2014-05-27 PPS School Board Study Session
District | Portland Public Schools |
Date | 2014-05-27 |
Time | missing |
Venue | missing |
Meeting Type | study |
Directors Present | missing |
Documents / Media
05-27-14 Final Packet (e0a1beefb0c0f52f).pdf Meeting Materials
Event 1: Board of Education - Study Session - May 27, 2014
00h 00m 00s
me good evening uh this study session of
the board of education for May 27th 2014
is called to order and I'd like to
extend a warm welcome to everyone
present and to our television viewers
this meeting is being televised live and
will be replayed throughout the next two
weeks please check the Board website for
replay times this meeting is also being
streamed live on our PPS TV services
website um director Morton is absent
evening so before we get started I'd
just like to take a minute and recognize
um our wonderful Chief Financial Officer
Neil Sullivan Neil couldn't be with us
tonight but I think it's important that
we recognize his service he will be
retiring this
Friday um Neil uh has done a an
absolutely fantastic job for the
district and I'm not even sure how long
he's been here is it three years four
yeah um did a wonderful job stepping
into this role he has a um so much
experience working with school districts
in the financial capacity that we were
so fortunate to get him um but I I even
though he's not here I think we should
all give an Applause for Neil and the
wonderful work he did for
us and I hope he's watching
us he's streaming us
tonight so
um to move on to our agenda for this
evening uh first we'll have public
comment Miss Houston I know we have
people signed up for public comment you
want to go ahead and call them and I'll
go ahead and read the instructions our
first two Greg Burl and Josh Himel great
so thank you very much for taking the
time to come to the board meeting
tonight we deeply value public input and
we look forward to hearing your thoughts
Reflections and concerns and our
responsibility as a board is to actively
listen and reflect on the thoughts and
opinions ions of others guidelines for
public input emphasize respect and
consideration when referring to board
members staff and other presenters the
board will not respond to any comments
or questions at this time but the board
or staff will follow up on various
issues that are raised please make sure
that you have left your contact
information with Miss Houston pursuant
to board policy 1.78 point0 one2
speakers may offer objective criticism
of District Operations and programs but
the board will not hear complaints
concerning individual District Personnel
any complaints about specific employees
should be directed to the
superintendent's office and will not be
heard in this
forum excuse
me so you have a total of three minutes
for the first two minutes you'll see a
green light appear in front of you for
the next minute uh there'll be a yellow
light and when um your time is up a red
light will go on and a buzzer will sound
just in case you're not watching the
light and we respectfully ask that you
conclude your comments at that time we
sincerely appreciate your input and we
thank you for your cooperation and thank
you again for being here tonight Mr go
okay so good to see you all again um now
this evening I'm going to be a little
careful with my remarks because it's so
easy to offend people when the subject
is race and
racism racism is so pervasive that we
can choose to see it or not to see it in
every situation involved in those of
ethnicities so I came here tonight to
speak as an African-American as a former
mlc parent and a self-proclaimed expert
on American racism see I'm thinking back
to the Senate Judiciary Committee
hearings on Clarence Thomas's nomination
because there were no African-Americans
on that panel there was no one to call
into question the competence of the
nominee right no one to follow up on the
charges leveled by Anita Hill no one
does scoff at the high-tech lynching
that Justice Thomas alleged I believe
that uh justice Thomas record
um on the
bench um calls into question his
competence so today what I wanted to
mention is that there are better reasons
than racism behind the problems uh that
uh the principle of one of our schools
is having right I know I'm walking a
fine line because I'm not supposed to
criticize anybody by name yes you
are mlc was founded on a model of
collaboration between students parents
and faculty and I believe that it makes
no difference the per the race of the
person who wants to govern the
institution with unilateral dire
directives from the adminis spere uh mlc
00h 05m 00s
parents I have found are generally
uninterested in being told what to do
um even if they're being told what to do
what they would have decided to do in
any event but I don't believe this is
the case I am glad that representative
Lou Frederick a prominent
African-American has also publicly
commented on this issue he is a former
mlc teacher and parent and he does not
think that racism is the driver of the
current criticism teachers that I've
talked to have told me that there's also
a body of evidence to this effect um
racism is however at the heart of the
problems with the schools that after
nine years I'm suddenly unwilling to sub
at but I don't think it's the racism of
the staff I think it's racism at the
district level you remember the first
time I spoke to you I said that
education is a system of relationships
between Educators and students students
and in some schools in our city these
relationships have been repeatedly
damaged Andor destroyed by budget cuts
reassignments and so on and so forth and
so I guess I'll have to come back uh
again in order to talk about what I'm
finding um at some of these schools but
I think we all have to see that this is
a question of reaping what one SWS
and we are not going to solve these
problems by making teachers afraid to
discipline or fail
students thank you thank
you hi everyone U and thanks for the
opportunity to speak my name is Josh
Emil my last name is spelled h m l and
my oldest child attends luel in
elementary and I'll have at least one
child in
PPS uh for the next 16 years so I have a
a long-term interest interest in the
safety of our
schools I'd like to talk about the
current proposal to take 25.7 million
out of the summer improvements fund
that's the fund that pays for seismic
upgrades for a bunch of the schools and
specifically I'd like to ask the board
to vote no on that
proposal um so as you know our region is
decades overdue for a catastrophic 9.0
or greater earthquake many of these huge
earthquakes have happened here in the
past but none within our living memory
it will happen again and it'll be
nothing like the one that we all
probably remember the
5.6 um spring break Quake that jiggled
the area for 45 seconds back in 93 um a
9.0 will be several minutes of violent
shaking that will collapse buildings and
kill thousands of
people according to the scientists and
government agencies that study this
issue it could happen at any time I
think the general population isn't yet
aware of the severity of that risk uh
but as board members and leaders of PPS
I expect you already
are however you are considering using
funds that are currently slated for
making safety upgrades to mitigate this
risk of injury and death that our
students face today and using those
funds to instead make three schools
larger not
safer I'm not against making the three
high schools larger I've read the
additional criteria behind the request
for the funds and they strike me as
reasonable education goals achieving
them at the expense of the safety of
thousands of other children in Old
unmodified collapse prone buildings does
not seem
reasonable the safety of all the
students must come before the
educational goals of a select group this
seems especially clear given that as
stated in the May 24th Memo from Jim
Owens the goals behind the additional
criteria could be achieved through
through other means such as boundary
changes or reducing Community use
spaces please do not build extra
classrooms at the expense of safety
upgrades the risk is too high thanks for
listening thank you very
much our next two speakers Edward wolf
and Joshua
good evening members of the school board
and superintendent Smith my name is
Edward wolf tonight I'm speaking to you
in my capacities as a board member of
our Portland R schools and as a
co-founder of the parents initiative
Oregon parents for Quake resistance
schools listening online to last week's
board discussion regarding the
00h 10m 00s
additional criteria for the high high
school projects I heard the word
heartburn so many times that I started
to hope that a staff member had been
dispatched to Walgreens to get a get a
jar of
Tums I admit I felt some heartburn
myself shared by opqrs co-founder and
PPS parent Amanda gers at the
possibility that the fiscal implications
of the criteria could put the district's
commitment to seismic improvements in
Jeopardy in school districts across
Oregon as the previous speaker noted the
commitment to seismic safety remains
tenuous and our understanding of the
hazard marches steadily forward the
issue is one that can inflame parent and
Community fears and cynicism like no
other after reflecting on the district's
commitment I urge you to support the
adoption of the additional criteria
why last week's discussion and some of
the public comment I've seen since then
presume a zero sum tradeoff between the
high school projects
and seismic projects but from a whole
program perspective however the three
high school projects bring the largest
earthquake safety benefits delivered by
this Bond the decision to fully
modernize Roosevelt Franklin and Grant
high schools three of the district's
biggest masonry buildings is I believe
the boldest step forward in earthquake
safety taken by any Oran School
District this is not to diminish the
importance of the summer Improvement
projects among the schools scheduled for
summer improvements at least 17 have
received no previous seismic safety
investment these include the
unreinforced masonry schools James John
answorth Buckman and creative science
making these and other schools many
other schools safer is something to
celebrate this District began its
commitment to seismic improvements with
the 1995 Bond using a FEMA recommended
approach called incremental seismic
Rehabilitation long before other org
school districts began to address the
risk in any systematic way and the
current Bond expands on that
commitment Portland's work on earthquake
safety is far from complete I expect the
theme to be a priority in future bonds
but I want to conclude with a matter of
criteria to modernize the structures of
our high schools without also optimizing
their capacity to support a robust
educational program duly influenced by
Community desires and by what staff
learn as projects are implemented
would be a failure to fulfill the
ultimate purpose that Portland voters
affirmed at The Ballot Box to support
the teaching and the learning that
Portland Students deserve so I urge you
to support adoption of the criteria for
the high school projects remembering
that high schools are the Cornerstone
and to the full extent possible within
the fixed face value of the bond get
these high school projects right keep
this program on track thank
you my name is Joshua Curtis my last
name is spelled c r t i s I'm the
co-chair of our Portland R schools and
I'm speaking tonight in favor of the
proposed changes to the criteria for
High School Educational
specifications opos believes that these
changes are necessary to provide
students with a full educational program
our schools need to be built to
accommodate the increasing number of
students that will come as Portland's
population grows our school should also
be built to allow students to enroll in
a course during every period of the
school day meeting these needs is
critical and deserves your
support I would especially like to
highlight the need to build schools that
allow students to take more than 24
credits which is the minimum required
for high school
graduation many competitive four-year
colleges expect students to take more
than 24 high school credits if our
schools assume that students will only
take 24 on average that'll imply that
for some students to take more than 24
credits others would have to take less
forcing them to pay for summer or night
school or to not graduate at all if we
want to have a district where 100% of
our students graduate from high school
we need schools which will
that I would also like to comment on the
process that led to these changes being
made I think it is entirely appropriate
that PPS apply the knowledge it is
gaining by redesigning Roosevelt and
Franklin to the overall educational
specifications for our high schools
there's an especially great need for
this learning in areas such as Career
and Technical education which have
suffered from a long absence in many of
our high
schools PPS should also use the redesign
process to think about how to better
serve students from groups which PPS has
historically underserved how can our
high school buildings better serve
special education students students
whose first language is not English lwi
00h 15m 00s
income and minority students
I hope the design process as the design
process continues PPS will focus on
planning learning environments that will
serve these
students while we should appreciate the
learning that is happening in this
design process we should also encourage
this learning to be transparent the
process of communicating these proposed
changes to the public should have been
better the bond ADI
Bond um advisory no it's not that
account ability committee and other
community groups should have been
provided with a full rationale of
changes before they were coming to speak
with you last
week also some of the changes were very
predictable in October of 2011 Grant
High School had 1565 students Franklin
1480 and the district was experienced
growth in lower grades which would
predictably lead to increases in future
for for future High School
populations also Oregon has required 24
credits to graduate from high school
since at least
2008 I would just like to
conclude by saying that when you're more
transparent in your process it will be
easier to Garner support for changes and
for future Bond work and I hope that
with that transparency they will be more
support for for these changes and that
you are convinced that these changes are
necessary thank thank you thank you
both our last two speakers Sarah Witter
and Scott
Bailey hi I'm Sarah Witter my last name
is wi t t r and I'd like to thank you
all for letting me speak this evening um
I'm here to ask that you do not approve
the additional funding requested by the
voter um approved Bond money to be used
on the latest proposed High School
improvements this money must go toward
the seisman improvements specified in
the bond that we voted on there were
specific schools listed in that Bond and
the thought that those schools will not
be seismically upgraded is horrifying to
um as all of us know other people who
have spoken tonight have mentioned many
schools have a very very high chance of
collapse in this city um our children
happen to go to one of the worst and we
are listed in that Bond as as a group
that should be
covered so I'm not here to spout the
statistics that we all know I'm not here
to make the argument that we need the
upgrades I'm here to ask you to follow
through with what the bond promised to
do I think the hardest thing is as a
parent is that in the event of a major
earthquake we would lose our children
they would die there is no question
about that there is a 100% chance of
collapse in many of our school buildings
and that's not okay it's just my I watch
my children go to school in the mornings
and I don't know if they're coming
I'm trying not to be emotional it's hard
it's not an exaggeration it's the truth
um if you want an example take China in
2008 over 5,000 children's died in their
schools in their classrooms while
buildings around them survived and it
was because they were in substandard
buildings for earthquake environments
that's what we're faced with right here
in Portland and if there is an
earthquake our children will die and
it's not just our children it's the
staff that there it's the teachers it's
the administrators it's the parents it's
anybody in those
buildings so I'm just asking please keep
your word do what we voted with this
Bond please give the seismic upgrades to
the schools that were listed in this
Bond if the high schools want additional
changes that's great I'm all for it but
that should be the work of another bond
that was not specified in this
one and I'm just going to leave you with
one thought that goes over and over in
my mind
which is that you can teach children in
less than than optimal environments we
all know that's possible but you cannot
teach children that are dead thank
you you're a tough act to follow thank
you for what you said my name is Scott
Bailey I'm here's on behalf of our
Portland our schools taking the opposite
point of
00h 20m 00s
view um in the last week we've been
trying to chase down why the price tag
on high schools has
increased we know more than we did a
week ago in being able to tell that
story but we still don't have the full
story on that in particular um we don't
have the math to show what the need is
for the increased classrooms there was a
change in what the assumed credit
credits were there's 100%
uh capacity usage that's assumed we
don't understand the rationale we'd like
to see the math we hope that you ask to
see the math going forward too to
understand exactly what it would mean to
shave a couple of classrooms here or a
couple of classrooms
um our understanding is that whatever
the those numbers were the rationale was
that this is space that is needed for
basic core needs going forward for our
schools and we believe that you
shouldn't deviate from that until you
have the math until you know what the ra
rationale is until you know what you're
um it's a real tradeoff in terms of
these projects but here's here's the
thing we don't know exactly what the
costs are going to be for this Bond work
going forward we don't know what's
what's the actual construction tab is
going to be we know that we saved a nice
chunk of money on the first Bond sale we
don't know if that's going to continue
going forward I suspect it is that
interest rates aren't going to go up any
anytime soon if we shrink the high
schools now there's no going back if we
if you vote now to delay some of those
projects there are two alternatives to
do that on uh on time actually one is
that there's savings through the bond
sales going forward that would give us
that extra money and two is in a bond
that could pass in
2016 that would pick up the work for
those schools going forward but if we
shrink the the high schools there's no
there's no going back on
that um and my time's about up so I'll
stop there thank you for your attention
and for your
work thank you very much to both of you
for your
testimony okay after uh we'll go ahead
and move to the next part in our agenda
a quarterly update from the office of
modernization um superintendent Smith
would you like to introduce this item
and I would um sub Jim Owens who's our
director of office of school
modernization will present the quarterly
report um would you received in your
packet um and the narrative will
actually be different than what you
received in your packet be going deep on
one aspect of
it thank you superent Smith and good
evening school
board our first topic tonight is the
quarterly osm update uh that as Smith
mentioned is in your board packets and
hopefully you've had an opportunity to
peruse it it is similar to the report
that osm provides on a monthly basis and
what I'd like to do was just highlight a
few features on the scorecard so that we
can provide some context and I'd like to
U complete with a a really great video
uh of a student learning opportunity at
Franklin High School that was done
recently and I think it'll really
highlight some of the wonderful things
that are going on with our consultant
teams and our Builder teams with with
students so in terms of our balance
score card um it continues to show that
the program is unplanned uh across all
four of the perspectives that we have
budget schedule stakeholder and Equity
however a number of concerns are noted
relative to budget schedule and Equity
perspectives that I'd like to highlight
the additional criteria for the high
schools which we'll be discussing
further tonight is impacting the
Roosevelt and the Franklin projects osm
needs a decision on this if we're to
move forward into design velopment and
further into the projects and stay on
schedule and our revised budgets uh
certainly to ensure that we complete
these two important projects in time to
be ready for students in the fall of
2017 budget concerns for the high
schools uh relate to both the additional
criteria and the work associated with
value engineering that both the Franklin
and Rosevelt teams have been engaged in
for uh Improvement project uh or ip4
00h 25m 00s
our six construction packages came in uh
over budget so we're dipping into
project level reserves to ensure that we
can execute the work this summer uh we
may need to be looking at other uh
resources to ensure that they're
properly funded depending on what we
find as we get into construction we are
committed to completing all 12 of the
schools this summer just as we completed
the six last
summer in addition to scheduled concerns
for Roosevelt and Franklin ip14 is uh
also showing concern the yellow cells uh
due to a variety of factors our
construction uh season if you will this
summer is reduced by about 12 days and
it necessitated putting in a Six-Day
work week with the firms to ensure that
the work uh was properly scheduled
planned and scheduled uh we also added
additional Scopes this summer we have
elevators in two of the schools uh we
also have six construction packages
versus the three that we had last summer
we have Awards in place however and
we're in the process of uh executing our
notice of our notice to proceeds so that
we can get the firms mobilized as soon
as the students leave the sites and then
get on with the work so we still expect
to complete that but I highlighted the
schedule as a concern because we've got
some different Dynamics this Summer that
we're working with the equity
perspective continues to show concerns
uh payment to minority owned women-owned
and emerg emerging small business owned
firms remain steady at approximately
11% uh we're also rolling out our uh
Apprentice trade participation program
in conjunction with the city of uh
Portland who will be working with our
staff in evaluating how firms are doing
providing opportunities for uh state
registered apprentices we have a pretty
ambitious goal there of 20% and so all
the firms are committed to uh striving
to achieve that but this is the first
time that we're actually rolling rolling
that out
uh we do have good news on the student
engagement front which you'll recall in
the equity perspective is the third uh
the third
leg um changing the performance
measures changing the performance
measures uh on the uh student engagement
is something I'm going to highlight uh
here in a moment to ensure that we're uh
align with how the district is doing
relative to the framework for career
learning our contractor and Consultants
are operating uh in the exploration zone
for grades 9 through 12 so in terms of
our performance measures uh we are
looking in terms of uh changing it to
align with tier one which is large group
tier two which is small group and tier
three which is oneon-one and I'll
highlight some of the successes we've
there so our bond funded consultants and
contractors participate in career
learning experence experiences in a
number of ways uh we have many
opportunities for them that they can
pursue Jim can we go ahead and ask
questions during your presentation is
that a is that work for you I was
planning to invite questions after
completing however if you'd like to ask
as we go through okay should we wait all
right thank
you so up on the slide are a number of
the opportunities that firms have to
participate and those are continuing to
provide opportunities for firms and for
students I think as the program picks up
momentum and we bring more firms aboard
the opportunities for the career
counselors and the high schools is
increasing and we're getting more
exposure to uh to the building
level in addition we're uh starting to
offer some internships uh for the first
time and we're also reaching into uh
other opportunities for uh eighth grade
students as they look at their high
schools they'll be attending in terms of
providing career day opportunities
oops here we go this is a template that
shows the uh
cumulative um experience that we're
having with um with student engagement
and uh this isn't entirely a McDonald's
type format where we're showing a number
of uh customers served but we wanted to
capture uh the amount of students that
are impacted by the um numerous
opportunities we have for large group
and small groups and so as we look at
the period between March of 2013 and uh
April of 2014 we've actually impacted
over uh 7600 students relative to
different uh forums
00h 30m 00s
uh we're also trying to showcase the
number of firms that are engaged
actively with students down on the Lower
leftand Side uh the number of presenters
that have been speaking to different
groups and attending different forums
career learning experiences and the
total number of hours that the firms are
are contributing we're planning to
include this information in monthly
updates to you as we uh as we showcase
information in the balance scorecard
this is a depiction of what April looked
like relative to uh the previous slide
and the number of students that have
impacted our framework for career
learning is shown above um we primarily
operating in the exploration uh zone for
grades 9 through 12 but we're also uh
for uh the awareness level I mentioned
we have eighth grade eighth graders
coming into Franklin this summer who
will be having an opportunity to engage
here and then the third category the
preparation phase this is the these are
the active internships that several of
our uh consultant and Builders are
offering to us students this
summer again this highlights the uh the
three tiers I mentioned earlier under
exploration uh we're very much
coordinating closely with Jeanie
yurkovich and her team to ensure that
this is fully aligned with how the
district is managing this
overall a little more information in
terms of the the groups and the types of
activities that are associated with each
of the T each of the tiers
okay at this point I'd like to uh pause
and show a short video that was taken by
David mine who's our Capital
Communications manager um it showcases a
recent example of career learning
experience at Franklin High School it's
about four minutes long so after it
completes um I'll answer any questions
on this particular topic before I move
into the next one
the Portland Public Schools team and its
Consultants charged with designing and
building the modernized Franklin High
School gave Franklin students a unique
opportunity to learn about construction
related careers you can use an
architecture degree to become a
developer or contractor the Franklin
modernization team includes PPS Project
Director Debbie Pearson who spoke about
her role as an owner's representative
and architect Karina Ruiz who described
an architect's career path about an
architectural education is it really
kind of forms a foundation and then you
can really take that however you want
Tony vanderberg construction manager
from herei International and Tim Bas a
general contractor from scansa both
described what they do and the
educational Pathways that lead to their
career the main thing was to kind of
like hear uh the people's points of view
who are already in the career um and
like kind of to know how to get to that
point I'm interested in engineering and
like civil engineering and so I figured
this would be a good opportunity to come
and look at this first thing we're going
to do is break you guys up into teams
the event was more than lectures in a
lively Hands-On competition teams of
students were given an opportunity to
experience what an owner architect
contractor and construction manager
actually does on a project one more
right there they had to design then draw
a building it's going to fall if I don't
support it purchase Building Materials
in this case uncooked spaghetti and
marshmallows and then construct the
building based on their designs the
spaghetti is similar to like a steel bar
in say like a gigantic skyscraper just
the steel frame well the marshmallows
represent sort of the welding of the
glue that would hold it together we had
a group of people that each one played a
a specific role and that really helped
us to see like If I Was An Architect I
had to design a project then he goes to
the construction manager and he decides
the cost how many materials do we need
so it was really really interesting and
all of this comes back from the owner
that he says you know I want this design
this particular
way come on guys just stab everything
it modernization team judged the entries
based on concept how closely the
visualization drawings match their
owner's ideas and how well they held
structur it just all pieces together
like a puzzle perfectly and all calms
down to the building well I just kind of
liked my Design coming to life like
watching it actually being built was
amazing the winning team celebrated
their Victory with a bundle of swag from
the Franklin project team I learned that
it's um actually quite a process to
design something like this and actually
build it and designing the drawing and
drawing it all out is actually much
00h 35m 00s
harder than I thought uh my favorite
part of it was just like probably the
building and the teamwork it took to
actually design a building and actually
see it come to life and put together
after the event students were invited to
apply for internships with the
businesses working on the Franklin Bond
project okay that was pretty uh pretty
jazzed up uh presentation and we're
really excited to uh to be involved with
with so many kids and again I think we
can look to see more of this as we as we
move forward so at this time I like to
take any uh any questions that you may
have regarding the osm quarterly
update Dr
B thanks for the report and thank you to
our Architects at um Franklin that was a
great video and great to see students
engaged and begin to really understand
that process because it's so abstract um
how how exciting for students to begin
to realize that heard teamwork I mean
it's really that new um new way of
working together and how much it takes
to get a project complete but back to my
question sorry um so I have I I think
three questions one is in I'm looking at
the um at the balance
scorecard there's an indicator in the
overall perspective that talks about
market conditions and competition on
construction work are causing concerns
monitoring closely can you talk a little
bit about what that is and what you mean
by that we're noticing some uh Trends in
the market right now that's resulting in
reduced competition on our work and
we're seeing uh significantly higher uh
bid pricing than what what we've seen
previously uh comparing this uh spring
to last spring has been pretty
significant and so much of it um it's
hard to attribute to but there's
significant increase in construction
here in the Portland metropolitan area
and I think that's uh that's manifesting
in not having as many firms who are
pursuing this work uh we are trying to
get a better sense of it and we're
reaching out to a number of firms to ask
there other factors that you're looking
at relative to us um we're also um
concerned about are there any are there
any aspects in our uh solicitations uh
in terms of how our statements of work
are developed in terms of our bid
packages the way we're structuring the
work that's uh that's inhibiting it um
as a public agency I think um it's
important uh certainly it's a important
fiduciary responsibility to the uh to
the taxpayers to ensure that we maximize
competition on work so we'll be watching
this very closely as we move forward I
wanted to highlight it in the overall
perspective just just to bring to your
attention thank you and I actually think
as Beaverton just passed their bond
which congratulations I just think these
are the market forces that you begin to
see as construction begins to increase
you have more people that are able to
work on other jobs and so you get less
competition um another question I had is
you you highlighted I'm looking at the
budget perspective um there's two things
one thing
um I I think I understand which is the
Co construction cost current estimate
for Roosevelt and
Franklin um and I think what we're just
saying there is that the um what we're
expecting to cost the current estimate
is higher than we were expecting right
okay which is probably related to the
previous question I just asked um the
second question on that same page is
about the Marshall camp being budget
being increased can you talk to me a
little bit about
that we one of the program uh categories
in our bond or a swing site in
transportation Improvement category and
so in looking at our overall needs in
terms of what spring swing sites we need
to be making improvements at we
primarily are looking at uh Marshall of
course for Franklin and then
subsequently for Grant then we're
looking at another site uh for for
Fabian so in looking at the needs at
Marshall and looking at the site
improvements looking at the tenant
improvements that are needed to
accommodate the group there we we saw we
needed to nudge that up a bit it was
previously uh running about 3.4 million
so we wanted to give ourselves a little
more uh flexibility there don't know
that we'll end up at 4 million we also
have embedded in their transportation
costs and we were pleased to note that
the triat uh bus passes have been
renewed for another year so part of this
budget incorporates Transportation costs
that we may or may not have to provide
okay great thank you and my last
question is this is the part that I just
don't understand um looking on the
schedule perspective um card um under um
improvements for 2014 the prime contract
notice to proceed can you just explain
to me what what that is and why it gets
a yellow so um great questions uh the
00h 40m 00s
Prime contract notice to proceeds is the
mechanism that we uh get the contractors
started uh so that they can mobilize on
site and begin ordering the materials
they need to incorporate into the into
the sites it's a it's an important
Milestone on a project it U it follows
the award action I mentioned earlier we
have awards for all six of the contracts
but the notice to proceed is is an
important measure that gets gets all of
them started and will allow them to to
also mobilize on site just as as kids
are leaving and can you help me
understand why are we delayed in that or
why is that delayed or yellow oh um just
we we got um off to a later start uh for
uh for the IP uh 14 work we ended up
expanding the number of construction bid
packages that we expected so we're we're
running uh several weeks behind where we
would have liked to have been so and
it's just a comment that you know it's
another another factor that goes into
starting a little later than we wanted
you other questions board
members I think Greg asked all mine so
yeah to say he definit thank you very
director yeah you definitely
asked yes okay um you noted in your
presentation that the construction
timeline for this summer was reduced by
12 days so I know Labor Day is early and
I think we have a couple of U snow days
but 12 days seems like a lot why why is
it why is it that many just in looking
at the school calendar in terms of the
snow days you mention and then the
earlier start it actually comes out to
12 Days u in terms of the total total
impact that doesn't make sense doesn't
make sense no um maybe by the way the
days fall through the Monday through
Friday work days yeah would normally be
available I don't know right the in
terms of our normal uh 5day a week work
schedule SCH by compressing it or
accelerating the schedules to uh 6 days
a week uh which many of the contractors
ended up working last summer anyway but
it's just a way to highlight that we
have a compressed u a we have a lesser
amount of days available to us this
summer than we had for last summer it's
just it's just a an index of concern
when we look at the
differences okay and there's no
opportunities to get some of the work
started on site wel can are still in
school at
all it's very difficult the type of work
I mean we can get the contractors
starting to mobilize on site uh that
last week but as far as the work it's
you know it's very uh uh it's very
disruptive to teaching learning
activities and we really can't get
started in fact we have teacher grading
uh the following uh let's say last day
of school is the 13th of June and we
have teacher grading the following
Monday and Tuesday so we want to be
careful not to disrupt that that process
so it really they'll really get started
in Earnest that
Wednesday so I um also had a question on
um I think it's listed under Equity
perspective on your uh thing but
Objective C is meet student
participation I'm not specifically sure
why that's listed under Equity
perspective but um you have tier one
tier two and tier three and it looks
like in tier one and tier two we are
relatively hitting hitting it out of the
Park the tier three the one-on-one
long-term activities or internships um
how did we set the green yellow and red
targets and is that an area where we
might want to have the board weigh in
because I guess I look at 25 students
participating in internships as a pretty
minimal number um with the amount of
work that we're doing over the years um
so I'm just kind of curious how I mean
again I think that in terms of to what
we saw here and in terms of some of the
larger group activities it's great um
but I guess I was looking and hoping
that we would be uh seeing more
internship opportunities okay great
point we um again this is the first time
you're seeing this uh this is a change
in terms of the performance measures and
the performance targets the performance
targets were were developed really as an
initial stab but um how many students
might we expect on remember this is
Project by project basis how many would
we expect to have on the Franklin
project for example over the duration of
the project um that differs from how
many students we would expect to see
engaged on say ip14 which is a single
project but um it's much of a much
shorter duration and of course we have
we actually have more contractors on
ip14 than we do on on the Franklin
project so it was an attempt to try to
to balance uh some measures uh clearly
we can do some more work on it and would
00h 45m 00s
welcome input from the board or others
on how we might set different Lev levels
of expectation but we do have a um a
solid number of interns this Summer that
uh the firms uh are sponsoring uh and
we're looking to see how that's going to
follow so just to clarify that and I
really appreciate the way that you've
broken us out into um differentiating
the activities and being specific about
that and then having these metrics so
that's that's fantastic um so just so I
understand though the the metrics you
have in there for numbers of students
across each of the tiers and types of
activities you're saying those numbers
are for each project rather than across
the entire bone program corre so this
way okay and so are you then is it fair
to surmise that on improvements 2013 we
had 25 or more students who participated
ated in internships if I'm reading these
are to be filled in we don't have the we
haven't actually filled those in yet we
um and it's we need to go back
retroactively for this one is only
talking about project objectives right
we've gotten to the point where we have
the yeah but what we to be this is new
that we would have these tiers and these
and these metrics and goals so it would
be from now forward right so in our in
our June update I would expect we'll
have those cells for uh several of the
projects filled in at the different
tiers what the green indicates is that
uh objectives have been established uh
for each of the contracts uh that exceed
$100,000 uh recall that the contractual
framework for contractors and
Consultants participating in this
program is a function of what's in their
what's in their contracts and it it
describes different uh opportunities
that they have it describes the
requirement to uh register in our system
to to get access to our to our kids
through the career
counselors and so if I'm looking at the
Roosevelt High School and I'm looking at
tier three the
internships um are we would I expect to
see 25 internships each year of that
construction project this actually
measures it's O the overall duration of
the contract so in the case of interns U
bti architect is of course the the prime
architect for that project U their
contract extends over four years so over
the duration of four years the
expectation would be they would have
they might offer six internships over
that entire over that period of time
correct right so I would I would s well
not over four
years and then we would look at the
construction company also offering
correct right they also have multi-year
contracts in place project management
firm many of these firms are also
exceeding the uh requirement of the
contracts uh Hui International for
example is going well beyond what's
required in their contract to uh sponsor
interns to speak to uh just a whole
variety of audiences you saw uh Tony
Vandenberg who's our Deputy program
manager with Hari who was uh was
addressing the group uh Ken Fischer the
program manager they they spend uh
really significant amount of time with
question so thank you very much I'm just
G to stay here you're just gonna
stay this is the uh Jim Owen show
tonight okay so uh next on our agenda
then thank you very much Jim is um
Franklin High School schematic design I
I don't think you need another
introduction but superintendent
Smith yes project manager and um and
tonight's meeting the entire meeting is
focused on different aspects of the bond
and this is um a preview of the Franklin
schematic design that we be back to you
next week for a hopeful um
decision for a decision thank you
Ruth so two of two of the Stars you just
saw in the video at Franklin High School
are seated next to me uh peon is uh osm
Project Director for the Franklin
project and next to her is Karina Riz
who's associate principal with the daa
IBI group and both of these ladies are
going to walk us through the schematic
design work that um that they're
completing uh would like to lead off
though just briefly uh reminding the
board that last December uh staff
presented and you approved the master
plan for the Franklin site and at the
time we had a lot of conversation around
the different features of the
00h 50m 00s
educational spaces and the sport spaces
and how they fit on the site so a lot of
the adjacencies a lot of the framework
for the project was was developed back
in December uh since that time a lot of
work has taken place to look in a more
detailed fashion of uh how the site
would be developed uh in terms of the
the classrooms uh where they sit uh
adjacent to other classrooms and
basically start to lay the framework for
uh connecting our budget our scope and
our schedules together and again as a
reminder schematic design is the place
where staff connects those uh those
three important metrics together and so
what um we'll be presenting tonight is
how that will connect and and then uh as
we as we move forward with this project
so with that Debbie good
evening sorry first I would like to
thank the board board for the honor of
working for PPS on the Franklin High
School modernization project it has been
my privilege to guide this project over
the last 10 months tonight Karina reiz
associate principal of daa IBI group
will present the culmination of the
schematic design phase this final design
represents the input from thousands of
voices of the Franklin Community a
community that is passionate about
honoring the C and celebrating the
historic facilities on our site while
embracing the challenge to Incorporated
design that provides opportunities for
21st C Century Learning for our students
our Franklin Community stands United
around this design I would also like to
take this opportunity to thank skanska
construction for their part in arriving
at the completion of this phase as our
cmgc partner skanska has been
instrumental in providing estimates
reconciling those estimates with an
outside independent estimator and
working with both PPS and daa to bring
that reconciled estimate of work into
alignment with our budget while not
eliminating any of the program area
identified in the educational
specifications every project is bound by
three important components Pro program
budget and schedule you will see tonight
a project that is in scope on budget and
on schedule to be completed in September
2017 I'd like to note that this
presentation includes the additional
criteria we are however ready to proceed
with either the master plan criteria as
presented to you in December the
additional criteria as presented tonight
or something in between should you
decide to choose some Middle Point in
that venue with that said I'd like to
turn the presentation over to Karina
Riz we're used to doing the
uh thank you very much again to um Echo
uh Debbie sentiments it's our pleasure
to be here um we have been um actively
engaged in the Franklin community and
have found a really welcome home there
between the staff the students the
teachers and general Community it's been
a pleasure to be out there um working
with them every day to bring this
project to fruition um and it would I
would be remiss in saying and not
including Debbie in that thank you she's
been a great Steward for us and so um we
really appreciate your your stewardship
this um so what I thought I'd do tonight
is just kind of walk you through um the
process that we've taken to date in
terms of our community engagement from
beginning to end talk about some of
where we stand today relative to the
area program and then provide status
updates on where the plans are um
specifically talking about some of the
changes that you will have seen between
what we presented at Master planning um
and where we are now in schematic design
and then start to give you some um
renderings of what those uh views start
represent so um without going into a
great level of detail I think when
Debbie talked about that the fact that
this design has been influenced by over
a thousand voices I don't I don't think
that's an exaggeration we have had
numerous meetings both at Franklin and
then in the surrounding communities to
try and um build an understanding of
what Portland Public Schools is trying
to achieve at Franklin and what the
Franklin Community wants to get
um out of that process so we've met with
individual focus groups looking at
different departmental levels um we've
taken um folks from the schools and from
the design advisory groups out on tours
to go and visit a variety of school
sites not only um here in Portland in
the metro area but also in Seattle to
see the work that they've done to see
what we can learn from their
examples and then we've had uh again
really deep and engaging conversations
with students and staff um which um has
been quite frankly the Highlight um of
00h 55m 00s
the work that we've
done so as as Debbie talked about um the
presentation that you see today does
have the additional criteria um and
essentially what what we Design This
around is an assumption um that we'd
have an average of 7.6 credits per
student per year um and that we would
have a reduction in the student teacher
ratio and so that's the plan that you
see before you today
uh at 17700 students with this
additional criteria um we have
approximately 290,000 square feet of
gross square feet at um at
Franklin 20 almost 25,000 of that is in
the career Pathways um enhanced
electives and Career Technical Ed um
Franklin as you well know has a a rich
history of Career Technical education
and so part of our plan is to um
continue that um and build areas where
that can Thrive at Franklin while
introducing um other career Pathways
that start to introduce students to um
whether it's a biomedical field the
culinary arts field the field of law or
a variety of business and information
Technologies so what you see in front of
you is um the current master plan or the
current plan for um the Franklin
Community or the New Franklin High
School the primary feature um for those
of you that um are seeing this for the
first time is that the field has rotated
180° to allow for the adjacency of a um
PE Athletics and Sports Medicine
building and classroom building directly
to the east of that um one change that
you'll see between the master plan in
this plan is that the master plan had a
separate Sports Medicine facility that
was located here and in part of our
value engineering with skanska um we
identified that it would be much more
cost effective to take that same area
program and actually add it to this
building footprint so that's why you no
longer see that building there um what
you see in the light gray is all of the
existing um historically significant
buildings that we are preserving and um
rehabilitating and then addition of a
student center student Commons um the
CTE maker space and then a new
Performing Arts venue on the corner of
52nd and um Woodward the other primary
driving uh force behind the design um
was a strong desire to eliminate the
vehicle from the center of the campus
and return that to The Pedestrian and
the bike so we've moved our primary
vehicular um access points to the East
and the West um both of these parking
lots exist now we're just um improving
them and providing uh drop off rather
than having that concentrated at the
front of the school to again um try and
appease and um ameliorate the current
conflict that exists between students
and um cars along
Woodward so I'm going to kind of walk
you through each of the levels um and
what we've created uh so primarily in
the existing Wings what we've done is
return those to learning neighborhoods
we've taken what were double loaded
corridors meaning they had um classrooms
on both sides and moved one of the walls
um removed one of the walls to allow for
us to create um single loaded classrooms
that then have Extended Learning areas
and small breakout rooms um directly
adjacent to them to allow for some of
that 21st Century Learning that we were
talking about to extend beyond the walls
of the classroom while still providing
the transparency and adjacency that's
necessary for um for
supervision um so this is sorry the
basement of um the westwing in what is
currently the C Cafeteria on the East
Wing we are um creating additional um
classrooms there as as well as the
central receiving and storage um
facility for the school then on what is
now to be the main level one of the
gestures that we did if you recall when
we came during master plan we had talked
about the idea of creating an Atrium
that enclosed um and provided sort of a
student Street forward of the historic
building and as we started to have um
further design conversations with the
community and with the state historic
preservation office um it really became
clear that any addition that we put
there was really going to be a little
bit insensitive to the historic nature
of the building and um for anyone that
visits Franklin you know that the minute
you walk in the door this is student
Street I mean they're hanging it's a
tight little space but they are sitting
on every possible surface that they can
and so what we've done is created a
student Street in the right inside the
existing in main entry by um eliminating
01h 00m 00s
the the staircase that's here and
turning it 90° and then opening this up
to two floors to create an active
student common space um sort of a a
Commons we have another learning
neighborhood that kind of matches what
we have on the lower level with three
science classrooms and three general
education classrooms that would allow
for both an academy model and a
departmental learning model um we also
have classrooms and um some of our
partner spaces our early childhood space
and our existing um Community Health
Clinic our admin is still sort of right
at the front door and then extends
Beyond um into the East wing of the main
um historic building we are adaptively
reusing the existing um Auditorium and
converting that to a library um and
taking advantage of the volume of the
space there to create a really sort of
dynamic um multi-dimensional Library and
adding to the front of that um a a new
student Commons that's the primary um
dining facility for the site as well as
the the Food Service kitchen um and back
of house support for that on The West
Wing um and you can't unfortunately see
it because it's fairly dark but this is
where we have our CTE space so our maker
space and our shops and classrooms that
support that and then like I said on the
corner of Woodward and 52nd our fine and
Performing Arts
building then on the on the second level
um you start to see additional
classrooms so in this case um another
learning neighborhood we have the two
and threedimensional art the other thing
that you start to notice is that um here
and here where the the new building is
coming into direct adjacency with the
existing building what we've done is
we've really peeled away the floor there
to allow for that existing exterior
historic wall to become a significant
interior wall that starts to um to to
bridge that transition between old and
new and really starts to um gain
significance to um the historic nature
of the
facility so um without going into a lot
of redundancy we have another learning
neighborhood here a series of learning
neighborhoods in the existing building
creating what we're calling a brain um
bar here which is kind of if you can
imagine a cross between an Apple Genius
bar and a project lab um a place for
student engagement um outside and inside
of direct instruction um similar
features on in the library um more
partner space and then um uh the second
floor of the student Commons so the
student dining Commons is actually two
levels then moving on to the separate
athletic building that's um directly
adjacent to the um Fields you'll see
that we've um introduced additional
classrooms so this is um our our
biomedical pathway so we have science
classrooms Health classrooms and direct
adjacency with the training um
facilities for the site so this level um
which we call level negative one is
actually at the field level the field is
about 20 ft lower than the basement of
the existing building so that allows us
to get this at the main level while
still kind of um preserving the height
um of the of the new building then what
we've done on the main level is where we
have our main gym um and concessions and
support for that as well as a culinary
arts um and classrooms to support that
so another small learning neighborhood
associated with both health and and
culinary arts the auxiliary gym looks
directly over the main gym and allows
for extended seating um in on the the
main floor and then we have another
learning neighborhood that occupies half
of the what would be the fourth floor as
well as space for
mechanical so um what I thought I'd do
is walk you through a little bit um the
renderings that we've created created so
obviously our driving force from
division was to maintain this historic
Vista of the existing building by
eliminating this building um that
separate building it allowed us to pull
that building further away which again
started to accentuate um the the
historic ends of the building um so here
you will see that um the adjacent three
and a half story four story building
there this is the view from Woodward so
you can start to see that um part ly by
demolishing all of the um historically
non-contributing buildings that were
currently crowding the building on
Woodward we were able to sort of peel
that away and bring um the campus back
into the Grandeur that it that it had
when it was originally built in
1915 and then building sort of on that
same um premise of symmetry ensuring
that um the new common wing and the new
um CTE Wing had that same level of
symmetry um with the addition of the
fine Performing Arts um and then really
01h 05m 00s
kind of creating um a more Collegiate
campus sort of approach um from the
neighborhood this is um the view from if
you're standing um approaching the
Performing Art Center and looking back
towards the CTE so this is the main
building you'll see again that they're
linked by that glass link that will have
both skylights and artificial light to
really kind of have that be the beacon
um that sort of bridges that old and new
um and without getting into to um too
much sort of architectural um dialogue
but trying to really create a vocabulary
of what we call AB CBA so if you can
imagine this is a bookend that kind of
matches the book end here the entry
matches this entry and then the body
matches the body so really trying to um
take the lines the historical um datums
horizontal datums and sort of that
vocabulary and ensuring that what we
design has um sort of that historic
contextualism to it
um this is the view from the the main
entry Courtyard looking back towards the
addition so this is the CTE the fine and
Performing Arts and then the existing
historic building and then finally the
view of the gym building from the field
so we're basically 20 ft down here um
and this is the walkway that then links
you back to the basement level of the
existing building and I believe that is
it oh I take that back our uh Beacon
site so this is um the new fine and
Performing Arts that's on the corner of
52nd in Woodward this becomes sort of
that reach out to the community um both
with sort of a a glass um entry
prominade here that will allow for
student work to be displayed prominently
with a black box and the main um the
main theater back here working your way
back to the main part of Campus so as
you as anyone that's driven past the
corner of 52 in Woodward now and kind of
knows that you really can't tell there's
a school back there when you make that
corner that the hope would be that now
that that that um is is definitely a
different experience and really reaches
out and engages the community and I
believe that is
it like to entertain any very exciting
very exciting thank you awesome
itely awesome yeah questions from board
members nobody director rean um I have a
couple different kinds of questions
first of all it looks beautiful so nice
work um I'm not sure I noticed fields
and how many fields we have on the
property could you just go through
that I know we have the main field is
there a is there a separate soccer field
baseball field
there's an existing baseball field on
site and right now Franklin uses Clinton
Park for their softball facilities would
that continue or we have however made
sure to design this in such a way that a
softball field could be can you speak
into the microphone got to go to the
microphone thank you we have this
designed we designed this in a way that
a softball field could be um installed
on the northwest corner of the site
opposite the baseball field so baseball
would be at home or and softball away or
softball at home baseball away so if you
wanted to construct that facility you
could great and the soccer field um the
football field is actually designed as
both soccer field and a football field
which is fairly typical for high school
okay that's what I was curious about um
I wanted to ask more a timing question
probably than anything else which is um
I know when we were originally looking
to um pass the bond um I had meetings
with the police Bureau at one point
talking with them about it it and I've
since had some meetings with the fire
Bureau at what point do we bring in some
of our Public Safety experts to kind of
take a look at the design and give us
some feedback if they have any concerns
about too many windows the height of the
windows or whatever it might be that
what stage do we do that because it
looks beautiful I just want to make sure
it's that they believe it's a safe
structure for them um so we've already
met with uh Portland fire for Portland
Police um and we've also met with
District's um security and safety
officers to look at both access um uh uh
observation in terms of both close
circuit television and um Pathways of
travel um and looked at areas that you
know kind of what is that datum line
that you want to be solid versus um
transparent and so we've started to do
that at a very schematic level I think
the approach is that as um as sort of
layers of the onion as you get into to
Greater levels of detail you start to
examine those with each of these
agencies at a greater level of detail so
01h 10m 00s
right now we're kind of focusing on the
site and big gestures and then we'll
eventually get into in this classroom we
have glass here and we have solid here
is that you know the right proportion
and in the right location so so we'll
specifically bring in both the fire
Bureau and our Police Department to look
at the designs before we go too far we
have already yes we will continue to do
so continue okay because I know one of
the things that happened after the uh
Chapman fire this um at September I
think it was um I remember talking to a
fire captain who said God it would be so
helpful if you would put numbers on each
classroom both on the inside of the
building and the outside of the building
so instead of somebody calling in and
saying oh it's Mrs Buckley's classroom
which means nothing to them they could
say it's classroom 18 or whatever it
might be so you know it's those kind of
things that I just want to make sure
we're working really closely um with
both bureaus and it sounds like you are
so thank you for
that um um I had a question about the
Early Childhood Center could you talk
about that a little bit more
and who that would house how it would be
housed what so in the program area the
educational specification that you
approved it included an early childhood
Learning Center of approximately 2100
square feet at Franklin High School they
had an educational an early childhood
development program previously um and so
they're quite excited about bringing
that program back we have a partner in
the building the school-based health
center with maltoma County Health on the
east side of our facility and so we
thought it was a perfect opportunity to
be able to combine access to our public
at the front of the um facility along
Woodward we have the ability to um uh
house parking in terms of 5 minute stay
at the wheel or 50 minute drop off Etc
so it was the perfect opportunity to be
able to provide that for both um a
combined CTE pathway for early childhood
development as well as a daycare
facility for the community which is what
they had previously about 3 years ago
and would our students have the
opportunity to actually have their own
kids there if we have any students with
children is that correct part of the
program correct
okay I'm fine a CTE pathway correct the
early childhood development is a CTE
pathway so um this is fantastic it's so
exciting to see this this coming to life
and really appreciate all the work
that's going on into each step along the
way um and I think regardless of and I
know we're going to have the
conversation about the additional
criteria later but whether we go forward
with that or with the December approach
um it's going to be an amazing fantastic
building for our for our kids and our
community so thank you so much um having
said that while we have the pictures up
here would this be a time to ask you to
point out where those additional
classrooms with the additional criteria
would be or where they would not be if
we decided against
that let do that I uh I figured you
might ask that yeah so I came prepared
with uh what I'm calling sort of my
before and after so um than no
problem excuse
me so this is um the pre- additional
criteria so you can see that the gym
building here becomes three stories
rather than four stories that's what
happens when you add the additional
criteria um you can also start to see
that um there's a there's a little bit
of change in in this area as well but
the primary um additional floor would be
at the gym which would house um seven
additional classrooms so wait I'm sorry
were those including some General Ed as
well because I thought that was more the
the PE related and The Culinary no those
are um the health classrooms and the
general education classrooms which would
be in the additional criteria are on the
the lower floor and the third floor so
it would be general education classrooms
okay so if we reverted back it would be
back to the PE plus culinary and some
health some biomedical correct
biomedical that's cor okay um then here
this is before and after so you can
again see that even though the massing
has changed um what we what we actually
did when we went from the pre-
additional criteria to the post
additional criteria is slid the
Performing Art Center further to the
corner of 52nd in Woodward that then
allowed us to um revise the massing to
get this more in keeping with sort of
that that lower Mass so the idea is that
in the stem CTE Wing we would house the
additional five classrooms so that's how
we get to the additional 12 okay so I'm
sorry which is which I this is this is
this is pre okay so and then you'll see
the additional criteria on the ones that
were designed with the additional
criteria in mind um so this is what it
would look like after we add the full
addition additional criteria so again
it's putting some general it or whatever
01h 15m 00s
the classrooms within the CTE area FL of
the CTE making that area that that that
chunk of the building larger correct to
use the technical term yeah do do you
have the floor plan differences or is it
just that
drawings just curious no that's okay n
not I can get them on my laptop over
there but I don't currently have them I
I get the idea but it's the same this
the square footage I mean there's been
lot of discussion around the square
footage of the classroom as well as the
support spaces and the meeting spaces
for for teachers and and so forth so the
approach that that we took to the
additional criteria is that though there
um it's a general education classroom um
but that they would come in learning
neighborhoods similar to what we already
have in the building so they bring with
them their additional support of
Extended Learning areas teacher support
areas um small instructional areas um
and teacher offices so all of okay but
size of the classrooms well they all
still remain at the 900 square feet okay
thank you very much follow we were to
want to go back if we if we decided not
to do those classrooms now we wanted to
go back especially in that first area
and add
them at some point is that a possibility
to the top of the
gymy um you certainly could add them at
any time in the future the U challenge
is that you spend a lot of money in Sun
cost upfront to build the foundations
and the structure to support that at
some point in the future so the majority
of the cost you're not saving the
majority of the cost because you're
spending it in all that infrastructure
to support some future buildout so that
tells me we would not be able to go back
unless we were willing to syn those
costs now correct you you have to
upssize the structure to take that in
the future correct that's what I was
asking right but I but I think you're
also asking if like at Roosevelt could
you show that as a future addition we
are doing that already with the 150 to
1500 I was curious if we had the same
option here so it' be similar here but
as was explained you'd have to you'd
have to uh incur more cost to do the
design for the structure and the
foundation to support the added load so
while it would be shown for future there
would be considerably more cost incurred
to get get us to the point where we
could even show that as a future add-on
so the primary difference between the
Franklin um phasing if you will and and
and Roosevelt is that at Frank at
Roosevelt the additional uh future
phases would be in a separate building
whereas what we're talking about here is
rather than growing horizontally we'd
grow vertically which means we have to
increase our foundation to allow for
that support in the future and there
would would there be any option on the
Franklin Campus of adding a different
building to accommodate more classrooms
in the future similar to what we're
looking at at Franklin at
rooseville we land
uh it's a pretty dense site um and we
also have some pretty soft soils so um
the locations
that we could possibly put buildings on
it really doesn't make sense to do that
so I think our our teams approach is
that know there isn't really another
place on site to add those in the
okay just follow it I get I get the sunk
cost for the added capacity on top but
it' still be a cost savings too so can
you estimate what it would be I cannot
no back in the envelope
Jim don't really we wouldn't yeah
wouldn't want to venture a guest right
now we could easily come up with that
share that later we'd engage our
contractor we could do it quickly but
I'm really hesitant to even take a step
at yeah and then I guess I I have a
question for um superintendent uh yeser
last meeting uh Bobby asked uh you so
we're clearly
in uh a tight space here and um so the
the mus haves versus nice to have and
I'm wondering about a preschool in our
high school is that a must
have that was one of the things that we
had in our educational specifications so
for all of our campuses so it's one of
the things we defined as a feature of
our high schools
no I I I understand that now we're in a
situation where we have to look at
similarly so yes and you're going to end
up in a in more of a trade-off coners
conversation in a moment but like all of
the things that are in there right now
are part of what we had in our Ed Ed
specs yeah yeah and so um what's the so
we approved of the board but what is the
rationale of a preschool in our high
schools so you the what what you just
heard described it's
01h 20m 00s
CTE that's the driver it's it's CTE it's
a um service in the community and it's a
a service to our students who have
children to keep them in high school y
all three and that would that space be
rented out we had received Inc income
from it I can tell you from the Franklin
Model it wasn't rented out but it was a
um money-making Venture in that from a
CTE perspective what it provided for the
students at Franklin High School was not
not only learning about early childhood
development but also business marketing
business management and marketing and so
they actually marketed that daycare
facility and had income coming in as a
result of the daycare in addition to the
CTE Pathways and they had a positive
cash flow every year in their daycare
facility which they were quite proud of
so in other words it was operated by us
and not by an outside vend correct
correct but it would have brought in
income correct yeah it's actually the
space is is is part of our wraparound
services and in our edpc we had 4700
Square ft so this is a little less than
half of it but it's in that category and
it's in a tier that we've said is
something we want to include in all of
our comprehensives so the way it's
currently configured both roselt and
Franklin are addressing this in a
similar way okay interesting great other
questions uh
Steve why don't we move the preschool
over to Atkinson it's right there on the
the same site and they already have
rooms and then we could use those two
rooms for classrooms and save money
building other
classrooms we certainly could explore
other opportun that would make sense to
me the way it was what we're trying to
do is align with our approved Ed speec
which makes this a programmatic element
in this project however could we look at
it uh you certainly certainly could
explore other other opportunities for it
what happened up
along We Gots up along here right now
classrooms on both sides of that right
now it's a double loaded Corridor in the
existing building there are classrooms
on both sides of a central hallway
correct on that on that side there's
existing classrooms so this is the
existing building here this is all new
same thing here okay um this is the
existing Auditorium but in the exist
classroom Wing what you have is a
corridor that goes down the center of
the site and then narrow small
classrooms on either side of that that
are anywhere from 450 so about half the
size of what you're currently
programming to to about 600 so what now
that's what they have that's about
that's what they have now they use those
classrooms yep they currently use those
classrooms yes why didn't we just
build onto those classrooms and save
money um part of the concern with um
adding doubling the square footage
within the existing footprint is you
start to create bowling alleys that
aren't really conducive to um sort of
the 21st Century Learning model because
um if you're bound by the two
walls of the corridor you can only go
longer which means you'd actually end up
with half the amount of classrooms um if
you still went to that 900t model can't
you expand those classrooms out that way
we're working within the existing fac we
can't expand it this way because we'd
grow outside of the existing building
right I don't know you're the architect
no yes well I'm telling you we cannot gr
we cannot go right now the historic
envelope you've got classrooms there but
you can't use them is that what you're
saying any longer but they're using them
now if in order for them to to um align
with the Ed speec which is double the
amount of square footage we couldn't use
the the same space to do that but that
was because of the Ed specs not because
you couldn't use the same space we could
change the Ed specs and you could use
that same space as classrooms and save
money and you just all you would lose is
the supposed 21st century area
there um I think you would lose um both
the the 21st century and also the fact
that they're currently overcrowded in
their existing spaces the really tight
spaces so how many people would can you
take in
that isn't the 21st century uh
uh basically tied to those
classrooms I'm not sure I understand
your question well the whole point of
the 21st century is because you can have
small areas outside of those classrooms
right um It's a combination of
increasing the square footage offerings
within the classroom to provide for more
flexible learning both within the
traditional classroom walls and then
providing for extended um small group
and individual group work individual
01h 25m 00s
work outside of the classroom in the
Extended Learning spaces it's the tandem
of the two that is the 21st century so
if you kept those classrooms you you
could actually use those for smaller
right in other words you could take care
of a lot more students than you can in
what's designed there yeah we actually
went and did a Model where we looked at
um preserving the existing classroom and
still trying to get the additional
square footage and we weren't able to um
optimize that to provide additional
classrooms it still ended up being um
because of the requirements of the
existing building about the same if you
still try to achieve the um edpc
requirement for size if you say we're
just going to build back what they have
now um then obviously you could have
more of those because they're smaller
with less
yes and were there classrooms that are
being taken out on the other side too
you would no that's that's a existing I
mean is there any place else that
there's classrooms being
demolished there's reconfiguration of
space upstairs um it's still a bit of a
double loaded Corridor here um and then
that's those are primarily the spaces
that have classrooms um the cafeteria
and Auditorium in the East Wing are
being repurposed for additional
classroom space and and Library
space what's in the back corner on on
this side here uh on the other side come
across right in now move your light just
to the right down and to the
up here
what's right
here um
so at some point your your property ends
here because your property kind of comes
around like this and so there is an
existing single story building that kind
of is kind of a really sort of a
morphous shape that does this and then
there's an existing shop building that's
here but really this is just drive and
and your property ends about right here
so if you have those two classrooms that
are sitting right
there which two the two that are right
next to that area the top two right
there these theuh down below the red
ones on the left there's four of
them yes those are classrooms on the
second floor however those on the second
yes um the
that is your um so let me go back to
your site that is your parking
lot directly adjacent to the building so
you'll see there's no place to build
everything that's in the light gray here
would be sidewalk so there's no place to
build that while still providing access
to the site um for parking and and uh
access and Miss Pearson said we were on
budget but that was prior to the 12
we we actually are on
budget um whether you decide to go back
to the master plan whether you decide to
do the full additional criteria based on
the options that afforded you for um
funding that or whether you decide to go
to some Middle Ground we have all three
options designed and um estimated along
with scansa construction and the
independent estimator with daa and
so we're prepared to move in any
direction you choose to go but you're
only on Budget prior to the 12
classrooms adding the 12
classrooms based on the master plan I'm
asking what I'm asking Greg I'm asking
what I'm asking and I think they do
itate well go ahead but I don't know I
don't think I need it I think they
understand what I'm saying I'm on we're
on budget without 12 classrooms are we
on budget with the 12 classrooms answer
is no we're over budget and I'd like to
know how much money
that takes out of say the uh how much
money that takes out of the
uh go ahead thank you how much money
does that take out of the uh seismic
stuff those 12 classrooms take exactly
how much money out of the seismic that
wouldn't go into seismic they would P
back I can appreciate your question and
um I I just like to note that there's
another agenda item at the end of this
that talks about the additional criteria
and we're fully prepared to talk to you
about all of those options and all of
the costs at that time under that agenda
01h 30m 00s
item as opposed to I can hold my
question to then that's no problem sure
perfect thank you thank you Bobby you go
back to the picture that showed the I
think you called it an Apple Genius
Bar the brain bar was that in was that
in the original edpc and was every
school have something like that could
you explain to me what that area is I'd
love to explain that to you um as when
the educational specification was
provided there was information in terms
of what was in the program to be
provided at every school and there was
some leeway within that program for each
of the schools to be able to determine
what was important to their community so
in Franklin High School um the CTE
career Pathways and technology related
um uh uh programs were important to
their community so we took square
footage a little bit here a little bit
there a little bit here a little bit
there and combined that in a way that
provided for this brain bar the brain
bar is envisioned to be an adjunct if
you will to the media center um where
the media center has um a computer
classroom in it and it provides
opportunities for Project based learning
the brain bar provides a multitude of
technology related learning from uh
individual sitting on toone with a
computer to longdistance learning small
learning environment with six to eight
kids in a longdistance learning say with
a college across um United States um to
this Genius Bar type atmosphere where
they would be able to have a technology
uh person staff member in this brain bar
who could help kids on a number of
different levels whether it's talking
about applications that they can get on
their iPads to um different ways to um
marry their curriculum with different
applications so at Franklin they said
this is something that's important we
want to try to find a way to have this
type of learning environment technology
embedded in our facility how many square
feet is that pardon me how many square
feet it's about 1,800 two
classrooms so I guess I would say that
we're also hearing that what's important
to the community is adding additional
classroom space and and if this wasn't
something that was specifically in the
master plan I think it's an area that we
should potentially look at as two
classrooms um so I I mean I understand
that it's important to the community but
I'm also understanding that additional
classroom space is important to the
community so I guess I would offer that
this could potentially be an area that
we could or should look
at I actually I actually like the idea I
think it's very love the modern I
totally and provides for project
learning I think it's a fabulous idea
and hoay for the neighbor for the
community the other thing that I would
like to note just for conversation is
that this program that you see before
you matches the edpc so while the edpe
says that we should have 33 General Le
classrooms in our standard facility we
have 33 General Le classrooms and the
Brain bar so we've done the work at
Franklin to maintain the program well
providing other
opportunities I on to
that yeah I just I really appreciate I
mean that's a flexible learning space
again that can be used for all types of
different um learning experiences and so
I mean again this this is a fabulous um
plan whether or not we do the additional
criteria either way it's going to be an
outstanding facility it reflects the Ed
specs um the input from us from the
community and um at this point we need
to move forward we need to say this is
it and start building moving toward
building because we're up against the
schedule so um we could have individual
tweaks we would want to continue to make
for any number of aspects of this and I
respect that and understand that totally
but um we need to approve one way or the
other um and we'll have that full
discussion in a little bit and then move
forward because you need this schematic
design approved next week so I'm just
putting that as the as the marker for
what we need to what we need to
accomplish here right
Steve if the edpc said 33 General Ed
classrooms then how many other learning
spaces are there in the building on top
of those 33 General Ed
classrooms which would have if you took
an average of even 30 kids per classroom
so you got what you got a couple places
in the JY there there are I mean how do
we get kind of curious about sorry to
interrupt you how we got in this hole
that we're in where we have to go look
01h 35m 00s
and say we got to add 12 more classrooms
to the Ed specs how did we get
there um the the additional classroom
criteria was based on opportunities for
kids so when we look at um what's in
your board packet that talks about the
additional criteria it's about op and
offering not the six credits per student
but something greater like 7.6 credits
per unit and at the same time trying to
reduce the student to teacher ratio
that's what creates more staff in the
building is to provide those
opportunities for students so we just
didn't understand that when we first
started putting this building together
is that is that how we did it when you
passed the bond there were some
parametric um estimates or or
assumptions made so um part of the
original edpc as you know says 30 um
square feet per student and 9 00 foot
classroom that means 30 students in each
classroom when you start talking about
opportunities for kids and reducing the
student teacher ratio you start to drop
that number below that and I think as we
commented early on it's about those
thousands of voices that have had an
opportunity to speak since the bond
passed I think both the board and the
administrators and osm everybody
understands through all of those voices
that there are greater opportunities
that we're trying to find for our kid
kids and that's what the additional
criteria is about if you went back to my
original question which was 33 General
EDG classrooms how many other learning
spaces were there in the within the
building at the time let's say you have
second period where you pretty much
filled up because you have some kids who
don't come first but second period you
have 3 you have enough room for 990 kids
in your General Ed and we were building
for how many kids 7 the 1700 so 1700 so
we need room for 700 more kids someplace
so so the original criteria Enis the
1700 criteria envisioned 333 General Ed
classrooms and another uh 14 classrooms
that were associated with the gymnasium
there were four in the gymnasium six or
three in the CTE six in the Performing
Arts Center Ence and 11 in the science
classroom so we have a total of 4711 58
teaching stations um total 33 of which
were the general Leed classroom
that's 17740 kids if it's 30 a piece
correct it's Al also worth pointing out
that the bond was framed based on a 1500
student capacity for Franklin and so
during for master plan that you approved
went up to 1,700 so that was the first
scope change this additional criteria
represents a
connected scope change based on how
describ thank you very
much and
uh so first of all this is fantastic uh
sitting here as a student I can say the
only thing that matches my excitement I
think is my Envy so uh it's really
fantastic so thank you for your work I
had a couple questions and one was with
the Learning Center design was that at
all coordinated with the advanced
Scholars Program at Franklin the early
TR learning is that we talking about the
Learning Center the uh general area
there yeah the Genius Bar yeah there we
go yes that was okay it was all right
great fantastic
uh and also when I was looking at the
design at the outside it seemed like
there were a lot of entrances and exits
that's all been cleared by our safety
professionals okay so one of the
conversations we had actually with both
um fire and the district um safety
administrator or the district safety
folks is while there are there's an
entrance here there's an entrance here
there's an entrance here and there are a
couple of entrances here um those would
be locked down um after school started
in which case all of these doors would
basically have no access to them from
the exterior with the exception of the
main entry okay all right great um and
also I was looking at the the floor plan
I was curious if there was a reasoning
to not have any the wraparound Services
area near the counseling uh area and
student Commons was there a reason for
that I think as as Debbie talked about
earlier the primary um goal was to try
and get that um so we wanted to kind of
concentrate student services here the
idea was that this building um could
kind of function um for their sun and
stepup programs or um alter so they
there are some community service
providers that are in this part of the
building um but really the Community
Health Clinic exists here and was fairly
recently modernized so we don't actually
anticipate making any changes um to that
scope of work because it was done maybe
three or four years ago um and is in
really good shape and so so the idea was
to kind of create um a similar bookend
to that here and allow for that
immediate access to parking here that
01h 40m 00s
would allow them to to basically not
have to get into um the heart of the
campus but really kind of keep uh the
community in those spaces that are
directly adjacent to them great thank
com okay no yes yes yes okay go ahead
I've had the opportunity to get to sit
on the design advisor group for this um
this project and um I just want to say
again congratulations um both to the
community and to the professionals that
are working on this um there have been
hours spent on moving this from there to
here and what if we do this and lots of
different filters um that people bring
to it um and The Architects and Debbie
have been fantastic really spending
hours with teachers spending hours I
think of um Steve Matthews and Shay
James like just hours and hours of
crawling walking over checking running
run schedules checking this um so one I
just want to thank you all and and them
for that and I really appreciate that um
and we get to talk about this a little
bit later about coming up with three
three different options that we have
ahead of us um so that we can actually
begin to try to figure out which pieces
um while we try to also still figure out
how we find um ourselves on time on
budget um and I appreciate again the the
a little bit what director bule's trying
to say is how could we build additional
CL classrooms at least what I hear him
saying how can we build additional
classrooms and still be on budget what
what you're saying is that if we approve
a different budget um the design will
meet that budget um so to his point that
we wouldn't be on the original budget
otherwise this would be we wouldn't be
having much of a discussion um so thank
you um and thank you Jim and CJ I know
she's not here with us tonight um
because these are very complex issues um
and to be able to have an answer from
everything from fire and police to why
we decided to um Place The Early
Childhood where it is um to why we can't
push out I I was waiting for actually
somebody to suggest that we um use
eminent domain on a couple of houses
over there to to see if we couldn't add
a couple classrooms which I'm glad that
we didn't have to have to suggest we had
a meeting with them last Thursday so I I
also appreciate that um and recognizing
that there are some creative things so
for example I don't remember if it's
tager up there um bringing bringing
folks on which will be a a a traffic
flow change for the neighborhood so
reaching out and being proactive with
them to try to figure figure ways that
we can mitigate it um it's just it's a
really exciting project and everybody I
see I think matches um Andrew's comments
about how really exciting is I'm getting
emails actually from across the country
people who graduated from PPS and are
really excited about this project so
thank you great appreciate the comment
on behalf of all of osm and our extended
others well thank you um to all of you
and um thank you also to the m members
of the Franklin Community who uh helped
you all put all this together the
members of that dag in addition to
director bile so really appreciate you
being here tonight lots of work so thank
you Steve Matthews who has attended
every meeting we have had all right okay
thanks so much thank
you okay we're going to move on to I
thought it was bond market adjustment
going to do that and actually we're kind
of TF the next three things okay and
then the additional High School actually
ask Kar if you'll just stay stay tuned
like stay nearby because we may need to
pull you back up during this next
conversation and Jim stay put but I'm
actually going to ask Tom Peterson who's
a member of um the bond accountability
committee to come on up so at at May
19th meeting we we began the discussion
or the board started the discussion
about the additional criteria that we've
have been discussed here tonight where
we were looking at
uh proposing to add those to the
educational amending the educational
specifications for all of the high
schools based on this additional
criteria we started that discussion we
heard from the bond accountability
committee they had not yet been fully
briefed on the details of both the
additional criteria and also um the bond
market adjustment um we then met uh in
briefings for several members a number
of members of the bond accountability
meet um committee on Friday numbers of
board members got to sit in on that
briefing um and got some clarity and
both separating out the issues that had
to do with the educational
specifications and the ones that had to
do with um bond market adjustments so I
wanted to let Tom share some of his
Reflections then um from that that
briefing then we'll go through and do in
detail what what's included in the bond
market adjustment alignment conversation
and then separately um the additional
criteria consideration that we've been
talking about here so three different
features to really increase
01h 45m 00s
understanding of what those three things
are so first Tom thank you for being
here with us tonight yeah thanks um um
actually um I'm here on behalf of Kevin
because he's on vacation I think he's on
a cruise or something so um but in any
case uh I want to also thank the staff
for uh taking the time to fit Us in uh
and get that briefing in we kind of
stirred the pot up a little bit last
week um but uh we we honestly didn't
really understand um how this was going
to work and um now that we've had that
opportunity I think we have a better
understanding of of how this works um I
think you may have all received a memo
from Kevin so I'm not going to read all
that uh to you uh we we only four of us
were able to briefed we weren't able to
kind of um you know deliberate on
anything so so what you're hearing
tonight are are my comments uh and
comments on Pardon Me I'm sorry I think
there's another member of your committee
there you want to join
me I didn't see he was here it's
okay you didn't say you were coming
where where's where's the hot SE get him
in there so I'll let you add your two
sets uh so qu just well thanks for
coming go ahead and introduce go ahead
and introduce yourself for the yes I'm
Louis fonso I'm a member of the bond
accountability committee thank you okay
and you were briefed no I was briefed
okay so we both have been briefed uh in
any case I think uh from at least from
Kevin and my perspective I think we
understand it and I and where we had
some questions and concerns relating to
the costs um I think we're satisfied
that the staff and the team did a is a
very good effort at trying to really
control the cost to do a fairly
extensive ve session uh to get the
numbers down uh to an acceptable level
and when you adjust the uh numbers for
inflation they're pretty close to the
cost uh per square foot for the current
scope which includes the added criteria
so I don't think we have a situation
where we've got a you know cost over
significant cost overrun um what we have
is a situation where that we have more
scope and it's going to cost more and
you know now we need to you need to
figure out how you're going to to fund
that um you know there's still adequate
contingency uh we're satisfied with that
I think some of the concerns about the
escalation how we using the escalation
were answered and and and that seems
appropriate so the so um I think it's
fair to say that the the difference that
you've heard earlier is really going to
have to come from the other IP projects
um that you're going to have to decide
whether or not you delete those or not
um and that's certainly your call um so
with that um we're satisfied at least
for Franklin we're assuming that the
rose ofelt um and and based on the
methodology for grant that those are
probably reasonable assumptions so that
the budget increase at this time is
pretty reasonable um for what's been
added uh to the scope um I would also
like to do a kind of a shout out for the
staff they've done a great job um Jim
and and Debbie and the team have done a
great job and um just unfortunate we had
had a chance to get briefed uh last week
so that's all I have to add
Le yes and I I concur that from a design
construction um and budgetary point of
view uh I agree with uh with everything
that's been said um and so it really
does come down to whether the added
scope is is going to be done and these
are my comments and my comments Alone um
I believe that adding the scope changes
what was promised to the
voters and it's my duty to say that we
need to stay with what was promised go
to bond
two then add the scope for these
classrooms for these for these buildings
it can be done it will be expensive the
design may
change um but I I think that if we
change the scope now and we don't do the
IP program that there may not be a bond
number two because there's a this is
Portland we need to trust our officials
our boards our city governments our our
our governmental officials and if we if
that's lost then when's the next time
that that can be gained back and when's
the next time that we will get another
Bond passed it's hard enough getting
this one
passed so you've got a tough
01h 50m 00s
decision if I could add two more things
um I forgot to mention and it's kind of
gets to Lewis's Point um you really need
to get a decision made quickly uh
because you are jeopardizing the ability
to deliver the high schools now uh
schedule so you are in a tough spot so I
would en encourage you to uh make the
call as hard as it's going to be so the
project teams continue on uh down the
path so thank
you questions from questions from board
members none great yeah I uh Tom yeah so
um was just to to engage a little bit uh
so it seems like from my point of view
uh the bond was
designed we made a
mistake and we designed these high
schools for a minimum credits to
graduate as opposed to
allowing uh students to go beyond that
and so in your view
um is it is it not right to say to to
fix that
mistake what are all the alternatives to
fix the mistake what happens if you
extend the class A Day by an hour on
either way can you get in more
classrooms more classes that way um are
there other Alternatives in just
structural Alternatives building you
know is there different programming
models that can be used so that we can
get in all the number of classes that
need to be
done and so I right so making sure that
we look at all those can you change the
boundaries M so you have pure children
pure students in the school
Bobby I just want to express how
grateful I am that you raised the
questions that you raised last week and
that's why we have a b Bond
accountability committee and you all are
experts and uh I really appreciate that
you helped us
pause um and to really have a much more
intentional discussion about the scope
so um I'm very grateful to
you welcome you great thank you both you
Tom Lewis really appreciate your help
and to Kevin also wherever he may be
cruising appreciate he's on his way to
Alaska okay thank you thank
you okay so part of what um the
conversation on Friday during the brief
both last at the last board meeting and
the conversation during the briefing um
the board then
requested m multiple scen potential
scenarios of how we could could um
either not address the additional
criteria address the additional criteria
fully um what the trade-offs are in each
of those so what are other non Capital
kinds of solutions um and we and the
request was to find two midpoint
solutions that would allow us to
potentially do some of the additional
criteria um and
fulfill the number of schools in
particular the maximum number of schools
in the uh summer project work
prioritizing seismic which is the place
that we've really heard significant
concern so um what Jim will walk you
through first actually will be um
looking at the bond market adjustment
alignment and then secondly we'll walk
through what your potential scenarios
are for considering um the additional
criteria and the relationship to the IP
work so Jim great so continuing on to
the next two topics that are in sequence
as the superintendent mentioned um this
one is a is a short uh update that
relates to the comments from Tom
Peterson and Lis funno relative to the
bond accountability committee and I also
would like to applaud their effort and
understanding this fairly complex issue
and working with us to have a sense of
the puts and takes if you will that are
resulting from from this discussion so
very much appreciate their uh their
comments uh tonight so in your board
packets um you have a a short one-page
memo uh it's an informational report
that describes how staff interprets use
of a bond funding component uh that uh
was entitled escalation and escalation
you may recall is really a Consortium of
Market factors that are occurring uh
inflation factors impacts from uh labor
wage changes bully changes just a whole
series series of items that we
anticipated over the duration of 8-year
program that we would need to tap into
so when the project budgets were
01h 55m 00s
developed the escalation and it began as
a $45 million line item uh when the
voters approved the bond so staff has
been allocating escalation based on uh
inflation factors that we know about um
what the memo uh attempts to convey is
what we and I believe the bond
accountability committee are in
agreement on is the use of uh the
escalation dollars to apply to the high
schools for the uh we're calling it The
schematic design um Market adjustment
for the work that the project teams did
in implementing the approved master plan
so with your approval at schematic of
use of uh Bond program Reserve or board
Reserve if you will that was the scope
change the market adjustment represents
use of the escalation category to
support the project so when we
characterize Franklin and Roosevelt and
the other projects it's important to
recognize that from the onset we
expected that escalation would be
applied to the projects over the
duration of their of their life cycles
um we did uh establish a protocol that
once we determined what the construction
schedule was we projected to Mid
midpoint of construction and then we
allocated accordingly um this is an
opportunity for Franklin based on the
work that the team has done there to uh
to look at what the allocation uh should
be um so the memo um really summarizes
that and it describes not only how we
would view this for Franklin but also
how it's been used to support the
Improvement projects the uh we applied
it for 2013 2014 the 2015 IP
uh also for the fabbian project L we not
forget that escalation is also being
used on that so before we go into the
next topic on the additional criteria
we' like to invite any questions on use
of escalation that you may
have are you still looking at 18 million
was that across all the three high
schools for use of escalation um it's
actually um it's a little higher than
but my notes for each
one 36 Al together and 18
was so uh right about 20 million pardon
right about 20 million for
escalation for all three other questions
for all three
correct and it's a good point uh that
Grant is being captured in this uh
protocol as well because Grant's several
years out but we wanted to ensure that
the resources uh are being allocated
correctly to Grant as well as the other
projects and again just to clarify
escalation refers to the increase in the
cost of the materials and it's not it's
separate from the issue of whether we
would increase our scope corre and so
forth it's what it costs in order to
build the buildings the the scope
changes and as we go into the additional
criteria I'll characterize that
differently as relating to scope just as
I did when we went from the 1500 student
capacity to the 1700 that and there's
additional money in terms of the
contingency I mean it was just really
helpful to hear the the experts on the
bond accountability committee kind of
quiz you about all the different pieces
that they're so familiar with and you
are as professionals that there's all
these different
um um contingencies built in and they
all have separate technical names but
there's different just the the checks
and balances and the the conservative
way that you've approached this
regardless of whether we do the December
approach or the additional criteria so
really appreciate that great thank
you Tom thank you uh so I just had a
quick clarification because that the the
four things that you talked about seem
redundant to me and but they're probably
not so um one is labor market uh bowly
changes um and then cost per square foot
of construction increases right uh and
then increased cost of construction
materials so isn't that built in the
cost of of the square foot um and then
alignment cost of work with PPS
construction design guidelines I don't
know what that stands for so it could
you just explain how these are
distinct okay and what they are great
great question direct kler and I would
say that there is a certain amount of
overlap across these but our wage scale
as a public agency is we pay prevailing
wage rate and that changes as we move
forward in time and we call them the Bly
rates and so we have to take Bly rates
02h 00m 00s
as they change into account as we look
at what the uh what the costs are the
project team specifically the work that
U that the daa and scansa and their
independent estimator they take that
into account um it does manifest into
the cost per square foot however as you
mentioned so uh the cost for increased
labor is part of the increase to the uh
I think $236 a square foot for our
building hard cost um material costs are
also ined of that but um often times um
there's a certain expectation of of the
cost of Steel and concrete and Fuel and
how that changes so again the project
team takes that into account as they uh
as they move forward uh the last item
you mentioned are the district's
construction design guidelines and
that's that's the uh the criteria that
the district trick uses with design
professionals to describe what it is
that's important to us in terms of
different Building Systems like U
heating ventilating air conditioning
systems there's a separate division in
our guid specs that relates to what type
of system we have it connects to our
lead criteria that we established it
connects to the Quality requirements
that that we try to establish and then
the design team takes that into account
um often times um as a result just as
they take take into account our edpc our
design guidelines also will reflect a
cost impact that is part of this Market
adjustment as well and so we believe
that that's consistent with the use of
escalation and so this Market adjustment
that you're that you're making is is the
out I mean you're estimating it out
until the end of the program till all
these high schools are built is that
correct actually we estimate um to the
midpoint of construction so the
construction period for Franklin is
approximately 26 months I think and so
with construction starting in June of
2015 uh basically June of 2016 is what
we projected to be the midpoint and so
the allocation or the uh the escalation
the escalated amount the market
adjustment was calculated by the project
team through that
period uh and so then how do you do that
with Grant that won't even be in uh in
construction by then grant grant was a
was a little more difficult but we
identified an amount you know based on
what we uh are expecting to see at this
point in time for what uh what factors
will occur um I would say uh uh very
candidly uh because grants out two years
they're likely will be more unknowns for
Grant I think it's important to
recognize that one of the program
continues categories the program Reserve
board Reserve if you will uh we still
are not recommending taking more than
the half that's already been allocated
the 10 million so that 10 million I
guess in my experience would be
something we would need to to keep uh in
place to to support any changes in in
Grant that went above and beyond what we
were assuming now okay thank
you can I ask a follow up since you
brought up the $10 million that we
already apped
um I had meant to ask you this earlier
this is under your staff recommendation
for Franklin High School full
modernization under budget and resource
implications you talked about that $10
million and then so you said the board
approved resolution number 4840 which
allocated approximately $10 million from
Bond program Reserve to support all
three high school projects and then you
say staff is requesting that
approximately 5 million or half of that
be allocated specifically to the
Franklin project so I was surprised that
we would have half of it that obviously
doesn't leave equivalent amounts for
Grant and Roosevelt can you just walk me
through that real quick I know this is a
little bit off subject but okay the
um the resolution that identified the
the 10 million was correctly as you
stated to be applied to all three of the
comprehensive high schools in the bond
uh the reason it's a it's a different
amount for the three is it has have to
go back to the the way the bond was
structured uh Franklin in the bond
started out as at a certain size we used
in our parametric or our conceptual
estimates we we used the larger of um a
student Factor times capacity to come up
with the size Franklin started out as a
240,000 squ foot uh full modernization
project that's actually larger than the
existing size of Franklin right now uh
the one at the other end was uh Grant
High School which went with a larger
amount of of square footage so the need
02h 05m 00s
to uh adjust with the program Reserve to
bring Grant down to the same size as
Franklin resulted in it having a
negative allocation so between Franklin
and and Roosevelt we saw a a net ad in
terms of that but we saw in that deduct
or a deduct for Grant High School okay I
had noticed that also I was going to ask
about that so that's helpful okay it's
it's an attempt to uh to to level you we
we talk in terms of facility parody but
connecting the three high schools to our
edpc program is what that was an effort
to accomplish and we actually walked
through that with the bond
accountability committee sometime back
so explain on
that any other
Steve did you you say that Franklin is
smaller now
Frankl under the ad specs it smaller
than is now where where it began in the
bond when it was a 1500 student capacity
when it went to the 1700 size it it
increased and with the additional
criteria it increased again so currently
with the full additional criteria it's
about 20% larger than what than what it
was originally just understood what you
said thank
you okay thank you so you ready to yep
so now we'll move on to talk about the
additional criteria and the various
options and what they mean in terms of
tradeoffs so
Jim okay so this is our uh I think this
is our last topic tonight and it
pertains to the uh item that we've been
discussing at several points tonight on
the uh additional High School criteria
uh this actually uh began back in on
June or May 12th when uh CJ Sylvester uh
made a presentation on it we
subsequently discussed it last Monday uh
the 19th and uh the way it was described
and again you have a memo in your
packets that uh summarize the additional
criteria in an informational uh report
format um the criteria and I don't know
how deep a dive need to take into it but
how we establish the additional criteria
is is really driven based on U uh
student driven values wanting to provide
students uh greater opportunity
for more credits uh really to go to the
30.4 uh credits for graduation standard
and we're on a trajectory uh to get to
that um we also are supplementing uh
through this additional criteria the use
of our classrooms our gened classrooms
uh which is 100% and being able to
configure in such a way that we could
make that more palatable to the teachers
um we're also trying to uh reduce the
student to teacher ratios which again is
another student driven value aspect so
with those
um with those those particular
characteristics of the additional uh
criteria we applied that to uh to
Franklin and we've also applied it to
Roosevelt which will be talking about as
well and we identified several different
options that um we might look at what
this slide projects is uh starting to
bring into the discussion the uh the use
of the U Improvement projects which uh
in the bond measure talked about up to
63 schools and what's important to
recognize here is uh the way the bond
was structured we were looking at um
Roofing uh seismic uh Ada which included
elevators uh middle-grade science
classroom improvements doing that over
the 8-year time frame and it was a staff
construct to bundle those into
consecutive summer program s hence the
IP program so part of the exchange in
terms of funding the additional criteria
has to include a conversation around the
work so in terms of options that we
wanted to review U with you tonight
we've identified three and the first
option uh that you have here uh we would
refer to as the no Change option and by
no change no change from the the master
plan that was approved for both Franklin
and Roosevelt back in December of 2013
and some of the characteristics um of
that if you will or pros and cons which
is actually how the memo is formatted
that you have uh I'll try to simplify it
here perhaps but um identifying that um
with the additional criteria around the
30.4 credits and the number of
classrooms uh if you take the master
plan and you apply that it basically
results in a significant reduction in
student capacity um it actually brings
it down below where we began the bond
02h 10m 00s
with which was 1,500 brings it down to
to 1250 um this particular option uh
requires uh boundary
changes um the Improvement projects uh
under this option remain intact meaning
that all 63 of the schools we would be
able to um we would be able to address
um the edpc are revised for schools and
need to be revised in later bonds to
accommodate the larger student
populations excuse me Jim is this in our
memo I don't I don't see this in our
memo option one am I missing a page you
have in your memo our option one is
different than what that is okay
um in in your memo I think it describes
I don't have it handy but it would one
the number one is uh approve the
additional criteria and retain 1,700
student capacity that's option three on
this on his slides number one is number
three number one is number three on the
slides I
think okay so so this would be option
option one on on the on the screen is
action option three but it's still
option three still says retain 1700
students there you go there's option
okay okay go back they all have 1700
students in
them well actually option one with the
with the additional criteria logic would
actually drop drop us to
1250 under option
two would actually uh bring us to 1500
which was the original language in the
bond and then option three which adds
all of the additional criteria would
bring us to 1,700 students and actually
you know what so they've got an option
in here I'll tell you why the what the
difference is go back to option one Jim
if you flip back up to option one so the
other one is on the other variation on
this one is700 students taking six
classes this one is
1,50 students taking the 7.6 classes so
you are either varying the number of
students served in the building or
you're varying the number of courses
available to it's two variations on this
option this is a totally different way
of looking at that we've been talking
about before so it's a little confusing
it it is and it's but it's two different
variations on a theme that either you're
varying the number of students served in
the building or you're varying the
amount of program available to them um
but and the no change refers
to no change to the building
plan is there an option that has the
students just stopping where we have
been what we've been doing prior to the
time we started to add additional
criteria do we have that option that's
that's option one but would be with a
lesser option one would be yeah but the
1700 without the additional crer that
that jumps it up to 1700 students thank
you 1700 students taking six classes
yeah and then of course the uh one of
the other aspects of this option is the
uh students would be limited number of
classes basically the six periods and
then no additional teachers um if you
think of capacity um in terms of space
um it doesn't directly connect with
teachers but when you think in terms of
number of teach teachers in the school
there needs to be a connection so uh
with this particular option uh the
ability to put more teachers in the in
the school would be compromised to a
certain extent um the next option is um
sort of a in between the full criteria
and the and the no change and the uh
half the additional criteria in the case
of Franklin means five additional
classrooms and Associated space from
what was approved in the master plan
and with the additional criteria there
that bring us to 1500 students uh unlike
option one they're likely would be
boundary changes but uh perhaps not to
the same extent and then in this
instance of the 63 schools in the IP
projects uh all but one would be
completed and the one is is a big one
it's the re Roofing of Cleveland High
School so can I ask in that option to um
does that assume that all summer IP work
at 62 or does that assume just focusing
on seismic and not doing the Ada
elevator great great question um
relative to the Scopes of course with
the 63 schools there's various
combinations of work Scopes that are
included in each one of them so this uh
this focuses on the the roof and the
seismic uh components so uh in most
instances the schools that haven't
already uh I ip13 ip14 ip5 would not get
the uh would not get the Ada or the uh
02h 15m 00s
or the elevator work uh or some of the
smaller seism work that's not related
structurally um however it would include
all of the middle-grade science
classrooms which currently are planned
to complete by the end of summer
2016 question the um so is option
two uh um 1500 students at what credits
so that would be at the 30.4 okay level
in fact the same applies to option three
the 1700 would be for the 30.4 credits
okay for the program and then option
three uh would be the master plan plus
the full additional that's approximately
for the case of Franklin and for Grant
and and we're using Grant to replicate
what we're doing at Franklin because of
the similarity around capacity but would
represents about a 20% increase in size
um so would not require boundary changes
but would only get about 85% of the
schools uh 54 of the of the 63 so this
is the one that uh you we had talked
about with the bond accountability
committee on Friday and uh we had I
think the summary that you have seen
actually describes uh the schools that
you know that that wouldn't be wouldn't
addressed and
that that's the $25
million figure from your um table one of
the potentialist of delayed summer
Improvement projects right and it is a
little confusing because there's the
sites and then there's the projects
which varies from so it's it's it's
sometimes it's s apples to oranges when
you do the the arithmetic but that's
what that the 25 million is okay and the
last slide before we get into Q&A I
appreciate the questions and continue
certainly um this summarizes the uh some
of the contingency categories if you
will as as I'm currently defining them
uh when the bond was put in place we had
the uh the program or the board Reserve
in the amount of 20 million currently
that's that's at 10 million um assuming
that the scope increases for the three
high schools goes forward as schematic
design so uh that would be the 10 so 10
remains Bond premium is a amount I
mentioned last week that we don't know
if we're going to have access to it's a
little under 14 million through the
first Bond issuance we'll know about
this time next year um if we have access
uh to that I don't know at this point
how much we would or wouldn't have again
depends on availability but I
characterize it as a contingency of
sorts uh we have um Bond issuance uh
that may be available as well we
initially planned for 3 million we spent
about 600,000 in the first Bond issuance
so that could be something and then we
have the uh what we call the COO Chief
Operating Officer contingency which is
the place holder where we move funds
into as projects complete and and uh
different changes occur what's not shown
here of course is the is the escalation
category the $45 million that I
explained earlier actually fully
allocates uh to these schools to these
projects so um any additional
requirements we would have would would
have to come from one of these
sources over the you know over the
course of the
program so
that like to uh see if you have any
additional questions comments great
thank you thank you very much J
questions just Tom yeah just um on the
on the bond premium uh
essentially we assumed a cost of that
based upon a certain interest rate and
interest rates areow lower than what we
had assumed is that could you explain
that to everybody it's a function of um
the face value of the bond which is 482
million and for the U the the rate the
doll10 per th000 uh assessed value which
we're trying to keep constant and so
when the second issuance uh is is done
next spring we likely would get uh
feedback in terms of what impact that
would have on the bond premium if we
keep that tax rate constant and I'm over
my skis very quickly here in terms of
what right behind you if you want him to
come up and do more David David uh
Deputy Chief Financial Officer may want
to add additional comments on that that
me it's been a
long David Deputy CFO so when we um when
we went out to market the first time and
issued the first bonds the way the way
those were
priced um was a market based decision
and it resulted in that
premium we won't until we're further
02h 20m 00s
along in the bond program we won't know
whether or not we can capture that1 14
million as additional proceeds or not
because we in addition to being governed
by the $482 million which is the face
value of bonds that we're limited to by
the the vote also working to stay at a
tax rate of A110 per thousand or less
we're not legally obligated to do that
but we have a commitment to the
community to try and stay within that
and so until we have more uh more years
experience of where we go with tax
assessed value growth we don't know
whether we can capture that $14 million
as additional proceeds or not because
the in the first instance the premium
was just a factor of of of how you price
the bonds
and so at this point to stay within a1ar
10,000 we have to hold the bond premium
to one side if in um over the next
couple of years tax assessed value grows
faster High you know at a higher rate
than we
assumed um and then depending on what
happens with the second bond issue we
may be able to capture some of that $14
million and still stay within A110 but
at this point we've just had one year of
tax assessed value growth and not quite
one full year of collection so it's it's
premature to know how much of that is
available but it's entirely possible
that a significant portion of that over
the course of this 8year program would
actually be available to us but at this
point it's too soon to make that call
and and are there not models out there
that we can run that that anticipate or
I mean just to get a little more clarity
on that issue because it's significant
amount of money yeah we can we can run
models yeah but it is it's a model well
and our country runs on models but what
the models will say if tax assessed
value grows at these certain rates
relative to what we assumed when we put
the bond program together then yeah
maybe we'll be able to capture some of
that but but until we know what actually
happens in relation to that um we won't
know and it and there's more than one
variable the other variable as I said is
what our collection rate is going to be
we we are we're working with our
financial financial advisor to start
developing those models but they're not
they're not going to give us any great
certainty about how soon yet well every
year that goes
by will will help us because as you know
we'll have another year of actual
experience to know what those changes
are relative to what we assumed when we
put the bonds in place in the first
place okay believe me if we could if if
we could give you access to that $14
million now we would do that in a
heartbeat but it's it's too soon it's
definitely there as a possibility but
it's it's too early
because this is this is an 8-year
program it's too soon after one year to
be able to say with certainty where we
are with that unless you want to go
above A110 as a tax rate if you want if
you're willing to go above
A110 then we can give you access to that
money but I don't think that's somewhere
you want to go at this
point thank you thanks sir
others thank you
Devin did you have a question
Steve I'm of the opinion similar to
Kevin I believe was his name that we
should stay pretty darn close to what we
said we should which means to me the
basic idea is that we do not in any way
cut back on the seismic stuff so if we
don't cut cut back in the seismic what
does that mean if we said okay we're
going to do that for sure what does that
how does that affect how would that
affect Franklin High
School so the way it would impact
Franklin and de you may want to how many
how many million would we be short of 12
classrooms spread the wealth here and
answering some of these Ste you want to
that well there's there's two different
answers to that if you're just talking
the additional criteria we were talking
approxim ately 7 million 8.2 when you
add in soft cost for Franklin if you do
not do any of the additional criteria I
think what what what was important to
your question is when we talk about
option two and this Middle Ground um
you're you're trying to wrap what can we
do in the IP projects versus trying to
get to a greater capacity at Franklin
High School and this option to the
Midway point of provides you with the
opportunity to complete roof and seismic
projects in total science classrooms in
in total and hit 62 out of 63 schools in
total while providing additional
capacity at Franklin so that's option
02h 25m 00s
two that's option two so that wouldn't
so let me clarify for my own
understanding again that would so if we
kept all the
seismic then we could go with option two
which would add how much to Franklin
what would it do that here yeah cuz they
got me all over to options I don't have
your options
option two is up here
1500 so be 1500 plan would remove all
would it remove all Ada and elevators or
we remove some no it was reduced the
scope to just doing the roof and seismic
work at those facilities at the 62 out
of 63 so you would hit all of the
seismic at the um IP projects but it
would my question is what does it do in
terms of elev the impact on the IPS and
one of the reasons to go through the
slide on the on the funding options is
the delay if you will of those Scopes
would be dependent upon getting access
to to this money so delaying the uh if
we prioritize the roof seismic uh then
it would delay doing the Ada work the
elevators uh primarily and some of the
non-structural seismic work would it get
done though all of the Ada elevator work
would be delayed or a few of them not
all of it the work that we've
accomplished through uh IP 15 but it
would be beyond that that would be
delayed and part part of the Paradox we
find ourselves in here is the the
planning for ip6 doesn't occur for
another another year or so so if we find
ourselves um a year from now in a place
where we have a sense of what is
available here then then we have that
conversation separately but what we've
planned thus far is through IP 15 so 16
17 18 or even 19 could still be put back
in so we're we're using the term delay
or postpone uh and instead what we're
showing in option two was trying to
ensure that we we are hitting all but
one of the schools in the IP program and
that we're we're getting the size making
the roofing so what I'm what I'm trying
to understand do we have any
documentation that would show what
schools would be at risk in terms of the
Ada did we receive any of that the memo
that I think you're holding is so which
one I think option two is a some portion
of table one that
list okay I I actually have a more
complete list that um shows B based on
our revised analysis what what the
impact would be and and really it it
depends on which which of these options
um is is identified because the number
of schools that we would get to under
option three the option three is more in
line with the memo that um I think you
have from myself to superintendent Smith
um that's what that describes table one
is the schools that wouldn't that would
have that work delayed and it would
result in 54 of the 63 schools having
some improvement at them then the next
one option too you you don't you don't
have right now but I I have that data so
it was an attempt to try to find a
middle ground and give us a middle
option so if I'm understanding correctly
option three um would be in your in your
Memo from the 21st everything on table
one would be delayed correct under
option two what we would have from table
one would be the roof seismic and the
seismic with the exception of
Cleveland's roof correct but none of the
remaining things on table
one no Ada or elevator what's what's
difficult is you know we talk in terms
of projects and we have one per summer
but projects are made up of schools
which are made up of work Scopes so it's
about how do you balance the work Scopes
that go into the school that go into the
project which is part of the calculus
but again just so that I'm clear under
two when you say 62 63 IP schools remain
attct you mean in terms of the roof and
seismic not the Ada or elevator that is
being that would not be included that
would be postponed until you just until
we have or not done or not done
potentially not done and I'll just I'll
just say that's a huge huge concern for
me I totally appreciate what you've done
here and trying to provide multiple
options for us to try to land this
because we need to land it totally
appreciate that and that you heard I
mean obviously seismic is a huge
priority but I would say even that ADA
um an elevator and access is also a huge
issue we may not hear as much about it
um but it's part of our responsibility
and part of the promise of what we um
need to do for the schools that are
02h 30m 00s
waiting in the meantime so um I totally
appreciate what you came forward with
that it was responsive to what we were
trying to as we were trying to land this
um but that that
um we need to go beyond the rof and siiz
we need to do the the Ada and the
elevator part of the promise to the
voters in our community as well that's
what I is my take on it and the roof of
Cleveland and the roof of Cleveland but
again not a you know not a criticism
what you've done here because you've
worked hard to try to be responsive to
our to our concerns and issues I
appreciate that I think it's a little
ironic that in our Bond videos we had in
our Bond videos it was Cleveland that we
highlighted with the buckets in the
hallway uh with the rain coming in so I
mean just I think about that
Steve if we did everything in the bond
right now
are we off at all if we just did what we
originally said we would do how much
money are we short are we short any
money to do that or are we on We Are We
There we we're there we are there okay
so how much money are we short in order
to do the 12 classrooms 12 classrooms 12
classrooms we'll say 12 123 What's the
total amount of money we
short in in the total program you mean
no in the just over okay suppose I was a
multi-millionaire Bill Gates and I said
I'm going to give you a certain amount
of money you already have everything in
the bond how much more would you need to
do the three additional schools with the
add-ons yes if you want that's where the
25 million is coming out of right um I
just just quickly and it's late then
I'm um I don't want to throw numbers
around I said earlier I if we get a I
mean question it's going to be about 25
million yeah about 25 million but I yeah
I so if we found 25 million someplace
now is and there's I think places no I
think we could take 7 million a year in
the next four years out of our general
fund but the uh I could find it let's
just cut from 14 million to 7 million
our Consulting uh contracts that's 7
million that's 28 million in the next
four years and the uh the
does would that do it 28 million if we
handed you 28 million out of that the
next four years that do it and then my
other question is do you the other
question is that sounds like it would do
it but the the other question
is if you build later what is it is
there a chance that some of those add
additional things would come up at that
we would have money within our bond to
build in the extra
classrooms well just just like I mean
you had the 14 million you had the 10
million we going to get down to the end
theoretically we had the 10 million but
but prices are going up again right I
mean prices are going to go up three
years from now they're going to be more
than they are do we have that figured in
an inflationary thing or is that part of
your escalation is that but the
escalation we've already used Park well
we we've applied the escalation to the
to the known projects currently so
fabian's in that the three high schools
are in that the IPS are in that through
ip5 right now what we would need to
evaluate is um what what other risks are
out there and it's it's hard you really
don't know it's hard to say and I but 28
million in the next four years from the
general fund might do that whole
thing it's possible thank you very much
in terms of multiple I me yeah I mean
okay dollars that are needed for the
investment in these Pro and and we would
then be able to go to the community and
say hey hey we uh we did what we said we
were going to do so now give us another
bond which is going to be awful hard I
agree it's be real hard if we don't do
what we said we were going to do to turn
around and get an under Bond could we
borrow the money could we borrow the
money for the 28 million and then pay it
off from the general
fund and do the and do the uh who would
answer that
uh we would need to evaluate that terms
nobody tonight could we borrow that
money and and could we borrow 28 million
and then pay it off for 7 million or
something like that ask the
superintendent is that possible for us
to go borrow another 28 million I mean
could we borrow money and then pay it
off like that theoretically any of these
Solutions are ones you can consider I
mean it's a possibility is what I'm
saying I mean it's not there's nothing
against the law to say we can't borrow
money and I and part of what we're
trying to make visible to you is you
have multiple scenarios that are
possible and you're adding to those
scenarios what I was trying to do disc I
hear you yeah thank you very much thank
02h 35m 00s
others just a a clarification I noticed
that um on table one um arita is on here
for Ada and elevator that would be put
off um but I believe we're doing some
roof work at arita this summer was that
planed to be split or would we pull or
is there work already expected to happen
in Earl this Summer that would be pulled
out are we going back to Earl twice
there there are a number of schools um
in the IP program that were were
impacting multiple times over multiple
Summers that's one of them and it gets
back to the methodology we use that we
presented to you about how we selected
the IP 13 schools the 14 Schools and the
schools Ruth so I'll just um say I mean
again I really appreciate um the work
the staff has done the integrity and the
professionalism with which you have done
it and the responsiveness both to our
various comments and inputs over these
many months as well as obviously a huge
amount of community input so um it's
just been outstanding work and we're
really lucky to have you and and also
appreciation to the bond accountability
committee for being that that those
experts um with the from the outside so
I'm I after much consideration and this
is a change from what I had where I had
been indicating I was previously I'm
with sticking with the the master plan
in December and I'm working with what we
have the the status quo if you will um
because that already did reflect an
increased size and scope and budget from
um the original and um to me it will be
fully seismically upgraded and it will
be an outstanding program and design as
as we've seen um and to me you know the
change there's going to be changes is
guaranteed we've already heard tonight
about labor costs um escalation in in
materials um per student funding God
knows is not constant in this state so
that's going to change um workload
agreements contracts you know all sorts
of pieces potentially the length of the
day boundaries so all those things are
there are so many moving parts that are
going to change and that we can also
affect but what we can't change and we
mustn't change is what we had promised
to the voters and um I totally get and
um appreciate the risk of not having as
much um program flexibility with those
additional classrooms as we would now
like to have and then it's going to
require some tough trade-offs on the
ground in making it work in the schools
and for students and um the risk that we
could potentially if everything goes our
way in all scenarios and then we end up
we could potentially end up with some
extra funding at the end of this and
have you know with the smaller size um
smaller compared to that it's still
larger than we originally said I just
want to keep saying that and it's still
going to be awesome but then not as
large um of initial high schools so I
I'd get that that that's a risk and a
concern and an issue but to me the
largest um piece here is that we need to
be to be true to that original um that
original program in the original scope
so again I truly appreciate what staff
has done in tracking this every step of
the way and being responsive to us but
now we need to make that call so that's
that's the call I've made and you to
hear where others are but we do need to
make that decision next week approve a
schematic design and move forward and
I'm thrilled to be moving forward it is
going to be an awesome all three schools
are going to be all four schools that
are fully modernized and the
improvements it's going to be
great other um Tom or Steve do either
one of you want to chime in here and uh
help with the staff as they're trying to
prepare resolutions for us next year
next week it would be helpful to hear
what you're thinking sure which one of
the options or what whatever else you
want to add to that um I I guess I'm
um sifting through it all I mean I what
I don't want to do is build a high
school where kids were limited to um six
uh and so if
um so you know that that's that's number
one um but I also respect the um you
know I think it's it is very important
that we that we stick to uh what we said
we were going to do um and the public
trust and the bond accountability
committee made that clear and Ruth your
your comments I think are right on in
that respect um so then um
so then there's
there's then we I think we have to look
and I'd like to have some more
information on tonight um but in in
terms of um what does it mean to build
02h 40m 00s
these high schools um with our existing
budget and um in terms of what we can do
with different schedules um with
changes um so understanding I think I
need to understand personally that piece
a little bit
um um so that's that's essentially where
where my head is at the
moment do you have yeah you personally I
think right now I'm leaning towards
option two um I am worried about
presenting to the voters the next Bond
if we haven't met what we agreed we were
going to do but I'm also worried about
uh not following through with our
other you know ask of the community when
we approve this bond which was we are
going to give these high schools 21st
century buildings and I feel like if we
don't give them what we know now is
exactly what they need then we're not
only doing a disservice to those schools
and those communities but I think we're
also setting I think a bad precedent for
ourselves in the future when we look at
these projects
so okay did you something else sure yeah
add which is the other thing in the bond
that we pass in in the contact
essentially with the voters um it it
said up to 63 well that is ambiguous and
so the the other thing I would like to
do is uh is to take the ambiguity out of
that and you know maybe the number is
60 uh maybe it's 61 maybe it's 62 but I
mean there is flexibility here um and I
think that we that we need to to to land
on on a number um and I'm not convinced
63 is the the right number I I you know
60 could be the could be the
suree yeah I think Andrew I totally
respect what you said I think though
that we will get a 21st century building
and and an outstanding building either
way and a lot of the additional criteria
are based on sort of the current
assumptions and our current state and
reality of many different pieces and you
know the last all the things that have
changed related to high school schedule
over the last couple years it's just
kind of mindboggling actually all the
different pieces so I hear what you're
saying but I also feel like to assume
that that is going to remain the reality
going into the future is not necessarily
Again State funding could change any
number of pieces could change so I get
that it will be more difficult to do
what we want to do we might be able to
serve fewer students in that building
and that would be that would be a huge
downside but that might be what we just
have to do given the the scope and the
money that that we've been provided in
this bond that we have so that's but
it's it's it is a huge trade-off to to
weby um I think my highest priority is
to be true to our voters if we expect
them to or hope that they will consider
um contributing again
um we've always talked about this being
a 30-year plan um and the only way
you're going to get there is if you do
what you say you're going to do um so I
do think there's some things that have
changed since um we passed the bond and
that includes passing our teacher
contract trying to reduce our student
teacher ratio um adding more credits for
students to take so I am still wanting
information on for example if we uh
looked at at a stagger teacher
schedule um so that we could actually
offer another credit each day already we
do that as with a waiver process where
we have a zero period in some classes
how many more uh opportunities would
that give us in terms of uh credits for
our students um the reason I was asking
about the Genius Bar um is it sounds so
utterly cool and wonderful but it also
sounds like
a nice to have and not a have to have
and that's the reason I was asking about
that I I view certain things as has to
have um but when I was on the Roosevelt
design team I don't recall seeing any
kind of a Genius Bar um so to me
that we have some other options that I
think we still need to look at and I
don't want to be delaying the plan um
but at the same time I think we need to
do a little bit more homework still
um next week I have huge concern about
pushing $25 million of uh summer
projects we keep using this term IP
which means nothing to the public IP is
02h 45m 00s
basically summer of projects um we keep
talking about you know potentially
pushing $25 million in summer projects
off into the next Bond well that has an
impact on what we do in the next Bond in
the next Bond Our Hope was to go out and
build our next three high schools and
all of a sudden you carve 25 million
dollars off the top to do your Ada work
or your seismic work that has that has
ramifications it's not just pushing it
off it's it at some point you got to
come up with those dollars like pay for
R Parks H like paying for R par well we
did that yeah so um I I'm at this point
wanting to I I I need more information
in terms of what we really could do in
terms of credits and I and I think it's
reasonable to be asking staff uh if we
were to look at a stagger teacher
schedule what how that would help us or
not if there are some areas um in any of
our designs at this point that really
are nice to have rather than must haves
and I guess I'm specifically looking at
so far the Roosevelt and Franklin
designs and if there's things that one
school has the other one totally doesn't
have um let's look at it and see if if
there is some room there to add a couple
of classrooms I don't know um
I mean my my main thing is I want to be
true to what we've told voters and if
we're not um we deserve to have them
say sorry we're not going we're not
doing this again with you so we we have
to figure it out um and we have lots of
new Criterion information that we're
trying to put in the mix so I I need
more information before I
can tell you where I'm going to land but
I think I'm projecting a little
yeah my feeling is we should be able to
find at least a few more classrooms and
then if we get down at the end of the
bond and we have money left over we
could add more classrooms and I think
one of the in each school we can find
two classrooms by moving the preschool
maybe over to the over to a elementary
school I mean they're right there on the
site practically I mean they're within
walking distance particularly uh at
Grant and at at uh uh Franklin and I
think we should go and look at some of
that space that we're talking about as
21st century where you get kids out into
this open area I don't think the open
area space is any more 21st century or
22nd century or 20th century one way or
the other personally maybe I'm wrong
it's very possible I am but I don't I
think we could capture a little space
there maybe we had three maybe four
classrooms I think we could get some
money out of the budget we found 7
million this this year in the middle of
it I think that some of that money is
going to come up and we can Air Market
think we can find some money that's in
our regular budget to add a little more
we can maybe get six classrooms in there
uh out of what we have by doing those
things and then you could add on another
uh six if you have the money at the end
of the bond so you've taken some of the
pressure off uh and and I don't have a
problem with staggered schedules I don't
think most teachers or kids do tell you
the truth uh and I think we could think
about that and that would cuz I think
that teachers are right when they
complain they don't have those classroom
space and they're going to have to have
those problems and we need to work on
that but we're correcting an error that
we made and you don't get to correct
your errors perfectly in this world but
that would kind of take the steps to it
and then we say okay we get down towards
the end we're going to have more money
okay we got more money let's add on so I
just think those are all distinct
possibil ilities and I'd like to see us
come back with something that looked
like that even if you did 3 million out
of the general budget you know that
would do quite a that would add you
maybe get six classrooms out of it
that's quite a few to add on right now
on top of what we had said I don't think
we have to if we did that I don't
necessarily would guess we maybe
wouldn't have to do boundary changes I
think boundary changes scare the heck
out of people but you may have to but
that's what I think which is what you
asked thank you Pam for
asking BR do you have something sure
okay I think that's it right one I just
want to say um thank you again to the
design teams and staff um because as you
can see we have a million different
options um and staff has been working
tirelessly to get us the options that we
have to make sure that the numbers match
sometimes I worry when we sit up here
and say oh I'll just grab 3 million from
here and 7 million from there it becomes
a little bit magical like we're all
sitting in money because I hear us say
we want to invest in um Librarians we
want to invest in a variety of things
but all of a sudden when we need 7
million for this we can somehow find it
02h 50m 00s
so I just want to say thank you to to
staff to to get us the um the
presentations I think from what I heard
from the bond accountability committee
is um it's time to make some choices
that you can't you you can't have
everything that you want within this
within this one package and as we've
gone we've learned additional things and
by want I don't mean to to make it sound
like it's extraneous um students taking
30.7 30.8 credits is not extraneous some
of those are makeup recovery classes
some of those are additional classes um
so it is not that we're trying to build
something everybody what I heard from
our community loud and clear right is we
want lower class sizes that that's not
an extra that is sound educational
practice I hear people often say where's
the education side of the house and
there's the educational side of the
house as we want better student teacher
ratios um at the same time um as clear
in testimony tonight and as my email box
is showing um we were speaking to
different constituents with different
parts of this Bond Community we designed
the bond from Community input and people
wanted seismic safety for their schools
they wanted additional classrooms for
the k8s that we didn't we didn't convert
when we got there some people wanted the
high schools they knew they were our
they recognized the partnership with
fabbi and K8 um and they wanted to see
us capitalize on it um to to begin to
pull money from one one of those to
support another um begins to feel I I
again I think the Bond accountability
committee that the scope changes well
within the the intent of the bond and
the language of the bond but I do think
that um I do think that our community is
is is expecting something slightly
different than us changing the scope on
this and I also oo am reminded that when
I um helped a a Kindergarten Roundup or
kindergarten connect event at my
daughter's school one year and there was
a gentleman that came in um in a
wheelchair um and he rolled you know he
came around and visited the first floor
but he couldn't make it to the second
floor and I thought what a shame that
any member of our community cannot
access our student our school or their
student school um and so that became a
real priority for me the Ada accessible
and we have lots of families for whom
that's the issue that it's really
important for them to be able to have
full access to their school um so at
this point I um I am Landing I think
probably more similar to where Ruth is
is that um without the additional
criteria um to to look at um that
initial scope size of 1700 and I um we
don't know what the schedules in the
future will hold and um to director
bule's Point um boundary changes um
worry people um at the same time we're
also trying to get this um to be where
boundary changes happen more frequently
our neighboring districts do it much
more frequently and that's not to say
that we take it casually or lightly or
that they people don't make decisions
based on where that is at the same time
our long range facility plan makes clear
that building your way out of
overcrowding is the most expensive
option and they didn't recommend that so
the work again I think of thousands of
voices there have been thousands of
voices that informed are going out to
the voters as well as the long range
facility plan and beyond that um so I
guess that's where I'm landing and again
I I thank you for for all your efforts
um and options that you
presented okay um so just my thoughts
and where I'm heading um first of all
thank you to staff excellent
presentations everybody um appreciate
that espe and also the bond
accountability committee and and
stepping up I think that's great looking
forward to working with them more in in
depth in the future um I guess what I
would say is that uh the only thing uh
that's constant is
change and if we could just be constant
not have change we wouldn't have these
issues um but we can't be and just while
uh similar to what's happening right now
is we've seen some changes we're going
to continue to see
changes um but one of the things that
hasn't changed and won't change is what
we promise the
voters and so um the things that I think
about and have been mentioned by other
board members is three high schools
fabbian in partnership with
Concordia new roofs so we don't see
those buckets in the middle of the
hallways or in classrooms seismic to
keep our children safe access so that
all of the members of our community can
be in our schools and let's not forget
about the science labs uh so that we can
teach our uh kids stem so those are the
things that I think we promised to the
voters and that are the most concern to
me um on the other hand if we did some
of these changes um the things that
concern me are the uncertainty of the
02h 55m 00s
funds so we have schedule scope and
budget right so budget is how could we
still do all of those things well we
know we
can't so um and and some of the things
we're relying on like Bond sales
contingencies cost of construction are
they going to go up down my guess is
they're going to go up and they're going
to keep going up from what we're seeing
um and the compet because of the
competitiveness right now and getting
people to do that
work so
um I guess uh the other part of it is uh
to go back to the change piece again uh
we have a lot of change and in addition
to what's mentioned in our long range
facility plans we have a lot of other
levers that we can use in this District
somebody somebody mentioned boundary
changes already which is one of the top
top things that is suggested in the long
range facilities plan that we use and
that we're actually studying at this
very moment so boundary changes is one
uh the size of the schools are any of
these schools going to be at 1,700
students when we open the doors I don't
know probably not close some of them
will be close but not if we change the
boundaries so other other
levers Community
spaces um and eventually additional
schools will be able to
open um the value engineering Jim's
talked about so many times how do we how
do we use that and then we have um our
discussions with our teachers around
schedule changes so maybe we won't have
six of eight classes maybe someday it'll
be five of seven again and then it'll be
seven classes and not eight
classes so the number the the amount of
change that's ongoing in this district
and it's not a bad thing I mean change
helps us it's a good thing but we have
to to realize that it's the only thing
that's constant and so for me the only
other thing that's constant is my word
to the
voters and so I'm going to be somebody
who's Landing back on doing in doing the
work without the additional
others yeah I mean I'll
just yeah
I guess I put a shade shading on there
which is
um is I think it's possible to uh keep
the word with the voters and look at
some of the additional criteria so and
you actually said mentioned it yourself
which was okay
um what what are we going to do with
each school so for me it's I I think we
ought to have an ability to have 30 plus
credits for high schoolers to take um we
can do that in the high school with the
existing budget uh and so when so I I I
guess that's the only thing I want I
want to say is is that that additional
criteria is an important one um and
there there's ways to make that happen
within budget and that's where I want to
be that would be part of what we would
figure out as we go as we work this and
as we see where we land in terms of our
our funding and and all other pieces
when we get to having these schools be
operational is that what you're I mean
what you're saying is that this is the
additional criteria is not necessarily
the only way that we can get to that
goal yeah right so so in terms of us
preparing a resolution for you what I'm
hearing is people being pretty firmly on
here's what we want to do with the
building um which is where we were with
the master plan with with 7 1700 right
period and honor the the summer work
that we had committed to in total and
the high schools as it stood back in
December knowing the director Morton
isn't here and no director Morton isn't
here but that's that's the resolution I
hear us doing in terms of here's what
we're doing with our buildings I think a
number of the other things I'm hearing
are not things that are going to change
your decision there then okay here are
the other things like as here's the
commitment we're making and here's the
decision we're making
um next week and voting on which is that
commitment full summer work as committed
high schools as defined in the bond the
things we've learned since then and I
think Pam's point that it's going to
continue to change what the one of the
biggest values we've said is flexibility
over time and that these are going to be
used really differently you know and
we'll figure out how to use the
space like whatever space we have we'll
figure out creatively how to use it a
number of the other things are the other
levers of how do we offer program it
will be boundaries so yes we will start
talking boundaries fairly swiftly um in
terms of what does that mean it it may
be schedule changes there's a bunch of
other things but they are not going to
impact the decision you make next week
nor will they be figured out by next
03h 00m 00s
week those are other things that will
then be okay now what are the other
other levers that can be pulled in terms
of how we maximize programs to kids but
for next week purposes I hear the
resolution we're preparing is
building as they were originally master
that that's what I'm hear and I would
also and I'm looking more for like what
I don't want to do is leave here and
have different people to giving
direction about what other scenarios you
want I don't think anything I heard was
something you needed in order to have
the resolution next week the things I
heard were much more after that than how
do we use the space that we've committed
to build and I'm more looking for is
that accurate and I would also um say to
my colleagues that at least in the
materials that we had today we had
Franklin 46 days behind and Roosevelt
110 days behind that's right um so um
there there cannot be any more delay oh
and actually Amanda just texted me
saying we don't need a resolution to not
change so like we can just do schematic
design next week so we're not changing
there you go thank you yeah I mean truly
I mean that is you were looking at a
resolution to amend the Ed specs um to
add the additional criteria you're
electing not to do which is then we just
do the Franklin design next week that um
the schematic design and again you were
saying before that you have you have the
alternative of the original ready to go
and planned out and that applies to
Rosevelt as well so if I interpret the
what you've said tonight then we would
apply this to both Franklin and
Roseville which course approximate and
then Grant two years to maintain our
facility parody across the three and
then what we will need to look at is if
we will have to go back to the Ed specs
at some point because we will now need
to look at what we need to do elsewhere
to accommodate our number of students
but yeah right and we had wanted oh
sorry go ahead Bobby I just say before
at least for me uh I feel like I would
finalize this is I do need to understand
a little bit better how we're going to
accommodate the credit situation because
at least in this memo it indicated that
if we don't add 12 classes at Franklin
we could only accommodate 1250 students
I personally don't believe that but I
would like to have you do some work with
us and maybe folks in the community to
help us understand what the actual real
options are and again that's why I'm
asking about staggered schedule I'm
asking about the possibility of
converting a space or two at Franklin
perhaps back into General classroom
space which to me makes perfect sense um
so I would like to see a few other
options so we know we're not really
limiting ourselves to 1250 students that
doesn't make any sense but but again I
think I'm sorry go ahead Bru so again I
think but what I hear Carol saying when
it what makes sense to me is that we go
with a schematic design that's been
worked out and and um approve that and
then figure out within that as we go
forward and within all the parameters
that we have and the levers and all the
different possibilities how we make it
work and again there's flexibility built
into this plan that we can whether it's
this issue or other issues we can
accommodate and flex and change and be
creative I just want to know that we can
make it work because if you change the
boundaries that doesn't make it work I
mean you're still talking 1250 students
so that doesn't make it work by changing
the B so I I I guess I 1700 is what we
were talking about well we're talking
1700 but it's in terms of trying to do
credits for 7.6 credits per student they
said we can only accommodate 1,250
students so changing boundaries doesn't
change that so I I guess I want I want
to understand how we're going to get
closer to the number of credits that we
want our kids to take I mean we just
passed a teacher contract we just got
sued by the parent group we have other
obligations personally I want to do what
the voters told us to do I want to
understand that we can do that and have
enough options at our disposal that we
can live up to some of these other
commandments so great okay so go do that
um who yeah go forward but without
tweaking this pleas make it work without
have making us having to make choices I
know yeah I mean again I think we I
think we can make it work well and with
this current schematic design though
again I mean I feel like for us at this
point to say well let's take a wall out
here or change this room there we need
to go with what the design is that's you
know through the this long process with
multiple voices that that it's been
landed on um so to me yes we can
there'll be an ongoing conversation and
figuring out how to make all this work
with all the the pluses and minuses but
we need to work with the schematic
design that's been landed on but that
will come back to you next week yes yes
and approve it yes for approval so we
03h 05m 00s
can move forward any other and I will
say we can give you some sense of what
do you get from doing a staggered
schedule within our contract I mean we
can give you a sense of a number of
these other things and just getting that
you're getting these as like
theoretical things in terms of how a
build gets used and you've got kids
schedules that vary all I mean you've
got a whole lot of other variables in
here and we've given you a lot of the
scenarios and a lot of the tradeoffs and
I know what we all want is make it all
work and don't make it cost more money
and you're getting the tradeoffs I don't
know how to cut it any other way for you
I mean truly so next week what will come
back to you is the as a Franklin
design that you've seen essentially um
and we will work on giving you more
sense of like how do we actually use the
building in creative ways that make it
work the very maximize I mean we'll
always work to maximize the space to
make it work for kids so will tell us
that based on today and two years three
years from now when the
building it'll keep Chang we'll keep
working on it and we'll keep working on
it and our funding will keep changing
and what number of teachers we have will
keep changing I mean truly our schedule
will keep changing students will keep
changing how much we're co- programming
with other entities will'll keep
changing for credit access PCC Hybrid
models kids out of the school doing a
lot of stuff online there's all kinds of
things that are going to happen in the
next right so many years and it sounds
like I appreciate that landed I think
we're done yeah okay okay any anything
else no okay thank go remember that this
is unbelievably exciting yes and the
schools are going to be wonderful uh
they may not be everything we all
dreamed of but they're going to be
absolutely incredible so thank you
they're going to be fantastic and thanks
to the voters I think we can all thank
the voters yay voters so that's great
okay and thank you to all of you who
presented to us T I appreciate that and
with that I
think it's true we're adjourning the
next meeting of the board will be held
on Monday June 2nd and this meeting is
- PPS Board of Education, Archive 2013-2014, https://www.pps.net/Page/2224 (accessed: 2022-03-24T00:57:54.073648Z)
- PPS Communications, "Board of Education" (YouTube playlist), https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8CC942A46270A16E (accessed: 2023-10-10T04:10:04.879786Z)