2017-08-15 PPS School Board Regular Meeting
District | Portland Public Schools |
Date | 2017-08-15 |
Time | missing |
Venue | missing |
Meeting Type | regular |
Directors Present | missing |
Documents / Media
08-15-17 Final Packet (8fb246118bebc258).pdf Meeting Materials
TriMet Packet (b804aa540b16b034).pdf Revised Resolution 5498
08-15-17 Meeting Overview (4a434d1dafdc0ab5).pdf Meeting Overview
Event 1: Board of Education-Regular Meeting-August 15, 2017
00h 00m 00s
being of the Board of Education for
August 15th 2017 is called to order
welcome to everyone present and to our
television viewers any item that will be
voted on this evening has been posted as
required by state law this meeting is
being televised live and will be
replayed throughout the next two weeks
please check the board website for
replay times this meeting is also being
streamed live on our PBS TV Services
the civil might notice director Esparza
Brown is absent this evening
in addition so is interim superintendent
Awad and third in place of the PPS
ombudsman this evening we have we're
going to have senior board manager
Roseann Powell here available as she
always is to assist any member of the
public who may need additional
assistance we also have interpreters
with us this evening and I'd like them
to come forward at this time introduce
themselves in the language that we'll be
interpreting and inform the audience
where they will be located in the
auditorium should anyone should someone
need assistance
hello my name is Lucia Cabrera's I'm the
Spanish interpreter mean embrace vehicle
a host on interpreting expand your voice
- Talia's phone Haley home was in :
Juanita cattleman panic watch while
Makoto you could have c-13 one more
feature within every becomes object will
give it names to give e v AO vivo
children I think I'm a groovy hello my
name is bulla Aki I interpret for soma
thank you and welcome to our board
meeting oh sorry about Melissa adults
keep eating what pose all somebody keeps
coming a spicy bow thank you welcome to
our board meeting before we begin our
public comment period I'd like to review
our guidelines for public comments the
board thanks the community for taking
the time to attend this meeting and
provide comments to the board we value
public input as it informs our work and
we look forward to hearing your thoughts
reflections and concerns our
responsibility as a board is to actively
listen with our electronic devices
turned off board members will not
respond to comments or question during
public comment but our board manager
Rosanna Powell will follow up on the
issues raised during public testimony
guidelines for public input emphasize
respect and consideration of others
complaints about individual employees
should be directed to superintendent's
office as a personnel matter you have a
total of three minutes to share your
comments please begin by stating your
name and spelling your last name for the
record during the first two minutes of
your testimony a green light will appear
when you have one minute remaining a
yellow light will go on and when your
time is up that red light will go on and
a buzzer will sound we respectfully ask
that you conclude your comments at that
time we appreciate your input and thank
you for cooperation and now I'd like to
ask miss Hewson whether anyone has
signed up for public comment we have
three and our first two speakers are
Marty Stockton and Elizabeth Israel
good evening
indeed means do I need to state my name
or okay Marty Stockton you can just go
ahead oh thank you good evening board
members I'm a parent to an incoming
Beaumont middle school sixth grader with
dyslexia in an Alameda elementary school
fourth grader I'm a co-founder of the
Alameda dyslexia community please see
the attached event flyer representing 16
families in an ambassador to the
decoding dyslexia Oregon I want to
express deep appreciation to Portland
Public Schools for coordinating on
Senate bills six one two training
opportunities in the teachers that have
made up these training cohorts this
summer related I am providing public
comment on four time-sensitive calls to
action before PPS this school year in
February 2017 I learned from the office
of teaching and learning that there was
a implementation plan for Senate bill
six one two since then I have asked the
office if the implementation plan was
developed through a public process and
whether the implementation plan was
approved by the school board I have not
00h 05m 00s
received clarification on these two
questions for seven months now nor do I
believe that the implementation plan is
a thorough equitable or clear on how to
serve students with dyslexia furthermore
this posted implementation plan is now
out of date with a 2017 adoption of
Senate bills 2003 the first call to
action is for Portland Public Schools to
establish a public process to review and
develop a PPS dyslexia legislation
implementation plan in response to both
Senate bills and to be approved by the
Portland Public Schools Board the second
call to action is for PPS to address
policy gaps and inequities in the online
version of the current Senate bill
implementation plan for PPS as well as
customized a publicly vetted
implementation plan that reflects PPS
characteristics needs and values moving
on to the k5 language arts equity based
balanced literacy this year PPS budget
approved another phase of only ten
schools to incorporate the adopted
curriculum for the school for this
school year this means a total of 20 out
of 50-plus schools will be using the new
equity based balanced literacy my
concerns are as follows the phasing is
already a year behind schedule for the
30 plus remaining K 5 or K 8 schools
clarity is needed on whether project
read the curriculum identified as the
tier 2 intervention pilot is part of the
formal literacy adoption transparency is
needed on web project read if it is the
adopted tier 2 intervention is not being
phased to all k5 and k-8 schools
immediately to support all schools or
all students of dyslexia call-to-action
number 3 PBS to ensure the provision of
free and appropriate public education by
supporting teachers in providing
instruction that a systemic explicit
evidence-based to meet the educational
needs of students with dyslexia through
district actions and procedures required
by state and federal law given the your
time is up can you sort of summarize and
I think you've submitted you did then
public testimony as well one more health
action ok PPS board to recognize October
as dyslexia Awareness Month by an
adopted ceremonial resolution Los
Angeles the largest School District in
California has recently also adopted
such last year and I just think that
acknowledgement right now for the
dyslexia community is really critical
thank you thank you and thank you for
submitting written testimony it's very
helpful go ahead hello my name is
Elizabeth Israel Davis the last name is
is our AEL - Davis good evening board
members I'm a PPS teacher and parent I'm
also a member of OD es Oregon dyslexia
advisory council Oro DAC that's an
advisory body that was assembled by
Odie's state dyslexia specialist Carrie
Thomas Beck to help develop policy
around the implementation of the
requirements of SB 612
it's my involvement in this kid Weiser
II council that initially led me to
inquire about our dish
Jaques plan to implement the
requirements of SB 612 in March of 2016
I began to communicate with that with
staff and office of teaching and
learning about who is in charge of
implementation and if there was a
timeline already developed in March of
2017 I had my first meeting with office
of teaching and learning staff to
discuss the timeline I've attached the
timeline of all my communications with
OTL staff my main concern was initially
the implementation of the teacher
training requirement the requirement is
that at least one teacher in every case
I've and k-8 school must receive
training from the Odie's list of
approved dyslexia related training of
fortunately the deadline for teachers
who have received this training has been
extended from January 1st 2018 to July
1st 2018 part of the reason for this
extension is that it took longer than
expected - that the trainings which were
submitted this meant that the first list
of approved trainings wasn't published
until late May early June of 2017 and
the most up-to-date list was published
last week and I attached it provided it
for you but the main reason I've come to
speak to you today is because I think
this is a moment for us to show that
when we come together we can do amazing
things our district could lead the state
not just in a smooth implementation of
the rare bones requirements of SB 612
but in truly providing excellence both
in identifying and appropriately serving
students with dyslexia I'm asking that
PPS establish a public process to build
policy and procedures for students with
dyslexia and their families I'm asking
that students families and teachers be
00h 10m 00s
given a say in this process and I'm
asking that the board be involved in
overseeing this process and I'm asking
this on behalf of K a student going into
the 8th grade who is reading at a second
grade level at the end of last year I'm
asking on behalf of E and W who will be
going into third grade this year sorry
and almost have all their letter sounds
because they are rockstars and they
worked so hard last year
and I'm asking on behalf of all the
students whose families cannot pay the
thousand dollar private assessment fee
and 100 to 200 dollars per week for
private tutoring we owe them a free and
appropriate education which is not
dependent on zip code thank you thank
you both for your testimony I'm going to
ask Roseanne to make sure that director
Esparza Brown the chair of teaching
learning committee receives the
testimony and that we follow up through
the committee process thank you both for
coming and for your advocacy for kids
thank you and I'd also like to ask the
chair to consider putting on our next
agenda a resolution to declare October
dyslexia Awareness Month for PPS we can
do that I'm a teacher Peter Stephen
my name is Steven Goldberg Kold be ERG
both of my children attended on
Irvington school in the 1980s was a
wonderful experience a critical part of
that experience was the school's racial
diversity which at that time was close
to 50% that has changed in Irvington and
in Portland as our city has become less
and less racially and economically
diverse the causes for this are
generally beyond your powers as school
board members to deal with you know you
are concerned with our racial diversity
in Portland schools and in its workforce
and that you've evidence that in terms
of the higher of our new superintendent
so it was aligning to me to read about
the verdict against the district last
May finding the Portland Public Schools
allowed a racially hostile work
environment but I hope was that your
response would be to accept that verdict
to learn from it and to focus on
changing the conditions which allowed
the repeated racial insults and taunts
suffered by the two maintenance
department employees to continue for
several years instead you have chosen to
fight this judgment even if there was a
good legal basis for the appeal which I
doubt given the integrity and experience
of the trial judge you appear to be
ignoring and undermining any lessons to
be learned from that judgment I urge you
to drop the appeal of this verdict and
to clearly and unequivocally signal to
the community that supports you
particularly people of color and to
those who work for the school district
that racially discriminatory conduct
within the district will no longer be
tolerated in these political times in
this time of Charlotte so it is that
kind of clarity which is so desperately
called for again I urge you to drop the
of that verdict thank you thank you
thank you for your comments
to be honest
okay so the next report is the
superintendent recruitment so I think
that picture says it all and we can turn
up the lights back after but 42 days
that's the number of days since this new
board was installed at the time we
announced our new superintendent last
Friday the board is very pleased to
announce that we hired Guadalupe Grove
serve as our next superintendent 1 Lupe
comes to us from San Francisco or he
most recently served as a deputy
superintendent I want to thank the board
for all the work they did that was 42
days and a little bit before of hard
work and really intense work of every
member of this board I also want to
thank the community for the work they
performed as part of the superintendent
recruitment going back over a year ago
with the prior board several hundred
community members participate in that
00h 15m 00s
process sharing their priorities for a
new leader and a half a dozen public
meetings including a targeted meetings
with historically underserved
populations in our community in addition
hundreds more offered their thoughts
through an online survey we believe that
Guadalupe is the right leader at the
right time for our city and our schools
and our kids and we're looking forward
to his arrival as you can see from the
photo he's signed a contract and he was
notified by TSTC that his reciprocal
administrator license has been issued so
great great now yes how about that for
quick action by the FCC so we're
fortunate to have someone of his talent
and conviction leading PBS and in the
weeks ahead we want to ask the community
to join us in welcoming him to our both
our school community and the broader
so hopefully this would be the last
superintendent recruitment report
for quite a while okay so any other
board members want to make any sort of
comments before we move on to the next
item yeah we the next next on our agenda
is the previous board had a first
reading of the revised
anti-harassment policy in April of 2017
since the first reading occurred before
many of us were serving in the board
we'd like to consider stepping back and
receiving an update from the senior
legal counsel Stephanie Harper
dr. Harper seen you in there Michael I'm
not sure your mics on good evening there
we go
thank you for the time this evening on
the agenda so I'm here to provide an
update to the board and I think we have
some GSS yeah just I'm providing an
update to the board so one of our prior
staff attorneys had come to the board
previously and we were in the process of
updating both the board policies around
title 9 and specifically the prior
discussion really was more focused
around sexual harassment sexual violence
and those pieces of title 9 which
prevents discrimination based on sex in
our educational entities and our
existing your existing board policy
covers and protects both staff and
students from sex harassment and sex
discrimination in our environment school
district environment one the first
recommendation was actually to pull
apart the existing board policy and
separate it into two pieces so that we
have one piece of focuses on students
and another board policy that focuses on
staff just because sometimes things get
a little a meshed and we wanted to
really in the board really prior board
wanted to focus on the protection of
students in the educational environment
since that time we've done some more
work internally on the process and what
I'm recommending it actually is that we
go back to whatever the appropriate
board committee is so that we can
discuss some of the policy choices that
need to be made not as part of the board
policy necessarily but there was
interest expressed by the board at the
time to actually
a really good vibrant discussion around
the administrative directive that has to
do with how do we actually prevent and
stop harassment from occurring in our
school environments and sexual violence
and how do we cover all the topics that
are related to title 9 which also
include providing opportunities to all
students and not making distinctions
based on gender so for example within
the science technology engineering in
those kinds of fields of stem or steam
programs making sure opportunities are
equally available to students of all
genders and as well as how do we do part
and how do we protect our students who
are transgender or gender non-conforming
we've actually done some work through a
policy group around developing an
administrative directive that focuses
solely on how to provide support to our
students who are transgendered and/or
00h 20m 00s
gender non-conforming and we have you
know a policy that's actually prepared
and ready to roll out that relates just
to protecting our students and so we've
been sort of combining a number of
pieces and want to come back to the
board and go through the subcommittee
and have a little bit more discussion
around those pieces as well as we have
actually established in our in the
process of posting for a position for a
title 9 coordinator that position has
not yet been posted or hired yet as
we've been focusing on other positions
we just got budget Authority for that
position effective July 1st and there
are some pieces of the administrative
directive and the administrative
investigative protocols that really
should involve the title 9 coordinator
and the new person who was hired in
helping frame and decide how those
investigative processes work I will note
that the board policy that was that came
out previously after the first reading
there were normal no formal comments
that came in to the board we did have
some discussion and comments from prior
board members we had some additional
review by our
legal counsels office outside legal
counsel and I've done some additional
research and then worked with folks
internally I wanted to let you know we
have established and identified the news
director for high school programs as
being our title 9 coordinator until we
do have somebody actually hired in that
position or in the process of setting up
for the new school year a title 9
PPS email address so that we are clear
and clearly communicating through our
handbooks to both our staff and our
students but there's a place and you
know this is the place to go to raise
concerns in addition to administrators
within your school sites so we are
taking those steps to make sure that
that information there's a title 9
coordinator you can go to OCR but those
pieces of information are widely
disseminated so around the student
policy really the four parts that we
have been working on enhancing have to
do with prevention recognizing
discrimination and/or retaliation and
then the investigation process findings
tracking and then how do we respond when
something surfaces so in terms of the
prevention component where to go for
help so I mentioned the title 9
coordinator we've designated on an
interim basis for high school program
director PPS student services you have
some new team members down there in
student services and we actually have a
meeting scheduled this Friday to have it
we need a sort of multidisciplinary team
approach to these kinds of situations
when they do arise and we're actually
working on establishing a contract with
a provider a zero dollar contract with a
provider that's a grant funded having to
do with how to provide support to
victims of sexual violence and sexual
assault so that they get the support
that they that they need in those
situations so and then another key
component of prevention is of course
education to the community our families
staff and students as I mentioned you
know as and I think you probably have
heard a little bit around the school
climate work that's being conducted
and also the PPF supports for
transgender and gender non-conforming
students we do have a draft
administrative directive that we you
know certainly can would like to talk
through with with the whatever the
subcommittee I don't know I'm sorry I'm
not up to date on all of the
subcommittees that you have for the
board and in addition there's a state
law or s3t six point zero five nine that
requires school districts to provide
child sexual abuse prevention and
instructional programs for students that
are age-appropriate for K to 12 and
we're working on just trying to pull all
these various pieces of information
together the second part recognizing
discrimination and/or retaliation and I
separated these out because it's really
important as just part of the
educational process there doesn't need
to be a finding of sexual harassment or
sexual violence in order for retaliation
to have occurred and it's really
critical in what we know from so what I
know at least from my experience and
training in workplace harassment sex
harassment cases that are employment
related people don't come forward with
concerns or complaints because they
don't really want to be subjected to
retaliation they don't want to have
their business be made public they don't
want to be drawn into huge some huge
situation and so it's really important
that we assure people that in order for
them to but we don't want to have a
chilling effect on students who come
forward with complaints or concerns and
that they have the opportunity to
00h 25m 00s
participate in a process and be free
from retaliation in their educational
environment and then as mentioned before
I do think we need to expand your policy
a little bit to cover not just the
sexual harassment sexual violence sexual
assault but also to cover opportunities
in education as well as athletics and
these are not things that we you know we
from from the work that I've been able
to do so far and checking with people
everything is happening as it should be
happening I guess in terms of making
sure that those opportunities are equal
but I do think your policy should be
expanded to cover all those pieces of
not just the harassment sexual violence
okay any questions on sort of that
policy piece and policy recommendations
director Anthony yes thank you very much
uh particularly regarding this what kind
of timeline would you be expecting so on
the policy part of things yes how long
before we have something in place so I
might depend on our action end yes and
and in my one question is you know what
is to what extent do you really want you
want a full administrative directive to
be ready for you at the same time you're
adopting the policy or would you rather
have you know the policy pieces adopt
and go through and adopt those pieces
with the administrative directive you
know understanding that there needs to
be some additional work done in that
regard I guess is the question that's
part of what I've been struggling was on
the timeline okay so yes
if I may um she's alluded twice to the
title nine position that's on my desk
and that's on my desk and I'm drafting
that we focused on hiring two attorneys
and a paralegal first and I hope to have
this done in the next week as far as the
Job Description great
so one thing just on the policy since we
were originally scheduled to have this
via second reading just in terms of the
timing director Anthony I think what I'm
going to do unless director constan
ejects is sending the policy to your
legislative and intergovernmental
Committee for further policy work and
assuming we can have a couple meetings
and get it moved along I don't see that
it sounds like there's a lot of work
done so far so that we should be able to
move it out and then the ad will follow
administrative directors will follow
that you're except I
gladly and I have questions so and going
through here and all these pieces that
will feed into the administrative
directive and you really acknowledge how
important it is to put the meat on the
bone so to speak with that
administrative directive because one of
the issues that has arisen is that our
school-based staff just didn't have the
tools and didn't have a uniform set of
guidelines that would help them respond
responsibly and as comprehensively as
they could in terms of especially in
terms of protecting students who come
forward with concerns so is there
anything in the absence of having
finished the administrative directive
and adopted this revision to policy is
there any training that is going on or
that we're able to do to provide a
little more guidance to our principals
this year given that we've done all this
work thus far yes yes it's just a matter
of yes I'm happy to do that and put that
together and I already feel like we have
all the components it's just a matter of
figuring out the right timing for that
given that but so our main concern was
to get out to our students the title
nine information who to contact when you
have concerns and have our interim title
nine coordinator get the information she
needs so that she can be prepared to
track as soon as school gets started
with any complaints that come into her
and handle any investigation processes
so that's where I was going to focus
first and then and we've had those
conversations like I say this week so
I'll focus towards the end of just up to
Camille by the end of this week around
the other pieces of what should we be
getting out to our administrators yeah
and teachers yeah that's great okay so
so and this actually leads into them the
investigation process findings and
tracking so there will be some feedback
to the board committee director
konstandin for your discussion they're
around so for example one of the
questions raised and has come up is if
what if a complaint was looming back up
so for example DHHS when they get
reports of child abuse there they have
three different category
is founded unfounded or unable to
determine so they have a tracking system
00h 30m 00s
and a categorization kind of system in
place and part of what we need to
actually decide is how do we want to set
up this tracking system that the title 9
coordinator is going to have and so
because there are times when complaints
are not substantiate ador sexual conduct
is not found and then the question
becomes though and this is something
that the prior senior legal counsel had
talked about what the board was how do
we identify patterns over the course of
time should there be some so that needs
to be worked into the process along with
the administrative directive I also
think what would need to happen within
the administrative directive is the
board or the administrative directive
news in the committee needs to talk
about what standard is going to apply
there are there's a state law in place
that defines what is sexual conduct t
SPC has a definition for what is sexual
harassment and what is sexual conduct
but what we also have and what you had
looked at for your first reading on the
board policy was using the term grooming
or professional boundaries and I've done
some more research collected some
materials through some national
resources that really talk about and
help define and this is the part
director constant that I think would be
part of the education and helping our
administrators being able to recognize
what are some of the things uh you know
I have a number of items but the
categories are you know where there's
undue interest in a particular student
poor judgment in relation to a student
or becoming involved in the students
private life and there's a number of
factors that are looked at and can be
considered but we need to define that
for our staff so that they know they
know what they are looking at when they
you have to recognize those kinds of
things that may be red flags then we
need to check in to further that may not
necessarily be or rise to the level of
being sexual conduct under the state law
and then of course the other challenge
as a government entity school district
and employer is to meet both
Asians that respect the rights of all of
the impacted persons in these kinds of
situations so before you go to the next
stage director village you have
something on desk not a question but
just to make a note that a few months
ago there was a discussion at Grant High
School around rape culture and when
teachers are saying this doesn't exist
and female students current and former
coming out of the woodwork pointing out
what was going on in the halls of Grant
High School and after-hours dating
situations and so on that's a really
pervasive culture and it's not just
grant of course so I just want to kind
of plant a marker there in terms of our
part in our schools of working to
challenge that culture and again that's
it that's the this is all part of that
that that cultural piece that school
climate piece is to me the key yes the
key piece that we can take on right
because that's that students realize
what they are faced with every day yes
and I want to point out too that we have
already had good student put on the
drafting of this policy yes and I do
think I'd like to do with a new student
representative on the board Moses I was
hoping that we could expand our circle
of team members either you or others who
you recommend be be part of that
discussion as we drill down even further
to make this a very vibrant policy and
process okay then the next big component
then of these policies is really how do
we respond when something comes to our
attention and I sort of broke these out
into and this has more to do with again
how we're going to how I'm sort of
outlining what kind of training and
discussion we're going to have with
administrators what are the interim
measures that need to be taken when
something first comes up because you
know you get the initial report and you
need to take some steps immediately but
you aren't making your final decision of
course how effective are those measures
and we have to decide the record
being form and look at the retention
schedules for that final measures
they're going to be case specific of
course we always want to keep open lines
of communications both with the
complainant and respondent and final
measures I added into their recites case
specific systemic write so there's going
to be if needs to be a feedback loop
that's built into this about what are
the pieces that need to happen
systemically so that we can learn from
each each instance that occurs and work
you know come up with better practices
and to prevent it from happening again
and then the effectiveness of those
final measures meaning there's always
needs to be follow up with people how is
it don't you know we've done this we're
00h 35m 00s
providing you you know we've moved this
person or whatever those measures are
that we've taken you which want to be
following up with the impacted people to
find out you know are you getting still
what you need are you getting what you
need educationally speaking are you
feeling comfortable in your environment
we want to be doing that kind of
follow-up and monitoring and then
defining the record-keeping what the
form looks like and what the retention
schedule needs to be around that so next
steps as I guess I should have started
with the slide so the first thing to
focus on for me is where to go for help
with resources into our student and
staff handbooks those are in the process
of being finalized this week we've I've
taken steps identified our PPS cross
departmental work team get our
stakeholder input you'll be hearing more
about the complaint process lighthouse
safe Oregon tip line we have a number of
new school safety measures that are
going to be or mechanisms that are going
to be implemented this upcoming school
year we want to make sure we're
incorporating those contact information
and phone numbers in with with this as
well our interim title 9 coordinator the
director of high school programs will
will have her set up and ready to go for
the first couple of months until we have
a timeline coordinator
hired of course include her feedback and
then we'll come back with a revised
first reading
draft administrative directives and of
course the hiring of the coordinator any
other questions or input that you'd like
me to take into account take back to our
work team so just to clarify we're still
we are still moving forward with the
policy that was presented for the first
reading this is just an update for all
of us and then we'll work on the
administrative directive and have the
second reading on the policy has written
correct what technically this was
supposed to be was the second reading
but we felt since we had a reconstituted
board that would make sense to have
another first reading and it's great
that we have got one another first
reading but we did a move yet to the
second reading until we have a briefing
of the board it'll also have to provide
an opportunity to incorporate some new
items so looking forward to you bring it
back expeditiously yes I will move that
expeditiously my brains in it now so
it's like I'm just on the student input
size on the previous one a limo is still
our representative we determined that
this would be one of the areas that we
want to prioritize that Superstock would
deal with so we are working on coming
together with committee to finalize our
key points that we want in this
particular area okay so you can connect
offline about when and how we get
together how we're going to meet you
okay good
thank you very much thank you yeah thank
I think so for all of your work on that
working forward to getting it
implemented in out in schools it would
be great for our students this next item
I'm going to ask dr. Laura Parker chief
strategic officer to provide an update
on the middle school plan and I thought
it might be worthwhile before we begin
the discussion to just sort of outline a
little bit about the direction that's
needed from the board so and correct me
if dr. Parker if I'm interactive ATAR
you want to share a nuance that I've
might have missed so there's a budget
amendment so most immediately there's a
10.5 million requests that needs to be
an amendment to the FY 2018 budget by
the 29th there needs to be an
affirmation of the scope of this project
plan there also and I can talk more
about that but we're going to make sure
that we've got the right scope and then
committees as you'll see from the
presentation there are essentially two
primary committees that this will need
that you will need to do work on this or
review this the teaching and learning
committee plans for focus option
programming with these two catchments
both current programming and anticipated
and these plans should include at a
minimum current a future planning for
DLI and access Academy they this may
call attention to a need for teaching
learning to make recommendations at a
later date around tag and DLI program
plans in the years to come at a systems
level and then after the middle school
framework committees complete the design
work which is slated for the completion
at the end of December and/or in
December of 2017
teaching learning committee will
00h 40m 00s
probably want to get detailed a more
detailed briefing on the final design of
the novel framework in a later date how
that relates to the future middle school
openings such as the new Kellogg
facilities that's teaching and learning
committee than enrollment in forecasting
so teaching learning is director of
sparse or Browns and the
the enrollment forecasting committee
which is director Bailey you should be
prepared to recommend implementation
plan for the feeder patterns inclusive
of boundary change recommendations and
in addition working with staff on
critical decisions that are outlined the
presentation one confirming the feeder
pattern proposal and two recommending
the enrollment balancing plan for
implementation of feeder patterns to
Harriet Tubman and Rosalie Heights so
it's a big body of work and I'm sure
we're going to see from the presentation
it's complex and has many many
interrelated impacts on other schools
and even outside of so if your child's
in the school other than the proposed
Harriet Tubman and Rose Way Heights you
shouldn't ignore this discussion because
there will be very broad impacts
potentially across our across our school
system so with that dr. Parker please
thank you and thank you for your time
this evening the primary goal of
tonight's presentation is really to
build some shared understanding about
the major work streams that exist with
not only the opening of two new middle
schools but the conversion of a series
of k-8 schools and into k5 and the
continuity of services and programming
within all of those effective schools
and really the broader area in our
system the second critical piece for
this evening is to get a sense of what
those key timelines and decisions are to
again understand how this work flows
we're really excited about this
opportunity to open these two schools
and about the opportunity to implement
for the first time a new middle school
framework that's been designed with the
leadership inside PPS and you might say
well we already have middle schools well
we do have middle schools and very
successful middle schools but we didn't
have a guiding framework for middle
school design that really captures
visionary experience for those middle
years and the reason why that was
to develop was not only should we be
setting some expectations of learning
experiences for all of our students in
the middle years but what those student
supports are how we invest resources
strategically so that there's
consistency scalability sustainability
and how we not only call attention to
but take action in eradicating
inequities that are known in our
district so establishing that middle
school framework with research-based
guiding principles was critical in
building the foundation for success
instructionally and with the student
experience in our schools that work will
be implemented for the first time within
these two schools we're going to be
going through an overview of a master
project plan that actually references
472 different line items inside our
master plan and of course all of those
projects of the series of tasks
underneath each of them the original
plan was developed last year by the
middle school implementation team again
that leadership team that was largely in
the direct direction of former assistant
superintendent Chris Russo in the office
of teaching and learning that again laid
the groundwork for what a visionary
middle years program would be over the
summer revisions to that plan were made
and a new project team was established
and so that new project team includes
Brenda Fox as the original planning
principal and architect of much of this
visionary programming
Rudy Rudolph as our lead project manager
and myself as the executive sponsor the
three of us are working to coordinate
all of those departments however within
each department there are significant
investments in regular attention to
implementation of this plan and
following the respective tasks and major
work streams within each department so
this is a large coordinated effort
that touches nearly every department in
PPS the implementation project plan
identifies those work streams
deliverables key decision points
associated I will be talking towards the
end of the presentation about key
milestones so that you can just get
yourselves oriented around what happens
00h 45m 00s
when we go from planning to design to
procurement to really operationalizing
all the pieces and infrastructure moves
and there is a complete budget request
of just over ten and a half million
dollars that again I would expect to
come back to the board with more details
a couple of critical decisions that we
wanted to make sure we called out this
evening so that we could identify the
appropriate workflow to get to these
critical decisions and make sure that we
stay on target first board approval of
naming actual middle school feeder
schools that would flow into Harriet
Tubman and Rose Way Heights second board
approval of the feeder pattern
implementation plan so those two
critical decisions are connected but
making sure that we are clear about
which schools feed into these two middle
schools and what the implementation plan
would be in converting k-8 to k5 and
which cohorts start to move in what
years we're calling for decision on both
of those by October 3rd and the
identification of financial resources
needed to execute yes the preferences
August 20 29th to be able to identify
those allocated resources through a
budget amendment as we understand that
process but if it needs to go to more
critical detail through the appropriate
committee structure then we can take
until September 12 to get to that place
so that there's a clarity in that
there is broad recognition that the
feeder pattern and implementation plan
really needs to be determined by October
2017 in order to successfully open these
schools by the 2018 2019 school year and
again as we go through the work streams
and the key milestones I hope to build
an understanding of why that is as we've
worked with coordinating all of the
operational departments that we'll be
pulling this task off its broad we
recognize that October 17th is the
latest possible date for board approval
of the feeder patterns in order to pull
this off I believe that we can do this
we are focused we are energized we are
coordinated and connected we are working
every single week through not only our
project teams at a system level but
inside each of the departments and
regular updates to interim
superintendent a lot on a weekly basis
and I believe that we can do this and
we're excited about this opportunity if
you want to lay out some understanding
of the compressed work that's taking
place in order to meet these targets and
some of the risks that we do we do have
some concerns about and just want to
again build awareness of so overall if
we try to change the project scope we'll
have very difficult times
identifying financial or operational
capacity to institute additional work
streams or decision points so involving
more schools broadening the scope adding
a piece to it can delay all of the
decisions and workflow that flow from
one another within some of the specific
areas again wanted to build your
awareness here facilities has already
been engaged in a number of scoping
exercises and planning activities and
design activities with
the two schools as well as the the two
schools of rose way heights and Harriet
Tubman and preparing them to be middle
schools but without that final approval
of budget allocated resources and the
different programs that were schools
that would flow into the schools they're
not able to really plan and execute on
any of those designs so they're very
very very anxious to know what the final
decision is that they can start
executing on some of those needed
facilities upgrades to make the middle
schools achieve the ED specs
designed in our new middle school
framework envisioned within budget and
staffing so our technical infrastructure
around budget and staffing is already
pretty lean and we have to convert all
of our systems and the staff the school
codes the budget codes that line up with
00h 50m 00s
current entities to the new entities and
again carry out a series of complex
technical configurations as we
reconstitute the entities and implement
new school codes and so all of that is
already a bit compressed teaching and
learning so much of office of teaching
and learnings work is dependent on the
selection of feeder patterns because
what will happen this fall is teaching
and learning will lead the work of
completing the framework design with
specifications to each of the schools
there's a lot of intense committee work
that broadens participation amongst our
educators that will take place all the
way through December of 2017 and each
school involved would have
representation on those various
committees so as to localize the
framework to the specific school and yet
we're looking for again those
assignments and that
verification of which schools and then
of course community engagement there's a
series of activities and tools and
community engagement processes that CIPA
has laid out that would not only prepare
but celebrate with our school
communities these changes and make that
preparation for our parents and students
again localized and owned and they want
to start executing on that but are
looking for that feeder pattern and the
feeder pattern plan to be approved so
those are some of the compressed work
streams that again we believe we can
execute on but wanted to make sure that
we highlighted the need to arrive at a
decision of feeder patterns by October
so just the commentary before we get the
key work streams I look at how
compressed that work is I would hope
that tomorrow the board chairs that the
committee's are working with staff going
to have meetings scheduled I find it but
I'm a little bit troubled that there's
already a warning about delay in feeder
school decisions when we don't even have
anything in front of us yet to make
decisions on so just the for the board
to be able to do its work I would
suggest we try and get dates scheduled
now so that we don't you know so we try
and still hit those days but we're
that's really aggressive so Lauren I
have a meeting set up for tomorrow
afternoon great and I haven't seen
anything and you have decided not to
share anything with the board at this
point so in terms of our reaction to it
we're we're waiting and I do want to
point out the portions of the plan
I've already been leaked public
so well we're looking forward to working
through the appropriate you know board
committees and getting into the details
again built collective ownership and
understanding of you know the right
decisions and yes and we're moving
rapidly moving rapidly but I believe
what we can do this because we are
really focused go ahead Victor custom we
called out there is making sure that
there's coordination with the office of
school modernization on the development
of the ED specs for Kellogg because that
work is isn't going on at the same time
I'm glad you called that out so another
key a key goal of the implementation of
this plan is to loop back to our
system-wide designs for facility ed
specs for middle schools and again those
role you know defined through this
visionary work of identifying middle
school framework and how that influences
the aspects and actually when we get
into some of the budget numbers you'll
see how facilities would like to be
investing dollars around their area of
science labs for example that meet those
ed specs that have been designed and are
connected to the Kellogg planning so
that's one area but because it's a
chicken and egg thing there because
those are just in development so they
need that you know wisdom that's coming
out of that programmatic vision with the
same urgency that yep you are correct
one more question you said that these
two middle schools would be the first
ones with the implementation of the
middle school framework
what about aqua green aqua green was
opened before the middle school
framework was finished on and they're
still hurt in her motion in a center and
00h 55m 00s
the board chairs common about what
teaching and learning might expect I
would anticipate that through the
teaching and learning committee
structure there would be an
understanding of what the framework is
once the design is finished in December
and then later how that would influence
future middle-school design such as
Kellogg or those that already exist such
as awfully so to expect that to come
through teaching and learning if I'm
understanding that correctly ones is the
design get applied to existing middle
schools as was my question and I'm not
not sure it's that you said it would be
for future middle schools but I believe
that understanding what that plan is for
applying to future and existing but
middle schools would happen inside the
teaching and learning committee
structure okay leadership here yeah I
think it's a good expectation did you
happen well and the other piece of that
Scott is that it's not just middle
schools but middle grades we want to
make sure that we're taking a lot of the
learning and the recommendations from
this middle school plan and implementing
as much as we can in our K eights that
we'll be around for a while and some of
those things are some of those
recommendations are cost neutral in
terms of programmatic recommendations so
the sooner we can get those things that
we know our best practices out to our
kids the better director more all right
yeah I'm afraid I'm going to be a little
impatient here you've been very clear
with us about the deadlines that for us
for our to be concluded I would like to
know when we can expect to see something
that we can work with I would love an
opportunity to present that right now so
the first key work stream is around the
feeder pattern planning and so the big
areas are planning feeders boundary
changes program placement for the Tubman
catchment so that includes finalizing
the feeder schools developing enrollment
transfer implementation plans engagement
of administrators and key community
stakeholders followed by roadway Heights
and the workaround feeders boundaries
program placement and influence
implementation plan engagement with
administrators development of what that
plan looks like earlier this year former
interim superintendent McKean called for
a group of PPS administrators to work
through the summer in developing
additional iterations of this plan we
received valuable feedback some
community stakeholders including the
Debrett Committee on the iteration of
this plan or currently finalizing all
those details and I would expect
something with enrollment transfer and
transfer certainly by the 1st of
September / director Bailey and eyes
ability to formulate those agendas and
schedule all those right pieces and it's
always a little bit daunting to try to
schedule something right at the
beginning of the school year but that's
where we stand her are you expecting a
release at tender are you expecting the
boundaries of the surrounding area of
the cluster schools to remain the same
I expect that we have we have put
together and I expect again that we'd be
working with the appropriate enrollment
forecasting committee to finalize an
enrollment balancing plan that would
require boundary changes enrollment
balancing that would seek to achieve
enrollment parity among our case eyes
that are part of this plan which was
something that was in valuable feedback
again brought forth by multiple
stakeholders sometimes so that's within
the clusters so so let's you know pick
roadway Heights and yeah whatever
whatever schools yes I do I I do believe
that there are potential boundary
changes in the neighboring schools
neighboring to those catchment areas so
will there be outside of the catchment
areas yes in order to achieve enrollment
parity so we're gonna see a whole lot of
01h 00m 00s
boundary changes rippling across and
again would like to work with the
appropriate enrollment committee on
their final details and what your
guidance recommendation so I'm just
confused did you say that it wasn't a B
till September first that we would get
it is that the day because just from
based on my experience having been on
the board when we consolidated closed
and made lots of different changes in
school configurations is a month is not
enough time to have sort of work through
with the commute at the community on you
know some pretty significant changes I
mean I just we'd only be able to have
we'd have two from September first you
know the most two board meetings and
I mean unless the committee is going to
be meeting every day and the community I
mean I would move it up as much as
possible to even try and hit this date
that September 1 is going to be too late
now in order to actually have any sort
of a sentient conversation with
communities yep and I'd like to ask
another question I have not seen
anywhere in this PowerPoint a mention of
deep breath so what's the plan for deep
breath does it exist does it not exist
is it going to be involved in this is it
not going to be involved in this what's
the plan so within the feeder pattern
planning again one of the big work
streams is engagement with community
stakeholders what was less communicated
with the D brac committee which is a
superintendent committee the less
communication from in setting
expectations for work from former
interim superintendent McKean was that
they would be receiving an opportunity
in September to review and provide the
valuable critical feedback that that
committee does so well
it of the latest iteration of the plan
as developed by PPS administrators
through the summer so we're still on
target to deliver in September that
information and would absolutely welcome
and invite feedback so I want to get
into something we talked about earlier
today which is D Brack had a charge of
taking on the whole east side is it your
understanding that that charge has been
rescinded or does that still exist as
part of their charge
again I believe that that is a
superintendent committee when I joined
the district in March I was not aware of
that charge from the super former
interim superintendent so I think that's
a good question to be so free person
yeah director Bailey given that interim
superintendent Awad is not here I think
it's an excellent question I think we
should ask him what he since I know he's
been involved in the discussions we
should ask so I just think it's
important to point out that there's been
a group of people that has spent a lot
of time and hour jangling they're out
there not knowing they have a Jason you
can correct me if I'm wrong if there has
been no official communication with the
community committee about where what its
status is four months Jason is nodding
his head and that's not very respectful
and I'm not just I'll leave it there and
we'll go on so I'm going to ask Rosanna
Powell to make a note that director
Bailey would like an answer from the
interim superintendent whether that
charge has been rescinded or modified
you can add meet and it replaced too so
another thank you additional scopes
within development of a feeder pattern
plan an implementation plan also include
the opening of Rose City Park as a
neighborhood school and again what that
means in terms of boundary and Ruhlman
changes the potential relocation of the
access program to Humboldt and again
these are all things that we've just
been preparing for and doing all the
that we can and then next phase planning
01h 05m 00s
of what some future phase work might be
recognizing that these are two middle
schools we know certainly that we have
Kellogg down the road that would be
coming and we want to make sure that we
start to articulate how we get to the
plan for fear pattern proposals there so
that wraps up the feeder pattern
planning the facilities and IT
infrastructure upgrades they're
significant upgrades that facilities
would like to execute on with the Tubman
facility Rose way height facility some
minor upgrades with recipie Park and
humbled as well I'd like to call out
that with facilities and IT
infrastructure upgrades at the middle
school level a lot of this work is in
response to defining what the ED specs
are for a visionary middle years program
making sure that we have the classrooms
outfit in a way that supports the
student experience supports that I gave
an example earlier of science or steam
learning supports the work of
project-based learning such as potential
maker spaces experiences supports of all
of the needs from a technology
perspective so looking at new
instructional technology inside the
classroom for both teachers and students
that would support some additional
instructional work that's happening
around quality student feedback students
learning development of student agency
and engagement so all of these
infrastructure upgrades are really again
meant to fulfill the vision of a high
quality middle years program and student
experiences around transportation and
nutrition services transportation needs
to plan for new wealth and all of the
investments that are needed fair
nutrition services on bringing online to
additional schools and the impacts that
might occur there with changes in
demographics again we're just preparing
for all those potentials so that it's
captured finance and human resources
already reference this to some extent
there's a major investment that's needed
around our data system updates so that
once we identify what students are
assigned in which school and what the
enrollment is not only for 1718 but down
the road
excuse me 18 19 but down the road we
update all of our AARP systems we
identify a staffing timeline so
determine the allocation of that
staffing again that's another area of
work that loops back to a district
priority of moving up staff staffs
models and potential allocations ERP
stands for our ERP systems are basically
our PeopleSoft system so we use our for
Finance and for Human Resources what
those major technical systems are for
enterprise resource
we have to do school conversions from a
budget perspective so again we have
these entities and now we have new
entities and moving all those
chartfields and budgets to the right
places so that some of the major work
around finance and human resources that
has to take place and again knowing not
only which students are assigned to
which buildings but which staffs will be
assigned to which buildings are for
thank you around communications and
community engagement so this is another
area that's exciting because this is an
opportunity to really celebrate a
visionary program for our communities we
want to make sure that we've determined
the right messaging and the tools to
communicate that messaging for the
schools that are involved in this
implementation we want to make sure that
we've engaged with our culturally
specific partners and again all of this
has been planning a lot of this has
happened but once we have an official
plan in place we want to lead and work
with our communities in that conversion
and then preparing for the change and
for the 1899 school year working through
the development of a theater cutter and
proposal for broad adoption so obviously
there's a lot of content as has already
been raised around the need to
understand the middle school vision of
content around our focus option
programming and what to expect in terms
of programs for articulation development
01h 10m 00s
of the implementation plan so that it's
not just so a simple task of identifying
the numbers of students in each year in
each school but actually developing the
narrative around us so there's a large
investment that again has already been
planned for and it's already in the
works so that we can communicate what
the theater powder proposal might be
highlighting the work that has already
been done in community engagement as
that new we've been working on this for
a while and there is a pretty
well-documented engagement activities in
listening to our community so we want to
make sure that we recognize that and
continue it making sure that we engage
with school site councils and staff in
school communities around the the feeder
schools and limitation plant adoption
making sure that we've supported
messaging with school staff and again
that they're all part of the process so
again these are just major work streams
and has to be completed teaching and
learning there's a huge body of work
this is really where it all started so
the teaching and learning work streams
include completing the development of
the framework through a series of middle
school programs committees really
putting kind of the meat on the bones if
you will in terms of the course
offerings the scope and sequence what
middle school schedules might exist in
the two new schools determining the
appropriate student support supporting
site Council so developing what
developing a plan for site councils and
executing on that plan identifying the
key community partners within each
school that would support and
participate on the on those site
councils determining the curriculum
materials and the whole process of
transferring those materials procurement
of them determines snaffle so after all
this design work is done around
localizing the framework to the to
schools what are the staff roles that
are needed to implement the
instructional plan within the two
schools and determining program
placement and articulation and again
confirming the classroom set-aside that
is needed for specific programs what the
facilities and IT needs are for specific
programs as well articulation for DL I
and IV is already even well highlighted
and making sure that we
finish that planning as well so those
are some of the large scope of work for
teaching and learning question for
program director more yeah I have a
question about the teaching learning
items on the back there there we go so
we we have established you have said
that we need to lock down feeder pattern
decision by October 3rd in order to do
staffing and all the rest of it and my
understanding is that we're looking at a
very aggressive budget schedule this
coming year I have I have heard a desire
to have the budget adopted by December
which means that staffing is going to
have to be done yeah early so can you
supply has anybody established deadlines
for all this work and teaching and
learning yes and invite this isn't
superintendent to speak to that but
specific to staffing so a lot of the
same analysts who support all this work
are also working very diligently on a
new staffing model to support that
change in the budget process so I you
know ok those work strings are synced up
from an allocation so the staff model
allocation would be done earlier to
support that earlier budget process then
once the committee work for teaching and
learning is completed in terms of a
design perspective then we have a sense
as to what unique staffing roles might
be necessary for the to know I get that
an idea I mean I get the sequencing of
the work but it's um
what I'm trying to convey here is it's
I'm feeling uncomfortable because I
don't have a sense of timeline the only
thing I have a timeline on is when I
have to vote but I don't have a timeline
on when I'm going to get some info that
will allow me to vote and not just on
the feeder pattern but on everything
01h 15m 00s
else as well so so I'm curious and I'm
eager to hear and before you start let
me just say I'm also going to want to
hear not only about the new middle
schools that are opening but I also want
to know if if you're factoring in the
middle grades in the remaining Cades to
ensure that those students are going to
get something approaching a real middle
school experience so very quickly to
your first question on timelines the
master project plan literally has 472
projects and tasks in within our project
management software that we use every
week when the project team meets we
identify where we are what risks we have
and then we coordinating throughout the
departments and each department lead is
also doing the same work of monitoring
where we are in terms of timelines and
making sure that those are updated and I
appreciate all that and I know it's a
nightmare and better using me that's all
I have today but some ballpark dates
would be helpful yes opposite do you
want to identify yourself please
my name is Ron and I'm the interim
assistant superintendent for ditching us
and teaching office position you're
learning so since I started in beginning
of July I have worked closely with the
team to identify timelines and we
actually can submit this to you tomorrow
or tonight and it has timeline for each
month what are the planning principles
supposed to do to get to December and
then all the side council meetings
is also give you to see right now then
we also also have another master
timeline that's actually aligned with
the work with IT and everybody else and
actually the cost and the cost aligned
to the work so we do have a timeline
because we've been working closely with
Miss Brenda from fox who is naturally in
this work and she been doing the work
from last year so I can actually give it
to you so you can have a view of what we
have and all the departments have that
and in the next section I'm going to
talk about milestones but if you want
more specific timelines on any abuse
pieces we can certainly provide and what
particular beauty is what we really want
to consider is all the electives and all
the key success program models that are
out there to really give our students
successful education in made a great
level but since we're opening this to
school this would be our first I don't
want to say pilot because it is a rural
school is not a pilot but actually a
process for us to making sure that we
open the school day one to be successful
with the implementation of the framework
assertion framework so that's why we
really key not is to be successful to
support our students the first day of
school so let me give this to Karen or
would you like to see it thank you
okay so just again to highlight a couple
of key milestones and if there's more
detail around the timelines that you're
interested in for any of these please
just let me know we can provide that so
in the fall so first of all we want to
make sure that we've hired the planning
principles which we have executed on and
I believe a formal announcement you'll
be made within the context of the events
surrounding administrators coming back
to school so we have our planning
principles on board which is really
critical to beginning all that site
Council and engagement work as well as
finishing the framework plan and
September and October we're focused as
you know on development and adoption of
the middle school theater proposal
implementation plan and all energies are
focused there
once that's formalized in October we
would create the site councils we would
then determine and allocate staffing
again per the major work stream of
staffing that is also occurring in
November we would finalize all the
details around the relocation of
programs and services most of this we
already know most of this we've already
planned most of this we've started to
communicate but just putting the final
dot dotted i's and cross t's so to speak
on that in winter in december the middle
school framework committees would
complete their design work again this is
key to completing that phase of having
staff and community involvement in
localizing the framework design and
triggering the needed staff roles and
job descriptions that we would then
01h 20m 00s
start executing on when staff
recruitment began in January enrollment
projections as well from the
finalization of the implementation plan
that starts to trigger operational work
like transportation route planning and
nutrition services in February the
facility design works so
you're content to your earlier point in
going back to the ed spec work that is
happening this lines up with these two
middle schools in February these are the
classroom design and ed specs for middle
schools as well as the student
technology plans that were excited about
developing and designing these yzi the
instructional guidance and towards the
end of that month with facilities and IT
figures out all the different moving
plans that have to occur and we get the
project management teams expect and
ready for that
in the spring we finalize full schedules
on in terms of the course offerings in
March we complete the procurement
activities for curriculum materials is
when stuff starts to show up so we have
all of this design work community and
staff engagement work and planning work
and then we start to execute on the
operational pieces we get all the IT
procured we finished the phase one of
the facility upgrades and we complete
the site Council work visa Lee the
leadership of the planning principles
can I just have you um what it
definitely is this site Council what
kind of consistent I mean I I've been on
site councils you know it's a variable
experience I mean it would be it's no
experience at all yeah and and oh by the
way many of our schools many of our
existing schools don't have site
councils by the way so I mean what are
you envisioning in terms of a site
Council work especially the for these
schools even open
so the site councils are are established
for the two new middle schools and
include representation from the
community and staff to help determine
some of the localization of student
supports that would be unique to that
school programming and then we would be
bringing a lot of student data like
who's coming into the school defeat of
patterns and the data that Ashley Sai
council would be able to support us in
determining the process you know like
how do you do different activities and
for me as when I was a principal Sai
council is really about data-driven and
making decision community and partners
and teachers have the whole pictures of
what it looks like it's going to be in
school and then be able to give input
feedback and so that's kind of what we
perceive Sai council to be because
there's going to be a lot of pieces
moving forward even including building
relationship making sure that teachers
are on board and our parents understand
what are going to be happening in the
school year and they would have some
input in in in decision-making along the
process and that's what we are seeking
for foresight council members and we be
forming sai councils for these schools
in the process itself one was just to
clarify I'm a big fan site Council so
this is good - yes and I think no no
that's a good question because I think
that councils are not consistent across
they're kind of different Avella school
so maybe when we ask when we establish a
site council we're going to have
guidance on really specifically what are
we looking for and what our next steps
so that is consistent because we would
like the instructional framework to be
successful as well we can't just be you
know just throw out there and we we
decide what to do but actually have a
framework have discussion and what are
we moving forward on because this a team
you may not be aware that in 2001 a
committee of parents teachers classified
staff principals and administrators
developed a site council training
package that was piloted at several
schools and I remember visiting Mount
Tabor and doing a bit of training I
served on that site Council it's the
person who's sitting at the diet right
now she was my second zone member and I
actually think most of it is still
pretty relevant it just never got
implemented by PBS obviously since we're
still hearing that some schools don't
have site councils there's very little
accountability around site councils I
01h 25m 00s
just want to offer that as a resource
going forward so I'm technolon that and
make sure that we also provide self can
source of training at the noise thank
you and yes we provide those trainings
at Monteiro so I can know exactly with
PTI PES it be 80 presidents and P P FCC
council members to them and so then we
get the summer and obviously this is
when all the moves moves occur of moving
staff moving equipment IT tear down
setups we finished the facility upgrades
we finished hiring staff professional
development as largely during the summer
time as folks are aware and of course we
do all the activities that are normal to
our start a school process and opening
the doors so those are again to some of
the key milestones from a seasonal basis
but we can certainly provide more
intricate detail as to specific work
streams or tasks or coordination if the
all right
so the departments that are involved in
this put together budget requests in
order to consolidate overall budget
needs for this endeavor and the big
request that you might have to Cepeda is
really coming from facilities office of
school modernization around the upgrades
to the building's for Tubman and grizzly
Heights some upgrades to Humboldt again
a lot of that is to invest in delivering
on the Ed's BEC needs for the classroom
science labs in particular are a very
big expense here some new route planning
for transportation just some
anticipation of work around nutrition
services for teaching and learning in
Connecticut questions on facilities so
are we expecting that any of this work
would be bond funded because several of
the items are priority items on the 2017
bond routes and security so but you
haven't broken that down in terms of
okay thanks sorry this is very good
question within teaching and learning
finishing the framework development the
first phases of that development
involved more than 200 educators across
our system but now we have to finish
that out and there's some expenses
around that certainly expenses around
supports for special special education
and making sure that we deliver on that
continuum of services that's been
designed by special education curriculum
materials for the new school library
makerspace experiences the ivy program
development site Council and engagement
activities and of course a strong
investment in professional development
activities as well
with NIT a lot of this corresponds with
IT infrastructure upgrades tear down and
set up enterprise system configurations
as we mentioned earlier a new classroom
technology bundles and student devices
to support the learning experience as
designed and some substantial
infrastructure a lot around physical
security needs for roadway Heights
Tubman and humbles as well and for
communications and community engagement
so there's some investment around
extended communication support working
through this intense period of time to
complete and communicate feeder patterns
proposal and implementation plan
community engagement events that occur
throughout the year as well as just some
direct mail communication so those are
some of the items for the budget request
but as was stated earlier by the board
chair I believe that we would expect to
come back with the details around that
and how we would break apart the
different funding sources for some of us
now those figures inclusive of
translations given an excellent question
so I have just been asked an overall
question mm-hmm so I'm fully supportive
of all the expenditures they look like
they're a pretty continent comprehensive
list of what's needed in order to get
01h 30m 00s
the schools started and operating as
fully functioning successful middle
schools which is how we want to set them
up for success I'm concerned that when I
had a conversation with superintendent
Yusuf's that he described that part of
this potentially at the 10 million would
be paid for with debt and I'm curious if
you can tell me what the split of the 10
million is but or what the plan is I
cannot tell you what that potential
split is but again would expect to come
back with him so I'd like to make a
request that given that this we're being
asked to approve it by August 29 by
August my nights I like an answer
tomorrow because it seems like it's
already been contemplated I'm going to
be concerned if there's a debt component
we had 482 million dollar bond in 2012 a
790 million dollar bond earlier this
year that we've known these two schools
are going to be we're going to be opened
that we should have budgeted so I be
concerned I'd like to know tomorrow just
given the timeline I'm just that was
kind of my question as well worse worse
than that absolutely just a finer point
on how much would be bond funded or bond
eligible as well
right and the bonds that have already
been passed which is versus future bonds
it's like I wanna find points I know in
the past the district has Bart when they
didn't have bonds Bart did advance
borrowing so if this is going to be bond
funded the expectation would be that it
would be like bonds
absolutely understood and you know we've
certainly been having those
conversations already and just means you
the final look back and great liver
appreciated right way glad the questions
of director Anthony yes thank you dr.
Parker I'm sorry I have a more
fundamental question how was this budget
put together so last year during the
work of the middle school implementation
team under the directions direction of
the former assistant superintendent
former interim superintendent project
teams put together budgets at that time
to scope out the vision and the ED specs
and the needs that were anticipated over
the summer we refined those so I can
certainly speak from my area of
departmental leadership within IT we
looked at what was needed with those
buildings to deliver on that specs for
excuse me that the specs for physical
security so a lot of our upgrades are
there network infrastructure to support
increased use of devices in those
buildings so that's an example of how we
put them together but really deferring
to what are we carrying out in other
schools and now we're onboarding to
brand new schools with larger
enrollments in a sense what what would
it take to deliver on a no school
experience thank you I appreciate it
I'm afraid I have an obligation to point
out on the first three items
operations of speaking and learning Nike
the items that you list there do not add
up to the totals and it makes a
difference in the grand total of over
$230,000 we identified the under of I've
identified the large with the large
buckets with anticipation that we would
come back with the refinement from each
of the departments and a recommendation
for how that's allocated thank you dance
yeah first of all I want to thank you
for all the work you put into this and
trying to come up with a very well
crafted plan that's timely that's
deliverable and I don't want to lose
sight of that and there's a famous old
cartoon that's been around probably
since the stone Age's where it says plan
ahead except for by the time the person
got over here they didn't have enough
01h 35m 00s
room for the a and the D and it gets all
kind of crunched in we're and let me set
the context back in 2010
members of the superintendent's Advisory
Committee on enrollment and transfer
we're looking at the impact of
eliminating the lottery transfers from
one neighborhood school to another
because we thought was creating
inequities what we discovered instead is
that if we eliminated those kind of
transfers that some overcrowded schools
would become even more overcrowded
because the transfer system was actually
dropping their enrollment and that some
under enrolled schools would become even
more under enrolled
and I think Harrison Parkin King where
are two examples because they are
actually having a net trip in a
transference coming in and that positive
and what we realized instead was the
problem wasn't transfers per se although
that wasn't helping it was that
boundaries needed to be adjusted in many
schools across the district and we and
superintendent power director Moore and
I thought I did it congratulations in
your promotion well I'd like to check
but I wouldn't like to job director more
and I around that committee and we put
together a presentation and advocated
for district walk for wide redrawing of
boundaries the district instead chose to
said they didn't have enough capacity
and so they were taking out going to
take on boundary hotspots one at a time
the first one was went relatively
smoothly the next one was explosive
in fact the middle of it there was a
delay for a year to let people cool down
and then it was resolved and the third
one was the Jefferson cluster which
completely blew up we had hundreds of
community members and teachers testify
against a piecemeal process and testify
for district wide enrollment balancing
the district and at that point the
district was going to go ahead with its
initial proposal that's when an ad hoc
group of the community members parents
and teachers came together and put
together known as the Jefferson critical
friends came together with an
alternative proposal superintendent
Smith took seven our recommendations
ported them to the board and they were
adopted in a resolution and one of those
had to do with forging ahead with
district wide balancing of enrollment
the district then engaged Portland State
University to essentially come up with a
master plan for the price
we took on the transfer process first so
Sackett was kind of reinstated
reinvigorated addressed some of the
issues around transfers but not all of
them there's a list of at least half a
dozen more ready to be taken on and then
the de brac committee was created to do
rebalancing and here we are three years
after that committee was created and
there is no work plan for how we would
do that on the east side instead staff
has come back again and again with
piecemeal processes of a piecemeal
process one bite at a time and this is
where we end up with the plan ahead what
happens to the boundaries that you're
going to redraw within these clusters
when we look at Peninsula which does not
have a right size boundary what happens
when should we decide that aster becomes
a k5 and we may we may not in order to
increase Georgia's enrollment so that it
has a ripple robust program and there's
has to be a boundary adjustment there
which will impact surrounding schools
what's the feeder pattern going to be
for Madison to ensure that it has a
robust enrollment because it's still
below the enrollment target enrollment
from high school redesigned back in 2010
is there going to be a second middle
school which one will that be
what kind of rebalancing all we have to
do around that what happens if we then
sip up these two clusters and come back
in a year or so and go oh guess what we
01h 40m 00s
have to change boundaries again and
maybe even theater patterns again in
order make the whole east side work so
I want to make it clear that I met with
interim superintendent a lot and June
and made these points clear that I
thought you were going about this in the
wrong direction that it needed to be the
entire east side I think I don't want to
speak for D Brack but I think it's
pretty clear where their sentiments lie
I made that clear I came up with a list
of the data that I thought we would need
in order to get that that job done and
getting that data out has not been a
priority and we still don't have a work
I feel no assurance that we're doing the
best we can here is going to get us
anywhere near a stable enrollment
pattern where all of our schools on the
east side have a robust enrollment so I
don't know what to do because I feel
like by staff ignoring my advice and
really D Brax advice not only last year
and we had super dent McCain and Chris
reso come to us in May had in hand with
it looking pretty sorry saying we
basically paraphrasing we screwed up
because we realized we needed to get
started on this middle school stuff
earlier and we haven't had d brac
meeting for months when we could have to
work on this and now here we are again a
couple months over the summer where I
think we could have gotten work done and
maybe at least gotten the big pieces
together to show that yes the pattern
that you're going to propose to us may
work for the entire east side but maybe
it won't and we don't know that so what
you've done and I not not you personally
as I thank you director Vuitton and
we've talked about it this isn't at you
personally at all you know the you're
late to this party what staff have done
is put us between a rock and a hard
space because if we do anything to hold
up this Trainor
then it looks like we're the bad guys in
holding up the middle schools opening up
a year from September and yet the other
alternative is for you to go ahead and
come up with quite a risk I think of
setting up a system that then needs to
be made he may be radically changed in
order to work for the entire east side I
don't know what to do I don't know what
to do so we know with interim super
cannon superintendents McKeen's proposal
last June had Vernon hanging out there
as a k-8 that wasn't by design that was
just they're not part of where we're
looking at and yet there was no solution
then it was it was sort of an outlier
hanging out there with nowhere to go
that's the kind of thing we could end up
with and that's just not going to cut
the mustard
so I'm extremely frustrated anybody else
not I want to recognize can it's an old
joke among the brass but I feel like you
gave us the data and a computer and a
map and a weekend we could get this
thing we could come up with a very rough
map and purposes for each school and we
could we could say looks good or while
this isn't going to work and here's why
that D Brack has asked for data I've
asked for data and it has been
forthcoming it has been probably
organized we've been blown off
okay I don't want to pile on but I'm
going to boil on actually actually I
would ask not to pile on so I just want
to note that I really recognize director
Bailey I really recognize your your
frustration but I do want to note
01h 45m 00s
there's been as you noted that this is
not directed at any of the staff that
are sitting here before us that there's
been a lot of different players we've
had three different superintendents and
so certainly since July but I want to
just make sure that we're not it's not
not saying there's one group of people
that this has been a collective
non-response and got a watch or train
wreck I just want to recognize that
because I think I'm not a favor
Laura and I talked about this today and
I'm it knows Laura this is a person
ologist yeah I know
and it's we're clear on the I hope we're
clear on I'd love to have the resources
needed to do all the wonderful things
that this boarding community wants us to
do so my heart's in it too okay and
again this isn't your responsibility but
with somebody's D brac has been
supposedly a priority for this district
for several years why wasn't there a
work plan with a budget that would have
been part of the budget to make this
um I totally agree with what Scott
saying and I just want to highlight one
thing one that I think there is a crying
need for and as we you know move
headlong into this middle school
implementation we need to get
information about the focus option plan
and that has apparently been apparently
it's out there but nobody's seen it
so whatever the log jam is on the
information flow somebody needs to get
rid of those log jams and I mean I'm
just going to put it out there I am
desperate for these new middle schools
to work I'm desperate I am desperate for
the k-8 to work for kids I want I want
to vote yes but it's got to be doable
for me and still be able to look at
myself in a mirror so uncle'd
if you have information share it if you
have a plan for you know this is this is
very high level and you know people will
be able people will people will
understand a lot of people have been
dealing with with the boundary kerfuffle
and the reconfiguration and all the rest
of it for years and years and years what
they wanted to plan what they want to
some hope they want to know that this is
going to be doable that this is going to
be fixed and and they want to know that
there's a
they want ballpark dates you know tell
me when tell me when and many of us have
been asking for for much more detailed
information forever so what you're
hearing is intense frustration born of
years of PPS not coming through and I
want this to be you know we're all up
here we're getting a new superintendent
I want this to be you know we're turning
a new leaf things are going to things
are going to happen I need more than
this to make me feel like it it is going
to thank you director konstandin sound
director sparse run welcome thank you
for coming straight from the airport and
I'm going to ask that this be the last
comment since I was bumping up against
our deadline so you get the last word so
in reference to you know things that
your source term or with just talking
about focus options at all I mean
they're listed out here so that does
many things that are part of this other
person and learning and now when I back
in town is when is for me to meet with
them as you really develop this plan
with a timeline so
01h 50m 00s
I know that I think we have something on
the books for maybe next week or so that
we will start sitting down and have
addressing the issues and purse them out
students and learning process on this as
well as the belt literacy frameworks but
there's a lot to do with the
instructional piece that we were great
and we started the presentation an hour
ago by talking about sort of what the
board needed to do and the two big
pieces from the board committees one was
then enrollment forecasting and the
other was the teaching and learning so
we're glad you have you've arrived just
in time to take that piece so thank you
very much both of you for the
presentation and I think you can sense
our eagerness and the urgency with which
we are looking forward to the work
absolutely thank you thank you managers
address one thing because that think
that as staff I also want to share that
our heart is really into serving a lot
kids and as a person of color and whom I
gone through the experience and schools
that's what our goals as well so we will
work collaborative or thin with
everybody to make sure that it happens
so it's just want to share that and also
we have ot of time and I share that
we'll be sharing with you as well dr.
Brown thank you thank you
so the next agenda item is a discussion
of services to families of community
address complaint policy and process I'm
going to ask Sharon Reese the interim
chief of Human Resources to come forward
thank you sure but before you start a
couple things I want to frame up on this
particular agenda item first I want to
note that this is not an our discussion
that was it that was a mistake
so it will be shorter than that and I
want to note that this is a discussion
item it's not a first reading of a
policy we did very deliberate in how we
approach this what so we're not taking
action we're having a first reading
there has been a suggestion that we pull
the agenda item as much work needs to be
done both in terms of content and
process however I think it's important
for the board to begin its work on this
policy and I know that many other people
up here in the diocese activists have in
some form of another participate in the
complaint process with the school
district so we've as parents I think
know firsthand that having a functioning
complaint process is really important to
the health of the district we want a
streamlined process that results in
being in complaints being resolved in a
timely way versus just basically having
people give up at a certain point
because they get frustrated so a
streamlined process where you get some
resolution it may not always be what
parents and community want the
resolution but that they and things are
resolved and addressed and also
something that complies with state law
before we just start the discussion if
I'm going to give all the caveat
hopefully there's a couple clear
clarifications the board received some
materials and I think it's really
important there's some nomenclature
issues of what we have in the book that
I just want to clarify so tab six is the
current complaint policy
and note at this time no change has been
recommended so just to be clear so no
change have been recommend in the
current policy tab 7 is a brand new
administrative directive and that's
really the way in which the complaint
policy is implemented at a set more
detailed staff level tab 8 there's a
document called a complaint hotline
policy it's not actually a board policy
it's more a protocol or process so I
think we should be clear that that's not
any sort of policy that's being
recommended it's just maybe miss names
and then tab 9 is a complimentary
materials and not part of the policy
either I want to let the board know that
I'm going to be appointing a board the
task force tonight that will review and
make recommendations on this and other
board operational policy so for example
we have a number of governance policies
that have been recommended I'm going to
chair the task force and director Rosen
and Moore will serve on it and then the
process we're going to follow just so
everybody understands again I think
01h 55m 00s
there in the past some things came to
the board and if you weren't paying
attention and one night something got
adopted and the next day it got rolled
out and that's not going to be the case
with this board in terms of policies so
just so everybody's clear what the
process is going to be there's going to
be a discussion tonight this is an
opportunity for people to raise
questions and I know people have already
submitted a fair number of questions
about the policies and the
administrators it's a chance to sort of
surface issues that's we're going to
refer the policy and the draft ad to the
task force that we work the task force
level there'll be engagement with a task
force with community members who
hopefully will tap a lot of people who
have had experience with the current
complaint process you know what worked
what didn't then that there
quickly will be incorporated into the
policy and the ad and we'll look to
legal counsel to make sure that if
something is has a first reading that it
complies with the current state law so
we were not going to not going to have a
first reading anything that doesn't
comply with state law after that
there'll be an extended period for
public comment and then if the board is
ready to adopt it a second reading and
implementation so I just want to share
that process and I think if this board
can high risk superintendent in 42 days
we certainly should be able to improve
our complaint process so I think we're
looking forward to the work and know
this is something that for a lot of
members in the community and myself
included in director condemn and
director rosin we were part of an issue
with the district that spurred the
initial change in the complaint process
so there's a lot of people sitting up
here who as parents have been interested
in seeing it improved so we're eager to
engage in the work so with that I'm
going to ask you to present what you
have okay great or start the discussions
I will start the discussion
thanks for the set up there the
complaint policy and procedures are
understandably and rightly a significant
interest to student I'm sorry
key both introduce yourself just oh yeah
it was so long ago that I called you up
my name is Sharon Reese I am serving as
an interim chief human resources officer
to the Harris general counsel okay so
I've significant interests
understandably rightly so it should be
student to student to family to staff to
the community and of course to the board
I'm also a mother as well as the interim
CHR oh I have two kids at Portland
Public Schools and I care deeply about
this process and about how Portland
Public School shows up and the community
it shows up to its students
and to its staff we best serve those
without saying but I'll say it anyway we
say we best serve the interests of the
students of the staff of the community
by having an effective a reliable a
thorough and responsive complaint intake
process investigative process and
resolution process those are all the
components that are critical to doing
this well the alternative to effective
reliable thorough and responses
responsive is not good issues don't get
resolved I know I'm preaching to the
choir here but students and staff were
just empowered to speak up we lose
public trust and we suppose the district
to liability I think those are
preventable failures I don't think that
the results of investigations and the
resolution will always be accepted by
all parties right or well received by
all parties but that shouldn't be
because of a lack of process or high
quality standards or excellence in the
intake the investigation and the
resolution I'm in addition as you have
identified a director broom Edwards as
the in addition to serving staff serving
students serving our communities we have
legal obligations contractual statutory
regulatory and must it whatever our
processes and our policies must meet
those obligations I would identify those
as the floor right this is the framework
below which we cannot fall a layered on
02h 00m 00s
top of that must be high quality and
effective processes that can't
necessarily be reduced to paper or to
writing right sitting on top of that
framework must be high quality judgment
and collaborative processes
collaboration between departments and
collaboration with a
and right now district staff with the
representatives across different
functions are engaged in ongoing work to
review and approve our complaint process
we want you to be invited in and work
closely with you and the task force that
you had have already identified to
improve and who will have a high level
of scrutiny and public accountability
for what processes and I know you
received a packet of materials I will
tell you that I received it's very much
in draft form I think all of the caveats
the director of room edwards identified
emphasize that this is in draft form and
an iterative process
in fact I received this pack of
materials after you did I'm still going
through Human Resources review as well
and one example of the work that is
ongoing is the adoption of light house
as the outside vendor Stephanie Harper
referenced this earlier this is the
opportunity to improve our intake right
of an intake investigation and
resolution the opportunity to prove our
intake process through an outside vendor
who can accept complaints in any number
of ways in 140 languages or more great
24 hours a day seven days a week 365
days a year
that's one of many steps that we are
that has been adopted in one of many
steps that we are considering I know
that Jim Harris is working with OTE on
identifying what are our baseline
obligations and I know if you want to
speak to that yes I did contact the OD I
was new to this process and I wanted to
know what their feedback was what their
view of our current process is and I was
surprised to learn that they have not
accepted an appeal from Portland Public
Schools since November of 2014
when we adopted the current policy now
they have ruled on some complaints since
then but those were filed prior to the
new policy some of the items that we've
looked at that doesn't mean that our ad
is up to speed just means that our
overall policy is accepted currently by
the OTE some of the things that they
that we looked at and as she's already
pointed out was the first thing was we
wanted to do 24/7 that anybody could
file a complaint so this will allow us
to take a phone call a you can file a
complaint by web page or by fax one of
the OD e requirements in January of 2018
will be that each school district that
has a website have the complaint on the
first page or one of the first pages and
we've talked to our IT department and
we're not satisfied without what we're
trying to do and what they were trying
to do right now is has the ability to
make the complaint from any PPS webpage
the second thing is it will be available
in over 140 languages we have already
translated about three to five complaint
forms in the same languages that are
represented here tonight the one
advantage to this is that when a caller
or web site files a complaint we will
get a verbatim statement as to what that
complaint is that's extremely important
there's no he said she said the
complaint will be read back to the party
filing the complaint if it's by phone
and they will confirm that that is
exactly what they said there will be a
log available of each complaint so that
we can go back and immediately for
very fast obtain a listing of what the
complaints had been and the OD e updates
02h 05m 00s
are included in some cases those have
been put in verbatim from the OD e
particularly in the formal complaint
process the Ombudsman role has been
clarified one of the problems that we
currently have as the Ombudsman role is
not fully articulated and arm budzma
is independent confidential and suffered
from the complaint part of the formal
complaint process we sort of have our
Ombudsman embedded in the formal
complaint process that's usually not how
it's done so we have a coordinator
that's available that will Shepherd the
caught the complaints through the formal
process and all of those items with the
exception of the webpage are available
now that is apparently although which is
to say there's a lot of work to be done
there's important input from this board
as well as other interested stakeholders
this is a cross-functional across many
different departments as well and we
want to move quickly on it as well so
we're looking for your guidance input we
want to open the dialogue and
collaborate on this the processes and
the policy
discussion questions dr. Rosen so I just
wanted to to say thank you for the the
package being put together because I
think it represents the baseline of
where the staff is but I'm really
looking forward to the task force taking
a really deep dive into this which in my
mind means everything's on the table was
this has been kind of a thorn in our
side for several years now and I think
there's a great opportunity here I think
we've kind of in four years probably
heard everything and this is a great
opportunity to straighten this out and
maybe even on something starting from
scratch like the policy before we even
write an administrative directives so I
just wanted to say thanks but also put
on the table that I think we are going
to be doing a really deep dive into this
and I hope it's going to be an
expeditious process so I appreciate that
and I think everything is on the table
it should be on the table
I'd like to make a point in discussion
jenna jameson who is one of our teachers
at benson tech marvelous marvelous
teacher she has a tagline that she says
to all the students and I think it's
multiple times today never accept no
from anyone who never had the authority
to tell you yes in the first place and
as the complaint policy is laid out now
it appears to me that it pretty much
deliberately directs people away from
staff who would have the authority to
say yes to something and I'm very
concerned about that and as I see it
playing out this really tends to impact
our low socio-economic and our
communities of color very severely so
thank you
it's Reggie hood could easily get lost
and looking at you know how do we make
sure that we have a good barrel process
in place is that the first step is
always school-based resolution and that
is you know the person who has a
authority to resolve hopefully most
concerns but what we rightfully are
focusing on here is those times when
that's not possible that doesn't work we
need to make sure that there is recourse
for people that they know what it is
that it's easy to navigate but still not
lose sight of that school-based
community-based resolution really being
ideal for for all concerned when it's
possible I think the what I would
respond to that is that the complaint
process is a formal way of offering of a
channel where you speak truth to power
02h 10m 00s
right because the people in with the
authority to make the decisions are not
the ones against whom you have to make
but they are now the ones complaining
because they're making the decisions
it's about having a channel to address
decisions that you disagree whether
impact that you were anticipating or
misconduct or all of that so it's
important that it's accessible and to
those who have the hardest time
accessing sources of authority so just
just to build on that I mean you know
ideally we meet and we create the policy
that's streamlined and effective that
meet state law but that would be rarely
used and you know I think one of the
things that the task force will look at
is what kinds of things can we do
upstream so that we don't have our
community feeling that that's the only
way to get a resolution or an answer
that you have to file a complaint
because it's actually quite
unsatisfactory I think for most people
to have to go into the complaint process
really looking at how we can communicate
on the front end and both at the school
base and at the district level of other
ways in which people can get their
either you know communicate what they
need what they what they feel like they
want to communicate or get you know
basic questions answered or basic
policies thing you know conflict
resolved often conflicts that are just
inherent in our own processes so that
that's what I think is sort of the
bigger prize here is going upstream and
trying to resolve things and that's
that's not a reason we're not going to
fix the complaint process because we we
are going to get it fixed and make it
functional but really ideally it
wouldn't have to be used that often a
great component of resolution is what's
the feedback to leadership right what
lessons can we learn as a district as as
leaders and hopefully we hopefully
that's continuous learning and
improvement and I think that's a really
important point in something that has
been missing which is that everything is
a lot of things do get satisfactorily
resolved for people through the
Ombudsman or whatever but we don't have
a process by which we're able to learn
from the clustering of those concerns
and those experiences everything is just
handled as a one-off and you know what
we need is to be able to see that
certain like types of complaints are
arising or maybe there certain types of
complaints are arising in the same
places and then really be able to
elevate that to figure out what what
does this tell us about our system that
we need to fix on a broader level and
that's exactly you know what I'm
thinking about that so many of the
problems that have occurred are really
kind of the lack of systems so we do
understand that this is the time that
we'll be digging deep to look at you
know what systems we put in place that
are need to be different how we
streamline and organize and how we
create visions for these systems
we have a complaint review team that
meets weekly at this point and one of
the items on our agenda is to debrief
lessons learned from particularly
difficult investigations
that's all those pictures rehearse I
don't think I quite understood your
answer on the OD e compliance so we have
a policy in the packet that's the 2014
policy have we actually asked either in
internal or external counsel with
expertise in the current state law to
look at it and recommend specific
changes to the policy or were you saying
that the fault the current policy in
your judgment is compliant with current
state law do I called the OD e and asked
them about our current policy they
stated that our current policy was
acceptable as it was that they had not
accepted a an appeal since it was
adopted in 2014 so I didn't go further
than that with the current policy
however we did talk at length about our
ad and one of the things which I didn't
mention earlier is there appears to be
some confusion on some specific type of
complaints regarding personnel and with
02h 15m 00s
regard to this the complaint can
actually be split what part of it being
handled as a formal complaint and part
of it being handled by our personnel
department and I was advised of that by
the OD e and that is one thing that
we've tried to build into this draft
that I don't think was clear before and
I think that gave rise to some of the
issues that you were seeing can you tell
me where in the draft that would where
we find that particular issue if you
look at the bottom of the informal
complaint process and at the bottom of
the Ombudsman's process we refer to what
can and can't be appealed or what can
and can't be split appealed self the
right word split and those are the items
that I'm told that part of it can go to
an HR function and part of it to a
formal complaint process so you can
actually be running two processes on the
same complaint at the same time so what
you said is that Eau de inflikted art
our policy and there's and it's
compliant with current day law I didn't
ask them specifically that question I
asked them about our current policy and
if they had issues with it and their
response was no but we can certainly
give it to somebody else to take a look
at okay I just want to make sure that
we're starting with a policy and
compliant whatever whatever the changes
have been made would you like me to do
that I can do that we I think that'd be
a great starting starting point where we
do director more yeah I had a great many
questions and concerns um
wait what's a taskforce which I will
I'll defer to you know I'm looking
forward to the taskforce getting into
getting its hand on this and I I just
wanted to I think the complaint policy
is an opportunity for us to demonstrate
that that we really are going to do
business differently and I often say
that 80 percent of any policy is the
implementation so while we may have a
policy that passes legal muster if the
actual processes that are associated
with that policy don't embody kind of
basic principles that I think we would
like to that I think we would like to
have underpinning PPS it transparency
simplicity equity and injustice
I mean it that's what we ought to be
striving for so the the workflow
although the school was it workflow no
flow flowcharts flow charters are so the
flowchart that was included in the
materials is certainly to my mind
doesn't satisfy the simplicity goal and
I think there are well I'll leave it as
a task force but you know I think we
need to rethink this all together so I'm
looking forward to us think guarantees
into this but I think we have an
opportunity here to demonstrate to
people that you know we're going to
we're going to be we haven't found the
right word for it consumer oriented
client or I don't know something but you
know we're going to be approaching
from a very different perspective if
this is an opportunity to learn and to
improve and and I'm going to be looking
for a process that would lead to that
and Maori rate I think everything is and
should be on the table and it ought to
withstand extraordinary scrutiny it
should right it should be that good so I
welcome the scrutiny the input the
collaboration the challenges and I
certainly welcome your interest if I
agree that there is and when we get it
wrong it goes very badly when we get it
02h 20m 00s
right we have an opportunity to build
trust with the community and to set the
tool to live values that we want to
demonstrate to the community and to our
students no one else not thank you and
we're looking forward to the work ahead
and to do it expeditiously and with the
student and family focus thank you thank
you so next up we have two agenda items
the committee work plans and board
committee and conference reports and I'm
just going to combine them and based on
earlier communication with the board as
to directors who have committee reports
who have had committee meeting so I'm
going to ask either director Bailey or
director more to kick it off five
minutes no more
or instead of five very quickly of the
enrollment and forecasting board
committee had its first ever meeting
little for a week ago most of our first
meeting was figuring out what we're
about because we haven't had any
previous work we also had a short report
from director more on her and director
of spars of rounds meeting with
community members that's the right
but basically the the committee items
that came up had to do with enrollment
and D Brax work transfer policy with
things that I mentioned already looking
at student assignment in general and
particularly pursuing as the board has
already been on record a couple of years
ago at wanting to take a look at the
soft neighborhood model models like that
for alternative ways of doing student
assignment looking at a role of trends
in general to keep up with but you know
making sure all our schools have robust
enrollments and are capable of providing
a good if not great program for all our
kids we also touched on a number of
issues that will overlap into other
committee work for example middle
schools that we're seeing already
tonight have an overlap with teaching
and learning we want to look at working
much more closely with the city around
land-use plan planning and housing
because that affects enrollment coming
up and affects where what our schools
need to be prepared to adjust to and
that's ties in with intergovernmental
relations course everything ties in with
budget I'm not going to go through all
the gory details but to give you a
flavor of we're heading
minutes should be of that meeting should
be posted fairly soon
you also piloted the new template for
the committee's we're going to send that
template that I haven't quite filled out
yet okay that one yeah so for the rest
of the community chairs there's going to
be a template that everybody has that
should give visibility to sort of on a
monthly basis but also on an annual
basis sort of what the committee's
priorities are and what's going to be
working on let's dig that out yes we
were waiting for feedback from the
guinea pig committee which is director
Ellie's I'm looks pretty basic just
pretty simple information giving
guidance to what we're about we'll be
good to have that uniform oh yeah so dr.
Parker was going to send it out at the
revised version so every every committee
chair should get about it so it should
give you the ability and all the should
give the committee chairs and the staff
leads both like a common template but it
should be a template across the board
that everybody begins and I think it's
the community visibility of what the
work is and you know when the meetings
are and just provide a lot of
consistency much more consistency across
the board maybe Rosanna
do you think you could work with dr.
Parker to get out the slightly revised
work plan template to the full board so
for all the committee Cheers
thanks Scott I wanted to add one thing
for your consideration have you did you
talk at all about enrollment
verification and address fraud I know we
have a couple of pilots going on right
now in the district and this is
02h 25m 00s
significant issue yeah Judy Brenna I
didn't realize that was going on of
course Jason's in the back of the room
nodding his head he knows everything
before anybody knows anything that there
is an enrollment verification pilot
going on that sure having schools it is
it's two schools yes
sell it in Lincoln yes that's going on
now that didn't realize so that's
certainly part of certainly in our
wheelhouse yeah that'd be great
thanks for that yeah thanks for bringing
that up
so the FAO committee also met fa o
stands for finance audit and operations
committee so it's also really exciting
juicy stuff and we have four members on
the committee I in the chair and the
other board members are Paul Anthony Amy
Cohn Stan and Mike Rosen we met on
August 9th and talked about four agenda
items and I'm going to try to go through
these fairly quickly
first was the public records policy and
we had been asked to provide some
overall guidance to those who are
developing to the staff who are
developing a public records policy and
process and we had a good discussion and
I think where we landed was essentially
that the default position should be to
release records unless there are
statutory or human resources reasons not
to so the default position should be
towards transparency and that will be
coming back to us in September or
October as the staff work on refining
the the current policy and and coming up
with a new process did you have any I
was just going to add that in that
discussion where we were talking about
really the depart default being
Transparency it was in the context of
releasing things went there were
legitimate exception that would legally
allow us not releasing things unless
there were no when there were exceptions
that could be employed to keep them our
default position is was which was the
will of the members in the conversation
the default position is to release as
much as possible even when those
mechanisms are available allowing that
there's no there are no legal or
otherwise good reasons right not right
essentially a bias towards exactly yeah
okay the second issue was the community
eligibility provision which is often
referred to as a CEP program
it's from Nutrition Services and this is
the this is the system that allows for
provision of free lunches to an entire
school and it became it became public
knowledge widely reported about probably
about a month ago now that a number of
schools 12 schools that had been that
had been using a CEP program to provide
lunch to all students regardless of
their socioeconomic status we're going
to lose that designation and we got a
presentation from Nutrition Services in
fact the change in their status happened
a year ago but it was not widely
publicized for the last year PPS has
been ordering during the 2016-17 school
year PPS actually used general fund
money to provide free lunches for
everybody but for this coming school
year that 12 schools are going to revert
to the kind of standard system of
families being asked to fill out
forms asking for free and reduced lunch
status based on their income levels the
can I just say from the enrollment and
forecasting committees point of view we
dis subject has never come up with D
Brack that by changing boundaries and
02h 30m 00s
configuration that it would trigger
changes in how CP CEP is formulated so
that's that adds a whole new level of
complexity to work yeah and I think
going forward we're going to have to be
really cognizant of the the impacts kind
of the widespread impacts of changes or
on boundaries and reconfiguration
which means it if we do boundaries
piecemeal we're continually annually
changing having to go back and
recalculate the formula for CEP and that
does not work in favor of our kids what
is the plant for so I realize early many
families I believe who will not want to
complete paperwork that might put them
at risk or families that you know may
not quite qualify what's the plan for
and I think it's going to be a
significant amount of students so so the
basic plan is to try to blanket schools
and communicate over communicate with
families about filling out the forms and
one of the things that the Nutrition
Services clarified was that the
information that is provided on these
free and reduced lunch forms is not
shared with any other government entity
it does not leave this building so
theoretically at least immigration
should not be a barrier now that's right
I think it's still going to be a barrier
and then my might the second part of
that remember I think that there'll be
some family to may not quite qualify you
know for food well may still be an issue
for them in the cost of food so do we
have an alternative way of covering
meals for many of our students or their
we probably need to get I mean if you
really want details we'll probably need
to get nutrition services back but I
think we're going to enjoy Tanner I
think the short answer is we are
dependent we are now for these schools
we are now dependent on these forms
which is what happens in all of our
schools with the exception of the 13
other schools that are still covered by
the CEP program and I I a long
discussion with nutrition services even
before the committee meeting and they
were they were very clear that they are
really working overtime to try to get as
many families as humanly possible to
sign up will they will they get a
hundred percent of the families no and
are they going to capture everybody who
really could use a food assistance no
and I could go into a long rant about
the federal policies and how low the
federal poverty level is right but I
think it is probably not fiscally
possible for us to supplement to provide
additional funding out of general fund
monies at this point to to continue on
with the whole school model for these
twelve schools but they did work up
numbers and it's a pretty staggering
amount of money you know I'm saying that
I think that we need to continue to
brainstorm and address the issue
the reality is we can you know we can
throw up our hands if they don't
register if they don't fill out the form
they can't have food but we can't
educate children that haven't gotten
their basic needs map to so I'm
wondering about looking at partnerships
and grants I mean I think we really have
to look broad and wide to figure out how
to write so they are they're going to be
coming back to the committee in a couple
of months the deadline for the deadline
for applying is October 11th and so for
the first until October 11th every
student who shows up is going to get
food so without question so we're trying
to get as many families to sign up as
possible because that means we get
federal assistance right but truth be
told there is a new there's a new state
statute saying that no child can be
denied food great it's at them by the
way figuring out a plan however comma
work I mean the board is going to have
02h 35m 00s
to pay attention to this because there
are going to be fiscal impacts right and
we don't yet know what those will be
so in terms of reaching out to the
communities for the forms however we
worked with our community based
culturally specific community based
organizations to help with that my
understanding is to some degree yes they
are translating everything yeah they are
now going to be doing not only emails
but they're also going to start to text
yeah I would definitely reach out to
those organizations yeah help us yeah
they indicate the world with again they
are doing that and we're relying on
they're relying on a several third
parties to spread the message so it's
not just coming directly from the
district the county is helping on that
and the other thing I wanted to say was
as part of our discussion Nutrition
Services was going to make it much more
prominent in their communication to
families that this information is
totally confidential
it was either not included before maybe
a little footnote but to really put it
front and center it's on the form that
it's very small so it would be great for
the committee to ask for as we head into
the fall just sort of continue to get
trending information because for a lot
of families but it's gonna be a whole
new thing like they don't have to in the
past salt to form so I think getting
trending so that we can address it if
we're singing just really low rates much
lower than we would expect they've got a
really impressive communication plan I
have to say and they get you know they
were talking about they get daily
updates on sign-up rates so it's I I
walked out of my meeting with them and
the committee meeting and I I'm I'm
pretty impressed with the communication
plan I'm thinking I can also make
suggestions of certain radio programs
and things that also will really help
get the news out bilingually and to
other communities okay okay and kids do
get breakfast yet our free breakfast is
still available that isn't that's a
separate program it's not proud of CEP
that will still be going on so it's at
least something the other two things
really quick we got an update on
transportation and we got a presentation
about a month ago I think to the full
board about transportation and this was
a status update on a lot of the changes
that are happening and it sounds like
there has been a lot of progress in
streamlining the operations for
transportation and we're hoping
everybody's hoping that with the changes
that have taken place that there are
more bus drivers more buses more routes
so the hope is that parents and students
should see some significant improvement
in reliability of bus service with the
new school year and more responsiveness
in terms of communication so
one of the big things is that there is
now going to be there they're going to
be telephones available with people
actually actual people actually manning
these telephones so that if something
comes up and a parent needs to talk to
somebody there's going to be a human
person on the other side and I should
probably say it's not going to be
perfect there are going to be glitches
but it sounds like they've made a lot of
progress since last year and then just
on that topic did they build in some
performance metrics into the contracts
or these every still made contract and
these are just yes so we are still mid
contract but the contract will be up but
let me put this way the country the life
of the contract will be ending at the
end of the school year so there are
there are negotiations already happening
about future contracts and some changes
that we might want to put into a new
contract in terms of expectations for
performance and and they have already
seen some some changes and some
additional resources put out by first
student in response to the concerns
about not just concerns around the
students but concerns around contract
non-compliance so there they have
responded it's a little more carrot and
stick I think but it's made a difference
so far that's it
and then the last item on the agenda was
talking about future work and we have a
02h 40m 00s
lot of it
so FAO is going to be the primary
committee it's going to be dealing with
the budget process so that's going to be
that's going to take up quite a lot a
lot of time especially given the really
aggressive timeline so many meetings I'm
guessing during the fall are going to be
devoted to budget process in addition to
that we're going to be looking at the
bond work maintenance issues we're going
to continue to look at transportation
and nutrition services we're going to
have the FAO is going to be doing the
audit function as well and then a whole
bunch of other things on top of that so
we're going to have a it's going to be a
busy year any other committees they need
report or Moses do have a can't wait to
the start of the school year report
later working on developing us to
protect system structure because in the
past few years to my understanding it's
been kind of lost last year to my
knowledge we we didn't meet with the
superintendent formally sometimes you
would just stop by and you know we have
a discussion but there wasn't any
you know monthly meeting so a structure
there and so well I've just kind of
asking and wondering is like what is
like the purpose of the board was a
visioning um when they implemented super
sacks because for like the budget review
committee or like do you back like they
have stuff that they work with and super
stock last year we didn't have really
anything to work with so we didn't know
what you guys learn like you guys wanted
to just be like the discussion we sit
down and ask questions to superintendent
and he enters them we're like we
complained like it's a complaint to him
like every month so we I just want to
know like where the envision of super
is and so that I can build that
structure with my members or systems so
that we can effectively communicate well
with the superintendent the advice to be
giving and then we've just been working
on the PPS student union because on the
webpage there is something in regard to
the Zuni but there's nothing in policy
about this to the Union so right now
I've just been reaching out to the ASB
president from all the nine high schools
in we haven't formally met yet but
hopefully at the musical year I'll be
able to set up a meeting with everyone I
mean meet with them and hopefully get
middle school level involved somewhere
in that and then we're just working on
clarifying priorities that we want to
accomplish our voice did an opinion on
us for this week thank you so so how
might we as a board surface some juicy
issues that we would want to toss your
way I hear you I hear you
kind of asked hanging give us give us
something to chew on
yeah so what I had initially thought I
did I wasn't informed with the board and
wanted to project issues or have us
review issues but that's something that
like we want to look into am i changing
it from like superintendent select the
board and superintendent review council
we certainly can what I was envisioning
or looking for at the media every month
that the board likes up I like a packet
or like topics that he wants us to
review and then at the end of the month
that we have have a formulated
presentation to present him and then he
gives us another topic or packet of
information on and then between those
because we have break up into committees
in the me to formulate that presentation
up and then present that to him and of
course there's urgent matters that
happen in the district so any urgent
matters are like he wanted us to review
with it I was envisioning I would
directly go to the Executive Board
within super sacks which is me and then
Anakin's that you guys met last week and
then Nick Taylor who's from Cleveland
which I don't believe you guys have met
but has not super snack for two years
now I'm sorry but I'm still developing
and formulating that structure to
hopefully propose to you guys at some
point I'm sure Tom seems to me it should
go all three ways you know you guys
should have things that you originated
that you want to work on and that we can
help you push forward and then we have
things that we bring to you everybody
keeps that in mind in their committee
work and then also the superintendent
has things that he will bring to you and
he I know has had a lot of opportunity
to work with students on developing
policy and yoga rooms in the past oh
that would be a great place for you to
start to ask him what structures he
02h 45m 00s
views to really integrate students in
decision-making yes and I know you will
be an active member of teaching and
learning you're on that committee as
well so we'll we'll keep you busy and
that'll be part of the process too of
keeping super sacks and from your
perspectives on those as well giving us
guidance yes you know excited yes
anybody else okay so we're now going to
consider the business agenda and since
it says we're going to do that at eight
o'clock yes so the board has the revised
resolution 5498 before them it has been
posted online initially there was an
indication that there may be some items
hold from the business do you have a
that director oh stars around and
Felicia we have this vibe
but I want to thank staff for some
timely answering of several questions
that board members had so there's not
we're going to consider the full the
full business agenda and so thank you to
staff for quick turnaround on some
answers that board members had and I'm
also going to just flag that there's
some interest in some of the contracts
have belts and performance metrics and
board members may ask for those after we
approve because expert and improving but
but some people there may be some
contracts where we want to see
performance metrics miss Houston are
there any changes to the business agenda
do I have a motion and second to adopt
the business agenda solo director
Anthony moves and director struggles
Haley second is driven smart okay and
director Rossum seconds the adoption of
the business agenda I'm miss Houston is
there any public comment on the business
agenda yeah
no public comment is there any board
discussion on the business agenda
director more just just one comment that
yes the staff response to questions was
great and I much appreciated I just feel
like it would be helpful if if we got
these contracts earlier on these are
coming right before the start of school
and they're really time-sensitive so I
think if we could try to us
either space them out or do them earlier
I think that would be helpful and the
this agenda includes 25 different
contracts took a while to get through
them all but I will say I it was much
appreciated that there was a link to all
the contracts on the website right
underneath the board materials so that
was great thank you I was a couple
director stars around I think they would
be for director Krong she judged their
yard so could you make to be willing to
come up on an answer a question right
one of them if on the Greenwood
Publishing Group
it says k5 literacy adoption resources
and professional development my question
there is also so special class exemption
what does that mean just on page 5 of
the business agenda yes and sorry we
don't we don't I don't have to copy a
page 5 I have the front page but we will
look it up right now
so sorry yeah why don't you come forward
direct material
yes could you add I'm sorry could you
identify yourself emily court mr. Ector
02h 50m 00s
purchasing a contract over it thank you
so special class procurements are listed
in our public contracting rules their
board approved class exemptions from our
normal our standard procurement
requirements set out in the rules and so
the one that is applicable here
it's called copyrighted material and
creative works and that applies to
copyrighted materials and creative works
that are available from only one source
so a lot of these sort of curriculum
type materials are available from one
source they usually come with a sole
source letter verifying if that's true
and so that exemption applies okay yeah
the list of class exemptions that the
board has approved over time and have
been incorporated in our public
contracting rules thank you so that
means you don't have to go through an
RFP process just something like that
that's right if not for a quote process
or whatever kind other kind of
procurement process that would normally
apply you can directly negotiate those
contracts okay great thank you then my
next question is the ester date the
contract which is for the Dual Immersion
programs I'm wondering how that
interfaces with the literacy the k-12
are the k55 literacy adoption so is
there a completely separate strand of
materials and dual language classrooms
I guess I'm I'm still not even clear of
of the balanced literacy adoption and
its impact on dual language programs or
so that we have really a long discussion
on this and this is also why we moved to
this book source a publisher because
they are able to provide us with more
Spanish version in other languages and
I'm going to ask dr. Locker to
dresses because kids worked closely with
also on Debbie on the adoption good
so this was a 3-2 asking about that yeah
so when we look at the dip that the
approach to both the k5 so what you
probably recognize me from the 612
Language Arts adoption as well so when
we look at the partnership between the
English language arts adoption and we
look at the dual language immersion so
this is the when we think about the
components of the English language side
of it we're trying to be very responsive
and intentional about making sure that
we also have the dual language side of
it as well so that's what that is yeah
providing because they're quite two
completely different kind of
methodologies instructional approaches
so I still I think this could be a
really good topic to go into more in
depth and I'm a little concerned about
expenditure at this point without really
understanding how it fits in with the
philosophy of the balanced literacy but
again it would be helpful to have them
earlier sure that we could have more
thoroughly discussed how the pieces fit
together sure and we're and we're happy
to provide a detailed response that
would explain that in a way that makes
sense and looks at the partnership
between the both the partner languages
and yeah because I'm very familiar with
that program but again I think that the
methodology is really different than
what you're doing at the English side we
can definitely provide you in response
to that question
any other questions thank you for coming
up thank you and answering the questions
Thank You Emily use them thank you
so we've got emotions and seconded the
board will now vote on the business
agenda all in favor please indicate by
saying yes yes all those visit eight by
saying no are there any abstentions is
it just a Genda is approved by hi I was
just going to wrap it up the visit is a
bit thank you the business agenda is
approved by a six to zero vote with the
student rep voting yet yes so this
meeting event I think we're 7n 207
excuse me
behalf seven start at six okay I'm going
to correct the record that the business
agenda is approved by vote of seven to
zero with the student rep voting yes
the meeting is now going to be adjourned
and the board will now move to the ulema
conference room for an executive session
is a continuation we went into we
continue eight the continuation of the
executive session that we started before
- PPS Board of Education, Archive 2017-2018, https://www.pps.net/Page/12568 (accessed: 2022-03-24T00:57:51.006202Z)
- PPS Communications, "Board of Education" (YouTube playlist), https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8CC942A46270A16E (accessed: 2023-10-10T04:10:04.879786Z)