2020-04-07 PPS School Board Regular Meeting
District | Portland Public Schools |
Date | 2020-04-07 |
Time | 18:00:00 |
Venue | Virtual/Online |
Meeting Type | regular |
Directors Present | missing |
Documents / Media
20 04 07 Agenda revised3 (fe9bbe9dea36db48).pdf Revised Agenda
2020 04 07 Public Notice Regular Meeting (f6533562c372e9c9).pdf Public Meeting Notice
20 04 07 Index to the Agenda revised 5 (ab210e0e05713311).pdf Index to the Agenda - Business Agenda and Items for Individual Consideration - REVISED
20 04 07 Index to the Agenda revised3 (0b8699624a39c0d3).pdf Index to the Agenda - Business Agenda and Items for Individual Consideration
Nurtrition services policy combined docs with resolution (041259b8b818147e).pdf Staff Report, Draft Policy, and Redlined Policy
8.30.010-P Meals Refreshments and Gifts Policy COMBINED with resolution (7f0e62e27ab7de79).pdf Staff Report, Draft Policy, and Redlined Policy
Amendment 1 Packet Version 5 (16ea92a64221f700).pdf Staff Report and Amendment Packet
Waive Investment Policy Combined Docs (032bd0a0e0aae12e).pdf Staff Report and Policy
2020 04 07 Public Comment Regular Meeting (c4ed4a6e0029cb1e).pdf Written Public Comment
2020 04 07 Regular Meeting Overview (63347c1a0e55706b).pdf Meeting Overview
Event 1: Regular Meeting of the Board of Education April 7, 2020
00h 00m 00s
this board meeting of the Board of
Education for April 7 2020 is called to
for tonight's meeting any item that will
be voted on has been posted as required
by state law this meeting is being audio
streamed live on channel 28 and will be
replayed throughout the next two weeks
please check the district website for
replay times this meeting is also being
audio stream live on our PBS Cleaning
Services website
good evening everyone tonight board
meeting will be stream live with board
members and staff attending by phone
general public comment and comment on
items requiring a board action have been
submitted to the board by email
I'd like to rebook remind board members
please and staff to state your first and
last name so that we know who is
speaking I also wanted this note for
everyone that we are looking at new ways
to stream our meetings in video as well
as audio so hopefully we'll have a
little bit of an improved platform by
the next time we meet at this time the
board will vote on is business agenda
board members are there any items you'd
like to pull for discussion we can set
those aside and discuss at the end of
the meeting yes this is Julia Broome
Edwards I have questions about one of
the contracts in 6 0 8 7 and then also a
question about item number six zero nine
zero zero eight seven and six zero nine
zero yes okay
just just so staff in the meeting Oh
which one of the contracts I sent mr.
Cuellar a query about campus connect of
Oregon so that's that's the contract
okay so do you want to pull those or do
you just want to discuss at the end of
the meeting I'd like to pull them okay
all right
Yury have a motion to adopt the business
agenda so moved with director Broome
dr. Berman woods moves and second
seconds director Scott and Lowry second
adoption of the business agenda - secure
eight seven and six zero nine zero um is
there any board will save our board
discussion to the end the board will now
vote on resolutions six zero eight seven
through six zero nine one with the
exceptions just noted all in favor
please indicate by saying yes yes yes
yes yes business agenda I think we're
missing director to past and director
Bailey no I said yes okay out rector
Bailey are there any abstentions okay
any opposition business agenda is
approved by a vote of seven to zero with
student representative lateral voting
yes okay Thank You Maxine we'll do an
individual roll call for other matters
to be voted on sir about that
superintendent welcome would you like to
provide us your report just Thank You
chair constan good evening directors and
when I thought of this for public well
staff has been rather busy all around
the district continuing to work with
much just our school leaders are our
teachers support staff all continuing to
work hard at supporting their students
connecting with them being prepared to
really embark on more robust continuous
learning during this extended learning
program we appreciated the opportunity
for staff the more fully briefed the
board this past third evening
I wanted to offer a little bit of a
quick summary of that activity that
we've been busy implementing during this
South Christ or
schools are on extended closure for our
public's benefit in particular our
parents and our students well our big
theme of the week is you've heard of TV
and HD this is PBS and HD so ppfd is a
distance learning program home based
distance learning does the HD intended
to support students academic and
social/emotional needs while our campus
remained closed due to Cova 19
00h 05m 00s
precautions our our home based distance
learning program aligns with guidance
received to date from the Oregon
Department of Education it's providing
blended learning opportunities for our
students as well as access to
educational materials through other
means which includes not just a virtual
classroom but also paper learning
materials as well the PBS HD plan
includes curriculum by grade level and
subject matter
it's designed to attempt to maintain
instruction and academic engagement for
our students and as we begin
transitioning to distance learning we're
going to be centered first on checking
in with our students it's very important
to us that we reassess our sets of
classroom communities as we commence a
plan for kudiye worth so even HD program
is sort of right now I really want to
share a big shout out to all of our
educators they've been very willing to
focus on their own learning that
includes what might be new technology
platforms really engaged on how to use
them creatively
to cover content which has started so
we're connecting and engaging with
students alright I've shared last
Thursday and I'll say it again a special
thank you
supportive Association of teachers for
their collaboration on helping to draft
guidance for our teachers I shared last
week that moving all instruction
in the district top I am basically
overnight and mean it's been about seven
to ten days it's a printable task the
public education has had a model that
really hasn't changed a whole lot since
its inception so we're trying something
different something new in many cases of
our teachers and students were we're
using technology tools but this is this
is another level
oh that their devices and internet
access challenges that were remaining
committed to addressing and you've made
a lot of progress and in just the last
week and I want to invite our community
students and parents to learn a little
bit more about the details to visit our
web is net backslash HD so we're also
simultaneously still focused on the
essential needs of our students since
this closure began as we are gonna do
here GPS it's it's been a team effort I
think during the livestream we're
throwing up some some visuals but when
you see there are a few picture so give
you a little bit of a sense our
nutrition services have done a fantastic
task of standing that 15 nutrition hubs
across Portland making sure our students
who eat want a nutritious meal can
access them
we're now at over 91 thousand meals
served so thank you to our dedicated
nutrition workers and our school
custodians for their support
we'll continue providing meals Monday
through Friday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. you can
visit our website to find a location
near you speaking of our custodial staff
they've remained busy during this
closure staying true to the bowl of
sanitizing and cleaning every one of our
campuses a few things as an organization
and one of the larger employers in the
state we've also we keep materials on
hand and that includes gathering up and
donating over 2400 protective and 95
we've turned those over to Moldova
County to distribute as they're needed
with health providers there's also been
donations that have been augmented by
local PTAs so thank you everyone for
doing your part to keep our first
responders safe and shared previously
channeling educator essentials and
spirit of innovation we had a couple of
our Roosevelt High educators who are
given permission to retrieve the
school's 3d printer they've been making
face shields for frontline health care
workers so really want to give them a
shout out as well and per requests we
opened up one of our elementary school
sites were partnered with a child care
provider there so that children and
health care workers are taken care of as
they go about the heroic work of saving
lives so thank you to folks who are
making sure the site at rekey is
equipped and prepared it's a good time
for me to plug again how our business
and philanthropic community has
responded in a big way knowing that many
00h 10m 00s
of our families lives in particular have
been uprooted through a partnership with
their nonprofit fundraising organization
the fund for PBS lift and door - are two
examples they're currently providing
rides for families so that they can go
to the grocery store or if they need to
have a doctor's visit they're delivering
meals or arranging for tech devices to
be delivered or learning materials
particularly for students we've
identified who may have compromised
immune systems or don't have the
physical mobility to go to one of our
nutrition hubs
we have local businesses who have
chipped in we have restaurants even
during this tough financial local
situation who are also stepping that up
and providing free meals or to go for
our families so we want to want to give
them a thank you too and thank you for
that growing list the fund for PPS has
established a coronavirus from the funds
have a response fund for families who
need these kinds of financial support
during crisis we welcome anyone who
wants to help out to visit the fund for
Fiat PBS's rotavirus relief fund site
you can also text GI be e give to a four
four three three four one five four zero
to help our coronavirus relief fund
rest assured every dollar goes to to
help our students and families internet
access it's especially critical at this
time the fund in addition to our own
information technology office is working
hard at providing free Wi-Fi to families
who identify as needing that access
there is a big digital divide here
directors and so to close it in a matter
of weeks is a daunting task it's
something that all districts around the
country are frankly struggling with
right now but I know that hundreds of
hotspots are well on their way to be
delivered and just gathering and
retrieving tech devices themselves for
any student who means a laptop at home
and making sure they got one we've
distributed over 4,000 laptops so far
the meet is still greater we're going to
continue gathering and distributing
those and we expect several thousand
more to go out and all due haste so
these are these are definitely
unprecedented times but I'm proud of the
collective team effort that's underway
especially by our teachers counselors
principals nutrition workers simple
office staff and senior leadership I
mentioned previously that there's still
some unresolved questions and I want to
call that out particularly for our high
schoolers were awaiting final direction
from the Oregon Department of Education
I was on a call earlier it sounds like
that direction may come tomorrow perhaps
regarding revised graduation
requirements this is a big outstanding
question for us right now we want to
make sure that we're able to work with
each of our seniors to get the
appropriate counseling and identify work
plans when necessary with teachers so
stay tuned for
our families and students should stay
tuned for more details on vadas as soon
as we have that that guidance to the
district so well speaking of high school
I think our Board of Education knows
that we have a couple of high profile
comprehensive high school leadership
openings or we did we have one less it's
my pleasure I'm very proud to announce
mr. James McGee he's going to be our
next principal at Grant High School
kudos to him were very proud of him
James is going to be succeeding Carroll
Campbell who as you know is retiring
after seven years at Grant almost four
decades in serving in Portland Public
Schools her leadership has been
instrumental particularly as Grant was
modernized and relocated and back again
to to their new campus this year were
extremely grateful for Carroll service
and Hoover adulate her on her stellar
career so James if I could just say a
minute about this and I know the school
community has just heard the news this
afternoon he currently serves as vice
principal at Lincoln High School where
he started as a school counselor in 2014
I think some of the characteristics that
stand out for James if I can just take
full personal privilege here to share is
just way he connects with students the
way he prioritizes that in particular
some of the ways that he's demonstrated
this black student union aided the
school's brother's of color affinity
00h 15m 00s
group he leads the avid and he's known
for closely collaborating with teachers
and community partners to make sure
every student for Fullerton life so I
know principal Paige Chapman shares her
endorsement and sir James has played an
important part of that teams rise and
graduation rates particularly for
students of color or a hundred percent
of african-american students graduated
in so we welcome James
more than 20 years of experience working
with students in particular at-risk
students as he becomes a general this
coming fall and so we're very excited to
name our newest high school principal so
stay tuned for more leadership
appointments we have another one I
believe coming tomorrow and a few others
that are in process now with a couple of
other school communities so we'll let
you know as as those come to fruition so
I'll end by saying I think one of the
best things about this week is how
school staff is beginning to reconnect
with our students even if that's
virtually in some cases in a coorporate
but I think board members have seen some
of the videos that even school faculties
have constructed and put together and
shared with students and families they
really sort of exemplify some of the
efforts that our teachers are putting in
to sort of reestablishing that
connection even if it's a hello we miss
you it's a song it's a bilingual message
all of those efforts helped to lift
school spirit so these video clips have
been really fun to watch keep them
coming thank you and thank you directors
for sharing those with your constituents
we appreciate our teachers and school
leaders for making sure that that that
focus on reestablishing a positive sense
of school community is the first thing
that they attend to so that concludes my
remarks for this evening thank you thank
you so much and we look forward to
hearing more about how things are going
for our students in their virtual
classrooms heard a lot of really
positive comments from district staff
last week who were invigorated by the
the challenge all right moving on to
summer I just had a question for the
superintendent this is a directive from
Edwards superintendent Guerrero last
first of all thanks to you all the staff
for everything you've done sort of on a
hurry-up offense to get our distance
learning program stood up
last week yes sir I think everyday
blends them together we worked from home
last week when we had our special
meeting when there was a presentation
wireless access and the I think the
number that were given the concern that
of students not having wireless access
was 30 percent and so I'm really
appreciative that there's efforts to get
mobile hotspots and the the Wi-Fi
package through Comcast mic question I
would have is I guess it has a couple
different parts one is that the sort of
is that our current thinking about the
size it's like from last week to this
week I know things are evolving rapidly
last week to this week but that 30% it
is the number of students who aren't
going to have some sort of digital
access and then the second is if it's
Wi-Fi what's the percent that don't have
that still need Wi-Fi and then the third
piece would be I know Jonathan Garcia is
doing great work with the fund but I'm
wondering if it just given the short
period of time it might be more more
efficient for there to be a district
budget allocation to pay for that versus
trying to fundraise it and then having a
gap so is it sure Oh question I'll
attempt an initial response and then a
minor of CTO Don wolf to chime in and
there you're talking some exact numbers
but what I'll share justa matically
whether it's my peers in the bigger
cities in Oregon or on the east side or
more rural locations or as I've talked
over the last couple of weeks with
colleagues and other fellow CTOs around
the country this crisis and I've said
this publicly continues to amplify a
pre-existing digital device so we're
doing our best to secure hundreds of
hotspots and
00h 20m 00s
we're literally prepaying subscriptions
so that they can get internet
connectivity I don't know that's a
systemic solution I think that's our
attempt to bring access to our students
and families I think this is this this
is a bigger conversation I would love to
see our city and state leaders engage in
cities and counties around the country
that have I think doing a little bit
more effective job at lasing super hot
spots or antennas in parts of town
they've known all along I have not had
connectivity I would love to see an
effort by telecommunications or internet
providers working with our city county
and state leaders even if it's temporary
during this extended closure we have
serious equity issues here so you know
you have districts all around the
country all ordering devices whether
they're hotspots or laptops and you can
imagine there's a growing backlog we've
also encouraged neighbors if you're
willing to sort of open up your network
you know for student use and that helps
maybe the immediate residences or
apartments around you but what we really
need is is sort of those signal pots or
those antennas done I'm going to invite
you to speak a little bit more to this
because he's been at the epicenter
running around trying to figure out
creative musicians a lot of partnered
with art or philanthropic efforts with
Jonathan Garcia but CTO work so this is
CTO wolf I'm here and I heard the
question so I want to answer and maybe
give a little bit of specific
yes we're seeing that what we anticipate
the digital divide about twelve to
fifteen thousand students not having
access to a device at home that that
number looks to be holding true the
second point is on the information we
have collected at this time we have 3000
or so
Quest's in for help with bandwidth so
along with the philanthropic effort that
we're partnering with Comcast and
through chief Garcia to stand up that
we've been scrambling to try and find
hotspots one when we spoke last week one
of the difficulties has been finding
suppliers that still have them through
that work over the past week we got a
lead last night that there was a large
school district that had been double
shipped hotspots and they had two to
three thousand available we've been
reaching out to them today and we're
reaching out to confirm and put it will
hold on an additional 2,000 hotspots
that we can use for our students what it
looks like from the data that we've
collected and coming in is that we will
be able to have enough to be able to
quickly turn it around we won't have
those this week we're hoping to get them
as soon as next week and figure out how
we start turning those back around so as
information comes out about the device
distribution continuing starting up
again tomorrow starting focused on our
high school students and then our
everybody else high school grades k-12
Thursday and Friday and all through next
week we'll we'll be putting a plan
together on how we get those hot spots
out to those families those students who
need them so I would only add that
superintendent's around the state had a
chance to dialogue with Senator Merkley
both he and Odie ease information office
as well talked about how the cares
federal stimulus creates flexibilities
to support locales or k-12 school
districts with establishing connectivity
or provisioning of technology devices to
students so this is where our directors
could be really helpful at this time in
some of that policy work to secure some
of those resources out to local school
districts so we're open to any and all
ideas this is a popular theme right now
and challenge that districts around the
country are struggling with and you've
seen some regions be more successful
than others and we're
that's the case you do see that local
county state and provide your
collaboration during this time so I
would love to partner at finding some
solutions that are much more of equal or
liquidus than the singleton hotspot and
laptop which we're going to stay
committed to but we would love to see
both Irae or stimulus flexibilities
built into a long-term plan here because
for me it isn't just about the crisis if
we're recognizing that technology can be
00h 25m 00s
an important backbone to support student
learning you know especially outside of
the school school building how do we how
do we make sure that that's available to
our students yeah what one other item
one other item is that the US Department
of Education has announced that we're
allowed to use our federal funding that
we've already received this year
especially when we might have had some
set aside for professional development
that we won't be able to use this year
we're able to use that for the very
purchase that don wolf was just our CTO
was just talking about so we do have a
budget line item director Bram Edwards
in in order to support this very very
expense I have a quick question um how
are we identifying the students that
don't have access to the Internet if
they don't have the Internet are we
recruiting at the food sites or sending
out the autodialer how are we able to
get to those families that don't have
internet access now to let them know
that there may be a visa as a teacher
Don or Donald do you want to talk about
some of our efforts to think this is a
I'll jump in and start this Adan again
along with your line form we have been
providing the sign-up sheets and the
request for information at the food
sites as well as using our communities
or community outreach outreach partners
or resonate partners or cbos to be
reaching out to families and we've
huge support from our building
administrators and people in the
building's reaching out to their
communities to collect that information
and provide that back to us so we are
trying to to get the word out that we
need as much information as we can to
identify who these students are so far
as to have folks from athletic
departments our torch I mean and here's
how we can help reach out to to our
community and our family members we know
families who are in need let us help
make some of those calls and they have
been great about stepping up and making
sure no student gets left behind in
these efforts
that's fantastic I think is that you
start to make phone calls they're sort
of beginning to ask these questions
whether they have connectivity and so
our principals are able to feed that
information to us and then Don just
mentioned we have a lot of our community
based or closer specific organizations
that are checking in with families and
they're either supplying them also and
we're also sort of closing the loop on
them letting us know that their learning
needs a device or access as well that's
fantastic it's a huge effort I really
appreciate everything you've done to get
those so far thirty-eight hundred three
thousand computers out the door a quick
question about that did we prioritize
older students over younger students
just in terms of who that device is
first this is done again yes yes we did
our first round of distribution and all
nine sites was targeted at grades 4-12
we starting tomorrow we will have
another high school focused only pickup
site as well as we did last Friday was
or yeah we believe it's last Friday we
had a high school only pickup and we've
changed the rules a little bit to make
it easier when we open those up we're
not we're just ensuring that students
can come up with a student ID or their
student ID number to get those so we if
they have families at home that a parent
can't take them to the collection site
or if they can get there and we're
allowing some of our community-based
organizations and our partners to to
come in and and how
get those devices for students who
aren't able to make that so there have
been a couple targeted collections for
only high school students we will
continue to make sure that that is one
of our primary targets today to get
devices to okay great thanks I and heard
indirectly from a parent of a second
grader wondering who was on the list
wondering if and when they would get a
device so it's just good to be clear
that we have we're going through a
priority situation all right Thank You
superintendent and thank you to this
whole team for just the continued
incredible efforts on behalf of our
students alright we will move on to some
of our board policy work tonight we have
a second reading of policy on district
funds for purchase of gifts meals and
refreshments vice-chair more could you
00h 30m 00s
please introduce this item that's coming
to us from your board policy and
governance committee thinks this is a
policy that was substantially revised to
respond to a finding in the Secretary of
State's audit from last year the
proposed policy was presented for first
reading on February 4th 2020 subsequent
to that the policy committee did looked
at it at at three other meetings and
made some additional changes so we did a
second first reading on March 9th it's
been out for public comments since then
and we have received no public comment
and we are proposing it tonight with a
unanimous the committee's unanimous
recommendation for passage by the full
board that's it
sorry about that
all right the board will now vote on
resolution number six zero nine to to
adopt the revised district funds for
purchase of meals refreshments and gifts
policy eight point three zero point zero
one o P do I have a motion so moved this
is character record really moves in
director Lowry seconds the motion to
adopt resolution six zero nine to miss
Bradshaw is there any citizen comment on
row six zero nine two okay any more
discussion yes I have some questions
director loud and go ahead director
this is director Lowry and I just wanted
to commend director from Edwards and
director more for all of their hard work
on this policy director Bram Edwards has
spent a lot of time wanting to make sure
that our school district is in alignment
with the needs Secretary of State's
audit and that this was one area where
there were a lot of places and
connections and I know that Liz large
and her staff has worked really hard and
Cynthia Nene and her staff to make sure
our practices are in compliance with the
spirit of the Secretary of State's audit
and now this policy will help us sort of
be within the law and so it took a lot
of time and energy for staff and for the
policy team and I'm very appreciative of
all the work that people poured in so
that we can live up to the ethical
standards we all want for PBS director
Bertram Edwards did you have something
you want to add so I had some a couple
questions that I had sent before and I
don't know if and there were two
individuals with their names on the
staff report
Emily Courtin egde and Cynthia Lee so I
don't know if I should be asking the
to somebody else or if they're available
on the line so it was large and Claire
Hertz will respond to your questions
okay so these are these are similar
questions that I asked I've got too many
devices yes you bless you so the
question I have is this is this is a
response to the audit from the Secretary
of State and there was quite a bit of
discussion as director Lowry mentioned
within the committee regarding some of
the specificity and sort of the
specificity that it's not in the policy
but in the CFO guidance and the question
I would have and the CFO guidance
apparently has a lot of the very
specific detail the specific details or
even just some broader higher-level
guidance so my question is when will the
administrative directive for this be
posted since we have there's six times
in the policy that reference the
administrative directive and there's not
a link to it as soon as this is Claire
Hertz as soon as the policy is approved
by the board then the updated
administrative directive will be posted
on the website so it's it's available
now it has not been approved yet by the
00h 35m 00s
but the draft has been prepared in
conformance with the anticipated policy
changes so I can't thumb behalf of the
superintendent and his timeline but I my
prediction is that it will not be very
long at all
and as the language in the draft
administrative directive the same as the
CFO guidance it is it is not an identity
but it's indictments I'm sorry Liz you
you cut you cut out sorry not a cut and
paste of the CFS that's currently part
of current directions to employees and
those who administer reimbursements and
peak artists but it is the substance of
that put into the form of an
administrative directive so there's like
not not material changes but potentially
obviously formatting and non material I
think they are non material I think that
through the policy committee work there
were a couple of minor adjustments that
came I think even when we distributed
the draft ad in the committee
conversation some of those were apparent
where there were slight tweaks to the
existing CFO guidance but it is very
much informed by the the policy language
that the policy committee has put before
the board tonight and the current CFO
practice that exists and then a question
about who the policy so I'm not
surprised we didn't have any comments I
mean we're in the middle of a pan Denham
pandemic and an impending reset
potential recession I'm wondering who we
circulated it to and do we send did we
circulate it along with the
administrative draft administrative
directive this is Liz large again
the the standard process is not to
circulate draft policies we post them on
the policy committee page we give notice
to our labor partners of those of the
meetings that are happening in the
agendas as I understand it Rosanna
Powell can oversees that notice can lean
in and to the mic and tell me if I've
missed Aidid that but that's my
the ad because it is in draft and not in
final is not posted we generally don't
post draft a
so that the usual process is what was
executed here right now that Kirk was
I'm sorry what was that was in yes this
is resin yes I was just confirming that
that was the process that we followed
okay and then it's just the reason I'm
focused on the ad is I said I think and
unlike there's a there's a fair number I
think things that the Secretary of
State's office called out where they're
needed to be they reference the fact
that our policy like xx the 2005 policy
needed strengthening or more controls
award specific direction and it seems
like in this particular case that is in
the ad which the draft ad I saw to me
meets a lot of the standards
unfortunately we didn't put it in the
policy I have another question which is
why I'm asking the question ad great
this is director Scott can I can I just
ask a clarifying question director
remember words um you're asking a lot
about the ad I just want to be clear
about process we're approving the policy
tonight from the board perspective the
ad is something the superintendent gets
to do and and it has to be consistent
with the policy that were approving if
I'm understanding the process correctly
right well yes I understand thank you
for the question that yes I understand
that as as a policy what our role is and
what the role of the superintendent is
and the ad it's just there's a lot of
details that reference and the
informations in the ad so if you were if
you were looking to like is this a
reasonable standard and you read this
you wouldn't necessarily know it have an
answer to that unless you saw the ad ad
which that's not specific
00h 40m 00s
one of the criticisms if we're doing
this to respond to the Secretary of
State's audit that seems to be a place
that we haven't gotten a sharp point on
yeah I guess I would just I I think it's
important for us as a board to focus on
the policy and whether there are any
issues with the policy before us and it
really is the superintendent's job then
to to write an ad consistent with the
policy and then consistent with the
findings from the audit I just wanna
make sure we don't blur those lines I
absolutely clear on the lines I also
want to I also want to make sure that we
are responsive to the the audit findings
okay can I can I jump in here you raise
these questions numerous times over
numerous meetings of the policy
committee and after about four months
worth of discussions and then that
happened prior to the original first
reading and then three more committee
meetings following that we made some
changes and we we determined as a
committee that this level of detail was
appropriate for the policy leaving the
details to the administrative directive
I think I was clear and the only
speaking for myself that I felt either
more details needed to be in the policy
or the AG need to do accompany it so
people could see the entire package of
what was being proposed and we had a
different opinion and it's just I think
that I'm concerned we're not going to
meet the standard of what we needed to
have in the policy and this is director
Lowry director brim Edwards I felt like
one of the huge pieces that we we heard
from staff again and again was that in
practice we have already met all of
standards that were lifted up in the
Secretary of State's audit that that we
have already made all the changes that
met what was requested of us and this is
codifying that into policy and so that
was one of the reasons for me that that
level of detail showing up in the ad was
sufficient because you know as Miz large
and Isley shared with us repeatedly
those practices that were questioned
have been modified I say I think that I
have a different just a different point
of thank you director Lowry I just have
a different point of view something
based on what they the audit said of
what we needed to have in policy or at
least circulated with the policies
everybody could see the standard so the
other issue that I would like to raise
and and director more I did raise this
issue in committee and we did discuss it
several times but we're getting ready to
vote on it so I want to just raise it as
well regarding the meals and refreshment
section and the limits on expenditures
that the language we currently have is
that it's reasonable based on facts and
circumstances and not lavish or
extravagant and I raised in the
committee and I get enough maybe do you
duplicative for those who on the
committee but I'm going to raise it
before we vote on it that I think that
is somewhat subjective and would like as
just part of the public record to have
an explanation of who what what of what
are the facts and I guess maybe this is
something would be something in the ad
and I don't know because this was one of
the last discussions we have whether
this has been modified but in terms of
the facts and circumstances who is the
Buddhist Terman
they're reasonable in
real expenditure so say a central office
staff person takes a community member or
business person to lunch pays the bill
what who would make the determination of
reasonableness and what are the facts
and circumstances that might be
considered so the supervisor of the
employee would approve the expense and
there is a standard that we use that as
00h 45m 00s
reasonable cost is a price that is
consistent with what a reasonable person
would pay in the same or similar
circumstances for the same or similar
item so that's how we determine what is
reasonable is what others would do is it
reasonable is it a reasonableness
amongst others would others consider it
reasonable and so the supervisor is the
one that's reviewing it as well as we
have for instance if it's on the p-card
we also have our staff in the
procurement and contracting services
department that also review every P card
purchase for reasonableness and again
this is Claire Hertz speaking thank you
I'd like to UM for those in the
listening audience I think it's worth
giving a little background here director
Brendan Edwards during multiple
committee meetings strongly suggested
that we put in the policy a provision
that would establish a definition of
reasonableness principally in terms of
adopting the General Services
Administration per diem rates these are
the rates established by the federal
government for for breakfast lunch and
dinner and different
locations across the country we spent a
great deal of time discussing this
during the committee meetings and the
message that we heard consistently from
staff was that putting that kind of that
kind of limitation in the policy rather
than establishing you know something
similar in the administrative directive
putting it in the policy would create
potential a great potential for a
substantial amount of time being spent
by supervisors in policing and policing
relatively small expenditures and
requiring that employees who may have
gone you know a dollar or two over the
limits they would have to reimburse the
district and the the message we heard
consistently from staff was that this
would be sort of Pennywise and
pound-foolish we would be spending an
inordinate amount of time in
administrative policing of this policy
and that the administrative directive
which actually reflects current
practices adequately provides
supervision and accountability for
employee expenditures so this was
discussed that at great length in the
committee and the committee voted two to
one not to accept that and to instead
have the current language that you cited
right is there any concern that if
someone was to breach the policy I mean
that it wouldn't it wouldn't meet this
is there any concern that it's a little
bit subjective and it might not pass a
sniff test well it's a sample that I
used in in one of the committee me
actually several other committee
meetings just prior to going to one of
the meetings I had to I ate lunch out I
got a sandwich it was a thoroughly
uninspiring sandwich
it cost me 17 dollars which exceeded the
GSA limits I was I had this sandwich at
a cafe and normally I would never spend
that much on a sandwich but I hadn't I
wasn't paying attention and that's the
kind of thing that can frequently happen
it does not take much effort at all in
Portland to exceed the GSA limits they
there they're very very modest and it is
00h 50m 00s
it's very easy to go a dollar or two or
even more over a GSA limit to get an
extremely modest
rates vary by jurisdiction though so
whether we're there's a higher cost of
living generally the per diem is a
little bit higher to a con but I'm
talking about Portland it's seventeen
dollars in Portland sure constan this is
director director Scott can I make a
motion to move forward with a vote on
this policy snackin it's it's already
been moved yeah I forgot it had been a
while so I'm I'm just gonna close by
saying that I'm not going to be
supportive of the policy because I think
it needs more definition and I think
when we have a review from the Secretary
of State's audits division that they'll
find that we haven't
put in place in the policy the necessary
controls and we don't actually have any
control over the ad because as director
Scott noted it is not the prerogative of
the of the board so I I hope that it
speedily posted and that we'll reviewed
and posted by the superintendent so that
we are prepared when the Secretary of
State's office comes back and ask us
about policy because I think that's
probably the best remedy to get it
posted as soon as possible deputy
superintendent Hertz would you like to
make one last comment regarding the
alignment of the policy to specifically
to the guidelines that were being
addressed from the Secretary of State's
on it and Turk on Sam this is director
Lowry I'd also like to make one more
so as we rewrote the as the CFO rewrote
the guidelines for staff and as we
drafted the administrative directive we
were keeping in mind the current state
of the pattern of the updated policy
from staff as well as we looked at the
state of Oregon Department of
Administrative Services who's actually
where the Secretary of State gets their
standards for these types of
expenditures and we look to them for
their practices and used a lot of
language directly from that so it would
tie directly to what the Secretary of
State's audit is also using thank you
appreciate that director Lowry and I
would just say given all the comments
that the staff made during our policy
meetings and the deep discussions we did
on all of the ways to craft this
language to both make sure that our
staff are honoring what the Secretary of
State found in the audit and making it
workable so that we aren't wasting lots
of supervisor time that this really does
for me address those concerns and I
think our behaviors have really shown
and the changes we've made systemically
that we're honoring what was found in
thank you like director Lowry on the
board one more vote on resolution six
zero nine - we'll take a voice vote
director Lau please indicate yes or no
director Lowry yeah director de Paz yes
dr. Mora yes director Brynn med words no
director Scott yes director Bailey yes
all right and I vote yes as well
resistance six zero nine to is approved
by a vote on six to one representative
lateral voting yes all right thank you
very much everybody will now recess the
board from its regular meeting and
convene as the budget committee
superintendent Carrera would you like to
make any comments about the amendments
to the 2019-20 budget would you like the
deputy superintendent of business and
operations to share that information
with the board why don't you go to go
ahead deputy superintendent Hertz
I can see the superintendent speaking
but his phone is on mute this is
Jonathan Garcia chief of community
engagement it helps if the community can
hear your voice but that being there
hurts you could attest me on my
understanding I think I have it down but
by you the privilege please so this is
00h 55m 00s
an amendment to the 2019-20 budget as
you can imagine there are unknowns in
terms of our expenditures in during this
season of the kovat pandemic crisis so
we have updated our budget to include
additional resources that were received
this year and also looking at additional
appropriation that the instructional and
support services area in the general
fund so that we can have capacity to
spend additional resources just
like the Wi-Fi hotspots that we were
speaking about earlier this evening
there are there are also some smaller
amounts there's some special revenue
additional grant fundings and moving
around from different levels of
appropriation from support adding
additional support services and
enterprise and community services as you
know we are also offering lots of meals
to students as well and then we have a
small slight correction in our debt
service fund just there was a truncating
rather than a rounding up in our adopted
budget so we want to correct that and
that's there was also some additional
information at the capital projects fund
level with a different additional
resources and then of course the wanting
to spend some grant funds and such that
well additional construction excise tax
and different additional resources
coming for capital projects so those are
the that is the overall supplemental
budget that we're asking for you to
approve the resolution to as appropriate
by fund and appropriation level that's
listed in the attachment B of the
resolution thank you very much
the board will now consider resolution 0
93 amendment to the 2019 budget for
school district 1 J MoMA County Oregon
do I have a motion and a second so moved
second director de Paz moves and
director Scott seconds the motion to
adopt resolution
6:09 3 Miss Bradshaw is there any public
comment no is there any board discussion
um this Scott I have a couple of
and they're a little bit new movie
questions because I haven't really
processed here yeah PBS
direct deputy superintendent hurts the
capital projects fund so that's a I'm
just reading their ways of 562 million
dollar increase in that fund
well and that one in particular we are
issuing bonds so that there's also allow
us to issue the bonds that's this
edition second half of the 2017 bond
issue and as a matter of fact we are
bringing forward a sale that will close
in the middle of April so that allows us
to have the transaction closed in the
middle of a this month okay I just
wanted to confirm that was in fact that
the bond sale that was that was driving
that and then in terms of could you
could you this again this is a new
person new who bore have a question
could you walk me through the special
revenue fund at a very high level just
30 seconds what that fund is but there
are many things in the 200 level but
most of it is federal and state grants
it also has our Nutrition Services funds
in it so it is things that are
restricted for specific purposes or
title funding for low-income ways and
students on our IDE a funding for
special education and frequently we will
have adjustments in those grants and so
we bring that forward to you and in it
but it has multiple and has our when our
foundations donate to the district then
it comes through that 200 fund so that
the school's can make purchases so there
are many different circumstances for a
special revenue funds yeah okay so I
read everything in there has some sort
of restriction which is why it's a
special revenue funds correct okay it
was larger than I would've imagined it
and then just from a process perspective
are we are we doing
public hearing right now for the major
supplemental budget or or was that
01h 00m 00s
already done it wasn't clear from the
staff report it is being done right now
that's why we requested public comment
on this item on the agenda okay thank
you I thought that was the case but I
wasn't sure
thanks very much appreciated so this is
just a building it's as Julia directed
by Edward it's just building on that
question so I thought in the past when
we had had budget amendments we actually
had had a board meeting hearing separate
from the the actual vote on on the the
change in the budget so I'm just curious
have these already been implemented does
it look it looks like the way it's
worded that we're just ratifying some
decision that was already was already
made is that correct no it is not a
decision that's being has been made
we're asking you to approve this this is
what has been proposed by staff based on
our review of our current financials and
the upcoming getting through the
pandemic event and creating some
capacity where we know that by the end
of the year we'll probably spend higher
in some areas so for instance right now
when we talk about the Wi-Fi hotspots
that's an example but right now we have
the capacity to pay for that but it when
we get through to the end of the year we
may run out of capacity and we have to
have permission before we finish the
year so we're asking ahead of time
understanding that we are doing a
massive massive lift in getting a
distance-learning up for all of our
so having addition I know that we are
making available additional
instructional materials that we hadn't
planned on additional technology and
just a whole series of things to in
order to implement that so this is
it's not decisions that have been made
in that we have not overspent our
appropriation levels but we anticipate
by the end of the year that we we might
need additional and it's hard to
pinpoint right now all the specifics
with executive orders coming out in
giving us additional instructions and we
just need to be ready to implement
whatever we're asked to do and the other
pieces we did put a public notice in
terms of legal notice in The Oregonian
of this supplemental budget so that has
already been published prior to this
board meeting great so just a follow up
that because that's great context about
so changed environment
drivings or different expenditures that
we wouldn't normally anticipate so the
staff report that says the analysis of
the situation that has should the board
choose not to pass the resolution in the
year out of compliance with Oregon local
budget law because that would be because
we haven't moved the funds I'm just
trying to I'm just trying to understand
that you're making me by making
appropriation so you're giving us
permission to spend and normally when
you're adopting a budget you make
appropriations what we know since June
of last year when this budget was
adopted there are changes that have
transpired just in our daily operations
as well as a national pend a pandemic
event so we are anticipating a change in
our spending patterns and there I think
I mentioned one small correction in a
debt service fund where it had been
truncated instead of rounded up and so
we now have that edged in stone in the
budget Department so that we always
round up and not truncate to make it a
little bit smaller there should be for
debt service so again there we haven't
made that payment yet so we have not
overspend their appropriation but we
anticipate by the end of June that we
will need that additional appropriation
and that's why we're asking that of the
board tonight so it's the authorization
yeah patience okay got it thanks just
the other question I have
and again this is like we're in highly
unusual times but I'm I'm wondering just
the same way is we're having
expenditures that we thought we we
didn't ever anticipate we would have
because who would have anticipated we'd
be in this situation are there things in
which we anticipated spending resources
that that we won't now have to expend
those funds because of just changed
environment like if there's if there's
01h 05m 00s
no spring sports which I hate to say or
no you know spring musicals or you know
pick the you know no outdoor school are
there things in which they'll be up side
of course district of course it's just
it's so such a recent event and there's
been significant shift in what we're
doing on a daily basis that it's hard
for us to measure that at this point and
and an abundance of caution we wanted to
bring this forward to the board at this
time so that we don't have that issue of
overspending an appropriation level and
probably the main driving force is that
we were looking at bond quail in the
best possible circumstances are
historically low interest rates right
current in the current bond market well
it's a tricky market to sell in it is an
excellent market in terms of your
long-term interest rates and that was
something that we needed to have in
place as well great that was really
helpful thank you all right do we have
any further questions I I do have just
one more sort of technical legal
question and it might be more for Liz
have we have have we looked at the legal
issues around this qualifying as a
public hearing virtually I know this is
an issue that is being discussed in the
state and the fact that under and I
apologize that I know that this is all
RS 294 I'm not proud of that fact
but under s 294 in terms of how it
defines a public hearing this is
actually something local governments are
asking all over in terms of they go for
the budget process so did we talk to T
SEC or Department of Revenue at all
about about making sure that this does
qualify as a public hearing I have not
gone with either of those agencies on
that question I don't know Claire if
anur your team has but the legal
department chief financial officer since
the LA did connect with the T SCC and
they approved of this process okay yeah
thank you I know they are sort of yeah
and as you mentioned it was published in
The Oregonian and noticed and I know
that is TS DC's recommendations so I
thank you for checking on that and I
think we should move forward and I hope
we got some clarity from the governor
the legislature soon in terms of these
processes all right the board will now
vote on resolution six zero nine three
again we'll take a voice vote so we'll
begin director Lowry directors please I
saying yes sir director Lowry yes
director to past yes director more yes
director brim Edwards yes director Scott
yes director Bailey yes
all right and I vote yes as well
resolution six zero nine three is
approved by a vote of seven to zero with
student representative lateral voting
yes all right thank you very much will
now turn the board as the building
committee and follow the ball back into
its regular subject the next item is
request the waive the cash management
policy eight point two zero point zero
one zero dash P superintendent Greer
would you like to introduce the next
item well if y'all know director this
health crisis has spawned a second
crisis and economic
of which we have to be very attuned to
and so Claire hurts the seam gonna share
there than watching why that song with a
critical Samuel right now Claire so the
current US Treasuries securities Mart
market is in an unusual circumstance and
it will actually cost us money if we
were to invest there so we're looking at
other options too we're asking the board
to waive if you look in our board policy
you'll see that an individual Bank is
limited to 10% of our total investment
portfolio and we're asking for a
temporary wave of this section of the
policy to allow us to go up to 25% per
financial institution as we the money
01h 10m 00s
market accounts are best terms of not
costing resources in order to invest
funds especially as we move to investing
our bond proceeds from our sale that
will close later this month so when I'm
asking the board to approve the
resolution in order to allow us to waive
the section 7 subsection 2 of board
policy 8 2010 for a hundred and twenty
days so there would be an end date of
this waiving of the policy section
ok well get this on the table the board
will now 6:09 or to waive the cash
management follow 8.20 dot ten do I have
a motion in a second so moved
second dr. Bailey moves in director from
Edwards second motion to adopt pollution
69 for Miss Bradshaw is there any public
comment on this resolution no is there
any board discussion I have I have a
question actually I can T it off
so deputy superintendent Hertz was there
any consideration of establishing a
relationship with another financial
institution in order to respect the
spirit of the policy well you know
adhering to the common common sense
approach here certainly it was
considered but in this day and age you
have to have a wet signature on a bank
card and getting those passed while
we're all staying home in practicing
social distancing it seemed it would
take longer for us to get that sent back
and forth from the through the
individuals that need to sign it and
usually can take weeks to get it process
through the bank so it was considered
and with the sale happening in the
middle of this month we felt it would be
better to waive the policy for 120 days
in order to get that in place quickly so
just a follow-up question what
institution that has that has those
funds right now that we haven't we
haven't closed so nobody has the funds
the the buyer has the funds so we'll
close in the middle of April so we're
we're I'm sorry where will the cash be
held that long sorry they'll be going
you are our banks and I'll have to get
the list there's three main banks that
we use that are adopted by you know the
the board approves those institutions on
an annual basis but I can look that up
for you and there's not any issue of us
having being over indexed in a
particular institution that wouldn't
covered in case of a financial collapse
so there is a collateral process by the
state of Oregon that banks you know we
have to we can only bank with banks that
are approved by the state of Oregon that
have the capacity to have the
collateralization for our funds okay
through the state treasury yes yeah okay
and then I have just one other question
and I think this is this is a smart
thing to do on other public boards that
I serve on others are doing this as well
so I'm supportive of it I just have a
question about we got the resolution
information yesterday I just want to
ensure that while we didn't have it
posted for 72 hours that there could be
a this is a question there could be a
real financial impact on PBS if we
didn't approve this at this at this
board meeting that is correct and in my
apologies for getting it to the board
late but but it's it's urgent so we
should approve it bring it forward to
yeah okay
thank you thank you can I um I found the
names of the banks so just add those in
answer to Julia's question JPMorgan
Chase Umpqua and Washington federal as
well as Willamette Community Credit
Union which has a much smaller limit on
how much how much funds they can hold
01h 15m 00s
that's it any further discussion or
all right Lord will now vote on
resolution six zero nine four again
we'll take a voice vote director Lowry
director to pass
dr. de Paz director more yes director
brim Edwards yes dr. Bailey yes director
Scott yes director de Paz all right we
may have lost director to pass ivote yes
as well any objections
oh is that record to pass yes mr. Gupta
pass is mouthing yes yes okay resolution
6 0 9 4 is approved by a vote of 70 to 0
was to representative lateral voting yes
all right
great thank you very much deputy
superintendent hurts when can we have
one conference report tonight director
de Paz would you like to provide us with
a report of your recent conference sure
so I attended in early March which seems
like years and years and years ago a
conference a two-day conference in
Nashville where we got to tour the
academies of Nashville and those are
academies our career technical focused
academies we visited Stratford school
and mcgavock there's a lot of pride in
both buildings what was interesting
about the visits were there were
multiple principals in one building with
one chief hire a chief in the building
and then four or different Academy
principals the learning environment was
really interesting to watch just to
compare how different it was from
Portland the students that toward us all
had on Navy Blazers and we're very
professional the career technical
learning was criminal justice was one of
the offerings legal biomedical the arts
track had music studio music and digital
media steam focus was biomedical
Engineering and science and research and
they're in cooperation with Vanderbilt
and other area universities and was
really great to learn from the students
we had an opportunity to so these
academies are in the two different
buildings they're branded academies and
so there's corporate support from
Bridgestone Bridgestone tires Nissan
Ford and other recognizable corporate
names that support the learning and the
students with job shadows and you know
other supports financial it's in some
cases it was really interesting to watch
a team meeting we they actually had it
performed a team meeting hey Michelle
your your microphones off just as a pop
you can it I just can you hear me now I
anyway really interesting to witness the
team meeting so the teams are focused in
this in in the focus areas and so they
have a smaller group of students they're
able to track students you know by name
in each Academy each of those learning
areas graduation rates in both of those
high schools that we visited went from
you know the low 50s up and up into the
low 90s percentage-wise I I got their
thinking like who would want a branded
none of the corporations are able to put
any their logo on any of the materials
but it was interesting to see the the
support from the corporate community and
a great visit and and a great visit and
that you know it might be a long time
before I'm able to be in the airport
again so seems like a whole nother a
whole other world ago thank you very
glad you had an opportunity to to do
that last night I was going to say
excuse me one more thing and that's that
Benson Aaron Benson
Tech was had had great representation
that conference as well so I think it'd
be interesting to hear from them what
they picked up from the visit great
01h 20m 00s
thank you very much okay I'd like to get
back to the two items that have been
pulled from the business agenda I
believe it was six zero eight seven and
six zero nine zero director brim Edwards
would you like to speak to your removal
of those items from the business agenda
yeah I just have questions about both of
them I'll just start with pretty
straightforward just the question on
settlement in six zero nine zero and the
resolution states that the resolution
was reached pursuant to the direction of
the district's insurance carrier and I
was wondering if general counsel large
could speak to that piece and then I
just have a follow-up questions sure I
think it's best understood in context of
the insurance contract and relationship
we have with our carrier we have a five
hundred thousand dollar self-insured
retention it's for most purposes you can
just think of it as a deductible and so
as and let me back up one more step that
that what that means is that first
$500,000 incurred on a claim whether
that's in payment of a settlement or a
judgment or the defense costs any
amounts over five hundred thousand
dollars are paid by the carrier and any
amounts under that are paid by the
district so as we were approaching that
threshold we are as is best practice in
communication with our carrier when
there was an opportunity to settle this
claim wanted to eliminate the exposure
which was almost entirely theirs or the
case not to settle and go forward
so just as following thank you as a
follow-on so is it accurate to say that
well it says it was at the direction of
the district's insurance carrier that
our overarching approach with our
insurance carrier is that we have shared
fiduciary responsibilities and controls
built in and that any of the cases that
were having a consideration there is a
sort of partnership or shared approach
by us and our insurance carrier is an
accurate description I would state it
differently I would say it's it's at its
core a contractual relationship that
defines who has what responsibilities at
what levels of liability and exposure it
is it is very much a relationship that
you want to be productive and
collaborative and I think I can very
safely say that ours is with our carrier
and so there are duties the carrier has
certain duties to the insurer as as do
your lawyers and all of us working hard
on doing these claims so it is it is in
its foundation a contractual
relationship but it is it is one when
you are assessing risk and making
decisions one that involves
collaboration and certainly everyone is
focused on the best interest of the
insured which is Portland Public Schools
great Thank You chair I believe there
was another question by director for a
man worth Oh 8 7 yep so we could just do
them both together and then you can do
items so the other question I had was
about the contract that campus can't
compact and it's up for a relatively
small amount
$68,000 and in the overall scheme of
things I'm just looking at the the
contract extension it's
or 15 from April 15 of 2022 I can't help
it my handwriting March 31st 2021 and
what it generated for me is just the
question about how we're going to
approach contracts but tension
potentially between now and mid fall
next year because if I if I look at that
I'm interested hereis about if so for
example it starts we're reaping again on
April 15th if there's no school
delivered at at a school location is the
expectation that all in this contract
01h 25m 00s
the contractual obligations would be
delivered in the distant distant
learning format and I guess that also my
question would be extending to next fall
if we're not if we're still in a
distance-learning posture how for this
specific contract that just generally
are we expecting contractors to sort of
modify their posture or would it be you
know make more economic sense to say
this isn't something we can layer on top
of our current distance learning so I'm
interested in sort of what our approach
is going to be over the next six months
director Broome Edwards are you asking
specifically to Campus Compact the
contract or just generally well I guess
specifically and Endre it generates a
lot of questions because we have
contracts that we routinely vote on that
are extensions where there's a service
that's delivered not in the classroom
that's sort of supplemental or
wraparound and I think last check we had
we had if we have a fair number of those
contracts or something like this where
normally the service would be delivered
at the at the school and just my
question is for this specific contract
are we expecting them to deliver
even if the students aren't back in the
school buildings and then generally how
are we going to approach that with other
contracts as well sure so I'll just say
first off as as prudent administrators
we wouldn't permit the invoicing of
goods and services not rendered but on
this specific country and there might be
adjustments made given the changing
context and that certainly it's
something we're just guessing with
providers and other contracts on this
one specifically I will ask our CEO dr.
Luis Valentino and our deputy soup
doctor Clara if he wants to try and
about what this one looks like
specifically yes and I'll tee it up
director brim Edwards and I did respond
to your email earlier this contract is a
contract that does reside in the college
and career-readiness departments within
the OTL office is specific to our gear
up grant which is which is part of the
2008 grant that we were awarded which is
just purely focused on building the
capacity of each of our schools to
promote equitable access to
post-secondary ed in training this is
specific to having two AmeriCorps
members actually coming in and
supporting our our coaches and our
mentors under the direction of a Tosa
which is within the gear up slash
college and career readiness department
and so I just wanted to kind of give
some background in terms of where this
actually where it resides in but I'll
let dr. Bellin I'll let dr. Valentino
actually go into more of the details in
terms of what does this actually consist
of for the day to days yeah and actually
I'm I don't have any issue I'm I'm
familiar with us I don't have so my
question is not related to the actual
surface is just like in in this
environment are we expecting contractors
you provide modified services or we're
putting something in the contract that
if they can't deliver services that we
have a ticking so this is it's more of a
general question not specifically
related to it just would like to see how
it in play for example plays out in this
contract are they gonna meet with the
high school high school teams and the
college and crew teams and then actually
work distance ly with from a distance
with students or how that works so just
briefly with 4x and OTL as you know most
of our contracts with partners have to
do with delivery of professional
development or direct supports to
students and so so for example the
superintendent has been speaking with
leadership of avid to see how it can be
modified so that we can provide
professional development online over the
summer or apply a hybrid model that
takes us into the next fall in looking
at direct supports for students some of
them begin over the summer which is why
the contract is staggered the way it is
to begin in July and work through the
summer and into the fall and so if for
the summer we are not ready then we have
to rethink how we can apply all of the
learning that we had that that we're
going to have between now and summer to
use technology to build in a their a
01h 30m 00s
hybrid model or an online component
where possible in some cases that that
is not possible and we will have to
revisit our contracts and from my office
I've actually begun to look at a couple
that I don't think we'll be able to
carry forward but in some cases I think
that we will be able to do that and this
is this is a case because of its back
loaded into the summer and fall that we
feel like we can either defer or move it
back into the school year at a different
time and so that we still move ahead
yeah this is the one that because
because of the scale exactly as you're
describing because of the schedule and
this is one that we would modify if
necessary what it would look like what's
the model of delivery because it's the
focus is on classroom based mentoring
so if we're going to continue providing
support toward summer force for middle
school students and this is specific to
middle school students then we would
modify the model that we would use in
the delivery of that of that support
great super helpful and then my last
question on this is for most of the
other contracts that have student based
supports there's students
well there's kpi's or performance
targets built in that our student
related and like looking at the contract
I didn't I didn't see that
and I'm wondering is is it because
they're actually in the school or
because we treat them differently than
we would community based organizations
so community based organizations they
would have a set of goals they provide
quarterly reporting and then there's a
year-end report that and then all of
that is student based and I'm here there
are either it's not here and I so I'm
just missing it or this is something
different and we treat community based
differently if it's not there I mean
clearly you do know gear up and so you
know the objectives of it and the Campus
Compact is designed to be leveraged as
part of the gear up in classroom
mentoring support so the outcome really
should should should be describing how
it's building the capacity of the
students for college readiness which is
the the target suit population and so if
it's not drafted clearly then that's
that's an area that we have to revisit
when we are developing our contracts
yeah and so I can follow up with the
contracts that program administrator to
ask why that is just I know that the
community-based organizations have said
in the past that they feel like they
were being held to a different standard
then than others and so this would just
be a place where it seems like there's a
student based service that it would be
the same but I'll follow up with Emily
coordinates after the meeting
because I'm not I'm not seeing any
student based goals but maybe it's not
posted with the contrary all right we
will now vote on the item we've just
been discussing six zero eight seven
we'll take a voice vote on this item
from the business agenda director Lowry
yeah audit director to pass I'm sorry -
yes damn did we get a motion in a second
on that no we did not do I have a motion
to bring forward resolution six zero
eight seven how about a how about a
motion of six zero eight seven and six
zero nine zero we're gonna vote on them
separately so let's drop six zero eight
seven since we were just discussing that
no move second director Bailey move
director to pass seconds thank you my
note we've just had our discussion sorry
about that so we will now vote take a
voice lit up do we want to ask about
public comment we have any public
comment on this I already heard we
didn't have any public comment on the
whole business agenda I believe at the
top of the meatiness so I already have a
yes from director Lowry director - pass
yes director Moore
yes director from Edwards yes director
Bowie yes director Scott yes
I'm yes as well so the motion passes by
a vote of 7 to 0 with a student
01h 35m 00s
representative lateral voting yes all
right thank you very much
now can I have a motion to bring forward
resolution six zero nine zero no moved
ok director DePass moves director
baylene sec
just had our discussion so we'll move to
a voice vote on this item director Lowry
yes director de Paz yes director more
director BAE excuse me director brim
Edwards yes director Bailey yes director
Scott yes I am yes as well
the motion passes by a vote of 7 to 0
with dirt with student representative
lateral voting yes yes all right before
we adjourn Maxine I would like to invite
you to share anything you would like
about your first week of distance
learning how'd it go
I've had two classes so far they've both
been fine um a lot of my teachers are
using this week as just to check in with
students which for me has been really
good to just see my teachers faces and
see all my classmates because I miss
everyone a lot as do a lot of students
and teachers miss their students
obviously so my first my first couple
days have been pretty good my weight
training teacher gave us some workouts
to do which has given me some structure
which I've enjoyed makes me a little bit
more tired at the end of my day which is
good since I'm doing just so much but
yeah still spending a lot of time with
my cat torturing her she's having so
much fun with it though we had DSC
meeting today and we've been continuing
to have to get seen yet he's just
virtually and that's been great to see
everyone and just you know share our
knowledge across schools of what's been
going on yeah I'm doing pretty well as I
committed to college so that gave me a
more that I really needed I needed a
little bit of adrenaline again what
we're oh I'm gonna be going to the
University Puget Sound next year in
Tacoma about that thank you so
so I'm just looking forward to that
getting through the pandemic let's just
go to college I'd rather not have my
freshman year of college be virtual but
if it's gonna be like that I'll take it
but I'm just I'm just happy I get to see
my teachers right now and my classmates
and try to continue some some normal a
little bit I mean none of this is normal
let's be real but just you know seeing
teachers is great and my appreciation to
everyone who's doing the the tech stuff
because it's so complicated and you know
Google meets is its it can be
frustrating sometimes so all the
teachers who are learning how to use all
of this all of my appreciation goes to
this but yeah all right oh my god I'm in
a better mood right now so I'm good no
it's fantastic it's great to keep your
house so yeah hope everybody's doing
well in this meeting even though I can't
see everyone but I miss seeing you all
at central office we miss you too
we miss you no all right everybody take
care this meeting of the Board of
- PPS Board of Education, Archive 2019-2020, https://www.pps.net/Page/15694 (accessed: 2022-03-24T00:57:49.341831Z)
- PPS Communications, "Board of Education" (YouTube playlist), https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8CC942A46270A16E (accessed: 2023-10-10T04:10:04.879786Z)