2019-11-05 PPS School Board Work Session

From SunshinePPS Wiki
District Portland Public Schools
Date 2019-11-05
Time missing
Venue missing
Meeting Type work
Directors Present missing

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Event 1: PPS Board of Education, Work Session - Nov 5, 2019

00h 00m 00s
thank you everywhere else would you like to bet the stage here or would you like to defer to Deputy Superintendent Carter most deputies recovered just thank you everybody I'll just say for being here this evening this has been a pretty involved process or at least the expectations to try to make sure we do our best to collect beautiful input from stakeholders educators families from across the system under a pretty unreasonable timeline to be honest but we I think given it a really huge effort hopefully from what you hear tonight you'll see that reflected in some of the analysis after synthesizing thousands of points of input so I don't know of another district in the state of Oregon that has done this comprehensive the job to be honest just from talking for many of my colleagues so I'm thankful that we were able despite the tight line to really collect as much feedback as we have so tonight you're gonna hear of progress about sort of the needs assessment and some of the thinking out in the community but also as we developed internally what are some of those key ingredients as a strategic plan emerges what is that framework and how does it actually align with what the community is is calling before especially as we think forward to a vision that we need to find is this past year so over to our executive lead sponsor on this Epis do declare pervs it's together as we're rolling out [Music] [Music] develop go through the needs assessment process so that it is he'll be sharing out with you tonight and then also to point over the first rap and the strategic plan framework and really looking at as we look at the needs assessment from the community how does that align with what we're bringing forward with our strategic framework and really looking at our graph focus areas and though also we want to go through this process tonight we'll take your feedback and input you have a facilitator at each table and take her at each table so that we can gather your input and then incorporate it in round 2 which is on November 19th so there we go so in terms of what we've been working on so that's where the work started so we started taking what we heard from the community all last year and Jonathan Garcia how many copies on your table and I think Stephanie's showing you into our strategic plan now being that we have both state and federal federal requirements do the organs of education for that that's why we have this scrunched up timeframe in October for a new we can have this and then after that this is the state
00h 05m 00s
process you have a student investment account actually two other components of funding that they're still writing the rules so that is then due to the organ part event in March so I'll be the second round and we are also so barrel state and then this is our district plan they're really always same plan right but they each have their own components of requirements that have to meet so we're just trying to help you see that and a survey goes out to the public we have a number of community events where we engage the public in target audiences we actually worked in collaborating with our teachers union to do a focus group and then they developed the survey in collaboration to capture their voices so there were a host of activities and in those we collected about 5,000 additional point of information that would summarize to help guide how we're thinking and it was impressive how all that sort of came together so when we looked at community engagement there are a couple things that sort of bubbled up to the time this was in about three to one for the next highest level thing of interest there were like three comments about this folks were really interested in emotional social so amplified students how can we better coordinate services between the school system and external providers to make sure that we have a solid wraparound for students they need that the next time start bubbled up in communities how do we grow these academic disparity we're all aware and I recently presented data to the board in the community about our gaps and achievement and so one of the things that bubbled up and folks were really interested in how do we when we turn to the teachers union their number one thing with a close second by the way because their number one thing was reducing class size but the number two is that was close second Echo's is how we provide for this social-emotional welfare when we start getting families that were in high need we actually have staff who reached out and call big are almost students and homeless families to gather information from that to really deeply understand how what their needs were because part of this funding is meant to address lists again what did we hear coordination of services social-emotional need these are triangulating things starts pointing to the same direction again and again we get back to our administrators our administrators were very much focused on what does it mean to reduce gaps what does it mean to to provide access and opportunity to our students so that they can fulfill that vision of a portrait of breath and then we close those gaps and again right on the heels of that what does it mean to provide so consistent this and talk about what what does it mean for us to be able to close and reduce academic disparities in our students so again we've talked about portrait of the crab before yeah your want process to develop that and it's really an aspirational vision for what our students can be and really please you know that the board also aligned a goal to this that begins some question
00h 10m 00s
I'm making this happen so put students at the center there's a racial and social equity focus for our students we talked about character attributes honesty and integrity excellence respect relationships creativity innovation and work honor and multiple pathways that kids can show up and work their way through that model taking that whoops we have to flush out of occasionally and again where it's just a brown work of the strategic plan so using the visioning processes that we start to think about the event to support educators the transitions that after what are the system shifts work again moving our system towards is and how do we frame all of the above again with that in that framework of racial equity and social justice again we see gaps our board has taken a position where identity would be board roles there there is there explicit racial equity goals they talk about closing gaps and again we don't do that for mode of engagement at this point you have a year-long process to develop the division for the system you had a deep but intense period of engagement here around SSA so what does it look like as we think about this we think about the strategic framework and this Punk we're thinking about three pillars for the world what are the academic things academic and student supports that need to happen what does that work to change learning constructions and again the environment supports to that then obviously moves over to what does it mean for modern environments and again when we talk about shifts in terms of teaching and our workforce what we do to help improve our educators in terms of professional development how do we improve over time how do we make the shifts necessary so under each of these areas there are some things that folks who own this contact so in academics under the direction of definitely where they've been at the envision what what are some of the levers to great change or submission shifts happen to be able to move that forward you can see those here on the screen again differentiated support for schools changes to instruction multi-tiered systems and to that social-emotional learning and how do we differentiate support to students who have multiple needs and again how do we cultivate a system like life because we're talking about if we're going to change those four students and we have to change how we educate staff in the system we talk about safety on our schools it's a little bit shorter West here what does it look like in terms of school modernization so I would like to point out again finally human capital of culture
00h 15m 00s
[Music] about these strategic possible could we hide how do we hire more teachers how many redeem them happen again how do we build again intentional efforts to improve the workforce and have the workforce again better online to provide for our students and again always press upwards to create the changes that's support again producing students to beat the promises and the four core goals that the Board adopted recently support that at all school levels so students focus on what it means to but in the meanwhile we have a place over there where we are in some of the performance of students on us back in mathematics break for that aspirational goal competitive [Music] and then finally the one that was bright spent the most time talking about was what it needs and the Lord landed on what I think is a pretty rigorous three or more AP classes with the serum of overpass three or more IV buses in this year or past three or more dual credit classes but that sounds pretty intimidating good and then or finish the CTE pathways is Suki configure with this year above for honoring those sealed by literacy and demonstrate their the board is also secretary ready DMARC yes I see the director Lowry that is definitely something that we will work on as we move forward so head on this is marching band in like six weeks but in the idea here with with this close secondary goal was to allow for the variety of ways to show up in high school pursuit of post-secondary committee but yes hey is it okay to ask a clarifying question and maybe this doesn't know anything but can you speak to why the board goals for their great reading more centered around growth and eighth grade is focusing on proficiency sure so third and fifth grade week we focus explicitly on growth bigness frankly it's the leading indicator in order to create a change in proficiency to close a gap the first thing you have to do is accelerate growth so it is be the leading indicator to to see and that made sense for both third grade and fifth grade to look at that and it should be accumulation from if you think about where you came into kindergarten where you where you are by third grade and if I'm making more growth than average then over time I'm closing achievement gaps as well so it was a leading indicator and allows us to know during the course of the year what's going on because the measures anchored to the NWA math assessment versus waiting for us back and getting it oh now Keith bridge why do we go that way ether it's sort of the cumulative measurement where are you at that point in time because you have to be ready to go to high school so it is sort of a terminal brain of stores either you can be ready to the hospital or you're not and again it's a placeholder because we're looking at middle school redesigning we're gonna have a more robust rubric to go with that but that being said your proficiency in reading your proficiency in mathematics will be
00h 20m 00s
quarter they will be part of that River but we will expand it to include many of the other dimensions that are more focused on the whole child person that's a speaking of questions [Music] clarifying questions [Music] our mismanagement is so in the certainly prominent themes engagement surveys all four constituencies identified social-emotional learning as one of their top two items but going then through past the strategic framework and into the focus areas focus areas nor any of the board goals calls out social-emotional learning in any particular focused way as something that we're doing so where's the disconnect there and how is that particular items that was strongly called out when I don't constituencies yes I'm so to answer your question directly I'm on the academics and student supports on page there's two themes in there that actually captured social emotional learning we have the multi-tiered systems and supports which the SEL work is actually embedded through that tiered model approach and also stated supportive learning environments which is also a big portion of one of our departments called the Office of Student Support Services which houses the social-emotional learning mental health and wellness rapid response which would fall in that particular theme as well that's a really good question so all the wraparound services they're planned under the SSA yes are going to be hard to what about the work goals since none of them called out specifically any particular identifiable we can we can take that together I would say that the eighth grade goal in particular that we were just talking about that was a huge part of our conversation and I think it's safe to say that the distillation of that eighth grade goal doesn't capture much of our our intention in our conversation around that because we are in this process of or soon to embark on this process of the middle school redesign but that's really where our priorities lay on that is that you know students being ready to succeed in high school in every way including leadership skills self-efficacy take it away so is my other day all the time but that really did start that a prequel started with director more lifting out social emotional and that there are narrative beyond this that gets to that that isn't here because we don't have the capacity to measure that yet as we're doing our middle grades redesign but the plan is we know that some of our places of struggle in high school really begin in middle school with struggles around social-emotional health that are happening and so that's a huge priority how to do in middle grades redesign and director Moore was in Miami I word some of our other folk structure bailing director Bailey and they work with some of the redesigns that Miami can stand that is really focus on that social-emotional so that's definitely something here it is in the attention around that work goal thank you there's just a one-week happen for example the third grade well we know we have to attend to social emotional
00h 25m 00s
issues to get our kids that they're pretty told the reverse is not necessarily true we could attempt to social-emotional learning without improving how we deliver reading instruction and we have kids who are better better emotionally but not necessarily read so what one is important to get to the others but that were first causation yes that's why he only lets us do I have announced it yes okay yeah I just want to open it up for clarifying our facilitators to [Music] [Music] so there's [Music] don't [Music] [Applause]
00h 30m 00s
[Music] next killer right correct right question that language will have actually will actually be banking or at least sell them to their very budget ask will also be or tense about this isn't here timeframe we know there's a workers I just asked for what is the magic that existed if there isn't we get to like what is the difference [Music] [Music] [Music]
00h 35m 00s
right so [Music] it's free which is why we're actually looking at expanding but the idea is that all of our schools [Music] no I mean we see it already [Music] [Music] yeah
00h 40m 00s
additional [Music] the other the other piece we remember when Deborah Denver 273 years ago and kids at two different schools would get algebra high school they should have ever seen [Music] I'm in generally [Music] well that's interesting you're taking that just me the professional system and I when I first saw that I thought
00h 45m 00s
[Music] [Music] the very first initial results on the levy of 73% [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter]
00h 50m 00s
so this one is inextricably supportive learning environment especially like with IT like opportunities [Music] without sitting there holding a special details of how it works and making sure that nation we have members differently special education that sit over cakes they're probably just more our project planners and architects around
00h 55m 00s
[Music] [Music] well that's what I was actually getting up to and you stir stir [Music] [Music] [Music]
01h 00m 00s
[Music] [Applause] [Music]
01h 05m 00s
[Music] where so many I [Music] [Music]
01h 10m 00s
[Music] [Laughter]
01h 15m 00s
[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
01h 20m 00s
[Applause] [Music] in the conversation I walked around I really sure I felt like talking to each other would be a positive step so thank you for sharing with us as we're rolling out new strategic plan and rolling it out with you guys together I appreciate you guys having so we have our next meeting will be [Music] okay [Music]
