
nimble and agile as well we're just
doing an early process check-in so um so
I guess my third thing I would say is
that given that one thing that we might
want to think about is I guess the
dilemma between prioritizing based on
importance according to some criteria or
prioritizing in terms of process like
getting through as much stuff as quickly
as possible and it's relevant because
students is correct me if I'm wrong but
I think students is the biggest
component the students and the the staff
section is 4 & 5 yes students and
personnel are the the medius sections
and there'll be more engagement I mean
one thing to think about the chapter 8
thesis the far our don't require robust
community or student engagement yeah I
don't we haven't been through all of
them yet so I don't we need to take each
one of those on an individual basis and
answer that question but we definitely
know they'll be more on the students and
the people side and and community
engagement this is going to be very
dependent on what kind of learning
we're in so yeah anyway okay I I did so
I'm just ruminating sorry okay I mean
and I'm not trying I mean again some I
think we just want to make sure you know
how we're doing the work and that it's
we don't wake up six months from now and
the committee goes why were you doing it
that way I also think we can when we
finished chapter eight and I would
recommend we do finish chapter eight
we've started it we've already
distributed to staff they're working on
it we can check in then you know the
chapter seven community chapters the
next one that's Louis ba has done but
they'll have other ones done I suspect
before we get they've had a little pause
with Peggy full stet retiring and it
transferring to someone else down there
but Rachel was just in communication
with them today
in fact so we will we'll be working on
this for a long time and can certainly
make other choices as we go I'm not you
know I think as we identify policies
it's important to continue to work on
the the issues that we understand need
and that we find those urgent regardless
of the OSB process I'm very comfortable
as we pick those out and and then when
we get to a more routinized process you
01h 15m 00s
know we've already we've already done
that one yeah so one of the things about
the OSB a put the policies that their
substitute policies I think are like
really generic and to me it's sort of
like it seems kind of like a waste of
staff time to like go through their
reviewing it and I come and bring into
the committee with like this is like
milquetoast or like doesn't really say
anything I mean that's what I find most
of them are so high level and generic
it's just why would we use their policy
so I guess I'm wondering if there was
like a more efficient way to do like you
know bundle them around to like the
committee members like you know take you
know half an hour go through these like
with a like yes you're okay with getting
rid of these these require more more
discussion so that we can rapidly get
get through these versus having them go
through so that the clunky process of
alright it sounds like maybe a longer
process of having them like come to the
committee and then we discuss each one
whereas we could have just gone through
it and like yes yes yes no yes no these
are the you know 80% we're in agreement
the other 20% that's where we spend our
committee time just I think there's some
you want to spend more time on than
others I mean just as a refresher and
this started before you were on the
board the OSB a philosophy around policy
development I don't know if it'll change
with Peggy's retirement but it has been
if it's not in a positive source of law
a statute or regulation or case law it
does not belong in a policy and I mean
adamant and if you look at our
professional conduct policy for instance
you're not
gonna find a lot of that the specific
statements in ruel statute I mean so
there are a pop at me actually I think
now you are because we we drove
lawmaking to some degree in Salem based
on some of our policy work absolutely
but but we but literally OS be able to
go line by line if that line isn't in
there about how do is the door open or
closed and and wonder what circumstances
is it - yeah I mean like that level of
detail if that would not survive an OSP
a policy review and I'm not suggesting
that the board should adopt that
approach to policymaking but it has
somehow you know it's helpful on a
compliance I mean I think the OSP a
process is mostly a compliance and
updating process and I think our hope at
the outset was that it would help
accelerate some of the decisions on
rescissions and revisions right that
would tell us how out-of-date some
things are give us a point of which to
go faster we paused other recisions to
incorporate them into the OSP a process
for example but if you spend three to
nine months on every one of those it'll
be five years it won't be 18 months but
I don't think you will actually I don't
I I don't think you'll need to you'll
spend your time better than that
challenge accepted so why are they
looking at
ADEs also it's because it aligns with
what they have
where's Mary I can't remember what they
call it they have a funny name for what
they call but we can't master ours they
come in a strict regulation regularly
they have a policy and an administrative
regulation so part of what we bought was
that because we're we would change our
regulations or we were at least
reference our directives to align with
their regulations
well but isn't that the title it's about
the substance of what you have and and
we brought some of those we brought you
tried to have a full example set when we
came to you last time with those chapter
8 examples this is one we would delete
this is one we would adopt this is one
we would modify in part but not accept
all their changers here's an example of
what it looks like at the ad level we
were I mean in addition to your
substantive review we wanted to give you
insight into what it was looking like
okay so I guess my perpetual question um
when do we need to decide on this you
01h 20m 00s
don't need to decide right now
I mean I think once we get we need to
tell OSB a with what order to continue
on in there of you and I do think
students and personnel would be pretty
high on my list they will go faster than
we will be able to so what they what we
have waiting in each Bay from them we
can then choose from okay that makes
sense yeah and and I think it um
I mean any sort of beat to the punch
with her question about um do you have
kind of a wish list of things that have
popped up you know are there chapters
that seem to be more in need of review
because like you keep hearing about
things that are getting in the way of
long silence I think we have done that
on with individual policies already when
we have some policy that's getting in
the way it's not a chapter it's a policy
as they break yet they're so varied and
content that we bring those forward and
I think we will always continue to do so
we won't pause on that no finish your
thought I'm sorry when we get to the
personnel side and someone on the
student side depending on the content
you also get into bargaining issues
so that also is a gating factor for some
of that work that doesn't mean yeah that
means that may extend the time
discussion those I mean I think we
should just projected that personnel me
may take a longer to think because of
the impact the possibility of impact on
pardon me and when we get to personnel I
would definitely push through those that
don't require bargaining first I mean I
would as the others are working their
way through those but it's you know
we've all experienced with policies the
ones you think are gonna be short and
sweet can take a long time and others
can go through I mean each one kind of
has its own journey its own stakeholders
its own history that maybe not everyone
understood our new about recent changes
from the legislature I think as we put
the res Jalen's on this work as well I
think that will I think particularly
when we when we look at policies where
more work is needed there that that lens
needs to be stronger in our policies I
think we should move those further up I
think that's probably a very if that's a
hard statement to operationalize without
being in the work itself but I think we
are mindful of that so we're happy to
take continue on in Chapter eight we've
got chapter seven waiting in the wings
the community chapter take the personnel
and students and instruction are
probably the next three to go through
and check in again just like I said we
didn't want to go six more months
without having some additional
visibility and just thinking about it
but there isn't a decision that has to
be made today nothing's on fire here
maybe that's the point
so what one thing that I request is that
if we're going to get a bundle to get
them in advance so that with what staffs
that we again can use our committee time
efficiently like if there's no if
there's no objection just like Cruz
right through
do you recall two meetings ago when we
had that the top kind of what the
recommendation was did that format work
where we we had a collection for the
committee and we tried to code at the
top what we were recommending or not it
was read lined it with in so you could
see yes and I'm trying over whether we
got those when we got those I think they
were not at the last minute but I that
maybe that's wishful remembering on my
part but I think they were so my memory
is that we got we got them in advance
wasn't I don't think weren't that many
yeah and five or six what what was not
included though was an explanation of
why there was no what was what was the
thinking behind the recommendations for
language changes and like when that's
01h 25m 00s
what Claire's going back up right yeah
yeah the changes from OS ba where they
they just remember what Liz had said
earlier their focus is on keeping a
statutory so anything that we had that
went beyond that they were likely
recommending that we remove so that the
changes from our staff will be was how
we operationalize is from the
recommendations from OSB are like OS var
likely more adhering more closely to the
statutory language so it might be it
might be helpful to actually distinguish
what's the OSB a recommendation versus
what's the pickiest staff
recommendations because they might be
different actually well they might be
sustained but with different thinking or
you know something
yeah I think we we gave you the what on
that the last time but we didn't give
you the why so are those when they come
to the committee it's a recommendation
are we gonna just act at that committee
meeting unless they're questions or
there's more unless there's more work to
be done like happened at the last one
where there was I think a very very good
conversation about governance and
changing budgets and what needs to be
proved and what doesn't and I think
that's the right kind of conversation to
be having otherwise yes if it's
straightforward if it's a clean up at it
if it's a really obvious rescission and
we've given you the context for why it's
not needed or why it's been replaced
elsewhere I think you can act in the
committee okay um I think we've beaten
this horse good and did put everyone to
sleep though I guess at this point just
kind of I'm not hearing anything
suggesting that you shouldn't just keep
going the way you're going okay and we
can always stop if if we need to change
direction but I think for now let's sort
of crank through the chapter 8 stuff and
see how it goes and then you know and
then we'll move on to the next one that
works for us thank you all for that
okay yeah that's helpful thanks thank
okay so we have a half an hour left do
we have any public comment let's see we
do not
okay alright so I I wanted to take just
a little bit of time to talk about to
sort of review how this last year of
policy committee work wins with an eye
towards improving so I I was looking
back at what we accomplished and if my
computer will ever work so we had we
worked on about 11 different policies or
Suites of policies and some of them were
some of them we quaint crank through
pretty quickly there was one that we two
of them we processed in two months one
and three
one in four and then the others there
was a kind of a definite like two
definite groups and one group when we
finished pretty quickly and then another
group it ended up being generally a
pretty long discussion series of
discussions over a long period of time
the ones that we worked through quickly
01h 30m 00s
were diploma requirements nutrition
services suicide prevention no sorry
healthy substance free learning
environments and and then professional
conduct the professional conduct policy
um which we finalized in this in October
of 2019
and that actually was a that was an
outlier because the that had that was a
continuation of work that had started
the previous year so when you look at
the whole it took almost a year for for
us to get through the whole thing for
professional conduct so the ones that we
finished fairly quickly tended to be the
policies that were responses to
legislative change that required some
relatively minor kind of language
changes that were essentially codified
in the statutes that we needed to
incorporate so that's a whole body of
work I think that we can I think it will
inform what we do with the OSB a work
because a lot of that work is presumably
going to be updating policy language in
order to be in compliance with
legislation that's happened since the
last time we looked but then there's a
whole a whole range of other policies
that have tended to take a fairly long
time to get through and I had a couple
thoughts about some of the factors that
are contributing to how much time it
takes us to work through a policy and
and some thoughts on like how we can
what we can do better to maybe
shorten the length of time but before I
continue talking I want to open it up to
members and students if you have if you
have thoughts on how things work during
this last year and how we can do better
anybody Oh Jackson you want to go first
and then I'll go yeah sure I think that
student engagement has come a long way
this year especially relating to the
search and seizure policy and I'm glad
to see that the district's coming out
with guidelines on community engagement
for kind of on the front end of policy
instead of in the middle or at the end
and looking to the future the DSC was
looking at talking with you about
appointing a more permanent member to
the policy committee for next year
I felt like we got really caught up in
the meal policy but that like I felt
like we had several meetings that were
the same exact meeting and so and I
blame Rita because at the beginning
she's like we should get through this
quickly and then we spent like months on
it so I think she jinxed us and well I
know that was super important and part
of the findings in the Secretary of
State's audit it wasn't a
student-focused and so I think that for
me was a little bit of a disappointment
that it ended up taking so much of our
time and so to continue to like balance
doing a thorough job on those kinds of
policies and also making sure that the
student facing policies are the priority
like chair cons and then she when she
said we should focus on the OSD policies
that affect students so that that would
be my one sentiment about being on the
policy committee but I do appreciate a
an and the community engagement piece in
the student voice and then I still have
questions from our last meeting when we
have this sort of like tension around
the search and seizure policy or
whatever we're calling
now right the rights of students when it
comes to having their persons or
property searched that I thought we'd
already done the community engagement
piece and then to hear that that wasn't
what our community engagement staff and
01h 35m 00s
our students felt so I'm unclear on how
the protocols happen for when there's a
policy that needs community engagement
how do we trigger that and then we've
had conversations about do we do
community engagement first to inform the
creation of the prop policy or do we do
it after or do we do it both times and
like what is the sequence of that and I
still don't feel like I have a lot of
clarity on how that community engagement
sort of timeline works and I know it's
not the board members role to like
direct staff to do anything that so to
make sure we have clear understanding of
when things are gonna happen so that you
know she nice isn't assuming one thing
and we're assuming another and then we
get to a meeting and we're all like I
want to avoid the screaming and
communication yeah I think and the staff
have been talking about that a lot
because we've seen how it's not been as
streamlined and there will always be
times to loop back and go check in with
a particular constituent stakeholder
community group but our goal which is to
have so much of that work as possible
done before it gets to the committee for
the committee to do its work so the
committee's work is informed on the
front end by it not waiting for it to go
happen and so that's that's our
objective like I'm sure that there will
be there's a permeable barriers in there
but that's the that's the design I never
want us to get to a place where like
systems we have in place prevent us from
doing good work and that we can't loop
back or be flexible but I just felt
really confused after the last meeting
and and concerned that like I had not
communicated something clearly ER that
there'd been a miscommunication around
the search and seizure policy and it
just it didn't feel good because we do
want to take it slow and include our
we also need to get the policy completed
so I just I just walked away from that
meeting feeling like they've been a
disconnect and that like we can we can
negotiate that and work it out so we
don't have to do that again I think
that's right and I you know Shanice and
her team are so experienced and so good
and so in demand by everyone and part of
what we realized at various points but
we've just we've been talking about just
in the last two weeks we meet we meet
once a week to talk about all things
Policy Committee related is the that
those were who are the contents or
function owners of a policy area they
really need some guidance and and you've
seen it in juice meetings in a row
people come forward and say I want to
know what the committee wants me to do
on this and we are really trying to
shift that so that that Shanice is a
consultant but that the owner of the
policy identifies and work is in the
work enough and they are to have
confidence in knowing who that who they
need to go talk to again in consultation
with with Denise and her team and Danny
to make sure that we're all learning and
growing in that area but it isn't it's
not for the committee to say you may
have thoughts you may say how do you
talk to X or Y Y Z group or person but
but most of that should be the
thoughtfulness and the work of the owner
of the policy bringing it forward and we
have to build that muscle that's not a
criticism of anyone but I think we're
not there yet as an organization and
we're feeling it so we're trying to
front-load that with some additional
tools so I I mentioned earlier on in the
meeting that staff are gonna be bringing
forward a proposal for some protocols
around community engagement at the next
meeting on August 3rd and I think that
will be an opportunity for the committee
to really wrestle with some of the
questions about what's the threshold for
for what kind of community engagements
and you know when and and how and and
have a you know we've never we as a
committee of never
had a big conversation about what it is
we as board members want and need from a
community engagement process like what
are we asking of community engagement so
I'm hoping that we'll have that
discussion at the next committee meeting
have a couple thoughts it would be
helpful at the beginning of the year to
have sketched out what the general
topics are by meeting with always a
little bit of extra room space available
so that some topics can be added but so
we have sort of a syllabus of what what
01h 40m 00s
it is that we're going to be working on
they could use this like mix of the just
700s da policy revisions and then some
big topics that you've identified that
we want to get done because I think then
you mean otherwise you do have them so
there's like great things that go on and
on and on person's like hey this is this
is like a two meeting policy and this is
a more meeting one and that we just have
a better sense that way people prepared
like hey you're gonna raise an issue you
want to offer something then you know
here's here's the meetings you're gonna
do it you're gonna give you that with
some flexibility but just a little bit
more structured so that it's all visible
if you know just be good also I guess
also just like the disappearance of the
student discipline policy no I would
expect that's we're bargaining it right
so Rick I mean I guess one of the things
is just having a running keeping I liked
how I'm a bean agenda we had this like
running list of issues had been raised
or things that are still in flight so
you don't lose it
thank you where is it and then are our
policies actually allow any member of
the community or board member to
introduce a policy and if this is like
one of us it's like you know legislators
if also making is one of our jobs
you don't really allow or accommodate
for that so I think having some
flexibility Oh like what what policies
have community members brought to us or
just bored numbers on to raise and then
the committee discussion about you know
where does it go and prioritization I
mean I frustrated somewhat that learned
in the third year my four-year term and
we've been talking for three years about
doing something about the foundation
fundraising paying for stats and yet you
haven't haven't done anything about it
and I know that's gonna be one of those
things that's gonna take it's probably
like a five or six and a bunch of
community engagement potentially but if
we don't ever get started those things
stop and so somehow well we have an
agenda also allowing others to raise
your shoes that were like oh yeah that's
a little great interest and yesterday
raised or parents or individual board
members but seems like an get we don't
have that it's not flippant about it
but in general I find the committee I
really like it I think we have good
discussions that are generally
respectful they're thought-provoking
I think land usually in the right place
so they're just toasted the staff at the
mid members and the students would have
joined us to make better policy so I um
I agree with with everything that
everybody said so far I I do think the
discussion that we have on the community
engagement is going to be is going to be
helpful in setting the committee and
staff up for having a more and a
knowable process for working through
these policies and and I hope it will
mean that you know we we we prioritize
elevating student voice and and that we
have a way to do that and I think we
have gotten better this year in
community engagement I think we've
gotten a lot better especially around
student voice but it there were several
instances where it came later in the
process than it should have so I think
the discussion at the next meeting I
01h 45m 00s
think is gonna be really helpful for for
everybody and and kind of clarifying how
we want to proceed I guess the other
thing that I would say about this year
this past year um was that I think when
we when we tackle policies I mean I
think it would be helpful for us to have
more clarity on
why we're tackling a policy what is it
about the policy that has kind of
catapulted it into the the mix for this
committee establishing some deadlines I
mean I really like the idea of sort of
projecting how long we think it should
take to tackle a policy I mean if we're
talking about a fairly fairly routine
change for legislative compliance
I think we've we've got a track record
on that and we can predict but for the
more complicated policies I think it
would even be helpful for us to kind of
think through the level of complexity of
different policies so that we can so
then we can sort of or at least try to
predict all of the factors that we're
going to have to work through so I think
that might help and and yes I agreed
that it would be helpful to have at
least a preliminary list of priorities
for the coming year and and I think I
think it's also something that we might
want to try to tackle at the next policy
meeting come up with kind of a short
list of some policies that we're pretty
sure we're gonna we're gonna want to
take a look at over the next I guess at
that point will be 11 months mmm
and I think we do have we do have a list
of things that have been hanging out
there that we've wanted to take a look
at Foundation policy is one of them Liz
mentioned earlier code of ethics that we
little piece of it's in the 2017-18 year
I think it was 1718 was but at the time
we said that's you know that's just a
piece of a much bigger kind of body of
work around ethics that we need to
tackle I think we're going to be getting
prior to the next next committee meeting
we're going to be getting
I think the annual report on the
complaint policy and that will be that
pretty much the two-year mark since the
that policy was passed that includes
very substantial revisions to the to the
process and that might be a good time to
take a look at how it's working and
whether we want to make any revisions to
the policy so anyway I think there are a
few things that we excuse me they
complained policy yeah so I think there
are a couple few things that we can
already identify that we're gonna that
we probably want to take a look at and
and now we've got a few more with the
title nine work and I so I think it
would be helpful at the next meeting to
have have discussion about priorities
with the understanding that we're also
going to have to leave in flexibility to
deal with stuff as it emerges though
anyway so I know the students the DSC
also has some change proposed changes
coming to that policy as well I'm not
using right title or the policy but I
think y'all know which one I'm talking
about so I know that there's gonna be
some more engagement in the fall but
that's coming also and also that's
probably going to be a host
of policies relating to student
01h 50m 00s
leadership okay good to know
so if right before so so I think if
everybody could I mean I work with Liz
to come up with the list of things that
we already know have been identified but
if board members and students can you
know give some thought to if there's
anything else that you want to propose
to be on on a policy agenda for the next
year then bring it at the next meeting
and we'll well talk about it so that's
all I had
any other comments questions thoughts
would it be possible to yeah so that
yeah yeah okay we have five minutes left
we could keep talking on we could kind
of good you just want to dare us to not
be able to end early ever thank you very
exciting episode okay
all right everybody thank you
- PPS Board of Education, BoardBook Public View, https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/915 (accessed: 2023-01-25T21:27:49.720701Z)
- PPS Communications, "Board of Education" (YouTube playlist), https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8CC942A46270A16E (accessed: 2023-10-10T04:10:04.879786Z)
- PPS Communications, "PPS Board of Education Meetings" (YouTube playlist), https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbZtlBHJZmkdC_tt72iEiQXsgBxAQRwtM (accessed: 2023-10-14T01:02:33.351363Z)
- PPS Board of Education, "PPS Board of Education - Committee Meetings" (YouTube playlist), https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk0IYRijyKDVmokTZiuGv_HR3Qv7kkmJU (accessed: 2023-10-14T00:59:52.903034Z)