2019-07-02 PPS School Board Regular Meeting, Work Session
District | Portland Public Schools |
Date | 2019-07-02 |
Time | missing |
Venue | missing |
Meeting Type | regular, work |
Directors Present | missing |
Documents / Media
07-02-19 Business Agenda (904901cc5e1e7ae6).pdf Business Agenda- Original
07-02-19 Business AgendaREVISED-07-01 (57ed6260da1d773c).pdf Business Agenda - Revised
07-02-19 Business Agenda2ndREVISED (b441c880b3d64eee).pdf Business Agenda - Second revised
2019 07 02 Meeting Overview (cfee27839368409e).pdf Meeting Overview
Event 1: Regular Meeting of the Board of Education - July 2, 2019
00h 00m 00s
okay this regular meeting of the Board
of Education for July 2nd 2019 is called
to order
welcome to everyone present and to our
television viewers for tonight's meeting
any item that will be voted on this
evening has been posted this meeting is
being televised live and will be
replayed throughout the next two weeks
please check the board website for
replay times this meeting is also being
streamed live on our PPS TV services
website we also have interpreters with
us we do not have interpreters with this
nevermind okay before we proceed board
members are there any items you'd like
to pull from the business agenda for a
separate discussion than votes okay
so we'll move right into student and
public comments do we have any student
on public comment no okay so I'm skip
all of that okay superintendent Guerrero
would you like to provide your report
certainly chair good evening director so
I'm going to be brief tonight at our
last meeting I described a lot of
activity that that staff is busy mainly
have a planning nature that includes
ensuring that we fill all of our
leadership vacancies I think communities
have noticed are on a rolling basis a
lot of principal announcements there
were several more today interviews are
continuing our principal supervisors are
busy working with community stakeholders
and interview panels to identify for our
remaining principal and assistant
principal vacancies recall that we added
a number of assistant principal
positions or were at this point now
continuing to fill and identify
candidates for those slots we're also
busy planning for our annual Leadership
Institute which will be in August so
we're looking
for to continuing with some of the
themes that have been important
priorities for us but also placing a
special emphasis on educating all of our
leaders to lead the work in
understanding our vision moving forward
so we're looking forward to that
the adults won't be the only ones busy
learning this summer we do have about
3,000 students who are participating in
our Summer Scholars Program I had a
chance to visit them this past Friday
spent the morning
thank you David home for for the tour we
were able to visit a great number of
classrooms and was pleased with the work
that was happening and across many
different courses that our students are
taking at Benson I was observed students
coming from our high schools all over
the district in one particular social
studies class they they took advantage
of the opportunity of having the
superintendent visiting so they had
prepared some interview questions so we
engaged in a lengthy conversation and
some of the observations that they
shared which frankly I agree with is how
do we continue to expand extended
learning opportunities for secondary
students frankly students at all grade
levels what would it look like if we
offered Summer Scholars and summer
school and extended learning courses at
all of our comprehensive high schools as
well as evening programs so we had a
great discussion they talked about the
importance of access and eliminating
transportation barriers by thinking
about in the future how we think about
expanding that beyond one comprehensive
hub but it's nice to see 1500 students
from our various high schools
participating in each of the two
sessions that we're offering this summer
also looking forward to the summer arts
academy kicking off at Tubman so stay
tuned for more information on that there
will be a culminating showcase at the
end of that experience for our students
and then the other thing I wanted to
mention is I'm sure you're aware the
public is aware that the 2019
legislative session just end
over this past weekend it's worth
mentioning because I think there were a
lot of high points there for k-12 public
education not only the passing of the
Student Success act which which will
provide for additional funding a year
from now but it also included some
crucial student safety bills multifamily
zoning that we think will have
implications for our neighborhood
schools and I wanted to make sure and
give a special shout out to our director
of government relations Courtney Wesley
who helped lead the team down and Salem
along with many other of our advocates
and helped ensure that bills important
to bps stayed on track lastly just want
to acknowledge our new board directors
for joining us at the day as this
00h 05m 00s
evening earlier we were able to
celebrate and participate in their
swearing-in ceremony so welcome to new
PBS directors to past Lowry and Scott
thank you in advance for this important
voluntary service and commitment that
you make to the students of Portland
Public Schools last night we had the
opportunity senior staff to dive into a
little bit of evening orientation about
sort of what it takes to operate a 1.3
billion dollar organization with 9600
employees which actually represents what
are the biggest companies if you want to
look at it that way in the region so
thank you for for letting us take that
first kind of download with you on how
our organizational structure works as we
get as you continue to get to know all
the ins and outs of PPS so welcome
that's all I have for tonight so that
concludes my report thank you so the
next item on the agenda is election of
board leadership and this is actually
sort of the principal reason to have
this meeting before we move to that I'd
like to give a take just a few minutes
to review what happened over the last
school year and it was another very busy
year and I think there's a lot that we
have to be to be proud of and
awful lot of work was done a lot of work
remains to be done but we are I think
we're making real progress and and I
want to I want us to acknowledge what
what we managed to do in in a relatively
short but busy year so I'm just going to
tick off a bunch of things despite a
large projected shortfall and continued
inadequate funding from the states
we passed a more transparent and
understandable budget that included
targeted investments to rebuild
long-neglected foundational areas that
are critical to improving student
it included a staffing model based on
principles of real equity prioritizing
schools and programs serving
historically underserved and highest
needs students we continued development
of a core curriculum development of a
multi-tiered supports and services
special education professional
development work on creating a climate
curriculum work on creating expertise in
dyslexia and training teachers to
respond to students with dyslexia we're
well on our way to creating a master
plan for arts pathways throughout the
district and we've got the initial
phases of developing and implementing a
full district-wide plan for college and
career readiness opportunities for the
first time that's just the first
category we open to new middle schools
and stabilized a third which was a huge
effort for many many schools across the
districts that improved educational
opportunities for about 2,000 students
we completed a comprehensive community
process that produced an ambitious and
inspiring vision for PPS that will guide
the development of a multi-year
strategic plan this fall we've completed
master plans for Madison Lincoln Kellogg
and Benson we're committed to creating a
new day
educated building to house the multiple
pathways to graduation programs that
will finally provide high-need students
with the specialized learning
environments they need and deserve we
settle contracts with labor partners and
most most notably we extended the p80
contract for one year and through a
successful IBB process in interest based
bargaining process we secured
contractual changes that were
recommended by the Whitehurst
investigation to enhance the district's
ability to protect student safety we
successfully pursued an ambitious
legislative agenda as the superintendent
just pointed out and it was I have heard
from several sources in Salem that the
fact that we weighed in on some items
actually helped propel their passage so
just to call out a few Senate bill 155
significantly enhanced student safety in
art including a redefinition of sexual
misconduct and substantial investments
in TS PC DHS and OD II that will improve
the capacity for investigations we
joined a coalition that successfully
00h 10m 00s
lobbied for the Student Success act and
the first step in major corporate tax
reform to redress 30 years of
disinvestment in public education we
joined with others to support landmark
housing legislation to open up options
for affordable housing for students and
families and locally we worked with the
city to preserve the district's capacity
to protect students and agreed to work
with the city to redesign SRO program to
address student and community concerns
we also helped to spearhead local
opposition to the proposed expansion of
i-5 based on health and safety concerns
the risk to Harriet Tubman middle school
and its implications the the
implications of an interstate expansion
for climate change and finally last but
not least over the last six months the
board has embarked on a major effort for
professional developments and improving
the way the board conducts its own
business I'm hoping that we will
continue that going forward we will be
it in Boston at a conference with other
school boards across the country and
we'll be learning about different ways
to different ways to organize our work
ways to to kind of keep the main thing
the main thing and focus on student
outcomes as the the guiding principle
for everything that the board does so
that's my little list of things that we
accomplished over the last year so madam
chair for me I just want to say that's a
really impressive list and there's
nothing on that list that doesn't have
your fingerprints on it and maybe a
couple of couple of your edits maybe
more than a couple Oxford comma people
complicate your commas correct so thank
you for leading the board this last year
and I say there's nothing on that list
that you weren't intimately involved in
and I know you put in so many hours so
thank you thank you as I said earlier
it's it's an honor and a privilege to to
serve on his board and and it's a
thankless job and being the board chair
is a thankless job on steroids
thank you okay well I wasn't gonna put
it quite that way but I'm not gonna
disagree and I had decided a while back
that having been in board leadership for
two years I was going to step back and I
believe in circulation of leadership so
so I will not be continuing in this role
I want to thank everybody for all your
support at that long list that that was
not just us that was I mean for one
thing that was all of us but it was also
all of a lot of the people sitting in
this room right now
an enormous amount of work has happened
in this district staff are working
massive numbers of hours and and their
the dedication that everybody has to
doing right by kids in this district is
is really yeah I mean it's it's nothing
short of inspiring so thank you to
everybody for all of the work I'm
looking forward to next year working
with new colleagues and and in the in a
different seat and my employer has been
very kind and indulgent and I actually
need to do my job now so my page open so
at this point we are going to take
nominations for chair and Vice Chair
according to board policy leadership
full leadership roles are voted upon
twice annually I will we will now
consider resolution number five nine to
five election of board chairperson I
would like to take nominations for the
board chair do we have a nomination I'd
like to make a nomination for a slate
Amy con stem as chair and Julia broom
Edwards as vice chair or co-chair okay
so I think according to board rules we
we have to separate the two roles so
00h 15m 00s
I'll take a nomination for chair okay
I would nominate Amy Kahn stem for chair
okay do we have any other nominations
yes I'll second that nomination okay
director to pass moves director Scott
seconds nomination of Amy Constanta
serve as cheer this is resolution number
five nine to five is there any
discussion I'm sure to to the motion so
director constant has a 50-year
affiliation I promise not to be exact in
the 50-50 what year history with PPS
starting as a student as a parent as a
volunteer I don't think there's been a
money measure that's been on the ballot
in the last two decades that director
Khan's damn hasn't played a significant
role in and but not just on money issues
when kids were being shortchanged in
some particular way by the district or
getting an inequitable treatment
directors constant stepped up whether it
was through the parent Coalition or any
number of other parent led initiatives
we've had I think that you're going to
be a really strong and student focused
leader and I think it's gonna be a great
six months and probably before we
continue with the vote I just want to
double check on resolution numbers do I
have the right number is this 5 9 to 5
okay okay the board will now vote on
resolution number five nine to five all
in favor please indicate by saying yes
all opposed say no any abstentions
resolution number five 925 is approved
by a vote of 7 to 0
congratulations thank you okay next
we'll move on to election of the board
vice chairperson do I have a nomination
I move to nominate Julia bream Edwards
as vice chair in a second I'll second
okay director constan moves director
Scott seconds a motion to elect director
from Edwards as Vice Chair and I'd like
to take a do I have to do a separate
motion on the resolution or okay so is
there any board discussion of resolution
number five 931 okay the board will now
vote on resolution number five nine
three one all in favor please indicate
by saying yes yes all opposed say no
resolution number five nine three one is
approved by a vote of seven to zero
congratulations thank you looking
forward to working a leadership with you
director constan right back at you and
the rest of the board okay we'll move on
to the business agenda the board will
now consider the remainder of its
business agenda miss huff are there any
changes yes we would through five nine
to four okay do I have a motion in a
second to adopt the revised business
agenda so moved second director Scott
moves in director comes damn second to
the adoption of the business agenda we
got to get our Scott's right director
Bailey sorry sorry sorry yeah this is
gonna be confusing sorry last year we
had Julia and Julie so I think blame for
all the proper stuff the board clerk can
board manager are conferring about the
amendment or lack thereof to the
business agenda so
just a moment while they are conferring
okay we can talk about how we're gonna
resolve a Scott issue with Julie and
Julia that like everybody before is
sorry we're gonna add back in five nine
00h 20m 00s
to four which is the field trip which
was the field trip we withdrew the
contract musical form we would do the
contract for musical quarrel sorry okay
so do I need to do the motion I think
you should okay so we're looking at a
business agenda that is not changed do I
have a motion and a second to adopt the
business agenda so I'm confused as 5.24
back in yes okay it's so much okay there
was there was a change but and it
happened before so the business agenda
is currently posted is accurate
correctly as it's posted on the web page
no this is the one that's on there I
need to change it before we can proceed
okay I don't know okay we're gonna take
a five-minute recess while we sort this
out I'm sorry okay we're going to
reconvene so we have a have we withdrawn
all those motion no we have not
okay so we have resolution number five
nine three one no no we have the
business agenda has been moved and
seconded I would ask for an amendment to
the business agenda that adds back
resolution number five nine to four I
move that we add resolution five nine
two four back to the existing business
agenda do I have a second second
okay director constan moves director to
pass seconds a resolution to amend the
business agenda to add back resolution
number 592 for don't have any discussion
can you quickly review what that is
because I don't have that okay
resolution 592 for okay 592 for is is
authorization of a student trip for
athletics okay it was taken off the
business agenda in error so we're adding
it back okay
any other discussion okay all in favor
of the amendment to add back 592 for
please please say yes
yes opposed say no any abstentions
okay the amendment passes by a vote of
seven to zero okay now we're gonna go
back to the underlying motion which is
already on the table to approve the
business agenda as amended
any discussion okay all in favor of
adopting the business at the amended
business agenda please say yes yes
anyone opposed say no any abstentions
okay the business agenda is approved by
a vote of seven to zero okay next item
are there any board committee and
conference reports I would like to give
an update from the Charter Committee we
have not met as a committee but I wanted
to just update the rest of the board on
our Trillium students and where they
have gone so thank you to Karina wolf
and ter O'Neill for providing me with
this information so first of all I think
that the district charter office had a
really thorough and compassionate
response for all the families who were
displaced with the closure of charter
and I heard really good feedback from
Trillium families and so we have the
vast majority of those students
returning to their PPS neighborhood
schools and a wide variety of
neighborhood schools those kids came
from all over the city so we have out of
roughly a hundred and forty five kids
who have been placed 101 are currently
assigned to their neighborhood schools
forty-three are attending PPS focus
option alternative or charter schools
and there as of last week there is only
just a handful of kids six or seven who
haven't yet determined what they're
going to do but I know the torah' office
works really hard to find help families
find the right fit at all all those
grade levels because Trillium was K
00h 25m 00s
through 12 so I want to commend them for
that and you know it was something that
was important to me to know after going
through that process that was so painful
and difficult in the spring of of
closing Trillium but you know we wish
all those kids and families well in
their new homes their new schools thank
you I have just two
things to know first from the policy and
Governance Committee
we're working through two drafts of big
policies one is the student discipline
and healthy substance free schools and
the second is the professional conduct
for between staff and students so both
of those for the new board members those
will be coming to the full board for
first readings yes you're right it's
three I always put the student
discipline the other one together so
we've got three and hopefully those will
be coming to the full board for first
reading soon or for another first
reading in case of the Professional
Conduct policy and then we also we
really worth the leaving board members
last week to committee meetings so we
also had an audit committee meeting last
week where the bond performance auditors
joined us along with staff and the
committee members to sort of finalize
the bond budget gap audit that has been
done and there'll be a full report that
goes to the full board to wrap that up
so that should be forthcoming in the
next week or so
anything else okay the board will now
move to the Mazama conference room for a
work session on collaborative
goal-setting and once we get upstairs I
will I'll be handing the metaphorical
gavel over to the new board chair
director constan and you can you can
facilitate the work session the next
regular meeting of the board will be
held on July 16th this meeting is
Event 2: PPS Board of Education Work Session July 2, 2019
00h 00m 00s
this obsession of Education to order
turn it over to Danny ledesma to let us
know now she's going to walk us through
this school study session thank you so
much congratulations and it's such a
pleasure to honor to be able to work
with all of you and your new roles and
new city thank you very much ok so we're
going to just really quickly go through
what we're going to do tonight at the
end of the day our goal is to come away
at walk away with really firm ideas
about goal areas maybe even goals that
mimic a smart goal but to really kind of
come away with an ester own sense of
like where this board is really
interested in these goal areas and so to
get there I'm proposing that we go
through these series of activities so
we've been working on getting to know
the data understanding of the data the
trends multiple sources of data trying
to really get a sense of where you're
seeing some positive deviance we're
seeing some areas of crazy disparity so
we're gonna spend a little bit of time
and kind of going through some
synthesize notes from our three times
together and then also give you an
opportunity to look at some information
that the superintendent's leadership
team looked at regarding the achieve the
opportunity and achievement gap and
you want to do to see those four
questions and how they look at the verb
then we're going to get into our groups
and we'll stay in these groups for to
the next two exercises so we'll talk
about the vision so Jonathan our
colleague Jonathan Garcia is going to
come back with some synthesized of your
vision in case you don't in case you
don't sleep with it yet we have will so
well he'll look at the work and the
information that you need
after your memories have been jogged
we'll take a look at the educator
essentials the graduate profile and the
system shift the Graduate portraits and
the system and we'll make sure that you
you know have some time to kind of
review that and of course you can have
like a pretty robust discussion we'll do
some cryptic conversation and then we're
going to do kind of like a modified
World Cafe well you'll get into four
groups you're in your courtroom in the
first round what you'll do is that you
and the staff door assign to your table
will start to doodle around doing a
spark bowl using the draft one and then
most of the members will travel to
another table give your feedback and at
that travel to another table travels for
another day and so you make it around
the world and then we'll give that for
the pub groups a chance to look at the
defect that you've got from find the
goal then we'll come back together we'll
look at what the four groups did all
together and then we'll make notes if
you still have any questions or areas
they want
and then I think we'll be able to call
it a night
so hopefully this you'll feel like this
night builds on the work that we've been
doing over the last three three sessions
all right so I'm gonna pass out another
document and so what I'm gonna propose
that we do while you're while you're
eating or you're recovering from you're
pregnant ceremony I can hand out this
document here and this document
basically I'll walk you through it but
on the first page so on June 12th after
I've had some you spent some time with
AJ you you took out your boxes of
binders and we went through and looked
at all of the data and got you really
sort of familiar with Athena you got to
look at multiple data sources you had to
do some find some facts and also come
seclusions so so from that or session at
the very end you reported out on sort of
what you were finding in these areas
around the English language arts
mathematics a ninth grade on track and
then for your cohort graduation rate and
this is where you are looking at those
00h 05m 00s
and for comprehensive supports I was
gonna say like any other video so do you
guys this is just some some high-level
notes that came from that the second set
of data that you have are some of the
work that
oh yes Scott and I really like to get a
definition of the four Cheers
all the assessment data and tier 1 tier
2 your you know 4 is above whatever they
are some kind of their definitions how
they fit into those categories over the
hour okay so mr. then after who
remembers June 18th this is the last
time we were together so at the very end
of that obsession I asked you to start
thinking about data and some and trying
to sort of get to a place of words some
areas or goal areas and in each of your
report outs you had ideas about things
but there was also some questions about
measurements and some some things to
consider in terms of how to describe
so then attorney to page to what you
have are some reflections on regional
equity and social justice so I just
wanted I you know I think I'm impersonal
I just want to thank you all so much
I it really means so much to me who gets
to do this work to have
racial equity and social justice it
feels it feels really good to be able to
do this work knowing that we have your
supporting commitment and that you all
have taken such and have had such a lot
of experience of working in this area so
what what nestled he did the
superintendent's leadership team we've
been sort of basically going through
similar exercises as part of our sort of
strategy building towards a strategic
plan and so we have been looking at the
data and one of the things that we
talked about it was sort of like how
does institutional racism sort of get
expressed in educational systems and so
what we looked at were sort of four or
five areas of how that gets expressed
and then looked at how does art data
either reinforce that or where does the
data point to where we may have to do
some work and are there areas in the
vision that lying to point to how this
work could how how the vision could
reinforce work to address these issues
so this is new information for you and
so I want to do is give you a couple of
minutes to be able to review this and
then we're going to do just a hair share
so you don't have to move just yet so
you can continue to make your way
through dinner so I'm going to do is go
ahead and read through this document and
then I have three questions for you in
your pair share what data do you sell
questions and/or what additional
information from that so go back to go
back to the binders go back you know
Scott did a great job of modeling that
the second one in terms of all the
observations that were sort of
synthesizing these
or maybe your own observations what's
really compelling to you like what's
sticking out as an area where you want
to focus and then as you're thinking
about what's compelling what our goal
areas that you're reading to think about
that are serving conversion for you okay
so you'll I'll give you a couple minutes
to read and then maybe just turn to your
partner so releve and Max Andrea and
then Scott you can be my partner you can
whatever you'd like
these extras are
00h 10m 00s
00h 15m 00s
00h 20m 00s
all right let's come back together it's
been three minutes and 30 seconds how
was your conversation
well so did you all get the chance to go
through the questions maybe we can just
start with as you review does your
memory miss jogs we got back to back
into our June 12th and June 18th was
there did you have any questions Scott
talked about I'm getting so nervous
whenever I say Scott organ I'm saying I
really so Scott said that the ones
understand more about the tears were
there any other questions about the data
or places where you wanted more
clarification on page one my brain on
track what whoops
what are what are we measuring what goes
into that sure um let's see it does six
credits right so okay so just the fact
that they burned six credits not theirs
is that the level that we're getting
we're not diving into it and they're
confident those sticks
they've just that's the that's the only
mention a lot of school districts try
off-track necks but they
yes street-level tool and radar the
indicate that we should buy food for my
support plan so yeah here but that's
enough to attract voters yeah here
they're all strapped but that's the
Stephanie we have built the capacity to
trap a lot more through this but they're
not eating into the basis you could
start to see for every enrolled ninth
grader because what that moves towards
I'm sorry but that moves toward is not
just I mean if I you're looking at as
how many credits you've accumulated then
all your your gunning for is graduation
but if you're looking at these other
factors that have your proficiency or
well-being or whatever then you're
caring about how that kid ends up at
graduation and how ready they're how
prepared they are for the next step
doesn't help you identify more supports
or interventions that kitchen is all you
right yeah George my other question
about on the same topic is what do we
know about students in the eighth grade
00h 25m 00s
tells us are there some are they are
they you know like what are we missing
before what goals are
yeah versus yeah just look at the data
because for example the data back is
what it is and like some schools you
know have full participation or not data
right so it seems instead of like going
through what may be considered
incomplete data set or in just one
measure we liked the AJ approach where
are we trying to get and then staff
providing you know their expertise of
here's what we think the measures would
be if you if you're trying to get here
what are the measures that would
indicate you're on track
yeah guys we're gonna I just skipped a
question three yeah because I think that
will there will be an opportunity for
that because I think once we get a sense
of like what your goal earners are at
the end of the night then there will be
a nice interactive first out to be able
to then say like okay well here's here's
you know here's your suggestions not
any other questions about the data okay
so as you look through the observations
or even without finding the data oh sure
the disproportionate discipline they
don't I'm just looking at it you can see
a clear trend that there dude there's
the disproportionate this one based on
race and gender but it seems that the
data's not necessarily maybe
consistently gathered that weren't
applied so where one school maybe we're
going to count that as a out-of-school
suspension there's another school for
the same thing may say you know he's
having a hard day every sent home
because you know we think about you know
ready to learn and they won't count that
as like a reason to get home so that's a
question has I how consistently applied
so think that side is not true that
there's a history
because of that as well over identified
or black students with
his intellectual disability though
weighted risk ratio changed this year
from to point out to a point out so it's
two times the rate of students of white
students our basis and so we're at 4.0
now we are at 2.0 the what we're taking
issue with is that they're retro
actively causing us to be
disproportionate by three years so on
your third year of personality they take
away 15% of your IEA dollars which is
00h 30m 00s
your individual with disabilities
actually ten dollars so and you have to
put it into early inner meaning dollars
the problem is we weren't I never but we
weren't notified intelligent attendant
after the budget was
they've done and improve and well
approved a couple weeks after we a
couple well one day after we have the
discussion and so we're currently
working with other school districts and
our legal team is working on it and so
they're open to having us do encounter
resolution we don't disagree that the
weighted reservations should be reduced
we just disagree with them changing it
retroactive leave three years passed
now it's lower now it's only at 2.0 we
only ever Senate about 2.3 which for us
is still at still hoti but but for for
urban district like for logistic
assistant of area my own work in front
of districts is there's been significant
progress that we still have one area
where there's a disproportionality and
so we're going to keep working on that
computer 10 PBS and other districts have
issue with though is you don't get to
change the goalposts retroactively yeah
yeah that's what we're in contention
with them about we know that it's higher
in one particular special education
category with wonderfully black students
so we're staying committed to sort of
working out some more representational
proportion to broader student body and
why would they take aways I mean this is
like our own little NCLB so it is so
under under IDE a federal law to subside
fifty percent of your money is if you're
a proportionate in the course of time so
that's not significant so for me just to
give you exact numbers we're about 40
black students too many identified in
this category the penalty or the
consequence OD is proposing that we have
set aside 3.7 million dollars of RIT v8
monies towards developing what's called
a coordinated early intervention plan
that's something that I learned a bit
before as well and so but we we have to
maintain maintenance of effort to
continue our spent services so that's
what we have issue with that's what
we're trying to sort out
so just to give it a little bit more
fulsome context yes but how personality
is that there are actual state and
federally defined risk ratios are out
with what how do we define the
thresholds for disproportionality and
how do we feel generally about the
consistency of our practices of
identification how do we write a
vacation identification of students
especially it's I believe that we are
over identifying students generally with
special needs primarily because we don't
have a multi-tiered system of support we
don't have a tiered levels of
intervention and so what has happened
unfortunately is once we do an
intervention if that doesn't work we
make a referral to special ed because
they feel like they have no other
exactly so as we were allowed
multi-tiered systems of support over
this two-year cohort model that's what
we can actually start to see
referrals and then that's also when we
can start focusing on the inclusion
so any other questions about the data
alright any other so let's move on to
the second question as you're looking
through these observations it talks
about a couple of them was there
anything that was particularly
compelling for you that you want to
share or that your partner wants to
share maybe one of the things that was
compelling to a mirror college and
career-ready underserved students growth
in four classes is identifying whatever
so again with that notion of really
looking at proficiency and mastery
the other observation of the data edges
again it didn't seem to measure the
things in some ways or measure the right
measure for actually wants to just
00h 35m 00s
yeah I major things that matter can we
just distinguish between what we're held
accountable to is a school descriptive
in schools matters wide Opena think it
is what matters to us it's what so we
have this data and to me I'm not sure
it's poll especially water can stuff
take the test
it's one it's one measurement I mean a
whole host of benefits under judgment on
the booklet was given us it's just that
doesn't seem like they're right after I
graduate I think there's I think I
remember who said it but someone was
talking about Michelle brought up with
well six credits so it's I mean our
workforce and the way we work and looks
so different
my concern is just that you know without
you know 21st century ferment - it's not
just summer that's like reading and
writing then there's how to get to class
to class but that has critical thinking
skills I mean people don't even work on
offices they're working with a load on
top of a coffee shop you know the gig
economy in order to
turning these burning mountain graduates
are ready for the 21st century right and
I totally agree with that
is there a your staging question of it
if our students are graduating do we
first focus on focus on getting them to
fit the student portrait portrait
I think the graduating is too low of a
standard if you're graduating without
skills or patience you're not without
skills both way without meeting some
kind of proficiency targets and also
without but also without having been
exposed to a lot of different
opportunities that help you actualize
yourself for lack of a better word that
help you find your passion I mean my son
came tonight my 16 year old son came
tonight in a pair of shoes they eat made
in his product design class
No maybe cut the leather you don't if
it's old you know Wow and that's that's
the highlight of his day at school
so we should all well we've known for
the years and what the average age of an
apprentice in the you a society to one
you seven or something like I don't know
if it's still there but for decades and
that's because it's because we don't
have the adequate exposure support for
kids finding their passion at those
fields I think if we do decide to make
something like graduation rate and pull
board then we have to really talk about
what does what do we think it means to
graduate whether that I mean if it's
specifically you have to be on track to
six credits penalties is that acceptable
and I when I was in AmeriCorps we would
have college graduate or high school
graduates who couldn't read
and sixth grade reading level I was
hanging them for a reading tutoring
program so we had to start giving people
a reading test basically to decide if we
could hire them because they high school
graduate was not able to read at that
level and so if we say graduation what
does that what does that look like
they're mean for us I think that's kind
of what we're circling around is what
kind of metrics are we looking at high
schools what
so I think by the time we were talking
about our graduation rates too late
that's not an actual
00h 40m 00s
that's the endpoint of 13 years worth of
stuff I mean we're trying to we're
trying to come up with goals that will
drive changing things then I don't think
graduation baby's gonna do it so we've
gotta push it way back and you know one
of the one of the foundational stepping
stones that you in order to get somebody
that'll take care of itself
theoretically so as you think about that
but as you think about that what are
what are sort of like goal areas that
you're serving to land on sure before
you go down to create a reading make a
little bit of a counterpoint to your
point which gets back to the ninth grade
on track we're just like yes it's a
lagging measure but we also have to
triage yeah we have to look at our kids
oh I mean I think I'm trying to think oh
yeah I mean I think that grace is
something I think we have to distinguish
between the goals that we focus on and
what our staff is going to be doing this
if we if we just said you know third
grade which which I think I could argue
that position just third grade that
doesn't mean our staff that's gonna be
but it's what a we can focus on and
I'm sure I understand that because it
seems like there's a matter for focus on
that Bharat
I mean been United with staff and their
focus kind of that's as well that seems
like that should be driving that dirty
well what I'm hearing you say is it's
not like if we say okay we want to focus
on third grade it's not like we're going
to stop having eighth grade yes well
that's or and we're not going to stop
saying you stopped assessing 8th graders
and seeing okay who's this behind here
what kind of support services can we
have to try to help them succeed
freshman year and it's not like we're
gonna stop doing that it's just where is
our focus is at Lauren canopy which is
going to focus the administration in
that it's not going to be drops
everything else just is a really
important point that I think we have a
good performance is it
performance measures that the court has
chosen three four or five of those and
it has dozens of performance measures
that are still being tracked on a
regular basis
my staff like those departments etc that
is still measuring after this your
system focuses on this keeper and which
they decide to three there's three years
from now and all our third graders are
proficient at everything
then we can promote that we'll be the
first but it is important I want to make
sure it's down of our thinking guys this
is your major putting together this is
performance measurement system yeah and
I presumably all this data is already
being used by the SAP
well and going back to garlic explain
around there's there's measures that
were required for compliance reasons
that we have to that we have to maintain
as well as within each department or
those key performance measures I think
this is the opportunity for us to create
some great alignment or hey so to hear
or if you all about sort of like what
are those
focus areas and we didn't work on
creating employment strategies so I'd
really like to get off of like the basic
people a lot of discussion about the
basic compliance measures because I mean
I think it's as falls into the Scots
categoria like it's still used to happen
but it's not at all
aspirational and you know no parent says
you know I want my student to be a ninth
grade on track with office six you know
I'm gonna call the clear victory of
episodes knees so I think we've up to
these two in just the goal setting what
do we think freshmen only two is really
on what's really on track not compliant
getting that one for credit some low bar
yeah it takes that right that's why AJ
said that should be the minimum for
anything right well I'm not even sure it
should be here for this we have I like
00h 45m 00s
you know staff they've gotta do that
because that's just part of being a part
of the bigger educational you're
overseeing the statement to the country
but think about how we're going to want
to engage staff and teachers and
principals and parents and students it's
not going to be we got to get this
compliance measure it's
you know what's gonna be what's on our
we should shift
yes your expectations hi
yes nervous also really as a goal we
wouldn't focus on third grade and why
what is student like the lowest you know
single digit rate of illiteracy thank
you because then we've gotta go through
that with physics and all the teenage
not being engaged for the time they're
eight so a Miss Carrie except there's a
reason why we wouldn't focus on that
statistic not to the exclusion of
everything else but actually that's that
that statistic isn't proxy for the
health of the system skin taller yeah
both are not getting those interventions
and that input to make a shed then I
really expect them to know if there's
some reason that we would not focus on
this hopefully the friendly amendment
might be historically underserved
yeah I guess I the specificity for me
just came from justice till you know and
some of the work they do it's it's good
to call out specific yes my
grandchildren yes a Native American
children yes black boys yes black boys
to say it and then we address it and we
focus on that rather than just saying
like all physical clutter all personal
expenses those terms are just easier way
for people and each of this yes some
things all right thank you for saying
that that is so true just the housing
work I do in a week if we say Africans
and the African Americans Africans are
coming from war-torn countries sometimes
and have completely set of different
promise and then have different you know
generational trauma sand so if we call
those two groups
thank you for recognizing well so
keeping that aspirational is a nice
segue into talking about I did want to
have you all go through the vision
elements so that you can start so on
page 30 on page 19
page 19 lists out the elements of the
Graduate portrait so I'll just read them
through optimistic future oriented
graduates reflective empathetic and
empowered graduates influential and
informed global stewards positive
confident and connected sense of self
powerful and effective communicators
resilient and adaptable lifelong
learners transform transformative racial
equity leaders inquisitive critical
thinkers with core knowledge and
inclusive and collaborative problem
solvers so that's what over
different points of things that
specifically cloud of the sticky notes
yep that is the coalescing of all of
that in terms of the crunch of portraits
and you think about the plumes for the
system these are something to consider
if you turn to page I just want to state
the obvious - which is that as a school
system we haven't focused on traits and
attributes characteristics you know we
put some skills yeah so I mean that's
worth talking about in this whole
process a little bit too because we have
to be really clear and I think really
clear hide about do we really have the
levers to affect this because educators
know presumably good strategies to get
somebody to read even though we're doing
00h 50m 00s
a great job but but do we know how to
create inspired slow thinkers or what is
what is that what does that look like
so on page 27 everything number four
right now it's just that we don't have
any way of pulling together and but that
if we actually ask some teachers for
samples of what they're doing on some of
these things that we get more than we
think being optimistic and I think it
would be a great thing to have a webpage
with examples
that's project-based learning kind of
stuff that's happening in particular
classrooms we saw we started with the
fridge your kids who can't yeah I mean I
mean that's yep right down here they
went they got engaged they investigated
that did research they were thinking
critically globally there's their stuff
happening we just have to be more
intentional abot every frame Li
yeah this is great right it's very
aspirational I love it
still wondering if there's a walk before
we run sort of aspect rate that this
also feels to me like it feels like the
portrait of a very well it feels it it
feels like the portrait of a privileged
suit student right who's gonna graduate
you know currently right we're churning
out second students right and we meet
this foursome of ours
if we're talking about a black or a
sophomore in high school
does it make sense to put this in front
of that student as a mess we're not the
student but for us as as a board to say
we want that student to meet all of
these things well really should our
movie we want to get that student a high
school diploma and the skills to get a
job when he's 80 which is not
and I don't want to take away from this
because it's you know that I'm wondering
if there's a multi-step process here
you know if are these really realistic
goals for the student
yeah where do we need to go back to my
me what any said this question of like
do we just you know we have
traditionally looked at skills instead
of acumen just so so we have it we have
that conversation at the SLT retreat
it's so I don't know if you saw in the
knows where should have like the first
part is a we looked at like you know
what were the disproportionate and the
data and thence the elements of my
vision and the profile of each statistic
part portions of the vision the folks
were like these these strategies like in
for the students this right here these
these characteristics of these traits or
really it sort of opening the way for
strategies to really holistically get at
suppose that disproportionality so I
think nobody nobody has like oh do this
this in this exactly but I think people
felt like there was a lot of room for
things to be complimentary that it
wasn't necessarily a and I find it
really concerning to say privileged kids
can meet these and other privileged kids
can there's also a little bit for me of
what are we expecting of students right
so that we have one set of expectations
for somebody has been another for others
and how are we setting out those systems
that have led to where we are but I kind
of that take on things so I think we
want to be really careful when we talk
about like having different plans or
different models for different groups of
students that privilege some students to
say oh well because we've been
underserved we don't think you can get
to this higher level I think we'd want
that for all of our students and they
get what you're saying about how much
but I think we need to examine how we're
thinking about underprivileged or
underperforming students and what our
and also just to your point made me
think about you know our alternative
schools so kids come in who these are
our most credit deficient students at a
high school level and this is really the
kind of work that goes on there and that
goes on there first it's like we need to
address who you are what your life
experiences are what has brought you to
this place before we can get to the
skill remediation and I think the
mountains not Learning Center is a great
example of the work that they do there
and in the America fair at their event
and some of their graduate videos that
they do and they talked a lot about
these are the kids that were like not
making it in high school and for a
variety of reasons and then sort of
00h 55m 00s
talked about the people they become came
through the work that was pulled uh did
and work living into these very much so
a pathologist will then loosen the
collaborative office office like they're
doing group or you know table work
together I mean there's it so I think
it's not like here at 12th grade you're
the most mature state of all these and
that's the Chico boat but really how do
you break it down and start the Lord the
lower grades the possibility of it all
is much more real versus yeah they're
going to be mature you know every one of
these when they're graduating versus so
our experience now are not going to be
all of these things for the territory I
think that's very thing about they're
realistic but maybe I mean the goal of
this is what are the kindergartners that
are going to graduate in 2030 something
so is the community underlying this that
was actually so
a graduate portrait tank but if you
imagine backwards mapping right yes
student snapshots should these the next
compendium has sort of a developmental
group rectory huge and provides
vignettes and examples in some cases are
already promising practices that our
schools but not yet consistent across
all of our students then you can start
to design a plan that maps popular for
every individual and that's that's sort
of how we conceptualize and see you can
think about it like link to the GDC you
know like with this unit of study how am
I you know encouraging my students to be
reflective empathetic in right so to get
how examples I mean deep core knowledge
is intended that's lies they have
proficiency in the same way that you
know racial equity to show up integrated
in our lesson is where social studies
so there are ways to sort of get at that
it's at the same time you know I've been
hearing we don't want to just focus on
the basic skills but in the process of
working towards these that they're going
to develop those skill sets and
proficiencies as well this is that will
be in the details about how we sort of
you know what the next level of work is
going to be you know because I could
argue what we could say the reading is
important we'll come out with some
instruments for progress monitoring that
the issue here is that it's not that we
don't know we're effective reading
instruction is this is districts don't
seem to have the will to ensure their
stability to making sure every classroom
teachers actually implementing and every
child in there in front of them is
freaking it right all the time
tightening these pockets we don't know
how to teach reading all right right but
during part of the fishtank process they
did talk about twenty thirty right like
it would be what do we want for starting
from scratch with kindergartners that
were in school this last year what will
this look like at the end of that if we
do everything right so I think that's
part of it is when do we hit peak this
and and how do we get there yeah this
more a pedagogical question tell me if
I'm right about this I seem to recall
reading that there was a period of time
in education where it was a real push
towards everyone towards college
our students that really weren't going
to go to college and then we sort of hey
you know and again sort of this idea
let's prepare everyone for quality it
really wasn't the right right about that
I think every stories they graduate it's
permissible should be college or career
I mean college or career and I've got
but there's a distinction there right
and I guess that's what I'm getting back
to because they're really appreciating
this point and I certainly don't want to
be portrayed as this same over bars but
maybe the question comes back to is
there a danger here of sort of repeating
that where we're sort of saying look
every student should go to college
that's the right thing when in reality
every student should be ready for
college or career
so is this is this comprehensive enough
maybe it is just sort of capture that
the multiple pathways to graduation
specialist success all those things that
you could have students really with very
different outcomes understand what keeps
them engaged in our schools is not that
there's some remedial school actually
01h 00m 00s
opportunity to find
me where these are the kind of qualities
that the austere sort of their interest
in school and so you know it's good for
one it's good for all right okay so so
we need some protocols and this has
happened kind of off and on in our
history over the last two years of
barging in versus
but I was gonna make kind of the point
that you did in our conversations last
year with my guess is that well we may
have billed them at their cashing out
core competencies in terms of
transformative racial equity leaders oh
take there they are on it so we should
we should be careful in terms of saying
oh well if you can't do don't have math
then that doesn't mean you're empathetic
if a said that sometimes it's just the
opposite of here's the whiz who doesn't
get so we should be these are these are
distinctive traits that are necessarily
because challengeable position if you
look at every year of advanced education
beyond 4th grade that's economic
opportunity and so most the visions of
you are just a high school graduate your
primary property most your life versus
if you get a it's a two-year certificate
or forever which is why the state 20 and
so I guess I would be concerned that
except that we know that that's true
that you know who wants that for their
child versus and they check this the way
that what would they phrase that is that
you're ready if you want to but if you
want to go into a career but you could
do that but the vast majority of the
jobs now require a two-year
apprenticeship and not just to your
understanding yes yes well what we do
not have a good look but it would be the
category of you're not just going
straight from high school graduation
into the workforce the here doing an
apprenticeship so I think that's where
it gets kind of funk here on that data
so can you repeat what you said about if
you only have a high school this came
out of Harvard
I think I saw a pretty rate for those
with a high school diploma as 40% so I
think I saw data so the thing that I've
seen is that over the last over the last
generation is that there used to be a
generation ago two generations ago that
if you had a high school diploma that
the gap between its rate of income
between high school graduates and
college graduates wasn't wasn't as as
far when I understand the data now is
that the high school diploma does it
necessarily isn't necessarily an
indicator of poverty but it is we are
seeing sort of a wider or wealth gap
between the folks with high school
diplomas versus college and they're like
I used to remember its comparably it
because about the top of his head but
it's it's significant like I think about
even like 40 percent or something I mean
I could see it doesn't help
now the be a 22 there's a great way you
know as opposed to you went in to
plumbing at the age of
teen and you're now making a hundred
grand so one of the things that I might
want to sort of kind of think about the
the process of the vision was preparing
and going back to some report myself
said earlier in the session today was
that this vision was about preparing
01h 05m 00s
sort of like the next sort of twenty you
know the 21st century students and sort
of thinking about career and thinking
about the next level of education but
also thinking about future conditions
and so there was a lot of time we have
different potential scenarios if you
remember them and the very word food
production and they're going to print 3d
print food of all those things I would
you know that for you know if this is
estate agents maybe see that was
actually from cows yes something
something like that so that that it was
a there was a you know obviously a focus
on on career but also sort of like well
because different like what are those
needs in the 21st century which I think
goes back to what you all have sort of
focused in on is sort of how what's the
right way to center this work around
what students need and the best that you
can guess in turr going into the future
what really is gonna be the right focus
to getting that that student
but um for time what I wanted to just
show you really quickly is it on page 27
or the educator essentials I'm gonna try
real hard to get the nomenclature right
so if I live a will right but then the
last and then the last thing is the
system shifts on page 35 and well you
are focused on student learning outcomes
I thought it would be important for you
to look at those two elements and I
might even err on the side of the system
chose to look at sort of both what are
the essentials that educators will be as
well as those big level system shifts to
be able to accomplish the graduate
portraits so so won't you take a couple
minutes take a look at that and if
there's anything that comes up for yours
are reading that
so as you look at those then we come
back to the Graduate portrait I'm
wondering if anything comes up for you
in terms of maybe even areas of focus or
elements of the Graduate portrait that
aren't compelling to you a lot of place
where you'd once I had a question about
that cultivating system-wide learning in
a diverse workforce which is on page 37
it says that the PBS maintains a
high-quality workforce that reflects the
diversity of the broader community I
just know that given the data and our
schools are actually more diverse than
the broader community and so wondering
how we we're staffing how do we help
make sure that they're as nuclear's an
article think that looked like this
your support
does anybody know where the Portland
teachers program if that's still around
yeah and I just heard this week were
actually last week from a New Republic
associate that works at Pacific
University and they have a from the
neighbor in the preparation
so we're actually talking about those
01h 10m 00s
yes so Pacific Pacific University
and then there's one person any
questions or their thoughts I think
you're gonna move you into moving so
what we're going to do is as you go into
your group so I want you to do is I want
you to think about in the graduate
fortres you're not you're not help to
any of these but the first sort of play
conversation I want you to have in your
groups is if you add two because I'm
cooler than usual if you have to pick a
three that you thought would be the
first areas of focus three of those
graduate profile elements so as you walk
over to your groups so Cheers
I'll give you like your your posted so
Julia Andrew Sarah will be the role of
Craig Jonathan and Dan why don't you
guys come over to this table over here
so Julia Andrew Andrew Sarah Jonathan
and Dan at the table where Rouge Dan and
Karis car they are Rita Ali Stephanie
stead and Stephanie Cameron and Brenda
marks Mac that's okay no it's done I
don't mind and then the table over there
the table
we have to focus on okay like if we only
have three which we think I've already
chosen number one so now but everyone
who knew me when I was young
01h 15m 00s
and the world
01h 20m 00s
I am north
Joubert wrong with these jonathan is
ready ready okay so here's what we're
going to do so the following people are
going to be the following you're sort of
like home team member
okay so they're going to stay at the
table and so forth this table
the home team member is well Japan for
this for this table over here it's gonna
be Liz for this table it's gonna be
Stephanie's soda and for this table it's
gonna be Sarah Davis okay so everyone
besides the whole team member
yes we would like to make a presentation
to the group when we get to these goals
so so here's the director okay so here's
what trying to get your home team member
is going to stay and that home team
member is going to record all that and
they're going to represent what you
write down what you discuss to other
teams as they travel everyone else it's
going to travel so what you're gonna do
before you travel what you're gonna do
before you travel is you all have a
merkel worksheet that you before as well
as a butcher paper where you're going to
start to draft what you think could be
your smart goal and you could draft
there's nothing from stopping you for
acting more than one goal you may say
we're not able to draft a goal but let's
rating at least each table doing a goal
01h 25m 00s
okay so I'm going to give you 15 minutes
to be able to draft your goal try to
fill out your worksheet as much as
possible it doesn't have to be perfect
it doesn't have to have all the
information but this is sort of like
your best thinking using the data that
we've looked over the reflections your
thoughts about what was the most
important where do you want to focus
what are the student learning outcomes
you want to focus on and I'll give you
15 minutes and at the end of 15 minutes
you'll travel and I'll tell you what to
do next okay so is they wouldn't have a
question we would like to see our
presentation now we thought we were
gonna have to share out the three areas
that we decided we're the ones so we are
going to show you how we decided that
they know things here here and here
we click to other tables to choreograph
responses as well okay Jonathan you are
really going to be your your goal areas
transition is why I wanted us we don't
have to make a smart goal
that is
01h 30m 00s
named three-year average is 30
okay so this is the proficiency focus on
I think okay so because especially our
other kids
01h 35m 00s
from okay between third grades by some
number so what would be doing is the
third grade in 20 weeks every guys
they're gonna care to the apples and
oranges will be very sense unless you do
a three year cuz you want to see the
fish do a three year cook because you
could measure from third grade six so
then you're measuring a cohort now but
they're not easy London this because
reading they learn to read k3 and so if
we're not fixing we've got to fix that
or as you get them ready to do rest of
school so what you're what you
which is fine what you're really focus
then on is a classroom where digital
attention strategies so really what
you're in that room is our users over
time struct brings better results each
year yes yeah so I still think that
there's okay because the problem that we
currently have with our cohort model is
the one period given within training
teams will not be your secret and
displaying to wonder solely to raise
awareness right guys so much mobility so
I like cyber growth model the goal
Warrington I mean I'm torn because all
efficiency is willing accountable to
like that Institute right like are we if
her students proficiency were measuring
then rather than measuring teachers
through that we've measured growth
models saying that will lead to long
term what I said was proficiency
measures where as the student as the
student proficient are they able to
and that would be our third graders
indicate 19% of those where I become a
black announcer Cretors finish their age
we have to start in kindergarten first
and second rate so make sure that you
know in three years yes because I think
that demonstrates growth but you're
right we start in this place out into a
reading Harry Potter and they have tools
but to figure out what's in those it's
when resources they need an education
resources they need some sense he'll
come in with never having a plan so get
what they need and make it smooth read
Harry Potter challenged in the ways that
they're doing well that's the thing like
01h 40m 00s
I was saying but you know what your men
to make sure the trailer
we all want to measure but you could
01h 45m 00s
Stanley and so I'm lives across our
gelatin okay let's do late
we increase we don't have the data
01h 50m 00s
love to share with my colleagues already
finder is right here sorry
okay Beca so
I know
01h 55m 00s
here's what we're going to do I know
that you want to make this perfect but
this process will allow you to come back
and really sort of like make these
perfect so we're gonna start moving with
Aza's so if you're not done it's okay
what you're gonna do your home person is
gonna stay there everyone else is gonna
take your four sharpies and you get to
go visit the other table we're gonna
click one clockwise if you don't mind
just hold on so you're gonna move one
table clockwise and here's what you're
gonna do on the feedback on the goal
itself you're going to use the post-it
paper so if you have questions if you
have ways that you might improve it
maybe a different direction you're going
to go ahead and write that and post the
paper on the goal itself if you have
ideas about data or about maybe
questions about is it smart or nuts
anything else on the chart you can go
ahead and write directly on the charts
okay so go ahead take your marker take
your post-its home people stay you're
gonna move one table clockwise
or I might turn that a different way or
this is first of all it's an interesting
where are the other right so examples
so that finger nothing in it let's see
very ambitious like three years from now
we will have increased video I think you
know the challenges we have
02h 00m 00s
like 10 like it's 58 the Oregon averages
great algebra readiness
she gave us those stats don't be shy
like you probably have three more
don't be shy to get if you had like
the other value of targeted Colossus
that is really actually allows you to
figure out exactly why I mean so so the
city of Portland but you could also and
so like exactly who they were okay other
other comments and also also they do I
think that and and I want to actually do
want to do further staff about realism
but it's one of those questions is it
realistic within if service and staff
thinking these are constraints of always
there and as a board tear down those
constraints or make other goals or in
fact make it more aggressive and because
they think they just gets back to that
going from three to ten three years
02h 05m 00s
is an interesting one
how about on goal number three just we
it was great did you get all these super
penny candidates around the country who
had all those but they brought in okay
so we're gonna do this again again okay
you know hopefully as you're making out
in school giving feedback on the content
of the goals but you're starting to
reflect back on some of the goal that
you want to see if there's um so that
you can kind of keep on moving so you're
gonna move one more notch uh clockwise
and I'll give you the same time for the
home comes your you're not necessarily
making the case you're just describing
the goal credible positive however you
it's not
how are you wasn't that person okay
based on being this way our dream is
02h 10m 00s
yeah yeah
oh and I wanted to say like here if we
lean on the budget it's a low bar
interesting moments versus if we
couldn't go on here
maybe the budgets not in this year maybe
a year maybe there's yes so it's not
like this year your mission is to say
you know I want to reduce carbon
emissions by you know I want an error by
1970 you know I want to go without
worrying about well you know letting our
parents and I see this like as a stated
goal and bye-bye you know Latino kids
are our only I know but you know kids
are you know through their 900 maybe 8%
but their 2001
using inequity births we know that
happened you're just a white character
gonna say so no it's just based on my
housing woman that I Do's where the
housing fund that basically we're not
we didn't say what you found that would
be evil and wrong we did say with
focusing on immigrants and refugees
families that are homeless families that
are every system there's gonna be white
people that's but we passed that most of
the without language knowledge and
recruit I mean I thought sixty five
percent or even with that specifically
which about the data shows that these
four groups of the lowest code
yes stay to the left where you think you
know anything if you stop it's not to
say there aren't like poor white people
or whatever what we look at to do for
English language learners thank you so
what we also add I would rather read by
the budget brother with those five
lowest achieving groups
02h 15m 00s
yeah yeah
yeah okay
02h 20m 00s
02h 25m 00s
take your goal and you can decide what
we're going to incorporate what you may
not want to breathe if you want a new
piece of paper we're gonna move it a
minute and a half
02h 30m 00s
whether that low they can grow fat
Brenda when they're that low they can go
yeah I want to call out something that I
02h 35m 00s
40:19 and do we want to say but then
okay we're talking about a word or like
what a loop is that it will be all
students will increase by 10% and they
do I think we should hop either way
this is within a minimum of 10% growth
receive 10% growth rays I haven't spent
my dreams
just really
I still think you know the goal I know
that it's really specific about
fractions and math but if that is able
to Victor and math success I think it's
okay to drill down
on the table on the pointer so you raise
you're transferring you know you guys
are close you guys are close
02h 40m 00s
demonstrations more generic we are
putting these then I know um
because because
02h 45m 00s
I started okay so what we're gonna do
this Ghost Recon line spice leaders can
present your goal I was told that link
remedy is a sign of leadership really
great and you're in for now so maybe
service over here I know that your so
our goal is that 70 percent of grade 3
students will read at grade level as
soon as your fight effect or others
better network means by sprite in 2022
each subgroup of students listed out
there will demonstrate a minimum of 12
percentage of Wade's growth over three
years and then there's
chart I just copied from the previous so
it's specific to each other okay let's
go to the next group this one okay so
this is exploratory territory but I
thought we needed an article we've got
an arts plan so this is sort of a little
aspirational because you know the novice
exists but every fifth grader is able to
demonstrate a yet to be defined basic
proficiency yes yeah one of the arts and
we have the number of art strands that
we're developing so either you can you
know I'm at the top of my head you can
either read music or demonstrate
something or you can understand the
elements of design you have a way of
showing that or whatever dance step I'm
not a dancer person whatever whatever we
don't have a baseline but we can
certainly establish one and then figure
out what we don't know what reasonable
growth is that we can so super ordinate
instructions were like if you take a
look at all the goals if you wanted to
or any traffic school something same to
sandwich okay so Chicago site Sarah had
just like in terms of attainable if you
wanted citizens okay a scope and
sequences are going to be built out for
visual arts and for dance next year and
then the following year will be music
and theater so there so it's like as
business home then we could have like a
specific focus on metric for next year
and then the year after expanded and
then the year after look at look at
things across all of them to mirror the
scope and sequence work that's going to
be happening and then simple birth goals
we can do stratified random samples
project base for people as opposed to
something for every child
what do you get more about that but can
I so we may have a scope and sequence
and all these different things but what
would be the proficiency measure and so
that would be part of what these teams
will be developing as they're creating
the the scope and sequence documents
they would be tying into the national
standards for each of these different
arts areas and then collaboratively
developing across teachers metrics you
know what what are meaningful metrics
for visual arts what are meaningful
02h 50m 00s
metrics for music what is a meaningful
metric for theater so that we could then
kind of set what that is that the goal
could then be based off of them because
some didn't these exist somewhere like
do other districts have such things and
we will will leverage existing work from
across other districts but also it is
part of the professional development for
our teachers to kind of dig in and and
really dig into the standards and to
look at what how about their districts
done and what other metrics are there
and available and so you know they're
there potentially there could be
external metrics that we want to just
grab and start using immediately but if
we want to leverage the scope and
sequence work that that because it's
kind of if we aren't actually saying
that this is what we think music
instruction it should be at and be like
k5 it it to me seems a little unfair to
then have you know but but if we then
say this is what we really think music
instruction should look like and here
are the metrics that are gonna let us
know we've gotten there and then these
are the metrics that allow us to show
growth because we don't as with all of
our other areas we don't have common
instructional practices or curricula or
or anything like that even even across
our arts programs it is possible
areas to Stoppers proficiency exemplars
it's just it's in development now let's
go we could write those
I'm gonna move us on to the next group
and having a physical we'll come
back to that we're just gonna resent
them for now this one was a new one so
we'll come back with okay so the next
group that's representing the percentage
of students to report a sense of
belonging as measured by this student
satisfaction survey that was both yes
that's their right heel survey yeah will
increase from 60% in 2019 to 70% in 2022
and there will be a 10 percent minimum
growth rate in each disaggregated
student group across those three years
we really liked the language and the way
that this group did their the group huge
that they're measuring and so we wanted
to borrow that language and then the
second goal is the percentage of
students who demonstrate proficiency in
fractions in fifth grade
as measured by a spec will increase by
12 percent over three years and there
will be again at 12 percent minimum
growth rate in each student group and we
chose this because Sarah shared with us
that just as reading by 3rd grade you
know the K through 3 you learn to read
and then you read to learn fifth grade
fractions is sort of the primary
indicator of how students learned enough
maths or would be ready to be proficient
in the advanced math of middle school in
high school
research says fractionation
our early indicators okay so the next
group so we talked about that in three
years increasing the percentage of black
african-american Hispanic Latino Native
Hawaiian Pacific Islander American and
the Alaska Native students who were able
to demonstrate high school readiness as
measured by grade level proficiency and
mathematics and language arts is that so
an eighth grade Bowl or is it a it's a
is there a percentage associated with
and it because our the state little bit
is not disagree that we wanted to bring
into our STP Department to get the real
numbers for PBS to then set attainable
goals for each of those subgroups your
group came up with high school readiness
where you thinking of little rates
indicators yep okay so we have one two
three four five goals I think right now
that we need to talk about so so this is
a this is like a starting point right
this is where you've expressed some
intentions of focus there will be some
back and forth it'll give you can't stop
some chance to look back and it sort of
suggest ways to measure to add some
metrics it sort of like help with base
lighting to fill out all of the details
right so that we can go into this like
next step the questions I have for you
all are is there something that's
can you live with these goals is there
something that you you know maybe you're
sort of like I don't know if this is the
02h 55m 00s
right focus and do we meet all those
goals or do we need to add more goals so
why don't we open it up I want to be
cognizant of time so first question is
can we live with these goals is there
anyone that has like
so and so I like them oh I got a
question on the last one isn't that
really two goals okay yeah II got in
English I mean a language on cinema so
it's actually too low the goal was high
school that was one of the comments was
that a James had said one metric
therefore I'm gonna disagree with it
because it's management composite goals
are actually really quite legitimate if
you if you if you're clear in terms of
like magic
so so I'm not saying that we need to do
it everything certainly could break it
up but even if we're trying to miss so
yeah they told the Bologna thing that's
also a compliment but that wasn't one
question it's you know it just it's a
set of questions then end up being a
from the other one the limited five
questions by much unless you discuss
their main part about a blonde
that's work I believe every therefore my
question so Amy well are we done with
this people's comments on this goal yeah
good so on this goal to the around the
arts to me it's problematic because we
know that our fifth graders don't have
equal access to the Arts I mean we
couldn't have this goal until we have a
fully implemented arts strategic plan
and so I don't think it makes sense part
I think that's not identify courses they
may not be the state of the art now but
we would search it at all the holes of
your plan
so some of these some of these are going
to be more leading edge goals we would
have to build out to get to a system
that actually not only makes that
opportunity available first develops the
measure second and actually starts
tracking some of the others think you
are contrary what I am taking away
is a primary grade level of literacy
goal raise and lower this great coal you
have something that's trying to track
for high school readiness you have an
arts related one San Joaquin you know
who seems to be sort of a balance over a
range of grade levels I do know this is
called out regiment portrait specific if
those are important to us in the same
range of the art one might future when
we we thought ours would look more like
the positive confident and connected
some of that can be back apart Julia and
then it's got so I love the interim
process about it sparked some great
conversations however when I see the
what we ended up I mean well I think
there was rightly a lot of focus on
third grade reading and so if you'd said
like let's do that with an automatic
right and then because I look at it's
like well why would you pick the art
says like the most I'm not trying to
have some sort of high school you know
college and career-readiness
versus the arts because it seems like
we're totally missing something in high
we're gonna buy school readiness but
here's your playback max do you mean
like a leader to high school leadership
demonstration or well or just like
you're going to graduate proficient in
your subjects or something like that it
seems like we've stopped on the
academics I think yeah if this is the -
the SLT yes so really have a discussion
about that serve students growth and
core classes college and career-ready
underserved students grow the core
classes as measured by X something like
03h 00m 00s
that just and they're poor mission it's
not that I don't support art if I'm
gonna picture five so this is just it
not to be an either/or against the other
well if we're only getting it right less
than five yes
and then so my other piece is because I
didn't bring all my notebooks
I love the climate the concept of the
climate Oh
but I was trying to remember in the
Climate Survey there was a question
about the like really relationship with
your teachers or using questions and
it's under the sense of belonging
there's five questions and there's two
the weddings
it's a student-teacher relations
right so I was thinking like really
focusing because sense of belonging
doesn't necessarily to me talk if you
didn't notice in there like that that
being the one so you know how do we get
more detail about this get more deep
more specific because if that's one of
fives and then we actually have five
goals yeah because it's a guarantee so
the other thing there's questions how
much baggage subdued students will show
you and overall how much do you feel
like you belong
is if they feel a sense of belonging you
think you know like they have a
relationship with with somebody else
yeah I think in the salty air readings I
think it was Jonathan and maybe his
group that were you you were sort of you
did like preliminary looking at Deana
where you saw that maybe it was like one
of those measures you can kind of track
between that measure and then do you
remember last Monday I don't remember I
think if you were looking specifically
at like Native American but so Native
American was the lowest one in this area
and then I think they grouping those
correlation in the tree climb in and and
we didn't choose to we talked about
having it the Native American students
in focus but we switched that because it
was 17 students see I felt like that was
we needed more numbers yeah so okay so
so I guess I'm hearing that we have five
goals here but it seems like there would
be more interest in looking at sort of
like a high school goal Scott did you
silly so I guess you know so so one
thing that we could do is you know I
think I've heard that you want to land
on less than five well we could do my
sermon I bought five or less we could we
could sort of take this and then you
know the the goal I think Amy
you run off we could take this to the
staff they could sort of like propose
some measures and you could look at the
you know maybe sort of over time with
more information decide if you wanted to
do some keep it as is or sort of so we
don't have to I guess I would say I
don't know that we have to win out now
so everything so our funny little like
thing our choreography was really like
taking this idea of the Student Success
serve and saying so we've got the
inclusive critical thinkers with deep
core knowledge that's kind of like we
want to make sure kids have that
proficiency and sort of academic
understanding and then a lot of the rest
of these are like especially the
positive confident and connected sense
of self how how do are they within
themselves like do they know themselves
their abilities what they're good at and
then the rest are about how they are
with the world are the leaders are they
able to communicate are they
collaborative all of that are the global
stewards and so what I see here is we've
got three academic goals and then arts
goal and so sort of four academic roles
and then we've got the one students
survey one which is more about that self
like how hard do they feel connected
until they feel about themselves in the
system but we don't have a leadership
goal so I'm wondering if we look at if
we're gonna have an an academic set of
goals a leadership goal and sort of
well-being kind of are they whole in
themselves well what did those look like
03h 05m 00s
and can we write composite goals that
that do like obviously we're concerned
about English language arts and math and
and where did those show up is that in
eighth grade that they're ready for I
think third grade is that they read to
learn and then learn to read learn to
read and they're going to learn they
learn math and then they can succeed are
they still on traffic in grade are they
still on track look tenth or eleventh
grade how do we write that in goals that
sort of captures what I'm hearing is the
sense of how we care about that academic
profile of students
and then those other pieces that our
community is told us matter to them of
sort of self-worth and wholeness and
then leadership and relationship to the
world how are we captured goals that
connect to them yeah so Scott and then
let's let Scott so kind of building on
that so that our last session we can
prototype today connecting to the
internet and empathetic leadership goal
which could be demonstrated you know
some kind of project as doesn't as a
possible goal so I would want to throw
that out on the table for consideration
and again we don't have any amenities
around that so it's more than
cutting-edge kind of a thing
secondly I don't communication
specifically writing I mean god I see it
all and again I'm over in Vancouver with
high school students and some of the
writing is so awful
to me that's both the communication
aspect and the critical thinking aspect
being able to express that I mean if you
can write it and or present it in your
own words
that's to me is a real mastery sign and
I don't think it test can be anywhere
close to that so to me that's a really
important piece of this that I would
want to call out that's a potential go
on I know that's kind of they're kind of
going like this
well can I propose a process a piece
because you know I think that you thank
you for putting it in there and for
being so like generative this this slate
and I think it's really good I here's
what I would propose for a process piece
and maybe you can decide if you wanted
to go this way I think that there's an
opportunity for for maybe some staff
support and maybe sort of taking the
feedback about what's on this on this
list hearing what you said about being
comfortable with composite as well as
the other other areas that you've
identified it may be coming back to this
group with like a set of probably what
would be more than five although
certainly staff may be able to come back
with you know a lower lower stuff that
achieves multiple goals I like what you
said about like maybe there's like you
know waited to think about different
factors in there we come back and then
we propose that to you with also another
cut around some proposed measures some
places where there could be some metrics
or baselining information that we have
and then I would say then we get to the
the sort of like prioritizing at that
point because you'll be able to have a
little bit more
Meishan a little bit more perspective on
sort of what you know what might be
possible but you know what sort of is
right if you will and sort of ready to
go for goals and then you know there
could be another interactive discussion
about that so okay
Julia and then Anders I think it's great
that one thing I would ask that would be
helpful is to have materials a couple
days in advance then also like what we
should bring it's like tonight was like
I should have grabbed my box out of the
yeah I'm sorry I thought I would so
that's it's a pan just so is we're
getting this is that in a room session
but just so that as we narrow down we we
rather like I wish I had that because I
feel like I'm uninformed as a yeah we
can absolutely do that other great yes
so I like the approach from staff as you
can say is they sort of work through
these think the whole question of
prioritizing are we doing is sort of
interesting it you know there's there's
nothing wrong with us as a bore and
having more than five but not more than
five priorities and I want to get back
to again sort of an overall performance
management system you're gonna have a
lot of key performance measures we as a
board they decide your shots are going
to focus on so as we come out of this
process like I would be very comfortable
having in five six seven that we as a
board say look these are important to
03h 10m 00s
the district as long as we have to
follow up conversation that says but in
nineteen twenty or twenty twenty-one
we're focusing on these and I'm going to
be honest that's I have a little issue
with the arts one I feel like I need to
preface this by saying like Hertz was so
important to me as a kid to change my
life I can go through all of that so I
got a huge supporter but if we have a
million dollars and you ask me where to
invest it
yeah and that's the question that I
think we as a board because the other
six say yes then that's fine and we can
then prioritize that is one of our goals
but I think that's what's gonna be
important for that in the process
yeah it's not how many overall we have
it's where we're going to invest
resources ie making sure that and I
would say that should be no more than
three and maybe even two totally so I
think what I'm also hearing is like
money and maybe support I'm sort of like
how to have a facilitated discussion
around like how do we prioritize the
focus area and to see sort of like
what's what's doable and I think that we
did absolutely so we're doing that so
Lupe I'm sorry Oh Julia sorry no I mean
this is helpful because I think we're
starting to land the topic areas
I appreciate the continuum and I just
just for additional direction for staff
but like right now three of the five up
here talk about great
and also I like the attention on some of
these student leadership relationship
I don't want folks to be restricted by
the current instrument very much thank
you for both dialog because we're great
and I got excited about it is this is a
whole new universe now so you can design
a graduate report related survey that
gets at some of these qualitative
measures and get at some of the things
that I think that we want to want to
measure over time let me imagine a
question our kids getting better at
being if you optimistic I don't know
what do they self-report does that look
like across the grade levels we can have
a survey designed that is the
department's graduate port portrait and
sort of have touch place so that's one
thing I just wanted to make sure to
mention is to not this conversation was
not intended to be eliminated yeah what
instruments exist some some may be more
audacious and may be further out because
they're in development those parking
areas but if we wanted may the word
district that values our education then
you know as a first step we've been I'm
filling those pathways and the scope of
sequence and you start to sort of get at
that being part of the whole education
then there's two
so that might work that one might be a
little bit out that serving possible
right there measures there but you know
to Scott's point here we're also dealing
with finite resources and I'm just
looking at the literacy one and I know
what it takes to get through our this
percentage points four percent is pretty
aggressive and what it would take at
scale to sort of provide the knowledge
base the training the specialist
interventions the evidence-based
materials most districts of the
seven-year effort again that's six seven
percent so what what it would take is
you know we're gonna want to manage
expectations and how we actually
accelerate for subgroups as well so
we're also designing goals for this year
starting out that we already have an
approved budget
yeah I also want to sort of be realistic
about totally you know reconfigured a
little bit of solid effort and that's
coming in a year and show some movement
but I'm so new resources head and we can
get more aggressive about it the goal
the target performance school life might
get might might grow you know with each
successive year because this coming year
to define the Internet
plan for transforming these outcomes
great your debt and then Julia okay was
deciding whether I need say something
but I'm talking now so I guess
No so I think for the odds thing for
example which I kind of like it never
occurred to me I think correct me if I'm
wrong but I think you could have a
theory of action that that linked that
would show a real correlation between
the ability to do that and the ability
to do all the academic stuff so that was
I mean it would be interesting to hear
to staff yeah
like either yeah this makes sense not so
03h 15m 00s
much that would be the other thing that
occurs to me is I mean if we're if what
we're really trying to do is drive
transformation of a system it seems to
me that kind of really honing in on the
early years is going to be more
impactful over time
and and I don't want that to sound like
kids already in high school they're you
know sorry but I do
I mean if we're thinking about like
really pushing transformation well and
that can be another when we talk about
the prioritization is sort of like
figuring out like you know is this
transformative or is this sort of like
how far does it push the system within
reason and you'll have some perspective
from Sam so Julia and then it's coming
or general comment so it's it's more
focusing on like the next step south
addition to is making the material
advanced and like what data we need if
these are going to different stops and
take this and you know make it into a
more structured goal so they're similar
constructs having the actual data
because so many of these have subgroup
information so really focusing about the
the data say what the current
achievement level is but then also the
number of students we have that over
there yeah like yeah it seems like it's
a different conversation when you're
talking about not just like the center
but like Jonathan came up with the
numbers like you know there's four
hundred black kids in each grade in the
city and all of a sudden that we you
look at that right it's like it seems
let elementary like that right so it's a
very nine percent of number 15 is four
thousand kids just ballpark estimates
about every creating sure I mean yeah
yeah it's really like okay you think
about this like a became ten percent
that's forty students but we're gonna
actually give us a like more data so
having that as something next yeah
suddenly the next frame just to clarify
what we would bring back as for the fine
points we would provide decided
refer to as you can see how we arrive
it's not so I want to test something for
you guys to think about and I may be
wrong with this but I'm hearing I think
that we are still locked into may have
reading writing
you know as we talk about these goals
and not into cross discipline work and I
I think we've kind of referred into that
out of kind of happen so I want to test
that and if that fits great if I'm wrong
that's it's great to but I sort of
picked up a stream of that and you know
as much as I want to refer to reading
writing arithmetic the best way to do
that may be through leadership so I
think we we need to think or we're not
dreaming if we get stuck back in that
and and again I'm talking to myself as
much as I think and I'm gonna push
better than the arts well we're not
we're not cutting it okay yeah just just
planning them planning that flag yeah
they didn't have a really robust
discussion about that yeah the other one
thing that remind us about is that these
are the goals are and be holding both at
bay accountable to as we you know do
evaluation in the future so those
percentages that staff come back with
it's really that question of like what
is realistic and attainable so that when
we have to say if your next evaluation
you know we're really happy and things
are going well but we can show the
community that so I think it's that how
do we set those numbers those
percentages we talked a lot about it in
three groups on this at twelve percent
across three years like what does that
look like in ways that are both
aspirational and challenge us to do all
we can for students but also are
realistic so that we can they continue
to build on could work in a way that
this healthy
03h 20m 00s
so oh just one last you know we've
talked a lot of that about four percent
is pretty you know before lucky look at
four percent we need to have a huge
conversation because I think Whoopie we
were all the way up to 31 percent Yahoo
you know we we need to also think the
value of having hired numbers and then
also knowing what the absolute is it
makes you look for solutions outside of
the normal ones
mafic more fundamental shifts versus
just an incremental shift and I don't
think you get to that conversation I can
guarantee you if we go out and say we're
gone for a three percent that you're
changed I think my statement those that
means when I'm off the board you know
african-american students will be yet
you know 16 percent proud of that so I
think part of really fostering a bigger
conversation in the community is pushing
that it's like well why can't we do that
safe you doubled from 10 percent say you
went from hitting 40 like third graders
reading to we doubled it to 80 student
you know that's still 322 and so it's
like you know are we are we okay with
just moving 3% or do we want to double
it and what would we need to do to do
that and it may be like we're convinced
we can't or it may be the community
comes in and says like we're gonna
figure out a different way to come up
with the resources we're willing to
shift some resources because we want six
percent and not three percent so I'm
going to I'm going to do a rare thing
and I'm gonna call silicate is
privileged I'm gonna I'm gonna close us
on discussion now because I feel like
this in for this is what we're what
we're landing on is like really rich and
I think that it's the next phase of this
of this process together so you're gonna
get some additional perspective
information and I think we have to have
sort of like all these overlays of
conversations around like you know is
this the right focus is it is it like
working on a land and I think we'll
we'll sort of move on to that the next
times we come together and so thank you
so much for all your time and I'm sorry
that it's been a little bit long but I
have to say like you really hung in
there and liked it it was really
integrating to sort of like be in this
process behind you I think it may not
look like it but my colleagues were like
there was a lot of had nods there's a
lot of sort of like I think folks are
really excited about fostering about
information for you so I have another
time schedule we do we have board
meeting scheduled so I think we'll have
we'll have to give us something
scheduled it will give us some time to
do that so so we will but I think we're
I think are we've done a really good job
and a really good set of work here
tonight so I'm gonna I'm gonna call this
good and you did great and thank you for
all your thought and effort on this but
I think your children about this is
really good
Thank You Danny for setting up a really
- PPS Board of Education, Archive 2019-2020, https://www.pps.net/Page/15694 (accessed: 2022-03-24T00:57:49.341831Z)
- PPS Communications, "Board of Education" (YouTube playlist), https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8CC942A46270A16E (accessed: 2023-10-10T04:10:04.879786Z)